



《動手學深度學習》 代碼講解Pytorch版:該書是2019年國內最受歡迎的人工智能學習教材之一,是一本面向中文讀者的能運行、可討論的深度學習教科書,書籍作者之一亞馬遜首席科學家李沐,畢業於上海交大。伯禹教育攜手上海交通大學團隊,基於此書籍,將其中的代碼框架由MXNET遷移至PyTorch,並對這些代碼製作了講解視頻。幫助大家邊動手寫代碼邊鞏固理論知識,從原理到實踐,上手深度學習。

1 任務

打卡時間:【2020-02-18 08:00 -- 2020-02-25 22:00】

2 NLP——文本情感分類

2.1 項目介紹



  1. 文本情感分類數據集
  2. 使用循環神經網絡進行情感分類
  3. 使用卷積神經網絡進行情感分類
import collections
import os
import random
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
from torch import nn
import torchtext.vocab as Vocab
import torch.utils.data as Data
import torch.nn.functional as F
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')

2.2 文本情感分類數據集

我們使用斯坦福的IMDb數據集(Stanford’s Large Movie Review Dataset) 作爲文本情感分類的數據集。

  • 讀取數據
def read_imdb(folder='train', data_root="/home/kesci/input/IMDB2578/aclImdb_v1/aclImdb"):
    data = []
    for label in ['pos', 'neg']:
        folder_name = os.path.join(data_root, folder, label)
        for file in tqdm(os.listdir(folder_name)):
            with open(os.path.join(folder_name, file), 'rb') as f:
                review = f.read().decode('utf-8').replace('\n', '').lower()
                data.append([review, 1 if label == 'pos' else 0])
    return data

DATA_ROOT = "/home/kesci/input/IMDB2578/aclImdb_v1/"
data_root = os.path.join(DATA_ROOT, "aclImdb")
train_data, test_data = read_imdb('train', data_root), read_imdb('test', data_root)

# 打印訓練數據中的前五個sample
for sample in train_data[:5]:
    print(sample[1], '\t', sample[0][:50])
  • 預處理數據:讀取數據後,我們先根據文本的格式進行單詞的切分,再利用 torchtext.vocab.Vocab 創建詞典。
def get_tokenized_imdb(data):
        data: 數據的列表,列表中的每個元素爲 [文本字符串,0/1標籤] 二元組
    @return: 切分詞後的文本的列表,列表中的每個元素爲切分後的詞序列
    def tokenizer(text):
        return [tok.lower() for tok in text.split(' ')]
    return [tokenizer(review) for review, _ in data]

def get_vocab_imdb(data):
        data: 同上
    @return: 數據集上的詞典,Vocab 的實例(freqs, stoi, itos)
    tokenized_data = get_tokenized_imdb(data)
    counter = collections.Counter([tk for st in tokenized_data for tk in st])
    return Vocab.Vocab(counter, min_freq=5)

vocab = get_vocab_imdb(train_data)
print('# words in vocab:', len(vocab))


def preprocess_imdb(data, vocab):
        data: 同上,原始的讀入數據
        vocab: 訓練集上生成的詞典
        features: 單詞下標序列,形狀爲 (n, max_l) 的整數張量
        labels: 情感標籤,形狀爲 (n,) 的0/1整數張量
    max_l = 500  # 將每條評論通過截斷或者補0,使得長度變成500

    def pad(x):
        return x[:max_l] if len(x) > max_l else x + [0] * (max_l - len(x))

    tokenized_data = get_tokenized_imdb(data)
    features = torch.tensor([pad([vocab.stoi[word] for word in words]) for words in tokenized_data])
    labels = torch.tensor([score for _, score in data])
    return features, labels
  • 創建數據迭代器:利用 torch.utils.data.TensorDataset,可以創建 PyTorch 格式的數據集,從而創建數據迭代器。
train_set = Data.TensorDataset(*preprocess_imdb(train_data, vocab))
test_set = Data.TensorDataset(*preprocess_imdb(test_data, vocab))

# 上面的代碼等價於下面的註釋代碼
# train_features, train_labels = preprocess_imdb(train_data, vocab)
# test_features, test_labels = preprocess_imdb(test_data, vocab)
# train_set = Data.TensorDataset(train_features, train_labels)
# test_set = Data.TensorDataset(test_features, test_labels)

# len(train_set) = features.shape[0] or labels.shape[0]
# train_set[index] = (features[index], labels[index])

batch_size = 64
train_iter = Data.DataLoader(train_set, batch_size, shuffle=True)
test_iter = Data.DataLoader(test_set, batch_size)

for X, y in train_iter:
    print('X', X.shape, 'y', y.shape)
print('#batches:', len(train_iter))

