
看到@pingooo的這則推 ,令人哈哈大笑:

各位宅男小心 https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=626593
(被女朋友 file 成 bug)

通常 https://bugzilla.gnome.org/ 這種程式臭蟲(bug)回報系統,顧名思義是回報程式相關問題的,很難得見到這樣的 Bug (626593):

Gnome ate my boyfriend! Help ! (翻譯爲 PowerOp所加)

Dear Gnome, 
親愛的 Gnome

Please, have some empathy and help me out.
求求你,同情我,幫幫我(譯註:有趣的是, empathy 剛好是 Gnome chat client 軟體的名字)

Because of you, my boyfriend is chronically attached to his computer and has
ceased to pay attention to me. I try to plan fun things for us to do on the
weekends and then he cancels on my because of GNOME conferences! He even went
to the Netherlands to GUADEC two weeks ago and left me at home alone for a
week! He keeps going to all these conferences and I just don't know what to
do. Apparently there is some Boston Summit thing he keeps talking about?
因爲你,我的男友一直抱着電腦不理我。我試着計劃在週末做些有趣的事,但是他爲了 GNOME 研討會把我的取消了!
兩週前,他還跑去荷蘭參加 GUADEC 研討會,把我一個人丟在家裏一個禮拜!他到處參加這些研討會,我真的不知道該怎麼辦。

Way back when, he used to talk about Linux every once in a while and I found it
nerdy and cute. However, as of late, his obsession has become a large dark
gloomy cloud on our relationship. Even when we are away from our apartment, he
is perpetually attached via his MAEMO Linux phone.
從前,他偶爾會聊到 Linux ,我覺得他宅宅的很可愛。但是最近,他的沈迷其中變成我們關係裏的一朵大烏雲(PowerOp:有提到 Cloud 耶XD)
就算沒待在我們的公寓裏,他也還是抓着他的 MAEMO Linux 手機不斷線!(PowerOp:看來她男友用的是 NOKIA N900)

He even tried to put Linux on my computer and I simply could not take it. I
came home from work one day and my computer said "UNIX" all over it! Recently,
he installed Linux on his mom's computer and now she is calling me complaining
and I don't know what to do!
他甚至嘗試把 Linux 裝到我的電腦,我簡直無法忍受。有天我下班回到家,我的電腦就變成了 UNIX !
最近他安裝 Linux 到他的媽媽的電腦,現在連他媽都打電話跟我抱怨,我真的不知道該怎麼辦!

Please, help me bring my boyfriend back from "Linux Land." His name is Zach.
If you find him, you may have to shut off the computer you find him in front of
to get him to speak in anything other than "C." Sometimes he will speak to you
in French, but thats only because he has his phone in French. I don't speak
French so this too has become a wedge in our relationship.
拜託,幫我把我的男友從 "Linux Land" 拉回來。他叫做 Zach 。如果你找到他,你可能要關掉他面前的電腦,他纔會說 "C" 以外的語言。
有時候他會跟你說法文,but thats only because he has his phone in French.(PowerOp:不會翻XD)

This is a severe issue. Please fix this.



PowerOp 知道之後,發了兩則推:

Gnome ate my boyfriend! Help! http://bit.ly/cs5oMQ #自由軟體技客整天盯着電腦,被冷落的女友只好去程式問題回報系統“求救”。看 comment 11,Zach Goldberg出來對號入座囉!


被女友吐嘈的電腦技客Zach發文了:HELP! My Girlfriend Learned How To Use A Bug Tracker http://bit.ly/a8b66y 推女友這句“Linux will never have sex with you!”

上網查了一下,從 Zach Goldberg 的網誌 連到他的相簿 ,從最新的 10.06.15_FrancewithIlana 10.06.10_FranceWithIlana 2 兩本相簿看來,Zach 也不是完全冷落 Ilana ,希望這次的事件只是變相的放閃光,兩位能夠重新找到相處之道!

Bug 626593 裏面大家的 comment 都蠻有意思的,我最喜歡Comment 21 的最後一句:

But maybe you can convince your boyfriend to treat
the computer like children --> sometimes a couple needs time without them.
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