


  Microsoft: 有時縮略爲MS,是全球最著名的軟件商,美國軟件巨頭微軟公司的名字。Microsoft其實是由兩個英語單詞組成:Micro意爲“微小”,Soft意爲“軟的”,此處應爲“Software,軟件”,顧名思義,微軟(Microsoft)是專門生產軟件的公司。當今90%以上的微機都是裝載Microsoft的操作系統,如MS-DOS 6.22、Windows 3.2、Windows 95、Windows NT等。

  Intel:英特爾公司,是世界上最大的CPU(中央處理器,被人們稱爲電腦的心臟)及相關芯片製造商。80%左右的電腦都是使用Intel公司生產的CPU。其產品從早期的8088到目前流行的Pentium、Pentium Pro、Pentium MMX、Pentium Ⅱ等。

  Pentium、Pentium Pro、Intel Inside標誌:都是英特爾公司的註冊商標。Pentium(讀音爲/′pentj?m/)是著名的CPU商標名,漢譯爲“奔騰”。人們稱讚不已、開口閉口所說的“奔騰”電腦,是因爲電腦裏安裝有英特爾公司生產的“奔騰”CPU。

  AMD:世界第二大CPU製造商,主要產品有K5,K6 MMX CPU系列。

  Cyrix:CPU製造商,主要產品有M1,M2 MMX CPU系列。


  HP:惠普,Hewlett Packard的縮寫,是美國著名的惠普打印機、電腦製造商。



  IBM:是International Business Machine Company(美國國際商用機器公司)的縮寫。IBM是美國老牌電腦製造商,其產品是國際知名品牌。









  CPU:Central Processing Unit,中央處理單元,又叫中央處理器或微處理器,被喻爲電腦的心臟。

  RAM:Random Access Memory,隨機存儲器,即人們常說的“內存”。

  ROM:Read-Only Memory,只讀存儲器。

  EDO:Extended Data Output,擴充數據輸出。當CPU的處理速度不斷提高時,也相應地要求不斷提高DRAM傳送數據速度,一般來說,FPM(Fast Page Model)DRAM傳送數據速度在60-70ns,而EDO DRAM比FPM快3倍,達20ns。目前最快的是SDRAM(Synchronous DRAM,同步動態存儲器),其存取速度高達10ns。

  SDRAM:Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory,同步動態隨機存儲器,又稱同步DRAM,爲新一代動態存儲器。它可以與CPU總線使用同一個時鐘,因此,SDRAM存儲器較EDO存儲器能使計算機的性能大大提高。

  Cache:英文含義爲“(勘探人員等貯藏糧食、器材等的)地窖;藏物處”。電腦中爲高速緩衝存儲器,是位於CPU和主存儲器DRAM(Dynamic Randon Access Memory)之間,規模較小,但速度很高的存儲器,通常由SRAM(Static Random Access Memory靜態存儲器)組成。

  CMOS:是Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor的縮寫,含義爲互補金屬氧化物半導體(指互補金屬氧化物半導體存儲器)。CMOS是目前絕大多數電腦中都使用的一種用電池供電的存儲器(RAM)。它是確定系統的硬件配置,優化微機整體性能,進行系統維護的重要工具。它保存一些有關係統硬件設置等方面的信息,在關機以後,這些信息也繼續存在(這一點與RAM完全不同)。開機時,電腦需要用這些信息來啓動系統。如果不慎或發生意外而弄亂 了CMOS中保留的信息,電腦系統將不能正常啓動。

  PCI:Peripheral Component Interconnection,局部總線( 總線是計算機用於把信息從一個設備傳送到另一個設備的高速通道)。PCI總線是目前較爲先進的一種總線結構,其功能比其他總線有很大的提高,可支持突發讀寫操作,最高傳輸率可達132Mbps,是數據傳輸最快的總線之一,可同時支持多組外圍設備。PCI不受制於CPU處理器,並能兼容現有的各種總線,其主板插槽體積小,因此成本低,利於推廣。


