
// VM.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	char *lpCation = "VM";
	char *lpText = "Hello world";
		push MB_OK
		mov eax,lpCation
		push eax
		mov eax,lpText
		push eax
		push 0
		call dword ptr[MessageBoxA]
	return 0;


00401010 >|> \55            push    ebp
00401011  |.  8BEC          mov     ebp, esp
00401013  |.  83EC 48       sub     esp, 48
00401016  |.  53            push    ebx
00401017  |.  56            push    esi
00401018  |.  57            push    edi
00401019  |.  8D7D B8       lea     edi, dword ptr [ebp-48]
0040101C  |.  B9 12000000   mov     ecx, 12
00401021  |.  B8 CCCCCCCC   mov     eax, CCCCCCCC
00401026  |.  F3:AB         rep     stos dword ptr es:[edi]
00401028  |.  C745 FC 2C204>mov     dword ptr [ebp-4], 0042202C      ;  ASCII "VM"
0040102F  |.  C745 F8 1C204>mov     dword ptr [ebp-8], 0042201C      ;  ASCII "Hello world"
00401036  |.  6A 00         push    0                                ; /Style = MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL
00401038  |.  8B45 FC       mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp-4]           ; |
0040103B  |.  50            push    eax                              ; |Title
0040103C  |.  8B45 F8       mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp-8]           ; |
0040103F  |.  50            push    eax                              ; |Text
00401040  |.  6A 00         push    0                                ; |hOwner = NULL
00401042  |.  FF15 ACA24200 call    dword ptr [<&USER32.MessageBoxA>>; \MessageBoxA
00401048  |.  33C0          xor     eax, eax
0040104A  |.  5F            pop     edi
0040104B  |.  5E            pop     esi
0040104C  |.  5B            pop     ebx
0040104D  |.  83C4 48       add     esp, 48
00401050  |.  3BEC          cmp     ebp, esp
00401052  |.  E8 29000000   call    _chkesp
00401057  |.  8BE5          mov     esp, ebp
00401059  |.  5D            pop     ebp
0040105A  \.  C3            retn


// VM.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>

#define vPush 0x11  //填充數據,可以爲任何值
#define vCall 0x22
#define vEnd  0xff

BYTE VMData[] = {
				vPush,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,   //push MB_OK  兩個字節
				vPush,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,   //push lpCaption   兩個字節
				vPush,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,   //push lpText    兩個字節
				vPush,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,   //push 0       兩個字節
				vCall,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,   //call dword ptr[MessageBoxA]

__declspec(naked) void VM(LPVOID VMData)
		mov ecx,dword ptr[esp+4]
		mov al,byte ptr [ecx]   //取第一個字節
		cmp al,vPush            //判斷是不是參數部分
		je __Vpush              //是則跳轉到push參數部分
		cmp al,vCall            //是不是call,是則跳轉
		je __VCall
		cmp al,vEnd             //是否結束
		je __VEnd
		inc ecx   //加一在取四字節
		mov edx,dword ptr[ecx]
		push edx   //push MB_OK
		add ecx,4
		jmp __VStart
		inc ecx
		mov edx,dword ptr [ecx]
		sub edx,4
		call edx
		add ecx,4
		jmp __VStart

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	char *lpCation = "VM";
	char *lpText = "Hello world";
	//push MB_OK  數據本身就是0,所以不用填充
	*(DWORD*)(VMData +5 +1) = (DWORD)lpCation;     //傳遞地址,字符串以\0結尾
	*(DWORD*)(VMData +10 +1) = (DWORD)lpText;
	//push hWnd 句柄也默認爲0,不用填充
	*(DWORD*)(VMData +20 +1) = (DWORD)MessageBoxA+4;

	return 0;

00401005  /$ /E9 26C40000   jmp     main
0040100A  |  |E9 01000000   jmp     VM
0040100F  |  |CC            int3
00401010 >|> |8B4C24 04     mov     ecx, dword ptr [esp+4]
00401014  |? |8A01          mov     al, byte ptr [ecx]
00401016  |. |3C 11         cmp     al, 11
00401018  |. |74 08         je      short 00401022
0040101A  |? |3C 22         cmp     al, 22
0040101C  |. |74 0D         je      short 0040102B
0040101E  |? |3C FF         cmp     al, 0FF
00401020  |? |74 16         je      short 00401038
00401022  |? |41            inc     ecx
00401023  |? |8B11          mov     edx, dword ptr [ecx]
00401025  |? |52            push    edx
00401026  |. |83C1 04       add     ecx, 4
00401029  |?^|EB E9         jmp     short 00401014
0040102B  |? |41            inc     ecx
0040102C  |? |8B11          mov     edx, dword ptr [ecx]
0040102E  |? |83EA 04       sub     edx, 4
00401031  |? |FFD2          call    edx
00401033  |? |83C1 04       add     ecx, 4
00401036  |.^|EB DC         jmp     short 00401014                   ; /Style
00401038  |. |C3            retn                                     ; |


00401030  /$  A1 9C504000   mov     eax, dword ptr [<&USER32.MessageBoxA>]
00401035  |.  68 30604000   push    00406030
0040103A  |.  83C0 04       add     eax, 4
0040103D  |.  C705 36604000>mov     dword ptr [406036], 00406058             ;  ASCII "VM"
00401047  |.  C705 3B604000>mov     dword ptr [40603B], 0040604C             ;  ASCII "Hello world"
00401051  |.  A3 45604000   mov     dword ptr [406045], eax
00401056  |.  E8 A5FFFFFF   call    00401000
0040105B  |.  83C4 04       add     esp, 4
0040105E  |.  33C0          xor     eax, eax
00401060  \.  C3            retn

00401000  /$  8B4C24 04     mov     ecx, dword ptr [esp+4]
00401004  |>  8A01          /mov     al, byte ptr [ecx]
00401006  |.  3C 11         |cmp     al, 11                                  ;  Switch (cases 22..FF)
00401008  |.  74 08         |je      short 00401012
0040100A  |.  3C 22         |cmp     al, 22
0040100C  |.  74 0D         |je      short 0040101B
0040100E  |.  3C FF         |cmp     al, 0FF
00401010  |.  74 16         |je      short 00401028
00401012  |>  41            |inc     ecx                                     ;  Default case of switch 00401006
00401013  |.  8B11          |mov     edx, dword ptr [ecx]
00401015  |.  52            |push    edx
00401016  |.  83C1 04       |add     ecx, 4
00401019  |.^ EB E9         |jmp     short 00401004
0040101B  |>  41            |inc     ecx                                     ;  Case 22 of switch 00401006
0040101C  |.  8B11          |mov     edx, dword ptr [ecx]
0040101E  |.  83EA 04       |sub     edx, 4
00401021  |.  FFD2          |call    edx
00401023  |.  83C1 04       |add     ecx, 4
00401026  |.^ EB DC         \jmp     short 00401004
00401028  \>  C3            retn                                             ;  Case FF of switch 00401006

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