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Dim sAVE, sStd, sMin, sMax, sCPK, sSL, sSC, sSU, sCPU, sCPL As Single
Dim iOffset As Integer
Dim err1 As String
Dim err2 As String
Dim err3 As String
Dim err4 As String
Dim err5 As String
Dim err6 As String
Dim err7 As String
Dim err8 As String
Dim err9 As String
Dim err10 As String
On Error GoTo errorzone
err1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("source").Range("A1").Value
err2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("source").Range("A2").Value
err3 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("source").Range("A3").Value
err4 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("source").Range("A4").Value
err5 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("source").Range("A5").Value
err6 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("source").Range("A6").Value
err7 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("source").Range("A7").Value
err8 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("source").Range("A8").Value
err9 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("source").Range("A9").Value
err10 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("source").Range("A10").Value
If refData.Value = "" Then '無來源數據時的處理
'MsgBox "請選擇數據來源!", vbOKOnly, "錯誤!"
msgbox err2, vbOKOnly, err1
Exit Sub
ElseIf Range(refData.Value).Count <= 1 Then '來源數據太少時的處理
msgbox err3, vbOKOnly, err1
Exit Sub
sStd = Application.StDev(Range(refData.Value))
sMin = Application.Min(Range(refData.Value))
sMax = Application.Max(Range(refData.Value))
sAVE = Application.Average(Range(refData.Value))
If sStd = 0 Then
msgbox err4, vbOKOnly, err1
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If chkCPK.Value = False Then
GoTo step3
If optDbside.Value = True Then
    If txtDup.Value = "" Then '未填寫上限處理
    msgbox err5, vbOKOnly, err1
    Exit Sub
    ElseIf txtDdown.Value = "" Then '未填寫下限處理
    msgbox err6, vbOKOnly, err1
    Exit Sub
    sSU = val(txtDup.Value)
    sSL = val(txtDdown.Value)
        If sSU <= sSL Then '不合邏輯處理
        msgbox err7, vbOKOnly, err1
        Exit Sub
        sCPU = (sSU - sAVE) / 3 / sStd
        sCPL = (sAVE - sSL) / 3 / sStd
        sCPK = Application.Min(sCPU, sCPL)
        End If
    End If
End If
If optSsideup.Value = True Then
    If txtSup.Value = "" Then '未填寫上限處理
    msgbox err5, vbOKOnly, err1
    Exit Sub
    sSU = val(txtSup.Value)
    sCPK = (sSU - sAVE) / 3 / sStd
    End If
End If
If optSsidedown.Value = True Then
    If txtSdwon.Value = "" Then '未填寫下限處理
    msgbox err6, vbOKOnly, err1
    Exit Sub
    sSL = val(txtSdwon.Value)
    sCPK = (sAVE - sSL) / 3 / sStd
    End If
End If
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
iOffset = -1
Select Case togH.Value
Case True
If chkAve.Value = True Then
iOffset = iOffset + 1
If chkTitle.Value = True Then
With ActiveCell.Offset(iOffset, -1)
    .Value = "AVE"
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
With ActiveCell.Offset(iOffset, 0)
    .Formula = "=Average(" & refData.Value & ")"
    .Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula, xlA1, xlA1, xlRelative)
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
If chkMin.Value = True Then
iOffset = iOffset + 1
If chkTitle.Value = True Then
With ActiveCell.Offset(iOffset, -1)
    .Value = "MIN"
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
With ActiveCell.Offset(iOffset, 0)
    .Formula = "=MIN(" & refData.Value & ")"
    .Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula, xlA1, xlA1, xlRelative)
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
If chkMax.Value = True Then
iOffset = iOffset + 1
If chkTitle.Value = True Then
With ActiveCell.Offset(iOffset, -1)
    .Value = "MAX"
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
With ActiveCell.Offset(iOffset, 0)
    .Formula = "=MAX(" & refData.Value & ")"
    .Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula, xlA1, xlA1, xlRelative)
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
If chkStd.Value = True Then
iOffset = iOffset + 1
If chkTitle.Value = True Then
With ActiveCell.Offset(iOffset, -1)
    .Value = "STDEV"
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
With ActiveCell.Offset(iOffset, 0)
    .Formula = "=STDEV(" & refData.Value & ")"
    .Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula, xlA1, xlA1, xlRelative)
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
If chkCPK.Value = True Then
iOffset = iOffset + 1
If chkTitle.Value = True Then
With ActiveCell.Offset(iOffset, -1)
    .Value = "CPK"
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
With ActiveCell.Offset(iOffset, 0)
    .Value = sCPK
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If

Case False
If chkAve.Value = True Then
iOffset = iOffset + 1
If chkTitle.Value = True Then
With ActiveCell.Offset(-1, iOffset)
    .Value = "AVE"
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
With ActiveCell.Offset(0, iOffset)
    .Formula = "=Average(" & refData.Value & ")"
    .Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula, xlA1, xlA1, xlRelative)
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
If chkMin.Value = True Then
iOffset = iOffset + 1
If chkTitle.Value = True Then
With ActiveCell.Offset(-1, iOffset)
    .Value = "MIN"
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
With ActiveCell.Offset(0, iOffset)
    .Formula = "=MIN(" & refData.Value & ")"
    .Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula, xlA1, xlA1, xlRelative)
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
If chkMax.Value = True Then
iOffset = iOffset + 1
If chkTitle.Value = True Then
With ActiveCell.Offset(-1, iOffset)
    .Value = "MAX"
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
With ActiveCell.Offset(0, iOffset)
    .Formula = "=MAX(" & refData.Value & ")"
    .Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula, xlA1, xlA1, xlRelative)
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
If chkStd.Value = True Then
iOffset = iOffset + 1
If chkTitle.Value = True Then
With ActiveCell.Offset(-1, iOffset)
    .Value = "STDEV"
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
With ActiveCell.Offset(0, iOffset)
    .Formula = "=STDEV(" & refData.Value & ")"
    .Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula, xlA1, xlA1, xlRelative)
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
If chkCPK.Value = True Then
iOffset = iOffset + 1
If chkTitle.Value = True Then
With ActiveCell.Offset(-1, iOffset)
    .Value = "CPK"
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
With ActiveCell.Offset(0, iOffset)
    .Value = sCPK
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End If
End Select
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Unload Me
Exit Sub
Select Case Err
    Case 11
    msgbox err9, vbOKOnly, err1
    Exit Sub
    Case Else
    msgbox err10 & Err, vbOKOnly, err1
    Exit Sub
End Select
End Sub

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