優秀開源項目介紹:Printing Reports in .NET

Printing Reports in .NET - Step by Step Introduction


通常報表打印是一件很棘手的事情,在這裏我們用ReportPrinting library,你可以看到用少量的代碼實現複雜的報表。




這一節將一步步帶你瞭解ReportPrinting library的使用過程。

Create a DataView:建立數據視圖


public static DataView GetDataView()


    DataTable dt = new DataTable("People");

    dt.Columns.Add("FirstName", typeof(string));

    dt.Columns.Add("LastName", typeof(string));

    dt.Columns.Add("Birthdate", typeof(DateTime));


    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Theodore", "Roosevelt", 

        new DateTime(1858, 11, 27)});

    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Winston",  "Churchill", 

        new DateTime(1874, 11, 30)});

    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Pablo",    "Picasso",   

        new DateTime(1881, 10, 25)});

    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Charlie",  "Chaplin",   

        new DateTime(1889,  4, 16)});

    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Steven",   "Spielberg", 

        new DateTime(1946, 12, 18)});

    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Bart",     "Simpson",   

        new DateTime(1987,  4, 19)});

    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Louis",    "Armstrong", 

        new DateTime(1901,  8,  4)});

    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Igor",     "Stravinski",

        new DateTime(1882,  6, 17)});

    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Bill",     "Gates",     

        new DateTime(1955, 10, 28)});

    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Albert",   "Einstein",  

        new DateTime(1879,  3, 14)});

    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Marilyn",  "Monroe",    

        new DateTime(1927,  6,  1)});

    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Mother",   "Teresa",    

        new DateTime(1910,  8, 27)});


    DataView dv = dt.DefaultView;

    return dv;




Create a ReportMaker:建一個ReportMaker


接口ReportPrinting.IreportMaker 被用來建一個對象來啓動一個ReportDocument。一個繼承了IreportMaker的對象包含一個報表所有的代碼。在例子中,這個類叫做SampleReportMaker1它有一個繼承的方法:

public void MakeDocument(ReportDocument reportDocument)





    //設置一個默認的文檔間距 (單位是 1/100 英寸)

    reportDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = 50;

    reportDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = 50;

    reportDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = 75;

    reportDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = 75;


    // Setup the global TextStyles

    TextStyle.Heading1.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Comic Sans MS");

    TextStyle.Heading1.Brush = Brushes.DarkBlue;

    TextStyle.Heading1.SizeDelta = 5.0f; 

    TextStyle.TableHeader.Brush = Brushes.White;

    TextStyle.TableHeader.BackgroundBrush = Brushes.DarkBlue;

    TextStyle.TableRow.BackgroundBrush = Brushes.AntiqueWhite;

    TextStyle.Normal.Size = 12.0f;

    // Add some white-space to the page.  By adding a 1/10 inch margin

    // to the bottom of every line, quite a bit of white space will be added

TextStyle.Normal.MarginBottom = 0.1f;


    // create a data table and a default view from it.

    DataView dv = GetDataView();

    // set the sort on the data view

    if (myPrintDialog.cmbOrderBy.SelectedItem != null)


        string str = myPrintDialog.cmbOrderBy.SelectedItem.ToString();

        if (myPrintDialog.chkReverse.Checked)


            str += " DESC";


        dv.Sort = str;




    // create a builder to help with putting the table together.

    ReportBuilder builder = new ReportBuilder(reportDocument);

用五個重載的函數建頁眉頁腳是非常容易的。下面建了一個簡單的頁眉,Brithdays Report居左,page#居右。頁腳局中。

    // Add a simple page header and footer that is the same on all pages.

    builder.AddPageHeader("Birthdays Report", String.Empty, "page %p");

    builder.AddPageFooter(String.Empty, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(),






    // Add text sections

    builder.AddTextSection("Birthdays", TextStyle.Heading1);

    builder.AddTextSection("The following are various birthdays of people " +

        "who are considered important in history.");




    // Add a data section, then add columns

    builder.AddDataSection(dv, true);

    builder.AddColumn ("LastName", "Last Name", 1.5f, false, false);

    builder.AddColumn ("FirstName", "First Name", 1.5f, false, false);

    builder.AddColumn ("Birthdate", "Birthdate", 3.0f, false, false);



    // Set the format expression to this string.

    builder.CurrentColumn.FormatExpression = "{0:D}";




Create a form for printing:爲打印建一個窗體。



ReportPrinting.ReportDocument System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument的實例,它是System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument的子類,如果你是在設計是做這些事情,在構造函數中需要新建一個對象。

private ReportDocument reportDocument;

public ReportPrinting.PrintControl PrintControls;

public System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox cmbOrderBy;

public System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox chkReverse;


public SamplePrintDialog1()




    this.reportDocument = new ReportDocument();

    this.PrintControls.Document = reportDocument;


    SampleReportMaker1 reportMaker = new SampleReportMaker1(this);


    this.reportDocument.ReportMaker = reportMaker;









