IBM e-learning : Analyze Your Use of Time (Getting Organized – Source of “To Do” List)

A “To Do” list contains tasks that maybe accomplished on the basis of their importance and urgency. Things that end up on a “To Do” list spring from four major sources.


In this topic, you will learn to identify and deal with the four sources of “To Do” list. The four sources are:

·         boss-imposed task;

·         system-imposed actions;

·         subordinate-imposed activities;

·         Self-imposed goals and activities.


When bosses assign tasks, they expect you give all tasks top priority. You have to select the true priority items from among these tasks.


Maintain a separate sheet of paper called “Boss Attack” list. List serials of tasks assigned by the boss in sequence in which you intend to attack them. Involve your boss in this re-prioritization process.


In the following scenario, Daniel’s boss comes to him with a new project. Observe how Daniel deals with the boss-imposed task.

Boss: Daniel, I’ve got a new project for you.

Daniel: But sir, I am working on the Walley project which is an important one.

Boss: Yes I know that’s important, but this new project is important too.

Daniel: And then there’s the Shon assignment too.

Boss: I know, I know, but his task is important too.

Daniel: Ok.

Daniel: (after his boss has left) Now which one should I tackle first. Maybe I should continue with Walley project and then come to this. Or should I work on this one.


Is the scenario you just saw:

  • The boss come up with new task for Daniel, but did not consider prioritization.
  • Daniel did not involve his boss in the re-prioritization process.
  • Daniel made prioritization decision on behalf of his boss.


You will now see how Daniel sorted out the problem of which task should take top priority by involving his boss to re-prioritization process.

Boss: Daniel, I’ve got another task for you.

Daniel: But I am already working on the Walley and Shon projects, both of them are very important.

Boss: I know, I know, but this project is important too.

Daniel: (taking out the “boss attack” list) Well, Sir, These are the other things you have already given me to do, and this is the sequence in which I intend to attack them. So where do you see this new task fitting in the list.

Boss: (thought through the list) Oh, the first task is really urgent. Okay, put it between 1 and 2.


In the scenario you just saw, how did Daniel deal with the boss-imposed task? Select all that apply.

  1. Avoid making the prioritization decision on behalf of boss.
  2. Made prioritization on behalf of boss.
  3. Maintained a boss attack list.
  4. Involved his boss in re-prioritization process.


The second source affect your ‘To Do list’ is system-imposed activities. However good you are at planning the use of your time, sometimes other elements will break the flow of your work. They may take up the time you had planned to devote to other things. System-imposed activities such as routine administrative work will demand a certain level priority. Time reserved for such routine activities is uncontrollable. Therefore you will have to block a certain segment of your “To Do List” for this routine work.


The third source of your “To Do” list is subordinate-imposed actions. Do you think it is better to do all the things yourself or delegate it to subordinate?


You must have noticed that sometimes the task delegated to other employees reserved back to your “To Do” list. The employee ran into some difficulty and brought the task back to you. This is reserve delegation. In this situation, do not include the task back in your “To Do” list.


When an employee reserve delegates a task to you, never say the five killer words, “Let me look into it”. By saying these words, you are in a way volunteering to take back this task. Avoid this reserve delegate. One way to deal with this situation is to help the employee to overcome difficulties so that she may complete the task.


It is important to have some time reserved to your self-imposed activities. This keeps your stress level down and helps you become more productive. But after taking time to boss-imposed tasks, system-imposed activities and subordinate-imposed actions, how much time is really left to you?

Be nice to yourself. Include all the items you want to do for yourself. A “To Do” list will help you acquire additional time to do these things.


Drag the letter beside the source of “To Do” list in the left column to the appropriate option in the right column.

A Boss-imposed tasks                 prepare monthly budget report     

B System-imposed activities            meet with supervisor

C Subordinate-imposed actions          picnic with family

D self-imposed goal and activities       delegate work to the employee


The items on your “To Do” list will come from these four sources. Identifying the sources will help you use your “To Do” list more effectively.

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