

1 賬簿的單詞
absorption account 費用或成本分攤帳戶, 附屬帳
abstract account 摘要[月計]帳戶
account in arrear 積欠
account in bankruptcy 破產帳款(戶)
account of business 營業報告書, 損益表, 營業科目
account of cash in vault 庫存現金簿
account of credit sales 賒銷帳戶
account of executors 遺產清冊
account of receipts and payments 收支表
account of return 報酬的說明
account of the exchequer 國庫帳
account of treasury 公庫帳, 金庫帳, 國庫帳
account to give 支出帳目
accounts of assets 資產臺帳
accounts to be credited 應列貸方科目
accretion account 增殖帳戶
accrued debit account 應收款項帳戶
accrued dividends account 應計股利帳
accumulation accounts 累積帳戶
active bank account 尚有存款的銀行戶頭
activity account 業務帳戶
adjunct account 增價[附加, 附屬]帳戶
adjust account 整理[清理]帳目
adjust accounts 復算, 覈算
adjusting account 調整帳戶
advance account 預支款
advances received account 預收款帳戶
adventure account 特種委託帳(投機買賣帳)
affiliated account 附屬帳戶
agency account 代理帳; 代理機構會計
agio account 貼水帳目
agreement account 支付協定帳目
aid account 經濟援助帳戶
all banks account 全國銀行帳戶
annual account 年度帳
annuity trust account 年金信託戶
applied manufacturing expenses account 製造費用分攤帳戶
appropriation account 撥款帳, 盈餘分撥帳
arbitrage accounts 定裁帳, 國外轉匯[套匯]帳
assets and liabilities accounts 資產及負債帳戶
assets reduction account 資產減項帳戶
assigned account 擔保帳戶
attached account 法院查封帳戶
audited accounts 審計決算
authorized capital stock account 法定股本帳戶
auxiliary account 輔助帳戶
back-to-back account 對開帳戶
bad and doubtful account 壞帳與呆帳
balance account 結餘[軋平]帳目, 差額清算, 決算帳戶
balance sheet accounts 資產負債表帳戶
bank check account 銀行支票戶
bear account 賣主帳, 空頭賬戶
bills account 票據帳目
bills rediscounted account 再貼現票據帳戶
blocked (money) account 凍結[封存]帳戶
bond account 債券帳戶
bond investment account 債券投資帳項
bonds and shares account 公債及股票帳戶
bonus account 紅利帳戶, 獎金帳目, 差額帳
book account 帳面借貸科目; 往來帳戶
branch accounts 聯行帳, 支店(分店)帳戶, 分類帳,
branch control account 分支機構統制帳戶
branch office general account 支店往來帳戶
budget account 預算帳戶[科目]
budgetary expenditures account 預算支出帳戶
budgetary receipts account 預算收入帳戶
bull account 買主帳, 多頭賬
business fund account 業務資金帳項
capital account (C/A) 資本帳戶, 股本帳; 國際收支的資本項目
capital adjustment account 資本調整帳戶
capital assets account 固定[資本]資產帳戶
capital expenditure account 資本支出帳戶, 基本建設支出帳戶
capital stock account 股本帳
capital stock and surplus account 股本及公積金帳戶
capital-in-excess account 超額[溢收]資本帳戶
card account 總帳科目分類表
cash account 現金帳戶
cash over and short account 現金盈虧帳戶
certified account 經(會計師)證明的帳目
charge account 零售記帳, 記帳; 賒購制
charges account 雜費帳目
check account 對帳查帳; 支票帳戶
cheque account 支票帳戶, 活期存款帳戶
clearence account 結算帳戶
clearing account 待整理帳戶; 過渡[暫記]帳戶, 算帳戶
closed account 已結帳; 結清的帳戶
closing balance account 終結餘額科目
collect accounts 收帳
collecting-allocating account 集合分配帳戶
collective account 統制帳戶[科目]; 集合帳戶
combined account 混合帳戶
commercial account 商業往來帳戶; 廠商價款
commercial clearing account 貿易清算帳戶
commission account 酬勞費帳目
common account 共同帳戶
consignment account 委託銷售帳目
consignor 's sales account 寄銷人銷售帳戶
consolidated fund abstract account 統一基金摘要會計報告
construction account 建築工程帳戶
consumed accounts 消費帳
continuing account 繼續結轉帳戶; 連續帳戶
contra account 對方[對銷]帳戶, 抵銷科目, 軋帳方式
contra-asset account 資產對銷科目[抵消帳戶]
contractor 's account 承包商帳
contra-revenue account 收入抵消帳戶
contra-valuation account 對銷計價帳戶
control account 統制[統馭]帳目
controlled accounts 補助[明細]帳戶
controlled-resident account 居民外幣管制帳戶
conversion account 換算[兌換]帳戶, 轉換帳
correspondent account 通匯銀行的對應帳戶, 代理帳戶
corresponding account 出入相抵帳目, 對應帳戶
cost account 成本帳戶