上面的代碼就可以打印一份簡單清晰的報表了,當然,你也可以用PrintDialog, PrintPreview, PageSettings對話框注意沒有用PrintControls用戶控件。




Report Document Classes





ReportDocument 繼承自PrintDocument 並且自定義了報表的數據,從一個或多個表的數據。 ReportDocument 對象是一個報表中頂級的容器,包含了報表中的所有元素。

ReportDocument's 的主要工作是打印,靠調用基類的Print()方法實現。 Print() 方法 迭代組成文檔的所有ReportSections,並打印。

The strategy design pattern is employed for formatting the report. 一個繼承IreportMaker的對象可以關聯到ReportDocument. IReportMaker 對象是個專門的應用並且已知的在它上面建立了應用狀態和客戶設定。這個對象負責建立的節點sections,關聯dataView,應用在TextStyles中定義的樣式。它一般指派給 ReportBuilder 用於構建負責的報表.


ReportSection是一個代表報表的可打印節點的抽象類,它有幾個子類,包括ReportSectionText (代表文本字符串) ReportSectionData (代表 DataView). 也包括容器類節點 (衍生自 SectionContainer , 繼承自 ReportSection). 容器類可以包括子報表節點.我們快速的看一個例子來看看他是怎麼工作的。

在示例中,這個文章的頂部,又一段文本在表數據的後面(事實上有兩處文字,一處在頭裏嵌入了一個頁眉,但是我們現在忽略它)。我們建一個ReportSectionText 對象打印一段文本,並且ReportSectionData 對象打印表數據。在添加的這些ReportSectionsReportDocument時,我們必須建一個容器。我們將會建一個LinearSections容器,容納者兩個節點,



這個抽象類定義了節點的容器。有兩種類型: LinearSections LayeredSections.


LinearSections 類是SectionContainer的子類 。也是 ReportSection子類. 所以, LinearSections 能夠被作爲可打印的節點。同時,它也是一個或多個節點的容器。

象它的名字所暗示的,他是一個直線佈局的節點。也就是說,在行或列中。一個名叫Direction 的屬性指定了容器是橫行或縱向佈局。


LayeredSections 類也是的SectionContainer子類,又是一個ReportSection子類。因此它既可以被打印,有是其他元素的容器。



ReportSectionText 打印一個字符串在頁面上。 兩個公共的殊相用來開始一個節點。 Text 用來指定打印的字符. TextStyle, 描述了字體,顏色,佈局,以及文本的其他屬性。


ReportSectionData 打印表的數據。它用一個DataView 對象作爲數據源 (from the .NET System.Data namespace) 。然後用一些 ReportDataColumns 來表示詳細內容。 這些ReportDataColumns DataGridColumnStyle 類似。


 ReportDataColumn 提供了報表行數據格式化的信息。對每一行,都有一個新的ReportDataColumn 被實例並被附加到ReportSection中。立刻,每一行的通過提取數據源描述最寬的顯示在頁面上。

ReportDataColumn 能夠爲頭和記本行啓用一個單獨的 TextStyle。因此,每一行數據,都可以被不同的格式化。


TextStyle 允許文本選擇樣式和字體 ,允許默認的樣式,所有的樣式都有他們默認的值(除了靜態的TextStyle.Normal)。如果屬性不被指定,它會一直用默認的值。



ReportBuilder 指定了建立一個報表。這個類是你的代碼和庫的主要接口。在許多cases中,你沒有顯示的聲明許多對象,,通過 ReportBuilder 可以爲你建立他們。




The following example shows the creation of a report using the ReportBuilder. The following methods would be part of a class that implements IReportMaker (this is from example1 in the sample project).

private DataView GetDataView()
    DataTable dt = new DataTable("People");
    dt.Columns.Add("FirstName", typeof(string));
    dt.Columns.Add("LastName", typeof(string));
    dt.Columns.Add("Birthdate", typeof(DateTime));
    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Theodore", "Roosevelt", new DateTime(1858, 11, 27)});
    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Winston ", "Churchill", new DateTime(1874, 11, 30)});
    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Pablo", "Picasso", new DateTime(1881, 10, 25)});
    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Charlie", "Chaplin", new DateTime(1889, 4, 16)});
    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Steven", "Spielberg", new DateTime(1946, 12, 18)});
    dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] {"Bart", "Simpson", new DateTime(1987, 4, 19)});
    return dt.DefaultView;
public void MakeDocument(ReportDocument reportDocument)
    // Clear the document
    // create a data table and a default view from it.
    DataView dataView = this.GetDataView();
    // create a builder to help with putting the table together.
    ReportBuilder builder = new ReportBuilder(reportDocument);
    // Add a simple page header and footer that is the same on all pages.
    builder.AddPageHeader("Birthdays Report", String.Empty, "page %p");
    builder.AddPageFooter(String.Empty, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), String.Empty);
    // Add text sections
    builder.AddTextSection("Birthdays", TextStyle.Heading1);
    builder.AddTextSection("The following are various birthdays of people who "
        + "are considered important in history.");
    // Add a data section, then add columns
    builder.AddDataSection(dataView, true);
    builder.AddColumn ("LastName", "Last Name", 1.5f, false, false);
    builder.AddColumn ("FirstName", "First Name", 1.5f, false, false);
    builder.AddColumn ("Birthdate", "Birthdate", 3.0f, false, false);
    // Set the format expression to this string.
    builder.CurrentColumn.FormatExpression = "{0:D}";