  Quantum:英文含意爲“定量,總量”。著名硬盤商標,美國昆騰硬盤生產商(Quantum Corporation)。


  LD:Laser Disk,鐳射光盤,又稱激光視盤。

  CD:Compact Disc,壓縮光盤,又稱激光唱盤。

  CD-ROM:Compact Disc-Read Only Memory,壓縮光盤-只讀記憶(存儲),又叫“只讀光盤”。

  VCD:Video Compact Disc,視頻壓縮光盤,即人們通常所說的“小影碟”。

  DVD:至今有許多人把DVD視爲Digital Video Disc(數字視頻光盤)的縮寫,事實上,從1995年9月,索尼/飛利浦和東芝/時代華納兩大DVD開發集團達成DVD統一標準後,DVD的內涵有了很大的變化,它已成了數字通用光盤,即Digital Versatile Disc的英文縮寫。Versatile“通用”的含義表明了DVD用途的多元化,它不僅可用於影視娛樂,還可用於多媒體計算機等領域。目前按其用途可分爲5種類型:1?計算機用只讀光盤——DVD-ROM;2?家用型影音光盤——DVD-Movie;3?專供音樂欣賞的DVD Audio;4?只寫一次的光盤——DVD-R;5?可讀寫多次的光盤——DVD-RAM。


  UPS:爲Uninterruptible Power Supply(不間斷電源)的英文縮寫。它是伴隨着計算機的誕生而出現的,是電腦的重要外圍設備之一。UPS是一種含有儲能裝置,以逆變器爲主要組成的恆壓恆頻的不間斷電源,用以保護電腦在突然斷電時不會丟失重要的數據。



  DOS:Disk Operating System,磁盤操作系統。提到DOS,只要稍有電腦知識的人對它都會有所瞭解。DOS的主要功能是管理電腦的硬件和軟件資源,方便用戶對電腦進行操作。使用DOS操作電腦,需要用戶記住大量命令及其正確格式,比較難學。Windows(微軟視窗操作系統)的出現,標誌着DOS時代的結束,圖形操作電腦時代的到來。

  Windows:在一般英文字典中查到Windows的意思爲“窗戶”。Window指微軟公司(Microsoft)著名的新一代電腦主流“視窗操作系統”。它通過一些圖形圖標(Icon)、窗口(Window)和菜單(Menu)等的選擇來實現對計算機的控制,極大地方便了用戶。Windows視窗操作系統系列產品有Windows 3.1、Windows 3.2、Windows 95(因爲該產品是1995年出品,因而取名爲Windows 95,也可寫成Win95。PWindows 95指中文版本的Windows 95),而功能更強大的最新產品爲Windows 98和Windows 2000等。Windows 95是目前最著名、最受歡迎的圖形化操作系統之一。

  Windows NT:微軟公司的著名網絡視窗操作系統。NT是New Technology(新技術)的縮寫。

  OS/2 Warp:Operating System(操作系統)。它是IBM推出的一個性能卓越的純32位操作系統,同時它也能提供完善的DOS支持,在總體技術上比Windows 95更優越,是Windows 95的一個強有力的競爭對手。OS/2 Warp中的Warp,英文含義爲“弄彎;歪曲”,在這裏指IBM爲其新一代操作系統OS/2加入的別名。Warp是美國著名的科幻電影《星球大戰》中的科學怪人,把軟件比喻爲《星球大戰》中的科學怪人,既給人以出其不意的感覺,又希望用戶把對《星球大戰》的美好記憶移到OS/2軟件上來。



  WPS:Word Processing System,文字處理系統,1989年由香港金山公司(Kingsun)開發的一套編輯、打印等功能爲一體的DOS平臺漢字處理系統,以其簡單易學和實用方便等優勢迅速佔領市場。在昔日WPS的輝煌時期,國人一提到電腦無不與WPS聯繫在一起,真可謂“言電腦必提WPS”。WPS一度成爲中文文字處理軟件的代名詞。在近幾年的“全國計算機等級一級考試”中,WPS是指定的文字處理考試內容。

  WPS97:Word Processing System,文字處理系統,珠海金山公司(Kingsun)出品,因在1997年上市而命名爲WPS97。它是WPS升級換代產品,是一個能運行在UCDOS、Windows 3?X和Windows 95等中文環境下的文字處理軟件。它綜合了WPS、電子詞典、方正校對系統、多內碼轉換、條形碼製作等功能,在保留原有的文字編輯方式的同時,支持所見即所得的文字處理方式,是一套圖文並茂、功能強大的超級辦公軟件。