cost applied account 實支成本帳戶, 實支費用帳
cost incurred account 已發生成本帳戶, 實際費用帳戶
cost of sales account 銷售成本帳
cost-calculation account 成本計算帳戶
credit sale account 賒銷顧客帳戶
creditaccount 賒(欠)帳;信貸帳
creditor 's account 債權人帳戶
cross offaccounts 銷帳
current account 經常[往來]帳戶
current deposit account 活期存款帳戶
current savings account 活期儲蓄存款
custody account 委託保管帳戶
debenture account 債券帳戶
debt payable account 應付債款帳戶[帳目]
debtor account 借方[收項]帳目
debtor and creditor account 債權債務帳戶
deceased account 存款人已死亡的銀行帳戶
deferred account 延期帳; 遞延帳戶
deferred assets accounts 遞延資產帳戶
deferred charges account 遞延費用帳戶
deficit account 虧損帳戶
delinquent accounts 拖欠帳款, 過期客帳
departmental account 分部帳戶, 分類帳
departmental trading accounts 分類營業計算
deposit account 儲款購書戶, 開戶訂購單位, 存款帳, 提存帳戶
deposit combined account 綜合存款帳戶
depreciation account 折舊帳戶
disbursement account 支付帳
discretionary account 委託帳戶
divided account 補助帳
dividend account 股息帳戶[目]
dividend bank account 股息存款專戶
dock landing account 碼頭卸貨帳單
domestic exchange unsettled account 國內匯兌未清結帳戶
donated surplus account 捐贈盈餘帳
donation account 捐贈帳戶
double column ledger account 雙欄分類帳戶
double entry account 複式會計
drawing account 出支款項, 提款帳戶; 預支佣金[工薪], 業主提款[往來]帳戶
entry account 登帳
equalization account 平均股息帳
equalization reserve account 外匯平衡準備帳戶, 平均準備帳戶
equity account 剩餘財產帳
equity accounts 主權帳戶
exchange equalization account 外匯平衡帳戶[平準帳項]
exchange stabilization account 外匯穩定帳戶
expenditure account 開支[支出]帳目
expense account 開支帳, 費用帳, 營業費帳
export account 出口往來帳戶
external accounts 境外帳戶
factory ledger controlling account 工廠分類帳統制帳戶
false account 假帳
farm trust account 農業信託帳戶
Federal sector account 美國的聯邦部門收支帳戶, 聯邦預算國民收入帳戶
fee checking account 收費支票戶
fictitious account 虛僞帳戶
fiduciary account 託管戶
final accounts 決算帳戶, 期末帳單, 總結性報告; 結論
financial assets and liabilities accounts 金融資產負債帳
financial transaction accounts 財務往來帳戶
finished goods account 製成品帳戶
finished goods inventory account 製成品存貨帳
fixed account 定期存款
flow-of-funds accounts (FOF a/c) 資金流量帳戶
foreign agents accounts 國外代理人帳戶
foreign currency account 存在國外的外幣帳戶
foreign exchange account 外匯帳
foreign exchange equalization account 外匯平衡帳戶
frozen account 凍結帳戶
fund account 基金帳戶
general account 一般會計, 普通帳(戶), 總帳, 總決算, 往來對帳單
general fund account 普通基金帳戶
general fund appropriation account 普通基金撥款帳戶
general fund receipt account 普通資金收入帳戶, 資金收入總帳
general ledger accounts 總分類帳戶
general profit and loss account 總損益帳
head office general account 總公司[總行, 總店]往來帳戶
hire charge account 租費帳
hypothecated account 抵押帳戶
immovables account 不動產帳目
import bill payable account 應付進口匯票帳戶
import credit account 進口收入帳戶
import debit account 進口支出帳戶
imprest cash account 定額備用金帳戶
in account with 與...有生意來往
inactive account (I.A.) 靜止帳戶
income account 損益表, 收益帳, 損益計算書
income distribution account 收入分配帳戶
income statement account 成果[損益]帳戶
income summary account 損益彙總帳戶
indent account 委託代買品帳目, 代辦帳戶, 訂購品帳目
individual retirement account 個人退休金帳戶
individual's account 個體計算, 分戶帳目
instalment receivable account 應收分期帳款
inter-bank account 聯行帳戶
inter-branch account 聯行往來帳戶
inter-company accounts 聯營公司間往來帳戶
inter-departmental account 部門間往來帳戶
interest account 利息帳戶
interest-bearing check account 有息[計息]支票戶
inter-fund account 基金間往來帳戶
intermediate account 媒介[中間]帳戶, 期內帳單
international equalization account 國際平衡帳戶
inventory account 存貨帳
inventory suspense account 存貨暫記帳戶
investment account 投資帳(戶)
issuing account 發行帳戶
