原创 光滑的旋轉木馬 - 強制幻燈片具有相同的高度 - Slick carousel - force slides to have the same height

問題: I'm having trouble with the Slick carousel JS plugin with multiple slidesToShow which have different heights.我在使用具有

原创 如何在NSString中找到最後一個子字符串? - How do I find the last occurrence of a substring in an NSString?

問題: How would I get the last occurrence of an NSString within another NSString? 如何在另一個NSString中獲得最後一次出現的NSString? For

原创 我們可以在H1標籤內添加<span>嗎? - Can we add a <span> inside H1 tag?

問題: Is it a proper method to use span tag inside H1 tag? 在H1標籤內使用span標籤是否合適? <h1> <span class="boardit">Portfolio<

原创 如何在 virtualenv 上安裝舊版本的 Django? - How do I install an old version of Django on virtualenv?

問題: This may sound like a stupid question, since the very purpose of virtualenv is to this exactly: Installing some spe

原创 在Visual Studio IDE中使用XSD進行XML驗證 - XML Validation with XSD in Visual Studio IDE

問題: I know I have done this before, but it isn't working today, nor can I find anywhere that explains how to do it. 我知

原创 At what situation I can use Dask instead of Apache Spark? [closed]

問題: Closed . 關閉。 This question is opinion-based . 這個問題是基於意見的。 It is not currently accepting answers. 它目前不接受答案。

原创 你更喜歡在Vim中的緩衝區之間切換? - How do you prefer to switch between buffers in Vim?

問題: I've tried MiniBufExplorer , but I usually end up with several windows showing it or close it altogether. 我已經嘗試過Mi

原创 HTTPURLConnection不跟隨從HTTP重定向到HTTPS - HTTPURLConnection Doesn't Follow Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS

問題: I can't understand why Java's HttpURLConnection does not follow an HTTP redirect from an HTTP to an HTTPS URL. 我不明

原创 Bootstrap 模式:關閉當前,打開新 - Bootstrap modal: close current, open new

問題: I have looked for a while, but I can't find a solution for this.我已經尋找了一段時間,但我找不到解決方案。 I want the following:我想要以下內容:

原创 按多列對多維數組進行排序 - Sort multidimensional array by multiple columns

問題: I'm trying to sort a multidimensional array by multiple keys, and I have no idea where to start.我正在嘗試按多個鍵對多維數組進行排序,

原创 Split a large dataframe into a list of data frames based on common value in column

問題: I have a data frame with 10 columns, collecting actions of "users", where one of the columns contains an ID (not un

原创 如何將後臺線程添加到燒瓶? - How can I add a background thread to flask?

問題: I'm busy writing a small game server to try out flask.我正忙於編寫一個小型遊戲服務器來試用燒瓶。 The game exposes an API via REST to use

原创 爲什麼編程競賽參賽者使用C ++和Java? [關閉] - Why do programming competition contestants use C++ and Java? [closed]

問題: After competing in and following this year's Google Code Jam competition, I couldn't help but notice the incredibl

原创 How to pass boolean values to a PowerShell script from a command prompt

問題: I have to invoke a PowerShell script from a batch file. 我必須從批處理文件調用PowerShell腳本。 One of the arguments to the scrip

原创 如何從擴展的 PHP 類中的靜態調用中獲取類名? - How can I get the classname from a static call in an extended PHP class?

問題: I have two classes: Action and MyAction .我有兩個類: Action和MyAction 。 The latter is declared as:後者聲明爲: class MyAction e