  Office 97:Office爲“辦公室”之意。這裏指微軟公司先進的辦公集成軟件,1997年出品,因此冠之爲Office97。Office 97包括:Word 97(文字處理軟件),Excel 97(電子表格處理軟件),PowerPoint 97(電子幻燈演示軟件),Outllook 97(集日程管理、郵件信息交換等功能於一體的個人事務管理軟件)。

  Word 97:Word在英語中意思爲“單詞”。Word 97指微軟高級文字處理軟件。其系列產品還有Word 5.0、Word 6.0、Word 7.0等。

  Excel 97:Excel英文意爲“勝過、優於”,Excel 97是Microsoft Office 97軟件包中的一個電子表格軟件。電子表格一開始只作爲財務賬表的電子版本,也就是利用電腦裏的財務賬表來替代印刷品的財務賬表,並能對錶格中一行或一列數據進行簡單的算術運算。Microsoft Excel 97是被公認爲目前功能最強大、技術最先進、使用最方便的電子表格軟件。

  Lotus 1-2-3:Lotus是“蓮花”之意。Lotus 1-2-3是美國蓮花(Lotus)公司推出的在Windows環境下的集成軟件,它把常用的電子數據表、文字處理、數據庫、圖形軟件、文件管理功能組合在一個系統裏,且可以互相傳遞和調用信息。



  Authorware:由Author(作家;創造者)和Ware(商品;物品;器皿)兩個英語單詞組成,顧名思義爲“作家用來創造商品的工具”。它是美國Macromedia公司開發的一種多媒體系統制作工具,在Windows環境下有專業版(Authorware Professional)與學習版(Authorware Star)。Authorware是一個圖標導向式的多媒體制作工具,使非專業人員快速開發多媒體軟件成爲現實,其強大的功能令人驚歎不已。它無需傳統的計算機語言編程,只通過對圖標的調用來編輯一些控制程序走向的活動流程圖,將文字、圖形、聲音、動畫、視頻等各種多媒體項目數據匯在一起,就可達到多媒體軟件製作的目的。Authorware這種通過圖標的調用來編輯流程圖用以替代傳統的計算機語言編程的設計思想,是它的主要特點。它的主要功能還在:1?編制的軟件具有強大的交互功能,可任意控制程序流程。2?在人機對話中,它提供了按鍵、按鼠標、限時等多種應答方式。3?它還提供了許多系統變量和函數以根據用戶響應的情況,執行特定功能。4?編制的軟件除了能在其集成環境下運行外,還可以編譯成擴展名爲?EXE的文件,在Windows系統下脫離Authorware製作環境運行。

  Oracle:英文含義爲“聰明人、賢人、哲人”,電腦英語中指美國Oracle公司開發的大型高性能關係型數據庫系統軟件,在衆多的數據庫系統中,如IBM公司的DB2數據庫、Sybase公司的Sybase數據庫等,唯有Oracle數據庫系統,以其卓越穩定的性能,可靠的安全保障,強大的聯網能力,豐富快捷的開發工具得到廣泛的讚譽。因此,它一直佔全球數據庫銷售額的40%以上,穩居數據庫產業龍頭地位,在衆多的評比中幾乎獲得所有大獎,被美國最著名的計算機評論雜誌《PC MAGAZINE》譽爲“數據庫行業的巨無霸”。在中國,Oracle數據庫也伴隨着我國計算機技術的發展,得到廣泛應用和推廣。

  PCTools:Personal Computer Tools,個人電腦工具。它是美國Central Point Software公司出口的一種電腦維護工具,集文件管理和磁盤管理爲一體,精簡和增強了常規應用程序,是一組多功能實用工具軟件。使用PCTools可以取代DOS的許多命令,比起DOS來,其操作更加容易、直觀、簡便,是電腦這好者的常用工具軟件。

  NU:是Norton Untilities的縮寫,Norton是著名的計算機專家諾頓,Utility英文意思爲“實用工具”,在這裏是指Norton先生爲解決DOS系統存在的問題而編寫的個人計算機工具軟件。用它的複數形式可以看成是個人電腦工具軟件集。NU是在PCTools之後功能強大、受人喜愛的電腦維護工具。普通用戶可利用NU中最著名的工具NDD(Norton Disk Doctor諾頓磁盤醫生),解決大部分磁盤問題;專業人員則可利用操作靈活、功能強大的DiskEdit(磁盤編輯)工具解決專業數據維護問題。

