


Without you,I'm as lonely as an abandoned dog on the side of a highway.I have gift angxiety,Even through i don't know when you birthday is.We can spend perfct days shoppint and cleaning together.

I swear, I'll never make wisecracks when you scrape your tires against the curb while parellel parking.



If you consent to live with me,I'll clean the toilet every week.I'll do it with my tongue if you ask.I'll strike the words "Hooters" and "love rockets" from my vocabulary.I love you,Even if your name is MiMi and you want my to pronounce it "May May".I'll only pass gas underneath the covers and only under a direst circumstance.Hell,I'll go on a low cholesterol diet.And i won't buy one of those red sports cars when i hit my mid-life crisis.


Your parent can visit us every week,Even if your mon is a big witch with a capital "B".Your folks don't have to go to a retirement home because they can come live with us.I declare i'll separate the whites from the colors and i learn the mysteries of hot and cold water washes.I'll never huff and puff when waiting for you to put on my makeup.If you're a cat person,I'll nver point out the fact that a dog can save your life from drowning,But a cat can't.I'll so happy to see chick flicks with you.Like "pride and Prejudice".


I'll make a point to trying new food like okra gumbo.I won't curl my nose at vegetables whose awful taste is disguised by having cheese on it.I pledge to always say "yes" when you ask,"Is my hair looking okay tonight?".I'm gonna bring a whole new meaning to the word "Cuddle".I'll gonna save every birthday card you send me!And i'll actually write you a real letters when we're apart.


I'm never gonna expect you to know where i left my car keys,and i'll never leave my socks on the floors.With me you'll find the cap is always on the toothpaste.I'll start wearing those bikini style underwear if you like.My belly button will always be lint free.I want to full-on kiss your clitoris.It will be the most passionate,intimate experience you've ever bad.I declare now,I will give my life for you.And if you fail to come to me,i know some part of me will surely die.





如果你願意和我一起生活,每個周我都會把衛生間打掃得乾乾淨淨,就算你要我用舌頭來打掃我也會那麼幹。我不會再說“Hooters”和“Love rockets”(暫時不知道這兩次詞有什麼別的含義,大概是髒話一類的,文化底蘊不同不能完全理解)。我愛你,即便你的名字叫咪咪但是你希望我深情的叫你美美。我只會在地底下和最糟糕的環境中放屁,日常生活中我會做一些低膽固醇含量的食物。在中年危機出現的時候我也絕不會買一輛紅色的運動跑車。










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