
ADD New爲添加animation動畫部分

<head lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script src="http://www.jq22.com/jquery/jquery-2.1.1.js"></script>
    <style type="text/css">
      .window-mask {
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            left: 0;
            top: 0;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            filter: alpha(opacity=30);
            opacity: 0.30;
            background: #000;
            display1: none;
            font-size: 1px;
            overflow: hidden;
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            border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
            position: absolute;
            background: #555;
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            -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
            filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelRadius=2,MakeShadow=false,ShadowOpacity=0.2);
        .panel.panelnomargin {
            margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
        .window {
            background-color: #afd2f0;
            padding: 0px 6px 6px 6px;
        .window {
            font-size: 12px;
            position: absolute;
            background: #fafafa;
            padding: 0px;
            border: 1px solid #666;
        .panel {
            position: relative;
            margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
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            border: solid #00ffd1;
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            width: 500px;
            height: 600px;
            border: solid burlywood;
            left: 531px;
    <div style="border: solid #00ffd1;width:520px;    position: absolute;">
            <li src="https://www.baidu.com">********************first***********************</li>
            <li src="https://www.taobao.com">********************second************************</li>
            <li src="http://www.w3school.com.cn/">********************three************************</li>
            <li src="https://www.mi.com/">********************four************************</li>

    <div class="pos">
        <iframe src="https://www.baidu.com" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>
<script src="openwindow.js"></script>
<script src="ta3Index.js"></script>

        var src=$(this).attr("src");

        openWindow('imgWin', '個人參保信息', src, {"dto['aac001']": "1021211"}, 650, 350, null, null,true,null,null,true);



       * 打開窗口
       * @method openWindow
       * @param {String} id 窗口id
       * @param {String} title 窗口標題
       * @param {String} url aciton地址
       * @param {map} parameter 入參 json格式對象,例如:{"dto['aac001']":"1000001","dto['aac002']":"01"}
       * @param {Number} width 寬度 不要加 px;也可設置成百分比,例如"80%"
       * @param {Number} height 高度 不要加 px;也可設置成百分比,例如"80%"
       * @param {Function} onLoad 窗口加載完畢回調,如果useIframe=true的話 這參數不起作用
       * @param {Funciton} onClose 窗口關閉的時候回調
       * @param {Boolean} useIframe 是否使用iframe的方式加載,默認爲false,iframe方式會存在seesion丟失,應當避免;爲true的時候,打開頁面爲一個完整的jsp頁面
       * @param {String} style 自定義打開窗口css樣式
       * @param {Object} myoptions window的創建參數
       */       //ADD NEW
            function openWindow(id, title, url, parameter, width, height, onLoad, onClose, useIframe, style, myoptions,animation) {
                var $w = $("<div id=\"" + id + "\" " + (style ? "style=\"" + style + "\"" : "") + "></div>");
                var tawindow = new TaWindow_new($w);
                var options = {};

                title ? options.title = title : null;
                width ? options.width = width : options.width = 200;
                height ? options.height = height : options.height = 200;
                onLoad ? options.onLoad = onLoad : null;
                //ADD NEW
                animation ? options.animation = animation : false;
                options.modal = false;
                options.resizable = false;
                options.minimizable = false;
                options.collapsible = false;
                if (parameter) {
                    if (url.indexOf('?') != -1) {
                        url += "&" + jQuery.param(parameter);
                    } else {
                        url += "?" + jQuery.param(parameter);
                if (url.indexOf('?') != -1) {
                    url += "&_r=" + Math.random();
                } else {
                    url += "?_r=" + Math.random();
                url += "&___businessId=" + "test";
                // url += "&___businessId=" + "test";
                if (url && useIframe) {
                    options.content = '<iframe type="window" src="' + url + '" frameborder="0" style="width:100%;height:100%"></iframe>';
                } else {
                    url ? options.href = url : null;
                options.onClose = function (_onClose) {
                    return function () {
                        if (_onClose) _onClose($w.attr("id"));
                        //remove window裏面TaUIManager對應的對象
                if (myoptions) $.extend(options, myoptions);
                if (!url) {