itemized account 明細帳
journal account 流水帳
keep account with 與 ... 繼續交易, 與...有帳務往來
keep accounts 記帳
labour cost account 勞務費帳戶
landing account 起貨單, 卸貨報告; 棧單
ledger accounts 分類帳帳戶, 總帳, 分戶帳
liability account 負債帳戶[表]
liquidated account 已清算帳戶
liquidation account 清算變產表, 清理帳戶
loan account 貸款[放款]帳戶
long account 多頭帳戶, 經紀人用僱客證券或貨品登記簿
loss and gain account 損益帳
lot and building account 房地產帳
machinery account 機器
margin account 證券交易中的顧客保證金戶
master control account 總統馭帳戶
master's account 所有主帳
mate account 對應科目
material purchased account 材料採購帳
memorandum account 備查帳冊(即在資產負債以外的備忘記錄)
merchandise inventory account 商品庫存帳戶
merchandise purchases account 進貨帳戶
merchandise sales account 銷貨帳戶
merchandise trading account 商品購銷[貿易]帳戶
miscellaneous accounts 雜項帳戶
mixed account 混合帳戶
money account 現金帳
mutual currency account (MCA) 相互通貨帳戶
mutually offsetting accounts 對比帳戶
national account 國民覈算[帳戶], 國民收入和生產覈算帳戶
national capital account 國民資本帳戶
national income account 國民所得帳戶, 國民收入覈算帳戶
national income and product account 國民收入和生產帳戶
natural expense account 按性質分類費用帳戶
negative assets account 負資產科目
net cost account 進價的淨價帳戶, 進貨純價帳
net profit and loss account 純損益計算
net worth accounts 淨值帳戶
nominal accounts 名義帳目, 名目帳, 非實物帳, 損益帳戶
nominal capital account 名義股本帳戶
non-commercial accounts 非貿易帳戶
non-personal account 非人名帳戶
non-resident account 無戶籍存戶(指國外的外國人存戶)
note payable account 應付票據帳
note receivable account 應收期票帳
number account 不列戶名、僅以數字編號的(存款)帳戶
numbered account 帳號
office building account 營業用房屋帳
office expenses account 辦公費帳
offset account 抵銷帳戶
offset against accounts 帳款抵銷
on one's own account 爲了自己 依靠自己 自擔風險
open account (OA) 未結清帳戶, 公開帳戶, 無保證賒欠戶, 應收帳款; 貿易帳戶;
open an account with 與...開一往來戶頭; 開了...的頭
open consignment account 未清寄銷帳
opening balance account 期初差額帳
operating account 營業帳戶
operating result accounts 業務成果帳戶
opposite accounts 對方科目, 相對帳目
outlay accounts 支出帳戶
outstanding account 應收[未清]帳款; 未付帳單, 未結算帳目
over-and -short account 零星差額帳戶, 長短數帳戶
overdraft account 透支帳戶, 往來存款透支帳
overdue account 逾期帳款, 過期未付帳款
overhead account 管理[間接]費用帳戶
overlapped account 重複帳戶
partly convertible account 部分可兌換帳戶
partner's drawing account 合夥人提款帳戶
pass to the account of 併入...帳內
past due account 過期帳款
pay ... on account 把...付作定錢
payable account 應付帳款
payee's account 收[受]款人帳戶
per contra account 對照(應)帳戶
permanent account 實帳戶, 永久帳戶
personal account 業主往來帳戶, 人名帳戶, 人名帳
petty cash account 零用現金帳
petty expenses account 雜費帳
place to the account of 併入...帳內
pool account 暫記帳(即待分配的費用帳戶)
postal transfer deposit account 郵政匯劃[劃撥]儲金帳戶
posting accounts 過帳
prepaid expense account 預付費用帳
primary account 主要[初級]帳戶
principal account 主要帳戶
private account 私人帳戶
production cost account 生產成本帳戶
profit account 利潤帳戶
profit and loss account 損益帳[表], 盈虧計算
profit and loss adjustment account 損益調整帳戶
profit and loss appropriation account 損益分配帳(戶)
property account 財產清查[帳戶]
property managing account 財產管理帳
proprietary account 業主帳戶; 所有主帳戶
proprietorship account 業主帳戶; 所有主帳戶
provisional account 臨時帳戶
purchase account 購料帳; 進貨帳
purchase price adjustment account 買價調整帳戶
quarterly account 季度帳
real estate account 不動產帳; 房地產帳
receivable account 應收帳款; 應收款帳戶
receiving account 收入帳
reciprocal account 相對[對方, 相互]帳戶
reckon accounts 結帳, 算帳
reconciliation account 調節[協調]帳戶
reconciling bank account 覈對銀行存款帳戶, 調節銀行存款帳戶
regional account 計算國民收入的地區帳戶
regular bank account 普通銀行存款戶
reliable account 可靠帳戶