2.3 使用循環神經網絡進行情感分類

  • 雙向循環神經網絡
class BiRNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab, embed_size, num_hiddens, num_layers):
            vocab: 在數據集上創建的詞典,用於獲取詞典大小
            embed_size: 嵌入維度大小
            num_hiddens: 隱藏狀態維度大小
            num_layers: 隱藏層個數
        super(BiRNN, self).__init__()
        self.embedding = nn.Embedding(len(vocab), embed_size)
        # encoder-decoder framework
        # bidirectional設爲True即得到雙向循環神經網絡
        self.encoder = nn.LSTM(input_size=embed_size, 
        self.decoder = nn.Linear(4*num_hiddens, 2) # 初始時間步和最終時間步的隱藏狀態作爲全連接層輸入
    def forward(self, inputs):
            inputs: 詞語下標序列,形狀爲 (batch_size, seq_len) 的整數張量
            outs: 對文本情感的預測,形狀爲 (batch_size, 2) 的張量
        # 因爲LSTM需要將序列長度(seq_len)作爲第一維,所以需要將輸入轉置
        embeddings = self.embedding(inputs.permute(1, 0)) # (seq_len, batch_size, d)
        # rnn.LSTM 返回輸出、隱藏狀態和記憶單元,格式如 outputs, (h, c)
        outputs, _ = self.encoder(embeddings) # (seq_len, batch_size, 2*h)
        encoding = torch.cat((outputs[0], outputs[-1]), -1) # (batch_size, 4*h)
        outs = self.decoder(encoding) # (batch_size, 2)
        return outs

embed_size, num_hiddens, num_layers = 100, 100, 2
net = BiRNN(vocab, embed_size, num_hiddens, num_layers)
  • 加載預訓練的詞向量:由於預訓練詞向量的詞典及詞語索引與我們使用的數據集並不相同,所以需要根據目前的詞典及索引的順序來加載預訓練詞向量。
cache_dir = "/home/kesci/input/GloVe6B5429"
glove_vocab = Vocab.GloVe(name='6B', dim=100, cache=cache_dir)

def load_pretrained_embedding(words, pretrained_vocab):
        words: 需要加載詞向量的詞語列表,以 itos (index to string) 的詞典形式給出
        pretrained_vocab: 預訓練詞向量
        embed: 加載到的詞向量
    embed = torch.zeros(len(words), pretrained_vocab.vectors[0].shape[0]) # 初始化爲0
    oov_count = 0 # out of vocabulary
    for i, word in enumerate(words):
            idx = pretrained_vocab.stoi[word]
            embed[i, :] = pretrained_vocab.vectors[idx]
        except KeyError:
            oov_count += 1
    if oov_count > 0:
        print("There are %d oov words." % oov_count)
    return embed

net.embedding.weight.data.copy_(load_pretrained_embedding(vocab.itos, glove_vocab))
net.embedding.weight.requires_grad = False # 直接加載預訓練好的, 所以不需要更新它
  • 訓練模型:訓練時可以調用之前編寫的 trainevaluate_accuracy 函數。
def evaluate_accuracy(data_iter, net, device=None):
    if device is None and isinstance(net, torch.nn.Module):
        device = list(net.parameters())[0].device 
    acc_sum, n = 0.0, 0
    with torch.no_grad():
        for X, y in data_iter:
            if isinstance(net, torch.nn.Module):
                acc_sum += (net(X.to(device)).argmax(dim=1) == y.to(device)).float().sum().cpu().item()
                if('is_training' in net.__code__.co_varnames):
                    acc_sum += (net(X, is_training=False).argmax(dim=1) == y).float().sum().item() 
                    acc_sum += (net(X).argmax(dim=1) == y).float().sum().item() 
            n += y.shape[0]
    return acc_sum / n

def train(train_iter, test_iter, net, loss, optimizer, device, num_epochs):
    net = net.to(device)
    print("training on ", device)
    batch_count = 0
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        train_l_sum, train_acc_sum, n, start = 0.0, 0.0, 0, time.time()
        for X, y in train_iter:
            X = X.to(device)
            y = y.to(device)
            y_hat = net(X)
            l = loss(y_hat, y) 
            train_l_sum += l.cpu().item()
            train_acc_sum += (y_hat.argmax(dim=1) == y).sum().cpu().item()
            n += y.shape[0]
            batch_count += 1
        test_acc = evaluate_accuracy(test_iter, net)
        print('epoch %d, loss %.4f, train acc %.3f, test acc %.3f, time %.1f sec'
              % (epoch + 1, train_l_sum / batch_count, train_acc_sum / n, test_acc, time.time() - start))

