如何在 virtualenv 上安裝舊版本的 Django? - How do I install an old version of Django on virtualenv?


This may sound like a stupid question, since the very purpose of virtualenv is to this exactly: Installing some specific version of a package (in this case Django) inside the virtual environment.這聽起來像是一個愚蠢的問題,因爲virtualenv的真正目的就是:在虛擬環境中安裝某個特定版本的包(在本例中爲 Django)。 But it's exactly what I want to do, and I can't figure it out.但這正是我想要做的,我想不通。

I'm on Windows XP, and I created the virtual environment successfully, and I'm able to run it, but how am I supposed to install the Django version I want into it?我在 Windows XP 上,並且成功創建了虛擬環境,並且能夠運行它,但是我應該如何將我想要的 Django 版本安裝到其中? I mean, I know to use the newly-created easy_install script, but how do I make it install Django 1.0.7?我的意思是,我知道要使用新創建的easy_install腳本,但是如何讓它安裝 Django 1.0.7? If I do easy_install django , it will install the latest version.如果我執行easy_install django ,它將安裝最新版本。 I tried putting the version number 1.0.7 into this command in various ways, but nothing worked.我嘗試以各種方式將版本號1.0.7放入此命令中,但沒有任何效果。

How do I do this?我該怎麼做呢?


參考: https://stackoom.com/en/question/DVk0
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