remit account 劃帳
render account 開出帳目; 結帳; 送呈帳單
render an account 開送帳單; 報帳
rent account 租金帳
repair and maintenance account 修繕費帳
reserve account 公積金帳; 準備金帳戶
reserve fund account 儲備基金帳戶
residential account 居民帳戶(住在本國居民的帳戶)
returned purchases account 進貨退出[回]帳
returned sales account 銷貨退回帳戶
revaluation account 重估價帳戶
revenue account 營業收入帳戶[會計], 收益帳, 進款帳
revenue and expenditure account 出入[收支]帳目
revolving funds account 週轉資金帳
run up an account 賒欠, 掛賬; 負債; 登賬
running account 流水[往來]帳戶
sale on account 賒銷
salvage account 殘廢料帳戶
savings account 儲蓄帳戶
secondary account 附屬帳戶, 次級帳戶
sector accounts 部門帳戶
secured accounts 擔保帳戶[款]
securities account 證券帳戶
send in an account 開送帳單; 報帳
separate account 專帳
sequestered account 根據法院命令查封的帳戶
service account 勞務帳
settle another's account 墊帳
share draft account 股金提款帳戶
short account 拋空[賣空]帳戶
short landing account 短卸帳單
short period cost account 短期成本帳戶
simple cost account 品別成本帳戶
single account 個人帳戶
skeleton accounts T 字形帳戶
sleeping account 停滯帳目
small saving account 零星蓄儲存款
society account 社團帳戶
special account 專用帳戶; 特種帳單
special account for traffic revenue 運輸收入專戶
special current account 特別往來存款
special drawing account 特別提款權帳戶
special fund appropriation accounts 特種基金撥款帳戶
special fund receipt accounts 特種基金收入帳戶
special surplus account 特別公積金帳戶, 特別準備金
specified account 專用帳戶; 特種帳單
standing job accounts 經常工作帳戶
state appropriation account 國家撥款帳戶
statistical account 統計帳戶
stock account 存貨帳, 股份或股本帳目, 資本帳
stock record account 庫存記錄帳
storage charge account 存儲費帳
store imprest account 備用材料帳
sub-control account 局部統制帳戶
subscriber's account 用戶帳單
subsidiary ledger accounts 輔助[明細]分類帳戶
substitution account 替代帳戶
successor account 備付帳戶
summary account 彙總帳戶
sundries personal account 各種人名帳目
sundry account 雜項帳戶
supplementary account 補充帳單
surplus account 盈餘滾存帳戶, 公積金帳戶, 滾存款帳; 盈餘帳
surplus adjustments account 盈餘提撥[調整]帳
surplus appropriation account 盈餘分配帳戶
suspense account 暫匯(臨時)帳戶, 暫記帳戶, 未定帳, 懸帳
suspense payments account 暫付款帳戶
suspense receipts account 暫收款帳戶
swing account 自動調整結算
system account 制度帳戶
T account "T" 字式帳戶
tandem account 存款貨款串聯帳戶
tax equalization account 稅金平準帳戶
tax payable account 應付稅款帳戶
tax-accrual trust account 應繳稅款信託帳戶
technical account 業務帳單
temporary proprietorship account 暫記資本帳戶
temporary receipts account 暫記收入帳戶
term-end account 期末帳額
terminal account 終結帳戶
thrift account 儲蓄[節約]帳戶
trading accounts 購銷帳, 貿易[營業]帳戶, 營業表
transaction account 交易帳戶
transfer appropriation account 轉帳撥款帳戶
transferable account 可轉撥帳戶
transit account 未達帳
transition account 跨期分攤帳戶
treasury stock account 庫存股票帳戶
trust account 信託[託管]財產; 信託帳戶
trust fund account 信託基金帳戶
trustee's account 受託人帳戶
trustee's cash account 管理人[清算人, 受託人]現金帳戶
unbalanced account 未結算帳戶
un-collectible account 壞帳, 呆帳
underwriting account 保險帳戶
unliquidated account 未清帳目
unpaid account 尚未付訖的帳款, 帳款未清, 未付帳目
unsecured account 無擔保帳項[債權], 無保證的帳戶
unsettled account 懸帳, 未決帳項, 未結帳
vacation club account 零存整取度假儲蓄
valuation account 估價[計價]帳戶
variance accounts 差異帳戶
vendor's accounts 賣主帳
venture account 投機買賣帳戶
vouchers account 憑單帳戶
working account 往來帳戶, 活期借貸帳戶
writing-off uncollectible accounts 註銷壞帳

2 關於帳簿的單詞
ledger 分類帳,分戶帳,總帳,總帳戶
abstract ledger 摘要分類帳
acceptance ledger 承兌票據分類帳
account payable ledger 應付款明細表
accumulative ledger 累計式分類帳
agent's accountability ledger 代理會計責任明細表
allotment ledger 預算分配表
appropriation ledger 歲出撥款分類帳
appropriation expenditure ledger 經費支出分類帳
