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第七步 實現IClassFactory的方法<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />




HRESULT __stdcall CAddFactory::CreateInstance(IUnknown* pUnknownOuter,

                                           const IID& iid,

                                           void** ppv)



    //This method lets the client manufacture components en masse

    //The class factory provides a mechanism to control the way

    //the component is created. Within the class factory the

    //author of the component may decide to selectivey enable

    //or disable creation as per license agreements




    // Cannot aggregate.

    if (pUnknownOuter != NULL)


        return CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION ;




    // Create an instance of the component.


    CAddObj* pObject = new CAddObj ;

    if (pObject == NULL)


        return E_OUTOFMEMORY ;




    // Get the requested interface.


    return pObject->QueryInterface(iid, ppv) ;




HRESULT __stdcall CAddFactory::LockServer(BOOL bLock)


    return E_NOTIMPL;




第八步 實現DllGetClassObject的方法


一個進程內COM對象只是一個簡單的WIN32DLL,他遵循既定的協議。每一個COM DLL必須有一個通過名字DllGetClassObject的出口函數。客戶端將調用這個函數以得到類廠的接口(IUnknown or IClassFactory),之後就是調用CreateInstance方法。創建一個新文件(Exports.cpp),在其中實現DllGetClassObject。(代碼如下)


STDAPI DllGetClassObject(const CLSID& clsid,

                         const IID& iid,

                         void** ppv)



    //Check if the requested COM object is implemented in this DLL

    //There can be more than 1 COM object implemented in a DLL



    if (clsid == CLSID_AddObject)



        //iid specifies the requested interface for the factory object

        //The client can request for IUnknown, IClassFactory,



        CAddFactory *pAddFact = new CAddFactory;

        if (pAddFact == NULL)

            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;



            return pAddFact->QueryInterface(iid , ppv);






    //if control reaches here then that implies that the object

    //specified by the user is not implemented in this DLL







第九步 實現DllCanUnloadNow


客戶需要知道什麼時候COM DLL可以被從內存中卸載。更進一步,一個進程內COM對象顯示的通過調用API函數LoadLibrary裝入內存中的客戶程序的進程空間中。這個顯示裝載的DLL也可以使用FreeLibrary卸載。COM客戶必須知道什麼時候DLL可以被安全的卸載。一個客戶必須確定沒有任何來自於特別是DLL中的COM對象的實例仍在生命期中。要使得這個可以被簡單的計算,在一個COM DLL中,我們在類CAddObjCAddFactory的構造函數中自加一個全局變量(g_nComObjsInUse)。類似的,在析構函數中,自減這個全局變量。



STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow()



    //A DLL is no longer in use when it is not managing any existing objects

    // (the reference count on all of its objects is 0).

    //We will examine the value of g_nComObjsInUse



    if (g_nComObjsInUse == 0)


        return S_OK;




        return S_FALSE;        }






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