            function TaWindow_new($windowId) {
                        var defaults = {
                            zIndex: 999999,
                            draggable: true,
                            resizable: true,
                            shadow: true,
                            modal: false,
                            // window's property which difference from panel
                            title: 'New Window',
                            collapsible: true,
                            minimizable: true,
                            maximizable: true,
                            closable: true,
                            closed: false
                        function taWindow(options, param) {
                            if (typeof options == 'string') {
                                switch (options) {
                                    case 'options':
                                        return $.data($windowId[0], 'window').options;
                                    case 'window':
                                        return $.data($windowId[0], 'window').window;
                                    case 'setTitle':
                                        return $windowId.each(function () {
                                            //                      $(this).ta3panel('setTitle', param);
                                            new TaPanel($(this)).ta3panel('setTitle', param);
                                    case 'open':
                                        return $windowId.each(function () {
                                            //                      $(this).ta3panel('open', param);
                                            new TaPanel($(this)).ta3panel('open', param);
                                    case 'close':
                                        return $windowId.each(function () {
                                            //                      $(this).ta3panel('close', param);
                                            new TaPanel($(this)).ta3panel('close', param);
                                    case 'destroy':
                                        return $windowId.each(function () {
                                            //                      $(this).ta3panel('destroy', param);
                                            new TaPanel($(this)).ta3panel('destroy', param);
                                    case 'refresh':
                                        return $windowId.each(function () {
                                            //                      $(this).ta3panel('refresh');
                                            new TaPanel($(this)).ta3panel('refresh');
                                    case 'resize':
                                        return $windowId.each(function () {
                                            //                      $(this).ta3panel('resize', param);
                                            new TaPanel($(this)).ta3panel('resize', param);
                                    case 'move':
                                        return $windowId.each(function () {
                                            //                      $(this).ta3panel('move', param);
                                            new TaPanel($(this)).ta3panel('move', param);
                                    case 'maximize':
                                        return $windowId.each(function () {
                                            //                      $(this).ta3panel('maximize');
                                            new TaPanel($(this)).ta3panel('maximize');
                                    case 'minimize':
                                        return $windowId.each(function () {
                                            //                      $(this).ta3panel('minimize');
                                            new TaPanel($(this)).ta3panel('minimize');
                                    case 'restore':
                                        return $windowId.each(function () {
                                            //                      $(this).ta3panel('restore');
                                            new TaPanel($(this)).ta3panel('restore');
                                    case 'collapse':
                                        return $windowId.each(function () {
                                            //                      $(this).ta3panel('collapse', param);
                                            new TaPanel($(this)).ta3panel('collapse', param);
                                    case 'expand':
                                        return $windowId.each(function () {
                                            //                      $(this).ta3panel('expand', param);
                                            new TaPanel.ta3panel('expand', param);

                            options = options || {};
                            return $windowId.each(function () {
                                init(this, options);

                        function setSize(target, param) {
                            //          $(target).ta3panel('resize');
                            new TaPanel($(target)).ta3panel('resize');