attached ledger 查封帳冊
attachment ledger 查封帳冊
auxiliary ledger 輔助分類帳
balancing ledger 餘額欄式分類帳, 差額式總(分類)帳
bank account ledger 銀行往來分類帳
binding ledger 訂本式分類帳
bonus ledger 紅利總帳
Boston [tabular, tabulated] ledger 波士頓式分類帳, 表式分類帳, 多欄式分類帳
bought ledger 應付帳款分類帳
bound ledger 裝訂式分類帳
branch ledger 分支機構分類帳
card ledger 卡片式分類帳
center-ruled ledger 中欄分類帳
claimants ledger 債權人分戶帳
client ledger 顧客總帳, 委託人總分類帳
closing ledger 結帳
columnar ledger 多欄式總帳
combined cost and general ledger 聯合成本及普通分類帳
combined journal and ledger 日記總帳, 聯合日記(時序)分類帳
consignment ledger 委託銷售總帳
consolidated ledger 合併分類帳
consumable ledger 消耗品總帳
controlling ledger 統馭分類帳
cost ledger 成本分類帳
creditor ledgers 債權人總帳; 進貨總帳
current account ledger 活期存款總帳
customers ledger 客戶分戶帳
debtor's ledger 債務人分戶帳
deposit ledger 存款總帳
detailed ledger 明細分類帳
distribution ledger 分部帳(費用)
eliminations ledger 抵除項目分類帳
expense ledger 費用分類帳
factory ledger 工廠總帳
factory expense ledger 製造費用分類帳
finished goods ledger 製成品分戶帳
finished parts ledger 製成零配件分類帳
finished products ledger 製成品分類帳
fixed assets ledger 固定資產帳
float ledger 兌現帳
general ledger 總清帳, 總分類帳, 普通分類帳, 總帳
general ledger for properties and commodities 財產商品總分類帳
head office ledger 總店總帳
impersonal ledger 非人名總帳
indent ledger 委託代買品總帳
individual ledger 個人總帳
intermediate ledger 中級分類帳
investment ledger 投資分類帳
invoice ledger 進貨總帳
job cost ledger 分批成本分類帳; 令單成本分類帳
journal ledger 日記總帳
key ledger 主要分類帳
machinery ledger 機器分類帳
magnetic ledger (計算機用)磁性帳冊
magnetic striped ledger 【自】磁條分類帳記錄紙
manufacturing expense ledger 製造費用分類帳
manufacturing overhead ledger 製造費明細總帳
material ledger 原料明細分類帳
memorandum ledger 備忘分類帳
merchandise ledger 商品分類帳, 商品總帳
nominal ledger 名目帳項總帳
nostro ledger 存放國外同業總帳
open ledger 未決算分類帳
operating ledger 營業收支分類帳
payment ledger 支出分類帳
personal ledger 人名分類帳
plant ledger 工廠資產分類帳
private ledger 祕密總帳; 機密分類帳; 機要分類帳
profit and loss ledger 損益分類帳
progressive ledger 累計式分類帳
property ledger 財產分類帳
purchase ledger 進貨分類帳
raw materials ledger 原料分類帳
receipts ledger 收入分類帳
revenue ledger 收入分類帳
sales ledger 銷貨帳, 銷貨客戶分類帳
sectional ledger 分組分類帳
sectional balancing ledger 分組平衡分類帳
securities ledger 有價證券總帳
securities investment ledger 投資總帳
self-balancing ledger 自動平衡總帳
share ledger 股份總帳
sold ledger 售貨總帳, 銷貨客戶總帳
special ledger 特別總帳
statement ledger 簿記用紙
statistical ledger 統計臺帳
stock ledger 股東分戶帳; 存貨分類帳
stockholders' ledger 股東分戶帳
store ledger (工業簿記)原料品總帳
stores ledger 材料分類帳
stores ordered ledger 定購材料分類帳
subscribers' ledger 認股分戶帳
subscription ledger 認股總分類帳
subsidiary [special] ledger 輔助分類帳, 明細分類帳
subsidiary appropriation ledger 歲出預算明細分類帳
subsidiary ledger for properties 財產明細分類帳
subsidiary ledger of material 材料明細帳
subsidiary revenue ledger 歲入補助(明細)分類帳
tabular ledger 表式總帳, 多欄式分類帳
transfer ledger 活頁分類帳
treasury remittance ledger 國庫匯款分類帳
trial balance subsidiary ledger 明細帳科目餘額試 算表
trust fund ledger 信託基金總帳
wages ledger 工資分類帳
work-order ledger 工作通知單分類帳

3 關於報表的單詞.
accounting statement 會計報表
adjusted income statement 調整後損益計算書
all-inclusive income statement 總括性損益表
all-purpose financial statements 通用決算表
analytical statement 分析報表
annual statement of receipt and expenditure 年度收支決算書
annual financial statement 年度財務報表
appropriation statement 歲出預算報表
articulation statement 借貸關節表
artificial statement 多欄式計算書
asset-and-liabilitystatement [美]資產負債表
average statement 海損理算書
balance statement 餘額明細表
balance statement of conditions of the treasury 國庫狀況表
