SP13使用JS讀取social feed 時的報錯 SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'get_context

最近研究SharePoint 2013的 social feature, 參照微軟MSDN上的例子做一個是使用JS讀取social feed的demo.


1. 首先是運行到SP.UserProfiles.js的代碼是報錯:

SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'get_context' 

我debug 了一下,發現報錯的對象是 SocialFeedManager類型的,所以就覆蓋了這個方法

 feedManager.get_context = function () { return clientContext };


2. 微軟的例子裏面使用雙斜槓來傳遞用戶名

var targetUser = 'domain\\alias';

我自己自做聰明,認爲應該是單斜槓  'domain\alias';, 就遇到了這個錯誤:

hexadecimal value 0x0B, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 1072



<script src="/_layouts/15/SP.UserProfiles.js"></script>
<table width="100%" id="tblPosts"></table><br/>
<button id="btnDelete" type="button"></button><br />
<span id="spanMessage" style="color: #FF0000;"></span>

<script type="text/javascript">
// Replace the placeholder value with the account name of the target user.
var targetUser = 'domain\\alias';

// Ensure that the SP.UserProfiles.js file is loaded before the custom code runs.
function ReadFeedOnLoad() {
    // SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(GetFeeds, 'SP.UserProfiles.js');
    SP.SOD.loadMultiple(['SP.Runtime.js', 'sp.js', 'SP.UserProfiles.js'], GetFeeds);
    tblPosts = document.getElementById("tblPosts");

// Declare global variables.
var clientContext;
var feedManager;
var personalFeed;
var newsFeed;
var timelineFeed;
var targetUserFeed;

function GetFeeds() {

    // Initialize the current client context and the SocialFeedManager instance.
    clientContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    feedManager = new SP.Social.SocialFeedManager(clientContext);
    feedManager.get_context = function () { return clientContext };
    // Set parameters for the feed content that you want to retrieve.
    var feedOptions = new SP.Social.SocialFeedOptions();
    feedOptions.set_maxThreadCount(10); // default is 20

    // Get all feed types for current user and get the Personal feed
    // for the target user.
    personalFeed = feedManager.getFeed(SP.Social.SocialFeedType.personal, feedOptions);
    newsFeed = feedManager.getFeed(SP.Social.SocialFeedType.news, feedOptions);
    targetUserFeed = feedManager.getFeedFor(targetUser, feedOptions);

    // Change the sort order to optimize the Timeline feed results.
    timelineFeed = feedManager.getFeed(SP.Social.SocialFeedType.timeline, feedOptions);

    clientContext.executeQueryAsync(CallIterateFunctionForFeeds, RequestFailed);
function CallIterateFunctionForFeeds() {
    IterateThroughFeed(personalFeed, "Personal", true);
    IterateThroughFeed(newsFeed, "News", true);
    IterateThroughFeed(timelineFeed, "Timeline", true);
    IterateThroughFeed(targetUserFeed, "Personal", false);
function IterateThroughFeed(feed, feedType, isCurrentUser) {    
    var feedHeaderRow = tblPosts.insertRow();
    var feedOwner = feedManager.get_owner().get_name();

    // Iterate through the array of threads in the feed.
    var threads = feed.get_threads();
    for (var i = 0; i < threads.length ; i++) {
        var thread = threads[i];
        var actors = thread.get_actors();

        if (i == 0) {

            // Get the name of the target user for the feed header row. Users are 
            // owners of all threads in their Personal feed.
            if (!isCurrentUser) {
                feedOwner = actors[thread.get_ownerIndex()].get_name();
            feedHeaderRow.insertCell().innerText = feedType.toUpperCase() + ' FEED FOR '
                + feedOwner.toUpperCase();

        // Use only Normal-type threads and ignore reference-type threads. (SocialThreadType.Normal = 0)
        if (thread.get_threadType() == 0) {

            // Get the root post's author, content, and number of replies.
            var post = thread.get_rootPost();
            var authorName = actors[post.get_authorIndex()].get_name();
            var postContent = post.get_text();
            var totalReplies = thread.get_totalReplyCount();

            var postRow = tblPosts.insertRow();
            postRow.insertCell().innerText = authorName + ' posted \"' + postContent
                + '\" (' + totalReplies + ' replies)';

            // If there are any replies, iterate through the array and
            // get the author and content. 
            // If a thread contains more than two replies, the server
            // returns a thread digest that contains only the two most
            // recent replies. To get all replies, call the 
            // SocialFeedManager.getFullThread method.
            if (totalReplies > 0) {
                var replies = thread.get_replies();

                for (var j = 0; j < replies.length; j++) {
                    var replyRow = tblPosts.insertRow();

                    var reply = replies[j];
                    replyRow.insertCell().innerText = '  - ' + actors[reply.get_authorIndex()].get_name()
                        + ' replied \"' + reply.get_text() + '\"';
function RequestFailed(sender, args) {
    $get("spanMessage").innerText = 'Request failed: ' + args.get_message();


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