How to make awesome UI components in iOS 8 using Swift and XCode 6

In Xcode 6 two new interface builder declaration attributes were introduced: IBInspectable and IBDesignableIBInspectableexposes class properties in the interface builder Attribute Inspector, and IBDesignable updates the view in realtime! They are pure magic!

I can’t wait to see what cool stuff you will make.


a short tutorial on how to use IBInspectable and IBDesignable with a video demo. It should take you around 10 minutes to go through all the steps. code on github


These are the valid types for IBInspectable I found so far:

  • Int
  • CGFloat
  • Double
  • String
  • Bool
  • CGPoint
  • CGSize
  • CGRect
  • UIColor
  • UIImage



class OverCustomizableView : UIView {
    @IBInspectable var integer: Int = 0
    @IBInspectable var float: CGFloat = 0
    @IBInspectable var double: Double = 0
    @IBInspectable var point: CGPoint = CGPointZero
    @IBInspectable var size: CGSize = CGSizeZero
    @IBInspectable var customFrame: CGRect = CGRectZero
    @IBInspectable var color: UIColor = UIColor.clearColor()
    @IBInspectable var string: String = "We ❤ Swift"
    @IBInspectable var bool: Bool = false

In the Attribute Inspector you will see this on top:

exposed properties

All this does is add some user defined runtime attributes that will set the initial values of the view when it loads.

The runtime attributes created:

user define runtime attributes in xcode 6


Now for the fun part. IBDesignable tells Interface Builder that it can load the view and render it. The view class must be in a framework for this to work. But that is not a big inconvenience, as we will soon see. I think that under the hood Interface Builder converts your UIView code into NSView code so that it could dynamically load the framework and render the component.

Create a new project

Open Xcode 6, create a new “Single Page Application” and select Swift as the programming language.

Add a new target to you project

Select your project file from the navigator and add a new target by pressing the + button.

add a new target in xcode

Select Framework & Application Library and choose the Cocoa Touch Framework.

creating a cococa touch framework

Name it MyCustomView. Xcode will automatically link the MyCustomView.framework to your project.

Create a custom view class

Create a new swift file and add it in MyCustomView framework.

Right click on the framework’s directory.

create new file

Select Cocoa Touch File

Name it CustomView and make it a subclass of UIView

CustomView.swift should contain:

import UIKit

class CustomView: UIView {

    init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)
        // Initialization code

    // Only override drawRect: if you perform custom drawing.
    // An empty implementation adversely affects performance during animation.
    override func drawRect(rect: CGRect)
        // Drawing code


Remove the generated methods.

import UIKit

class CustomView: UIView {


Tell Xcode to render your view with the @IBDesignable keyword.

Add three properties: borderColor: UIColorborderWidth: CGFloatcornerRadius: CGFloat.

Set the default values and make them inspectable.

@IBDesignable class CustomView : UIView {
    @IBInspectable var borderColor: UIColor = UIColor.clearColor() 
    @IBInspectable var borderWidth: CGFloat = 0 
    @IBInspectable var cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0 

Add logic for the layer properties

Add property observers for each property and update the layer accordingly.

class CustomView : UIView {
    @IBInspectable var borderColor: UIColor = UIColor.clearColor() {
        didSet {
            layer.borderColor = borderColor.CGColor

    @IBInspectable var borderWidth: CGFloat = 0 {
        didSet {
            layer.borderWidth = borderWidth

    @IBInspectable var cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0 {
        didSet {
            layer.cornerRadius = cornerRadius

Build the framework by pressing ⌘ Cmd + B.

Test the custom view

Open Main.storyboard and add a view from the component library.

Change the view class to CustomView using the Identity Inspector.

chande the class

Arrange the view and add any autolayout constraints that are needed.

Tip: Hold Crtl + ⌘ Cmd then click and drag the mouse cursor from a view to another to add autolayout constraints.

adding autolayout contraints without headaches

After playing a bit with the cornerRadius I found out that it creates some interesting patterns when you add big values.

interesting pattern


You can get the code on github.

Have fun :)

A quick demo:

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