由於嵌入層的參數是不需要在訓練過程中被更新的,所以我們利用 filter 函數和 lambda 表達式來過濾掉模型中不需要更新參數的部分。

lr, num_epochs = 0.01, 5
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, net.parameters()), lr=lr)
loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

train(train_iter, test_iter, net, loss, optimizer, device, num_epochs)
  • 評價模型
def predict_sentiment(net, vocab, sentence):
        net: 訓練好的模型
        vocab: 在該數據集上創建的詞典,用於將給定的單詞序轉換爲單詞下標的序列,從而輸入模型
        sentence: 需要分析情感的文本,以單詞序列的形式給出
    @return: 預測的結果,positive 爲正面情緒文本,negative 爲負面情緒文本
    device = list(net.parameters())[0].device # 讀取模型所在的環境
    sentence = torch.tensor([vocab.stoi[word] for word in sentence], device=device)
    label = torch.argmax(net(sentence.view((1, -1))), dim=1)
    return 'positive' if label.item() == 1 else 'negative'

predict_sentiment(net, vocab, ['this', 'movie', 'is', 'so', 'great'])

2.4 使用卷積神經網絡進行情感分類

  • 一維卷積層
def corr1d(X, K):
        X: 輸入,形狀爲 (seq_len,) 的張量
        K: 卷積核,形狀爲 (w,) 的張量
        Y: 輸出,形狀爲 (seq_len - w + 1,) 的張量
    w = K.shape[0] # 卷積窗口寬度
    Y = torch.zeros((X.shape[0] - w + 1))
    for i in range(Y.shape[0]): # 滑動窗口
        Y[i] = (X[i: i + w] * K).sum()
    return Y

X, K = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), torch.tensor([1, 2])
print(corr1d(X, K))
def corr1d_multi_in(X, K):
    # 首先沿着X和K的通道維遍歷並計算一維互相關結果。然後將所有結果堆疊起來沿第0維累加
    return torch.stack([corr1d(x, k) for x, k in zip(X, K)]).sum(dim=0)
    # [corr1d(X[i], K[i]) for i in range(X.shape[0])]

X = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
              [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
              [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]])
K = torch.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4], [-1, -3]])
print(corr1d_multi_in(X, K))
  • 時序最大池化層
class GlobalMaxPool1d(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(GlobalMaxPool1d, self).__init__()
    def forward(self, x):
            x: 輸入,形狀爲 (batch_size, n_channels, seq_len) 的張量
        @return: 時序最大池化後的結果,形狀爲 (batch_size, n_channels, 1) 的張量
        return F.max_pool1d(x, kernel_size=x.shape[2]) # kenerl_size=seq_len
  • TextCNN 模型:TextCNN 模型主要使用了一維卷積層和時序最大池化層。
class TextCNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab, embed_size, kernel_sizes, num_channels):
            vocab: 在數據集上創建的詞典,用於獲取詞典大小
            embed_size: 嵌入維度大小
            kernel_sizes: 卷積核大小列表
            num_channels: 卷積通道數列表
        super(TextCNN, self).__init__()
        self.embedding = nn.Embedding(len(vocab), embed_size) # 參與訓練的嵌入層
        self.constant_embedding = nn.Embedding(len(vocab), embed_size) # 不參與訓練的嵌入層
        self.pool = GlobalMaxPool1d() # 時序最大池化層沒有權重,所以可以共用一個實例
        self.convs = nn.ModuleList()  # 創建多個一維卷積層
        for c, k in zip(num_channels, kernel_sizes):
            self.convs.append(nn.Conv1d(in_channels = 2*embed_size, 
                                        out_channels = c, 
                                        kernel_size = k))
        self.decoder = nn.Linear(sum(num_channels), 2)
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.5) # 丟棄層用於防止過擬合

    def forward(self, inputs):
            inputs: 詞語下標序列,形狀爲 (batch_size, seq_len) 的整數張量
            outputs: 對文本情感的預測,形狀爲 (batch_size, 2) 的張量
        embeddings = torch.cat((
            self.constant_embedding(inputs)), dim=2) # (batch_size, seq_len, 2*embed_size)
        # 根據一維卷積層要求的輸入格式,需要將張量進行轉置
        embeddings = embeddings.permute(0, 2, 1) # (batch_size, 2*embed_size, seq_len)
        encoding = torch.cat([
            self.pool(F.relu(conv(embeddings))).squeeze(-1) for conv in self.convs], dim=1)
        # encoding = []
        # for conv in self.convs:
        #     out = conv(embeddings) # (batch_size, out_channels, seq_len-kernel_size+1)
        #     out = self.pool(F.relu(out)) # (batch_size, out_channels, 1)
        #     encoding.append(out.squeeze(-1)) # (batch_size, out_channels)
        # encoding = torch.cat(encoding) # (batch_size, out_channels_sum)
        # 應用丟棄法後使用全連接層得到輸出
        outputs = self.decoder(self.dropout(encoding))
        return outputs

embed_size, kernel_sizes, nums_channels = 100, [3, 4, 5], [100, 100, 100]
net = TextCNN(vocab, embed_size, kernel_sizes, nums_channels)
  • 訓練並評價模型
lr, num_epochs = 0.001, 5
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, net.parameters()), lr=lr)
loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
train(train_iter, test_iter, net, loss, optimizer, device, num_epochs)
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