
CEF General Usage(CEF3预览)


CEF全称Chromium Embedded Framework,是一个基于Google Chromium 的开源项目。Google Chromium项目主要是为Google Chrome应用开发的,而CEF的目标则是为第三方应用提供可嵌入浏览器支持。CEF隔离底层Chromium和Blink的复杂代码,并提供一套产品级稳定的API,发布跟踪具体Chromium版本的分支,以及二进制包。CEF的大部分特性都提供了丰富的默认实现,让使用者做尽量少的定制即可满足需求。在本文发布的时候,世界上已经有很多公司和机构采用CEF,CEF的安装量超过了100万。[CEF wikipedia]页面上有使用CEF的公司和机构的不完全的列表。CEF的典型应用场景包括:

  • 嵌入一个兼容HTML5的浏览器控件到一个已经存在的本地应用。
  • 创建一个轻量化的壳浏览器,用以托管主要用Web技术开发的应用。
  • 有些应用有独立的绘制框架,使用CEF对Web内容做离线渲染。
  • 使用CEF做自动化Web测试。

CEF3是基于Chomuim Content API多进程构架的下一代CEF,拥有下列优势:

  • 改进的性能和稳定性(JavaScript和插件在一个独立的进程内执行)。
  • 支持Retina显示器
  • 支持WebGL和3D CSS的GPU加速
  • 类似WebRTC和语音输入这样的前卫特性。
  • 通过DevTools远程调试协议以及ChromeDriver2提供更好的自动化UI测试
  • 更快获得当前以及未来的Web特性和标准的能力




CEF3的二进制包可以在这个页面下载。其中包含了在特定平台(Windows,Mac OS X 以及 Linux)编译特定版本CEF3所需的全部文件。不同平台拥有共同的结构:

  • cefclient
  • Debug
  • include
  • libcef_dll
  • Release
  • Resources
  • tools

Each binary distribution also contains a README.txt file that describes the platform-specific distribution in greater detail and a LICENSE.txt file that contains CEF’s BSD license. When distributing an application based on CEF you should include the license text somewhere in your application’s distribution. For example, you can list it on an “About” or “Credits” page in your application’s UI, or in the documentation bundled with your application. License and credit information is also available inside of a CEF3 browser window by loading “about:license” and “about:credits” respectively.

Applications based on CEF binary distributions can be built using standard platform build tools. This includes Visual Studio on Windows, Xcode on Mac OS X and gcc/make on Linux. The project Downloads page contains information about the OS and build tool versions required for specific binary releases. When building on Linux also pay careful attention to the listed package dependencies.

See the Tutorial Wiki page for detailed instructions on how to create a simple application using the CEF3 binary distribution.

Building from Source Code

CEF can be built from source code either locally or using automated build systems like TeamCity. This requires the download of Chromium and CEF source code via either Subversion (SVN) or Git. The Chromium code base is quite large and building Chromium from source code is only recommended on moderately powerful machines with more than 4GB of RAM. Detailed instructions for building Chromium and CEF from source code are available on the BranchesAndBuilding page.

Sample Application


The cefclient sample application is a complete working example of CEF integration and is included in source code form with each binary distribution. The easiest way to create a new application using CEF is to start with the cefclient application and remove the parts that you don’t need. Many of the examples in this document originate from the cefclient application.


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