IreportMaker 在設計上被所爲一個接口來被使用。一個繼承它的對象可以添加 ReportDocument. 當一個文檔要被打印,它自動的調用單例方法MakeDocument(). 在上面的例子中顯示一個繼承的方法打印一個報告。

例如,你可以有個應用打印詳細和預覽。報告的邏輯被分離在單獨的類中。每一個都繼承IReportMaker的類。你的打印對話框有個打印什麼的momboxbox 允許用戶選擇報告類型, 用它來選擇指定的擴展自的ReportDocument

Print Dialogs



To make printing easy for my applications, I created this very basic control that can be dropped onto any form. It gives the user options to setup, preview, submit (ok) or cancel. Providing a preview button and a page setup button on a print dialog are not standard in the windows interface, but I wish they were. So this control provides that functionality to your print dialog. Note, you can still provide access via a File menu (File | Print Preview, File | Page Setup).

Figure 3 - PrintControl user control

The control uses the following dialogs associated with printing:




To use the print control, place it on a form. Set the Document property to a valid PrintDocument. (it doesnt have to just be the ReportDocument described earlier). Thats it!

You can customize a few things with the following properties:

ShowStatusDialog - The progress of the print job is shown in a status dialog. Default is true.

PrintInBackground - Indicates that printing should be done in the background. Default is true.

Printing - This event is raised prior to printing. It allows user code to setup for printing. (This is useful for dumping data from the GUI to a helper class, for instance).

Print Dialog with PrintControl

A sample form with a PrintControl is shown below. This dialog allows a user to select tables to print from the Northwind sample database.

Figure 4 - A dialog to prompt user for print settings and give them a chance to preview and setup the page.


Linear layout :流佈局

The LinearSections class is used to print a variety of sections, one below (or next to) another. In its simplest form, the linear layout looks like the figure to the right.

Each section may consume a different amount of real-estate. Some may be as wide as the page, others may not. The LinearSections container (shown in color) is a rectangle as wide as the widest section and as tall as all sub-sections combined.

This is the simplest class to use for structuring a report. Simply start a LinearLayout with the ReportBuilder class and then add ReportSections for text and data as needed.


Layered layout

The layered layout is for combing sections together into one region. This is often used for placing varying ReportSectionText objects together in one PageHeader or PageFooter. It could also be used to add a watermark to the body of a ReportDocument.

Column layout

As the name suggests, the column layout is used for creating columns on a page. A picture of a document using columns can be found on the samples page.

The column layout contains a vertical LinearSections container nested within a horizontal LinearRepeatableSections container. The vertical container has a maximum width of the column width. It renders as much of its content as possible within a column, then returns to the horizontal container. The horizontal container advances by the width of the column (plus any margin required in the middle) and repeats the call to the vertical container. This gives the parent container the name LinearRepeatableSections since it will repeat calls to a child section within a single page.

In the example shown, the LinearRepeatableSections has a special divider section assigned to it of a vertical line. This divider is printed between calls to the vertical section.

Box section

The box isn't stricly a container in the class hierarchy sense, since it doesn't inherit from SectionContainer. However, it does contain one section which can be assigned to it. And the ReportBuilder class, when it supports the SectionBox, will treat it as a container by assigning a layered or linear container to the box.

The box follows many of the properties from the W3C box model. I recommend visiting this page to learn more.

(graphic from w3.org)

The margins are set the same as for any other report section. The margins are always clear. The borders are set by specifying a System.Drawing.Pen object to use for each border. The pen object specifies color and width. The padding is specified in inches, again for each side independently.

If a background brush is set (using the System.Drawing.Brushes), it will paint the entire area inside the border (including the padding).

The width and height can each be set independently, or not at all. If the width is not specified, then the width will size to that of the contents. If the width is explictly set using the Width property, that width includes content, padding, border, and margins. The width can also be set as a percentage of the parent (using the WidthPercent property). The same is true for the Height and HeightPercent properties.

An offset can be set which moves the box in relation to the parent and normal flow. This should normally be used in LayeredLayout, as the results in LinearLayout haven't been adequately tested.



以上總結了ReportPrinting庫的使用,瞭解更多請到網站: http://www.mag37.com/projects/Printing/.


06-9-2003 : 最初版本

11-9-2003 : 修正版本

作者:Mike Mayer

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