                   * create and initialize window, the window is created based on panel component
                        function init(target, options) {
                            var state = $.data(target, 'window');
                            var opts;
                            if (state) {
                                opts = $.extend(state.opts, options);
                            } else {
                                var t = $(target);
                                opts = $.extend({}, defaults, {
                                    title: t.attr('title'),
                                    collapsible: t.attr('collapsible') ? t.attr('collapsible') == 'true' : undefined,
                                    minimizable: t.attr('minimizable') ? t.attr('minimizable') == 'true' : undefined,
                                    maximizable: t.attr('maximizable') ? t.attr('maximizable') == 'true' : undefined,
                                    closable: t.attr('closable') ? t.attr('closable') == 'true' : undefined,
                                    closed: t.attr('closed') ? t.attr('closed') == 'true' : undefined,
                                    shadow: t.attr('shadow') ? t.attr('shadow') == 'true' : undefined,
                                    modal: t.attr('modal') ? t.attr('modal') == 'true' : undefined,
                                    //add by cy openwindow 添加最大最小寬高
                                    maxheight: undefined,
                                    minheight: undefined,
                                    maxwidth: undefined,
                                    minwidth: undefined
                                }, options);
                                //liys add 彈出框寬度增加百分比配置,兼容屏幕分辨率
                                if (opts.width && isNaN(opts.width)) {
                                    if (opts.width.lastIndexOf("%") == opts.width.length - 1) {
                                        var tem = opts.width.substring(0, opts.width.length - 1);
                                        if (!isNaN(tem)) {
                                            tem = tem / 100;
                                        opts.width = Math.ceil(getPageArea().width * tem);
                                        //add by cy 添加最大高度最大寬度,最小高度,最小寬度屬性
                                        if (opts.maxwidth && opts.maxwidth > 0) {
                                            opts.width = opts.width > opts.maxwidth ? opts.maxwidth : opts.width;
                                        if (opts.minWidth && opts.minWidth > 0) {
                                            opts.width = opts.width < opts.minWidth ? opts.minWidth : opts.width;
                                //liys add 彈出框高度增加百分比配置,兼容屏幕分辨率
                                if (opts.height && isNaN(opts.height)) {
                                    if (opts.height.lastIndexOf("%") == opts.height.length - 1) {
                                        var tem = opts.height.substring(0, opts.height.length - 1);
                                        if (!isNaN(tem)) {
                                            tem = tem / 100;
                                        opts.height = Math.ceil(getPageArea().height * tem);
                                        //add by cy 添加最大高度最大寬度,最小高度,最小寬度屬性
                                        if (opts.maxheight && opts.maxheight > 0) {
                                            opts.height = opts.height > opts.maxheight ? opts.maxheight : opts.height;
                                        if (opts.minheight && opts.minheight > 0) {
                                            opts.height = opts.height < opts.minheight ? opts.minheight : opts.height;
                                $(target).attr('title', '');
                                state = $.data(target, 'window', {});

                            // create window
                            //          var win = $(target).ta3panel($.extend({}, opts, {
                            var win = new TaPanel($(target)).ta3panel($.extend({}, opts, {
                                border: false,
                                doSize: true, // size the panel, the property undefined in window component
                                closed: true, // close the panel
                                cls: 'window',
                                headerCls: 'window-header',
                                bodyCls: 'window-body',
                                onBeforeDestroy: function onBeforeDestroy() {
                                    if (opts.onBeforeDestroy) {
                                        if (opts.onBeforeDestroy.call(target) == false) return false;
                                    var state = $.data(target, 'window');
                                    if (state.shadow) state.shadow.remove();
                                    if (state.mask) state.mask.remove();
                                onClose: function onClose() {
                                    var state = $.data(target, 'window');
                                    if (state.shadow) state.shadow.hide();
                                    if (state.mask) state.mask.hide();

                                    if (opts.onClose) opts.onClose.call(target);
                                onOpen: function onOpen() {
                                    var state = $.data(target, 'window');
                                    var z_index = state.opts.zIndex || defaults.zIndex;
                                    if (state.mask) {
                                            display: 'block',
                                            zIndex: z_index++
                                    if (state.shadow) {
                                            display: 'block',
                                            zIndex: z_index++,
                                            left: state.options.left,
                                            top: state.options.top,
                                            width: state.window.outerWidth(true),
                                            height: state.window.outerHeight(true)
                                    state.window.css('z-index', z_index++);
                                    //                  if (state.mask) state.mask.show();
                                    //add by cy 直接彈出tawindow框時表格不會重新佈局導致頁面混亂
                                    $(target).find(".datagrid").each(function () {

                                    if (opts.onOpen) opts.onOpen.call(target);
                                onResize: function onResize(width, height) {
                                    var state = $.data(target, 'window');
                                    if (state.shadow) {
                                            left: state.options.left,
                                            top: state.options.top,
                                            width: state.window.outerWidth(true),
                                            height: state.window.outerHeight(true)

