
HPCC系統需求 System Requirements)

HPCC平臺需求(HPCC Platform Requirements)
以下需求爲社區版HPCC平臺與ECL集成開發環境的需求,所有庫均基於64位架構(The following system requirements detail what is needed to support the HPCC Platform and ECL IDE included in the Community Edition. All binaries are built for 64-bit architecture.)

集羣節點需求(Cluster Node Requirements)

HPCC平臺已經過驗證可以在一下平臺運行(The HPCC platform has been certified to run under the following Linux distributions):

平臺兼容性(Platform Compatibility)
普通硬件(Commodity-off-the-Shelf): Supported
CPU類型(CPU 64-bit Intel or AMD): Supported
寬帶接口(One 1 Gbit Ethernet Interface):Supported
單節點內存(Memory per node): 4GB Minimum
硬盤驅動(Disk Drives): Two SATA or SAS recommended; Size, depending on the Data size
操作系統(Operating System)
CentOS 5: Supported
RedHat Enterprise 5 Supported
Ubuntu 10.04 (LTS) Supported
Ubuntu 11.04 Supported
Ubuntu 11.10 Supported
OpenSuSE 11.4 Supported
Debian Supported
Fedora Supported
Windows XP/7, Server 2003 Supported*
Apple MAC 10.6 Started, need community support
BSD Started, need community support
內部已經大量使用Windows平臺,目前僅可通過源碼編譯得到。(* We have used Windows internally extensively in the past. Binaries will not be released but the community can build now that the source code is available.)
支持32位(Note: Users can build the software from source code to run on other Linux distributions too. 64 bit builds are available but users can build a 32 bit version if preferred.)

ECL集成開發環境需求(ECL IDE Requirements)
開發工作站兼容性(Developer Workstation Compatibility)
Commodity-off-the-Shelf Supported
Memory 2GB Required
4GB Recommended
Operating System
Windows XP Supported
Windows Vista Supported
Windows 7 Supported
Native Linux In Development
Note: An ECL plugin for Eclipse will be available soon.* We have used Windows internally extensively in the past. Binaries will not be released but the community can build now that the source code is available.
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