  CSC:Clever Software Corporation,“聰明的軟件公司”。這是由北京科利華教育軟件公司開發的一套電腦家教軟件。

  VF:也寫作VFP,Visual FoxPro的縮寫,Visual在英語中意爲“可視的”,Fox意爲“狐狸”,原指美國狐狸數據庫軟件公司,該公司已被微軟公司收購。Pro爲Progress的略寫,意爲“更進一層”。Visual FoxPro是由Microsoft在FoxPro的基礎上推出的功能強大、可視化、面向對象的數據庫編程語言,同時它也是一種強大的數據庫管理系統。

  VC:Visual C++,微軟公司高級可視化計算機程序開發語言。C語言被人們稱爲近十年來對計算機程序設計最大的貢獻之一。它有高級語言簡單易用的特性,又可以完成彙編語言才能做的許多工作。因此,C語言特別適合用來編寫各種複雜軟件。如果說BASIC語言是初學者和業餘愛好者的編程語言的話,那麼C語言就是專業人員的編程語言了。

  VB:Visual Basic的縮寫,微軟公司高級可視化計算機程序開發語言。BASIC是Beginner’s All-purpose Sybolic Instruction Code(初學者通用符號指令代碼)的縮寫,從BASIC開始相繼推出了Quick BASIC、Ture BASIC等,目前最新的是Microsoft公司推出的Visual Basic。這是一種功能極強的面向對象的可視化程序設計語言。


  Java:讀音/′d?a:v?/,《新英漢字典》譯註爲“爪哇島(屬印度尼西亞)、爪哇咖啡”。電腦英語指由美國太陽(Sun)公司推出的新型面向對象程序設計語言。Java集面向對象、平臺無關性、穩固性、安全性、多線程等諸多特性於一體,增加了異常處理、網絡編程等方面的功能,特別適合於Internet應用的開發,是實現“一個世界,一個網絡”構想的關鍵。用Java編寫的各類軟件能真正做到“Write Once,Run anywhere(一次寫成,到處運行)”,也就是說,相同的軟件可在不同計算機上運行,無論是PC機、蘋果機、UNIX計算機、還是頂置盒、PDA(個人數據助理)乃至智能元器件無一例外。

  SQL:Structure Query Language,結構化查詢語言。SQL是關係數據庫管理系統中的一種簡明扼要、面向集合的語言,它對一個或多個數據表進行查詢,產生一個結果數據表。


  PC:Personal Computer,個人計算機、個人電腦,又稱微型計算機或微機。

  NC: Network Computer,網絡計算機。

  MPC: Multimedia Personal Computer,多媒體個人電腦。

  MMX: 是MultiMedia eXtensions(多媒體擴展)的縮寫,是第六代CPU芯片的重要特點。MMX技術是在CPU中加入了特地爲視頻信號(Video Signal),音頻信號(Audio Signal)以及圖像處理(Graphical Manipulation)而設計的57條指令,因此,MMX CPU極大地提高了電腦的多媒體(如立體聲、視頻、三維動畫等)處理功能。

  Intel Pentium 166MHz MMXTM: Intel Pentium是英特爾(Intel)公司生產的“奔騰”CPU。?意爲“Registered”(註冊商標)。166MHz指CPU時鐘頻率,MHz即Mega Hertz的縮寫。MMXTM中的TM是“Trade Mark”的簡寫,意爲“註冊商標”。

  OOP: Object Oriented Programming,面向對象的程序設計。所謂“對象”就是一個或一組數據以及處理這些數據的方法和過程的集合。面向對象的程序設計完全不同於傳統的面向過程程序設計,它大大地降低了軟件開發的難度,使編程就像搭積木一樣簡單,是當今電腦編程的一股勢不可擋的潮流。

  28VGA: 28是指彩色顯示器上的黃光網點間距(點距),點距越小的顯示器,圖像就越細膩、越好,這是因爲彩色屏幕上的每個像點都是由一組紅、綠、藍光匯聚而成的,由於在技術上三束光還不能100%地匯聚在一點上,因此會產生一種黃光網點的間隔,這種間隔越小,屏幕上顯示的圖像越清晰。VGA是Video Graphics Array(視頻圖形陣列)的縮寫。

