jenkins 命令行操作說明文檔




java -jar jenkins-cli.jar [-s JENKINS_URL] command[options][args]




1.      help 查看所有內嵌命令的基本功能  無參數


java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -shttp://  help


2.      build                      執行一次構建


JOB                : Name of the job to build 要構建的job名稱

 -c                 : Check for SCM changes before starting the build, andif

                      there's no change, exit without doing a build

 -p                 : Specify the build parameters in the key=value format.

 -rVAL             : Number of times to retry reading of the output log ifit

                      does not exists on first attempt. Defaults to 0. Use

                      with -v.

 -s                 : Wait until the completion/abortion of the command

 -v                 : Prints out the console output of the build. Use with-s

 -w                 : Wait until the start of the command

 --usernameVAL     : User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins

 --passwordVAL     : Password for authentication. Note that passing a

                      passwordin arguments is insecure.

    --password-file VAL : File that contains the password


3.      cancel-quiet-down: Cancel the effect of the "quiet-down"command.

4.      clear-queue: Clears the build queue

5.      connect-node: Reconnect to a node

6.      console:Retrieves console output of a build 顯示某job某次構建的的控制檯輸出


JOB                : Name of the job

 BUILD              : Build number or permalink to point to the build.

                      Defaults to the last build

 -f                 : If the build is in progress, stay around and append

                      console output as it comes, like 'tail -f'

 -nN               : Display the last N lines

 --usernameVAL     : User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins

 --passwordVAL     : Password for authentication. Note that passing a

                      password in arguments is insecure.

   --password-file VAL : File that contains the password


7.      copy-job:Copies a job


 SRC                : Name of the job to copy

 DST                : Name of the new job to be created.

 --usernameVAL     : User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins

 --passwordVAL     : Password for authentication. Note that passing a

                      password in arguments is insecure.

    --password-file VAL : File that contains the password


8.      create-job: Creates a new job by reading stdin as aconfiguration XML file.



   java -jar/home/jboss/.jenkins/jenkins-cli.jar -shttp:// create-job testttt


9.      create-node: Creates a new node by reading stdin as a XMLconfiguration.

10.  delete-builds: Deletes build record(s)


JOB                : Name of the job to build

RANGE             : Range of the build records to delete. 'N-M', 'N,M', or


--usernameVAL     : User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins

--passwordVAL     : Password for authentication. Note that passing a

                      passwordin arguments is insecure.

--password-file VAL : File that contains thepassword


java -jar/home/jboss/.jenkins/jenkins-cli.jar -shttp://  delete-builds3-5


11.  delete-job


NAME               : Job name

--usernameVAL     : User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins

--passwordVAL     : Password for authentication. Note that passing a

                      password in arguments is insecure.

   --password-file VAL : File that contains the password


12.  delete-node  Deletes a node

13.  disable-job   Disables a job 相當於“停止構建”


NAME               : Job name

 --usernameVAL     : User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins

 --passwordVAL     : Password for authentication. Note that passing a

                      passwordin arguments is insecure.

    --password-file VAL : File that contains the password


14.  disconnect-node      Disconnects from a node

15.  enable-job              Enables a job 相當於恢復可構建狀態


NAME               : Job name

 --usernameVAL     : User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins

 --passwordVAL     : Password for authentication. Note that passing a

                      password in arguments is insecure.

    --password-file VAL : File that contains the password


16.  get-job   Dumps the job definition XML to stdout 得到job定義的XML文檔


JOB                : Name of the job

 --usernameVAL     : User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins

 --passwordVAL     : Password for authentication. Note that passing a

                      password in arguments is insecure.

    --password-file VAL : File that contains the password


17.  get-node     Dumps the node definition XML to stdout

18.  groovy       Executes the specified Groovy script.

19.  groovysh    Runs an interactive groovy shell.

