
**20170901 更新 ***


npm i eslint  -g
npm i eslint-plugin-react -g
npm i eslint-config-react-app -g
npm i eslint-plugin-import -g
npm i eslint-loader -g
npm i eslint-plugin-flowtype -g
npm i eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y -g
npm i babel-eslint -g

2.webstorm 配置 eslint

Preference->Tools->External Tools, Click "+“

3.Record the macro
Edit > Macros > Start Macro recording

i. Cmd+Alt+L   (使用editorconfig格式化代碼)

ii. Cmd+Alt+S  (保存)

iii. Tools->External Tools->ESlint Fix

Stop recording the macro clicking on the Stop button on the bottom right of the page.
Give this macro a name like "Format(editorconfig+eslint) and Save"

4.Assing Ctrl+S to "Format(editorconfig+eslint) and Save"
open WebStorm->Preferences;
search for "keymap" and open it;
search "Format(editorconfig+eslint) and Save" and double click the action "Format(editorconfig+eslint) and Save";
select "Add Keyboard Shortcut";
select "Cmd+S" as first stroke.
it will report conflicts. Ignore it and click OK button
WebStorm will show a warning "The shortcut is already assigned to other actions. Do you want to remove other assignments?" Click "Remove" button

5.webstorm的自動格式化需要特殊設置:勾選 Keep when reformatting->Simple methods in one line

console.groupEnd = console.groupEnd || function () {}
console.groupEnd = console.groupEnd || function () {

PS:每次cmd+s的時候,都要顯示ESlint Fix執行結果的命令行窗口,可以通過cmd+4關閉。

**20170827 更新 ***

Bracket Spacing (Print spaces between brackets in object literals)



npm install prettier -g


Preference->Tools->External Tools, Click "+“


3.Record the macro
Edit > Macros > Start Macro recording
Tools->External Tools->prettier,and then cmd+4, and then cmd+4 , and then cmd+alt+s
Stop recording the macro clicking on the Stop button on the bottom right of the page.
Give this macro a name like "Format(prettier) and Save"

4.Assing Ctrl+S to "Format(prettier) and Save"
open WebStorm->Preferences;
search for "keymap" and open it;
search "Format(prettier) and Save" and double click the action "Format(prettier) and Save";
select "Add Keyboard Shortcut";
select "Cmd+S" as first stroke.
it will report conflicts. Ignore it and click OK button
WebStorm will show a warning "The shortcut is already assigned to other actions. Do you want to remove other assignments?" Click "Remove" button





PS: go的fmt已經在語言級別實現保存自動格式代碼了!不需要在ide設置宏!


Record the macro

  1. Edit > Macros > Start Macro recording
  2. Press Cmd+Alt+L, and then Cmd+Alt+S
  3. Stop recording the macro clicking on the Stop button on the bottom right of the page.
  4. Give this macro a name like "Format and Save"

Assing Ctrl+S to "Format and Save"

  1. open WebStorm->Preferences;
  2. search for "keymap" and open it;
  3. search "Format and Save" and double click the action "Format and Save";
  4. select "Add Keyboard Shortcut";
  5. select "Cmd+S" as first stroke.
  6. it will report conflicts. Ignore it and click OK button
  7. WebStorm will show a warning "The shortcut is already assigned to other actions. Do you want to remove other assignments?" Click "Remove" button

That's it.

PS: websotrm自帶的format其實是EditorConfig,可以在項目下新增一個.editorconfig 文件,覆蓋默認的規則:
root = true

indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
insert_final_newline = false

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