  FAT:Allocation Table,文件分配表,它的作用是記錄硬盤中有關文件如何被分散存儲在不同扇區的信息。

  EPA:Environmental Protection Agency的簡稱,美國環境保護署。EPA於1992年宣佈了“能源之星”(Energy Star)計劃,並得到了國際社會的積極響應。只要啓動電腦,過不了幾秒鐘就能見到屏幕上出現“能源之星”的標誌。能源之星的目標是當電腦系統的各個部件不活動時自動進入低功耗狀態,當部件的能動性恢復(即當鍵盤、鼠標等被使用)時,電腦系統自動回到完全清醒的狀態。對於符合能源之星規範的產品,EPA將發給能源之星標誌“EPA POLLUTION PREVENTER”,意爲“美國環境保護署認可的防污染的節能產品”。

  IC卡:Intelligent Card,智能卡。



  DLL:Dynamic Link Library,動態鏈接庫。

  KB:Kilo Byte,KB表示千字節。K=Kilo,構詞成分,表示“千;千米;公斤;公里”。B=Byte,意爲“字節”,是電腦中最小存貯單位(一個字節可以存貯一個英文字母,每兩個字節可以存放一個漢字)。

  MB:Mega Byte,MB表示兆字節。M=Mega,構詞成分,表示“兆;百萬”。

  GB:Giga Byte,GB表示千兆字節。G=Giga,構詞成分,表示千兆;十億”。

  CAI:Computer-Asisted Instruction或Computer-Aided Instruction,計算機輔助教學。它將是二十一世紀最重要、最受歡迎的教學手段。

  CAD:Computer-Aided Design,計算機輔助設計。

  ISO:International Standard Organization,國際標準化組織。ISO於1987年推出有關質量管理和質量保證的ISO 9000系列國際標準,於1994年又發佈了經過修訂的標準。其中,構成ISO 9000系列標準的主要標準分別是:1.ISO 9000-1:1994《質量管理和質量保證標準—第一部分:選擇和使用指南》。2.ISO 9001:1994《質量體系—設計、開發、生產、安裝和服務的質量保證模式》。3.ISO 9002:1994《質量體系—最終檢驗和試驗的質量保證模式》。

  3DS或3D Studio: Three Dimension Studio,三維攝影室。是美國Autodesk公司推出的一套多功能三維動畫軟件,集實體造型、靜態着色和動畫創作於一體,極大地普及了三維造型技術。它能夠與AutoCAD進行圖形信息交換,利用掃描儀輸入圖形,通過VGA與電視轉換接口將動畫輸出至電視或錄像帶。

  VR:Virtual Reality,虛擬現實,又稱投入3D,由空軍模擬飛行裝置演變而來,基本上是利用左、右視覺空間交替變換顯示圖像的原理產生立體效果,實際上已超出圖像處理的範疇,是綜合光、聲、圖像的計算機生成環境,人們能夠像在實際生活中那樣對虛擬環境中的對象進行交互式操作,虛擬現實應用前景極爲廣闊。

  OCR:Optical Character Recognition(光學字符識別)的縮寫,是指將文字材料通過掃描儀輸入作爲計算機圖像文件,通過軟件識別爲中文或英文內碼,然後進行文字處理。由於手寫體的隨意性太大,目前OCR主要限於印刷文字的識別。目前代表中文OCR識別準確率最高水平的是清華文通公司出品的TH-OCR NT for Windows。

  SCSI:Small Computer System Interface,小型計算機系統接口,它是爲解決衆多的外部設備與計算機之間的連接問題而出現的。

  OEM:Original Equipment Manufacturer,原始設備製造商。

  Microsoft OEM: 微軟OEM產品。它是指預安裝在微機上的軟件操作系統,包括Windows98、Windows NT、WorkStation、Windows3.X、MS-DOS。

  MIS:Management Information System,管理信息系統。它廣泛地應用於各行各業,國內最有名的管理信息系統有“王特MIS”、“雅奇MIS”、“Quick MIS”。

  PNP:Plug and Play,即插即用,它是Window98的一個重要技術特性。所謂即插即用是指將符合PNP標準的PC插卡等外圍設備安裝到電腦時,操作系統自動設定系統結構的技術。這就是說,當用戶安裝新的硬件時,不必再設置任何跳線器開關,也不必用軟件配置中斷請求(IRQ)、內存地址或直接存儲器存取(DMA)通道,Windows98會嚮應用程序通知硬件設備的新變化,並會自動協調IRQ、內存地址和DMA通道之間的衝突。