bank statement 銀行結單[報表]
bank deposit reconciliation statement 銀行存款調節表
bank reconciliation statement 銀行往來調節表, 銀行覈對單
branch statements 分支機構報表
branch financial statement 分支機構損益計算書
budget statement 預算書
budgeted income statement (=pro forma income statement) 預計[計劃]損益計算書
burden statement 間接成本[費用]表
capital statement 資本變動表
capital surplus statement 公積金計算書
capital-reconciliation statement 資本協調錶
carrier's statement 商務記錄
cash statement 現金報表; 庫存表
cash daily statement 現金日計表
cash flow statement 現金流量表, 現金收支一覽表
certified financial statement 已簽證財務報表
charge-and-discharge statement 經營及支出報告表, 遺產報告表, 資金運用表
claim statement 損失索賠清單; 起訴狀
clearing house statement 票據交換所報表
combined financial statement 合併財務報表
combined income statement 合併損益計算書
combined profit and loss statement 合併損益計算書
combined statement 聯合決算表, 合併表
combined statement of cash receipts and disbursement 現金收支彙總表
combined statement of income and earned surplus 損益與公積金合併計算書
combined statement of income and retained earnings 損益及保留盈餘合併表
combined statement of receipts and expenditures balances, etc. 收支餘額等一覽表
combined statement of revenues -estimated and actual general and special revenue funds 估計歲入和實際歲入合併表—普通歲入基金和特種歲入基金
common dollar financial statement 不變幣值財務報表, 共同貨幣財務報表
common-size financial statements 百分率財務報表
comparative statements 比較(財務)報表, 比較計算書
comparative statement of actual and estimated profit and loss 預期損益與實際損益比較表
comparative statement of cost per production hour 生產小時成本比較表
comparative statement of monthly cost per productive hour 生產小時每月成本比較表
comparative statement of monthly operative cost per unit 每月單位作業成本比較表
comparative statement of operation cost 作業成本比較表
comparative statement of order costs 分批成本比較表
comparative statement of product costs 產品成本比較表
comparative statement of revenue and expense 收入與費用比較表
comparative financial statement 比較財務報表
comparative income statement 比較收入表, 比較損益計算書
comparative operating statement 比較營業表
composite percentage statement 綜合百分比決算表
compositive fund statement 綜合基金錶
condensed income statement 簡明損益計算書
conditional statement 條件語言
conglomerate financial statement 聯合企業財務報表
consolidated statement 彙總報表
consolidated statement of cost of goods sold 合併銷貨成本表
consolidated statement of resources and obligations 彙總資產負債表
consolidated financial statement 包括子公司的財務報表
consolidated income statement 損益彙報表
consolidated retained earnings statement 統一盈餘留存表
consolidated surplus statement 綜合[合併]盈餘表
corporate proxy statement 公司委託聲明書
cost statement 成本表
counting statements 會計報表的編制方法
credit statement 信用報告書
current operating (performance) income statement 本期[經常]營業損益表
current purchasing power statement 按現時購買力編制的財務報表
customers statement 客戶結單
cut-off statement 截止日報表
daily statement of account 每日[月]對帳單
monthly statement of account 每日[月]對帳單
declarative statement 聲明書
deficit reconciliation statement 虧損額計算書
departmen-tal income statement 部門損益計算書
descriptive financial statement 附有說明書的損益計算書
detailed statement of accounts 帳戶明細表
detailed supporting statement 明細附表
discussion statement 討論表(即討論式決算表)
distribution statement 發行說明(即在技術文件的封面或扉頁上, 說明文件的密級、發行控制範圍等內容)
distribution statement of service cost 服務費用分配表
dynamic statement 動態報-3表1
earned surplus statement 盈餘公積計算書, 營業公積金錶
earnings statement 損益表
environmental statement 環境報告
environmental impact statement 環境影響評介; 環境預斷評介
estimatedstatement 估計表
expenses statement 費用表