20.  help                       Lists all the available commands. 無參數

21.  install-plugin          Installs a plugin either from a file, an URL, or from updatecenter. 安裝插件

22.  install-tool   Performsautomatic tool installation, and print its location to stdout. Canbe only called from inside a build.

23.  keep-build              Mark the build to keep the build forever.

24.  list-changes  Dumps the changelog for thespecified build(s).輸出某一次或幾次構建的變更記錄


JOB                        : Name of the job to build

 RANGE                      : Range of the build records to delete. 'N-M',

                              'N,M', or 'N'

 -format [XML | CSV | PLAIN] : Controls howthe output from this command is


 --usernameVAL             :User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins

 --passwordVAL             : Password for authentication. Note that passing a

                              password in arguments is insecure.

 --password-fileVAL        : File that contains the password


25.  list-jobs      Lists all jobs in a specific view or item group.列出所有的jobs名稱,其後可以接視圖名稱,默認顯示全部


   java -jar/home/jboss/.jenkins/jenkins-cli.jar -s  list-jobsviewname


26.  list-plugins  Outputs a list of installedplugins. 列出安裝的所有插件

27.  login                     Saves the current credential to allow future commands to runwithout explicit credential information.保存登錄狀態


--usernameVAL     : User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins

 --passwordVAL     : Password for authentication. Note that passing a

                      password in arguments is insecure.

    --password-file VAL : File that contains the password


28.  logout        Deletes the credential stored with the login command.註銷

29.  mail           Reads stdin and sends that out as an e-mail.

30.  offline-node           Stop using a node for performing builds temporarily, until the next"online-node" command.

31.  online-node Resume using a node for performing builds, to cancelout the earlier "offline-node" command.

32.  quiet-down  Quiet down Jenkins, in preparationfor a restart. Don?. start any builds.

33.  reload-configuration            Discard all the loaded data in memory and reload everything fromfile system. Useful when you modified config files directly ondisk.重新加載配置文件無參數

34.  restart        Restart Jenkins 重啓Jenkins

35.  safe-restart   Safely restartJenkins 安全重啓Jenkins,即等待已有的構建完成再重啓

36.  safe-shutdown                     Puts Jenkins into the quiet mode, wait for existing builds to becompleted, and then shut down Jenkins.安全關閉Jenkins

37.  session-id               Outputs the session ID, which changes every time Jenkinsrestarts

38.  set-build-description            Sets the description of a build.爲已有構建添加描述


JOB                : Name of the job to build

 BUILD#             : Number of the build

 DESCRIPTION        : Description to be set. '=' to read from stdin.

 --usernameVAL     : User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins

 --passwordVAL     : Password for authentication. Note that passing a

                      password in arguments is insecure.

    --password-file VAL : File that contains the password


39.  set-build-display-name        Sets the displayName of a build重命名默認的構建編號


JOB                : Name of the job to build

 BUILD#             : Number of the build

 DISPLAYNAME        : DisplayName to be set. '-' to read from stdin.

 --usernameVAL     : User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins

 --passwordVAL     : Password for authentication. Note that passing a

                      password in arguments is insecure.

    --password-file VAL : File that contains the password


40.  set-build-parameter   Update/set the buildparameter of the current build in progress


NAME               : Name of the build variable

 VALUE              : Value of the build variable

 --usernameVAL     : User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins

 --passwordVAL     : Password for authentication. Note that passing a

                      password in arguments is insecure.

    --password-file VAL : File that contains the password


41.  set-build-result       Sets the result of the current build. Works only if invoked fromwithin a build.

42.  shutdown    Immediatelyshuts down Jenkins server 立即關閉jenkins

43.  update-job  Updates the job definition XML from stdin. Theopposite of the get-job command

44.  update-node           Updates the node definition XML from stdin. The opposite of theget-node command

45.  version      Outputs the current version. 查看當前版本

46.  wait-node-offline    Wait for a node to become offline

47.  wait-node-online    Wait for a node to become online

48.  who-am-i   Reports your credential andpermissions 查看當前登錄用戶



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