  OLE:Object Linking and Embedding,對象連接與嵌入,簡稱OLE技術。OLE不僅是桌面應用程序集成,而且還定義和實現了一種允許應用程序作爲軟件“對象”(數據集合和操作數據的函數)彼此進行“連接”的機制,這種連接機制和協議稱爲部件對象模型(Component Object Model),簡稱COM。OLE可以用來創建複合文檔,複合文檔包含了創建於不同源應用程序,有着不同類型的數據,因此它可以把文字、聲音、圖像、表格等組合在一起。

  MIDI:Musical Instrument Digital Interface,樂器數字接口。它是多媒體的基本術語之一,MIDI文件是用電子樂器如:電子琴、吉它、薩克斯等演奏並錄製下來的,它能在大多數的多媒體計算機聲音卡上播放,即使不去創建自己的MIDI文件,也可以使用現有的MIDI文件,作爲多媒體演示的背景音樂。MIDI文件儲存的只是對聲音的描述,依靠聲音卡的合成器(FM或者波形表)來產生人們想聽的真實聲音。

  MPEG:是Motion Picture Experts Group的縮寫,意即“運動圖像專家組”,它是多媒體計算機中的一種活動圖像及其伴音的壓縮編碼標準,即人們通常所說的MPEG標準。它包括三部分:MPEG音頻、MPEG視頻、和MPEG系統。


  Internet: 爲International Net的簡寫,因特網,又稱國際互聯網。它最早產生於美國國防部的高級研究規劃署,那是1969年的事了,最初的目的也只是遠程計算機的數據共享,後來發展成將世界各地的計算機及計算機網絡相互連接起來,形成了一個無邊無際的超級大網。Internet的主要服務項目有:電子郵件(E-mail),遠程登錄(Telnet),查詢服務(Finger),文件傳輸(FTP),文檔服務器(Archive),新聞論壇(Usenet),電子公告牌(BBS),新聞羣組(News Group),全球網(World Wide Web,縮寫爲WWW,又稱萬維網)等。

  BBS:Bulletin Board System,公告牌系統或電子公告板,又稱Public Access Message System,公共訪問信息系統。它是普通公告的電子版本,用戶可以通過公告牌發佈消息,任何用戶都可以讀取公告牌上的消息,也可以給某一特定的人或一組用戶發送信息。公告牌系統被廣泛地用於傳播信息,諮詢一個電子公告牌往往比使用交互信箱或公共郵政系統發送公告更加快捷、有效。

  E-mail: 電子郵件,這是一種利用Internet網交換文字信息的交互式服務,全世界Internet用戶可以互相發送和接收電子郵件。

  WWW: World Wide Web的縮寫,全球網,又稱萬維網。它是一個基於超文本方式的信息檢索工具,提供一種友好的信息查詢接口,是目前最受歡迎同時也是最先進的Internet檢索工具之一。

  Remote Login: 遠程登錄(註冊),它是在網絡環境下實現資源共享的一種重要手段,採用這種方式,用戶可連接到世界任何一臺Internet主機。

  HTTP: Hyper Text Transmission Protocol,超文本傳輸協議。


  FTP:是 Transfer Protocol的縮寫,即文件傳輸協議,用於在Internet上傳輸文件。FTP的任務是從一臺計算機將文件傳送到另一臺計算機。人們通過FTP可以獲得很多免費的實用軟件。

  Gopher: 讀音/′g?uf?/,英文意爲“地鼠”;(美國南部穴居的)可食用的龜”。它是Internet中基於菜單驅動的信息查詢軟件,可將用戶的請求自動轉換成FTP(文件傳輸協議)或Telnet(用於遠程終端連接的標準IP協議)命令,在菜單的引導下,用戶可對Internet上遠程信息系統進行訪問。

  Archive: 讀音/′a:kaiv/,“檔案;檔案館”之意。Internet中的文檔服務器,可定期自動地訪問衆多的Internet FTP服務器,將這些服務器上的文件索引成一個可以檢索的數據庫。

  WAIS:是Wide Area Information Service的簡寫,廣域信息服務器。它使得Internet上巨大的數據資源變得易於檢索,並且可以獲得遠程數據庫的信息。

