聽All Rise -- Blue


  今天又聽了不知多少遍All Rise。 實在是好聽,對於它,我的言語不能評價。   建議都聽

歌曲名:All Rise     歌手名:Blue.   專輯名:All Rise                                                                                

Your Honour please Gotta believe what I say
What I will tell Happened just the other day
I must confess
Cause I’ve had about enough I need your help
Gotta make this here thing stop
Baby I swear I’ll tell the truth About all the things you used to do
And if you thought you had me fooled I’m telling you now objection overruled
Here we go, oh baby
One for the money and the free rides it’s
Two for the lie that you denied All rise - all rise
Three for the calls you’ve been - making it’s Four all the times you’ve
been - faking
All rise - all rise I’m gonna tell it to your face
I rest my case
You’re on the stand With your back against the wall
Nowhere to run And nobody you can call
I just can’t wait
Now the case is open wide You’ll try to pray
But the jury will decide
Baby I swear I’ll tell the truth About all the things you used to do
And if you thought you had me fooled I’m telling you objection overruled
One for the money and the free rides it’s
Two for the lie that you denied All rise - all rise
Three for the calls you’ve been - making it’s Four all the times you’ve
been - faking
All rise - all rise I’m gonna tell it to your face
I rest my case
So step back Cos you don’t know this cat
I know deep down that You don’t want me to react
I’ll lay low Leavin all my options open
The decision of the jury has not been spoken Step in my house
You find that your stuff is gone But in reality to whom does the stuff belong
I bring you into court To preach my order
And you know that - you overstepped the border
One for the money and the free rides it’s Two for the lie that you denied
All rise - all rise Three for the calls you’ve been making it’s
Four all the times you’ve been faking All rise - all rise
What you say
Games you play What you’ve done
When you’re gone
One for the money and the free rides it’s Two for the lie that you denied
All rise - all rise Three for the calls you’ve been making it’s
Four all the times you’ve been faking All rise - all rise

翻譯 :

全體肅立 法官大人 請您務必相信我的話 過去發生的一切 我一一細數 我必須誠實招供
因爲我已經受夠 我需要你的幫助 將事情劃上休止符 ^寶貝,我發誓我會實話實說 關於你
從前的所作所爲 如果你自認這純屬戲弄 告訴你:抗議無效!^ 我這就一一數來,寶貝 *第
一,我付出的金錢及時間 第二,你矢口否認的謊言 全體肅立,全體肅立! 第三,你曾說
過的花言巧語 第四,你從沒有動過真情意 全體肅立!全體肅立! 我要當着你的面揭露一切
 證詞終止* 你站在證人席 背倚着牆 無出可逃 也找不到救兵 我迫不及待 如今一切真相
大白 你試着禱告吧 但我知道評審團自有判決 (重複^^) (重複**) 後退一步 因爲你沒見
識過她的本色 我瞭解最深 你不希望我反應過度? 我會低調行事 以釋懷的心面對 審判團
的判決 尚未發表 步入我家門 你會發現屬於你的家當全無蹤影 事實上,這些東西 又屬於
誰去擁有? 我向法庭投訴 細說自己的原則 你也知道自己早已超越界限 (重複**) 你的花
言巧語 玩弄的手段伎倆 你的所作所爲 狠心的不告而別

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