


1. 問題的背景介紹

   在這部分,你應該清晰地說明你研究的問題的背景是什麼。 最好給出近年來該問題在學術領域的發展情況。 但,也不能過長,簡潔爲主。最要控制在一頁內。對於一般15頁的學術論文,該部分佔一半的篇幅已經足夠。

2. 問題本身

    如果沒有問題存在的意義,那就沒必要寫論文了,因爲完全沒理由看這樣的文章。因此,應該告訴審稿人爲什麼他應該看你寫的東西。 一句簡單的話像“到目前爲止,還沒有人研究過這樣的問題...”或“以上提到的方法不適合這種情況....”,有時這就足夠表明你想表達的原因。經驗表明,幾行就足以說明這部分了。

3. 提出的方法



4. 實驗結論


5. 相關工作


6. 論文概要






A Recipe for Writing an Introduction

An Introduction should contain the following three parts:

1. Background.
In this part you have to make clear what the context is. Ideally, you should give an idea of the state-of-the art of the field the report is about. But keep it short: in my opinion this part should be less than a page long. Half a page should suffice in case of a normal 15-pages article.
2. The Problem.
If there was no problem, there would be no reason for writing a report, and definitely no reason for reading it. So, please tell the reviewer  why she should proceed reading.  A simple sentence like "So far  no-one has investigated the link..." or "The above-mentioned solutions don't apply to the case ...", can sometimes be enough to clarify the point you want to get at. Experience shows that for this part a few lines are often sufficient.
3. The Proposed Solution.

Now - and only now! - you may outline the contribution of the report. Here you have to make sure you point out what are the novel aspects of your work. There are probably zillions of articles out there on that very subject: you can't expect the reviewer to know them all; so make his life easier and clearly highlight what is the difference between your method and the others. You can take your time here, but I suggest to avoid getting into too much detail.

In addition there can be the following optional ingredients:
4. An anticipation of the conclusions
This is very difficult to do properly. I think that this part should be there only in reports that have a strong position-statement nature. If you decide to include this into the introduction, you might want to (a) keep it as short as possible, (b) refer as much as possible to the concluding section, and (c) keep it well separated from the rest of the introduction.
5. Related work
My suggestion is to postpone this part to the end of the paper, unless there are good reasons for doing otherwise. For instance, one good reason for not following this suggestion is the presence in the literature of a very prominent related work, in which case you might want to give immediately an idea of what are the differences between your work and the prominent one. In general, though, I  find it much easier to have a related works section at the end of the report: one reads it when he has already a good idea of the technical contribution. In this case, include in the introduction a line saying "Related works are discussed in Section ...".
6. The outline (plan of the paper)
Personally, I find it useful only for long reports, otherwise I think it is a waste of paper. But this is my very personal opinion.
Two Extra Tips
Keep the parts well separated.
Introductions in which parts 1&2&3 are not clearly separated from each other are usually very annoying, and are certainly much more demanding to the reviewer in terms concentration and energy. Use "itemize", if possible: it helps.
Keep it short.
Removing everything that is not really necessary is often a very effective strategy for improving an introduction.
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