explanatory statement 敘述式決算表
final statement of accounts 往來帳目結算書
financial statement 財政[務]決算
financial position statement 財務狀況表; 資產負債表
fiscal statement 會計報表
flow-of-funds statements 資金流量表
footnotes accompanying statements 附有腳註的財務報表
functional statement 按職能分列的計算書
fund statement (=statement of changes in financial position) 資金變動情況表, 財務狀況變動表
funds flow statement 資金流量表
general average statement 共同海損理算書
general price level adjusted statement 按綜合物價水平調整的報表
general purpose statements 通用決算表
giving-effect statement 預期報表
graphic statement 圖形決算表
group financial statement 分組合並的財務報表
income statement 所得[損益]計算書
interest statement 息單
interim statements 期中決算表(指決算前所編的決算表), 中期報表
interim financial statement 中期財務報表
interim income statement 期中損益計算書
interim-earnings statement 期中盈利報表
manufacturingstatement 製造成本表
material(s)statement 原材料表
mathe-matical statement 數學的陳述
monthly statement of accounts 每月對帳單
monthly financial statement 月結表, 月份財務報表
monthly income statement 月份損益計算書
multiple-step income statement 多級損益表
numerical statement 統計
objective statement (以費用的直接形式與用途表示的)用途別費用報表
one hundred percent statement 百分率表
operating-performance income statement 營業實績收益表
operation statement 營業表, 損益表
partial income statement 部分損益表
periodic(al) statement 定期報表
periodic statistical statement 定期統計報表
pictorial statement 圖形(決算)表
planned statement of nonoperating profit and loss 營業外損益計劃表
planned statement of standardized current capital 定額流動資金計劃表
position statement 財務狀況表(資產負債表)
premium statement 保險費帳單
prepare statement 編報表
price level adjusted statement 按價格水平調整的報表
principal statement 主要報表
pro forma statement 暫編報表, 暫編決算表, 預測報表
pro forma income statement (=budgeted income statement) 預計[計劃]損益計算書
production statement 生產狀況表
profit commission statement 純益手續費帳單
projected financial statement 預編財務報表
projected income statement 預計損益計算書
proxy statement 股東簽署的委託書
recapitulation statement 摘要表, 彙總表
reconciliation statement 調節表; (會計)對帳表
reconciliation statement of account 帳戶調節表
registration statement 有價證券申請上市登記表
reserve statement 保留指令
retained earnings statement 營業盈餘表, 保留收益表
separate statement 附加聲明
settling clerk's statement 清算表
single purpose statement 專用報表
special purpose statement 專用決算表
static statement 靜態財務報告
summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements 現金收支總表
summary statement of development credits 開發信貸彙總表
summary statement of receipt and expenditures 收支彙總表
summary statement of resources and obligations 資產負債總表
supporting statements 附表, 分表
surplus statement 盈餘表
tabular statement 計算表
trading statement 購貨表; 購銷表
trailer statement 結束語句
two-section income statement 兩部式損益表
unaudited financial statements 未審覈財務報表
under statement 少報
unit income statement 單位損益計算書
where-got where-gone statement 資產來源和運用表
withholding statement 扣繳稅款清單[憑單]
written statement 書面聲明, 文告
written statement of claim 起訴的書面說明; 索賠清單
statements in the instrument 票據[證券]上的記載事項
statement of acceptance 支票上的承兌說明
statement of account 對帳單, 結單
statement of accumulated net income 累計淨收益計算書
statement of actual and estimated expenditures 實際和預計支出對照表
statement of actual and estimated revenue 實際和預計收入對照表
statement of affairs 資產負債結算表, 清算式資產負債表, 財產狀況說明書
statement of application of fund 資金運用表
statement of appropriation of net income 淨收入分配計算表
statement of assets 資產目錄
statement of balance of payments 國際收支表
statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured 製成品預算成本表