  Luisitserv: 這是Internet上流行的用戶之間交流信息的方式。

  IRC:Internet Relay Chat,互聯網接力聊天。這是一種多用戶聊天設施,允許多個用戶通過文字實時地與其它人聊天。

  Hypertext: 超文本。本來用做表示所有超鏈接,也表示包含“鏈接”的文本。這是一種非線性的信息組織方法,文字、圖形和其它數據做爲單個元素都能夠指向(鏈接)其它元素。

  Hyperlink: 超鏈接。一種與其它文件的“鏈接”,文件中圖片、按鈕、“熱詞”或短語都可以做爲超鏈接,當用戶選擇超鏈接之後,所連接的信息就會顯示出來。

  HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language,超文本標示語言。它是由歐洲粒子實驗室一名想象力豐富的研究員Tim Bemers Lee發明的,是“WWW(全球網)世界”的通用語言。“WWW世界”的諸服務器與客戶瀏覽器間,通過它互相溝通;信息資源也是由它描述而“表現”的,HTML可以 描述主頁(Home Page)和靜態的文本。全世界有幾千萬人在使用HTML語言,可以毫不誇張地說,沒有HTML就沒有“WWW世界”。

  Hypermedia: 超媒體。一種以計算機爲基礎的利用文字、圖形、動畫、聲音和視頻傳送和顯示信息的方法。這些文字等超媒體的組成元素既可以與其它文件連接,又可以做爲單個對象處理。

  Navigator: 是美國網景(Netscape)公司出品的Internet瀏覽器軟件之一。Navigator的英文意思是“航海者、海上探險者”,寓意人們可以使用該軟件在Internet網絡的海洋中航行、探險。Navigator不僅可以瀏覽萬維網(WWW),還具有電子郵件(E-mail)、文件傳輸(FTP)、遠程登錄(Telnet)及新聞組(News Group)、信息瀏覽(Gopher)等多種功能。

  IE:Internet Explorer,Explorer意爲“探險者”。



  現在,互聯網瀏覽器儲存在電腦裏面的文件夾就被稱做cookies 。Cookies 是聯網用戶計算機硬盤中的一個記錄用戶個人資料、所用電腦系統的資料和該用戶瀏覽過的網頁等資料的資料卡。好多網站爲了瞭解有多少人,什麼樣的人訪問本站,要求第一次訪問他們的用戶輸入自己的姓名、地址、電話號碼、職業等個人資料,並將這些資料製作成一份訪問者資料卡通過訪問者的瀏覽器存儲在訪問者電腦的硬盤上,起名爲cookies.txt。這就等於給初訪者發了一張會員卡。當該用戶下次重訪該網站時,他的電腦瀏覽器就會自動出示這張會員卡,不必重重驗關就可以進入該網站。

  爲何要將這種資料卡取名爲cookies 沒有人能說清楚。有人說cookies 可能源於海外中國餐館在客人用完餐離開前向客人所贈"幸運小餅乾"(fortune cookies)。這種說法不是沒有道理,因爲掰開每塊"幸運小餅乾",裏面都有一張小字條,印有一句讓客人看後開心一笑的警句之類的吉祥話。有的還描繪客人的個性特點,爲客人卜算前程。想必這也是個人化的信息吧。

  還有一種說法,認爲cookies 成爲電腦術語和《艾麗斯奇境歷險記》中出現的magic cookie有關係。 Magic cookie可以神奇地使艾麗斯變大或變小,這和新用戶登錄網站時,電腦中的某一程序就會因cookie記錄相關信息而增加容量有共通之處。不過這個類比似乎站不住腳。因爲艾麗斯變大後要想再縮回去的話,必須飲用裝在寫着"DRINK ME"的瓶子裏面裝的東西或把"白兔扇"握在手裏才行,而電腦術語中的cookie對此沒有什麼對應。可見,小說情節裏的magic cookie和電腦術語裏的 cookie還不能完全對不上號。



(Advanced Digital Network) -- Usually refers to a 56Kbps leased-line.

A small Java program that can be embedded in an HTML page. Applets differ from full-fledged Java applications in that they are not allowed to access certain resources on the local computer, such as files and serial devices (modems, printers, etc.), and are prohibited from communicating with most other computers across a network. The current rule is that an applet can only make an Internet connection to the computer from which the applet was sent.

A tool (software) for finding files stored on anonymous FTP sites. You need to know the exact file name or a substring of it.

(Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) -- The precursor to the Internet. Developed in the late 60’s and early 70’s by the US Department of Defense as an experiment in wide-area-networking that would survive a nuclear war.