                                    if (opts.onResize) opts.onResize.call(target, width, height);
                                onMove: function onMove(left, top) {
                                    var state = $.data(target, 'window');
                                    if (state.shadow) {
                                            left: state.options.left,
                                            top: state.options.top

                                    if (opts.onMove) opts.onMove.call(target, left, top);
                                onMinimize: function onMinimize() {
                                    var state = $.data(target, 'window');
                                    if (state.shadow) state.shadow.hide();
                                    if (state.mask) state.mask.hide();

                                    if (opts.onMinimize) opts.onMinimize.call(target);
                                onBeforeCollapse: function onBeforeCollapse() {
                                    if (opts.onBeforeCollapse) {
                                        if (opts.onBeforeCollapse.call(target) == false) return false;
                                    var state = $.data(target, 'window');
                                    if (state.shadow) state.shadow.hide();
                                onExpand: function onExpand() {
                                    var state = $.data(target, 'window');
                                    if (state.shadow) state.shadow.show();
                                    if (opts.onExpand) opts.onExpand.call(target);

                            var panel = new TaPanel(win);
                            // save the window state
                            //state.options = win.ta3panel('options');
                            state.options = panel.ta3panel('options');
                            state.opts = opts;
                            //state.window = win.ta3panel('panel');
                            state.window = panel.ta3panel('panel');

                            // create mask
                            if (state.mask) state.mask.remove();
                            if (opts.modal == true) {
                                state.mask = $('<div class="window-mask"></div>').appendTo('body');
                                    //                  zIndex: defaults.zIndex++,
                                    width: getPageArea().width,
                                    height: getPageArea().height,
                                    display: 'none'

                            // create shadow
                            if (state.shadow) state.shadow.remove();
                            if (opts.shadow == true) {
                                state.shadow = $('<div class="window-shadow"></div>').insertAfter(state.window);
                                    //                  zIndex: defaults.zIndex++,
                                    display: 'none'

                            //          state.window.css('z-index', defaults.zIndex++);

                            // if require center the window
                            if (state.options.left == null) {
                                var width = state.options.width;
                                if (isNaN(width)) {
                                    width = state.window.outerWidth(true);
                                //ADD NEW
                                    state.options.left = "-2000px";
                                    state.options.left = ($(window).width() - width) / 2 + $(document).scrollLeft();
                            if (state.options.top == null) {
                                var height = state.window.height();
                                if (isNaN(height)) {
                                    height = state.window.outerHeight(true);
                                state.options.top = ($(window).height() - height) / 2 + $(document).scrollTop();

                            win.each(function () {
                                //              $(this).ta3panel('move');
                                new TaPanel($(this)).ta3panel('move');
                            if (state.opts.closed == false) {
                                //win.window('open');   // open the window
                                win.each(function () {
                                    //                  $(this).ta3panel('open');
                                    new TaPanel($(this)).ta3panel('open');

                   * set window drag and resize property
                        function setProperties(target) {
                            var state = $.data(target, 'window');
                            //ADD NEW
                                $(".window-shadow").animate({"left":($(window).width()-state.window.outerWidth(true)) / 2 + $(document).scrollLeft()+"px"});
                                $(".panelnomargin").animate({"left":($(window).width()-state.window.outerWidth(true)) / 2 + $(document).scrollLeft()+"px"});
                            new TaDraggable(state.window).draggable({
                                handle: '>div.panel-header>div.panel-title',
                                disabled: state.options.draggable == false,
                                onStartDrag: function onStartDrag(e) {
                                    if (state.mask) state.mask.css('z-index', defaults.zIndex++);
                                    if (state.shadow) state.shadow.css('z-index', defaults.zIndex++);
                                    state.window.css('z-index', defaults.zIndex++);