statement of business operation 營業表[損益表]
statement of cash in treasury 庫存現金錶
statement of cash in vault 庫存表
statement of cash receipts and disbursements 現金收支表
statement of cash receipts disbursements and balance 現金收支及結存表
statement of changes in financial position 資金變動情況表, 財務狀況變動表
statement of changes in general reserve 一般儲備變動表
statement of changes in resources available for commitment 可供承付的資金變動表
statement of changes in retained earnings 留存收益變動表
statement of changes in surplus 盈餘變動表
statement of claim in arbitration proceedings 仲裁程序中提出的申請
statement of claim or defence relating to the substance of the dispute 關於訟事事項的原告或被告的陳述
statement of condition 財務狀況計算書, 借貸對照表
statement of cost and production 成本及產量表
statement of cost of goods manufactured (=manufacturing account) 製成品成本表
statement of cost of manufacture (=statement of cost of production) 生產成本表
statement of cost to manufacture and cost of goods sold 製造及銷售成本表
statement of current accounts 往來帳目明細表
statement of current position 流動情況表
statement of debit account 負債一覽表
statement of development credits approved 批准的開發信貸報表
statement of dishonour (票據)拒付或拒絕承兌的聲明
statement of expenditures and encumbrance compared with appropriation 支出及保留數與覈定撥款數比較表
statement of financial accounting standards 財務會計標準說明書
statement of financial condition 財務狀況表
statement of financial income and expenses 財務收益及費用表
statement of financial operations 財務情況表, 金融業務情況表
statement of funds and its application 資金運用表
statement of income and expenditure 收支表, 損益表
statement of income and profit-and-loss 總括性損益表
statement of inspection 檢驗報告
statement of liquidation 破產清算書
statement of loans approved 批准的貸款項目表
statement of loss and profit 損益表, 損益計算表
statement of operating expense 營業費用表
statement of operating revenue 營業收入表
statement of partner's capitals 合夥人資本表
statement of partnership liquidation 合夥清算表
statement of payment 付款報告單
statement of production cost 生產成本報告表
statement of production expenses 生產費用表
statement of profit calculation 利潤計算表
statement of protest 異議書
statement of realization and liquidation 變產清理書, 清理實況表
statement of receipts and disbursements 收支表
statement of receipts and disbursements and cash balance 現金收支及結存表
statement of receipts and disbursements of cash 現金收支表
statement of resources and application of funds 資金來源及運用表
statement of resources and liabilities 資產負債表
statement of resources and their application 資金運用表
statement of revenues and expenditures 收支對照表
statement of revenue estimated and actual 預計與實際收入比較表
statement of selling and administrative expenses 銷售及管理費用表
statement of settlement 清算書
statement of shorts 丟失貨物說明書
statement of source and application of fund 資金來源運用表
statement of sources and assets of fund (=statement of sources and disposition of funds) 資金來源及運用表
statement of stockholder's equity 股東權益表
statement of stockholder's investment 股東權益計算書
statement of stockholders' net worth 股東權益淨值計算書
statements of the bill of exchange 提單上的記載事項
statement of transfers from IBRD 國際復興開發銀行撥來資金報告書
statement of variation in profit 利益增減分析表
statement of voting power and subscriptions and supplementary resources 投票權, 認繳款項與補充資金報告書
statement of working capital 營運資本表
statement of working capital changes 運用資本增減表
statement on auditing standards 審計標準說明書
statement to customers 購貨客戶結單

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