                                    if (!state.proxy) {
                                        state.proxy = $('<div class="window-proxy"></div>').insertAfter(state.window);
                                        display: 'none',
                                        zIndex: defaults.zIndex++,
                                        left: e.data.left,
                                        top: e.data.top,
                                        width: $.boxModel == true ? state.window.outerWidth(true) - (state.proxy.outerWidth(true) - state.proxy.width()) : state.window.outerWidth(true),
                                        height: $.boxModel == true ? state.window.outerHeight(true) - (state.proxy.outerHeight(true) - state.proxy.height()) : state.window.outerHeight(true)
                                    setTimeout(function () {
                                        if (state.proxy) state.proxy.show();
                                    }, 500);
                                onDrag: function onDrag(e) {
                                        display: 'block',
                                        left: e.data.left,
                                        top: e.data.top
                                        display: 'none'
                                        display: 'none'
                                    return false;
                                onStopDrag: function onStopDrag(e) {
                                    if (e.data.left < 0) e.data.left = 0;
                                    if (e.data.top < 0) e.data.top = 0;
                                    if ($(window).height() - e.data.top < 30) e.data.top = $(window).height() - 30;
                                    if ($(window).width() - e.data.left < 60) e.data.left = $(window).width() - 60;
                                    state.options.left = e.data.left;
                                    state.options.top = e.data.top;
                                    new TaWindow($(target)).window('move');
                                    state.proxy = null;
                                        display: 'block'
                                        display: 'block'

                            new TaResizable(state.window).resizable({
                                disabled: state.options.resizable == false,
                                onStartResize: function onStartResize(e) {
                                    if (!state.proxy) {
                                        state.proxy = $('<div class="window-proxy"></div>').insertAfter(state.window);
                                        zIndex: defaults.zIndex++,
                                        left: e.data.left,
                                        top: e.data.top,
                                        width: $.boxModel == true ? e.data.width - (state.proxy.outerWidth(true) - state.proxy.width()) : e.data.width,
                                        height: $.boxModel == true ? e.data.height - (state.proxy.outerHeight(true) - state.proxy.height()) : e.data.height
                                onResize: function onResize(e) {
                                        left: e.data.left,
                                        top: e.data.top,
                                        width: $.boxModel == true ? e.data.width - (state.proxy.outerWidth(true) - state.proxy.width()) : e.data.width,
                                        height: $.boxModel == true ? e.data.height - (state.proxy.outerHeight(true) - state.proxy.height()) : e.data.height
                                    return false;
                                onStopResize: function onStopResize(e) {
                                    state.options.left = e.data.left;
                                    state.options.top = e.data.top;
                                    state.options.width = e.data.width;
                                    state.options.height = e.data.height;
                                    state.proxy = null;


                        function getPageArea() {
                            if (document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') {
                                if (document.body.className.indexOf("no-scrollbar") < 0) {
                                    //判斷body是否有滾動條  yanglq
                                    return {
                                        width: Math.max(document.body.scrollWidth, document.body.clientWidth),
                                        height: Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.body.clientHeight)
                                } else {
                                    return {
                                        width: Math.max(document.body.offsetHeight, document.body.clientWidth),
                                        height: Math.max(document.body.offsetHeight, document.body.clientHeight)
                            } else {
                                if (document.body.className.indexOf("no-scrollbar") < 0) {
                                    return {
                                        width: Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollWidth, document.documentElement.clientWidth),
                                        height: Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight)
                                } else {
                                    return {
                                        width: Math.max(document.documentElement.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.clientWidth),
                                        height: Math.max(document.documentElement.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight)

                        // when window resize, reset the width and height of the window's mask
                        $(window).resize(function () {
                                width: $(window).width(),
                                height: $(window).height()
                            setTimeout(function () {
                                    width: getPageArea().width,
                                    height: getPageArea().height
                            }, 50);
                        $.extend(this, { // 爲this對象
                                        "cmptype": 'window', // 將方法註冊爲公共方法
                                        "version": "3.13.0",
                                        "window_slide": taWindow

               * 關閉窗口
               * @method closeWindow
               * @param {String} id 窗口id
                    function closeWindow(id) {
                        //setTimeout(function(){    $("#"+id).window('close');}, 1);
                        setTimeout(function () {
                            new TaWindow_new($("#" + id)).window_slide('close');
                        }, 1);
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