(American Standard Code for Information Interchange) -- This is the de facto world-wide standard for the code numbers used by computers to represent all the upper and lower-case Latin letters, numbers, punctuation, etc. There are 128 standard ASCII codes each of which can be represented by a 7 digit binary number: 0000000 through 1111111.

A high-speed line or series of connections that forms a major pathway within a network. The term is relative as a backbone in a small network will likely be much smaller than many non-backbone lines in a large network.

How much stuff you can send through a connection. Usually measured in bits-per-second. A full page of English text is about 16,000 bits. A fast modem can move about 15,000 bits in one second. Full-motion full-screen video would require roughly 10,000,000 bits-per-second, depending on compression.

In common usage the baud rate of a modem is how many bits it can send or receive per second. Technically, baud is the number of times per second that the carrier signal shifts value - for example a 1200 bit-per-second modem actually runs at 300 baud, but it moves 4 bits per baud (4 x 300 = 1200 bits per second).

(Bulletin Board System) -- A computerized meeting and announcement system that allows people to carry on discussions, upload and download files, and make announcements without the people being connected to the computer at the same time. There are many thousands (millions?) of BBS’s around the world, most are very small, running on a single IBM clone PC with 1 or 2 phone lines. Some are very large and the line between a BBS and a system like CompuServe gets crossed at some point, but it is not clearly drawn.

(BINary HEXadecimal) -- A method for converting non-text files (non-ASCII) into ASCII. This is needed because Internet e-mail can only handle ASCII.

(Binary DigIT) -- A single digit number in base-2, in other words, either a 1 or a zero. The smallest unit of computerized data. Bandwidth is usually measured in bits-per-second.

(Because It’s Time NETwork (or Because It’s There NETwork)) -- A network of educational sites separate from the Internet, but e-mail is freely exchanged between BITNET and the Internet. Listservs?, the most popular form of e-mail discussion groups, originated on BITNET. BITNET machines are usually mainframes running the VMS operating system, and the network is probably the only international network that is shrinking.

(Bits-Per-Second) -- A measurement of how fast data is moved from one place to another. A 28.8 modem can move 28,800 bits per second.

A Client program (software) that is used to look at various kinds of Internet resources.

(By The Way) -- A shorthand appended to a comment written in an online forum.

A set of Bits that represent a single character. Usually there are 8 Bits in a Byte, sometimes more, depending on how the measurement is being made.


  Page views(綜合瀏覽量):網站各網頁被瀏覽的總次數。一個訪客有可能創造十幾個甚至更多的PAGEVIEWS。

  Impression(印象):放置廣告圖像的網頁每一次顯示, 就是一次印象。


  Clicks Ratio(點擊率):是廣告吸引力的一個標誌。如果這個網頁出現了一萬次,而網頁上的廣告的點擊次數爲五百次,那麼點擊率即爲5%。

  CPM(Cost per Thousand Impressions)網上廣告產生每1000個廣告印象(顯示)數的費用。按訪問人次收費已經成爲網絡廣告的慣例。目前國際上每個CPM收費從$20到$80不等。


Almost three years ago ,cisco and microsoft annouced the directory enabled network(DEN) initiative ,which sought to develop a standard for storing information about network devices, applications and users in a single directory.

This directory would bind a user's name and network resource access profile to policies for granting or restricting that access, and delegating bandwidth priorities and privileges.work on standardizing specifications for the directory were handed off to the distributed manage-ment task force (DMTF).

In march , the DMTF announced it had completed work on a new version of the common infor-mation model that facilitates the mapping of the CIM schema into a lightweight directory access protocol(LDAP)-compliant directory .CIM defines how to represent network device ,system and application data in a directory so it can be easily shared for DEN and enter-prise management purposes.

By mapping the CIM schema into an LDAP directory , users will be able to further integrate directory information into an overall enterprise management system , the DMTF says .

Customers will make DEN-compliant products a priority once the DMTF makes a little more progress on DEN specifications-such as defining a pollicy schema that would specify data structures for binding directory profiles to network security and quality -of -service (QOS)policies and products soon follow.

Perhaps , vendors still have to determine how to use directories to prompt network and applications to configure themselves based on business policies .for example , when a user logs on to a network , the directroy would recognize the user's name , department , location and rank within the company , and bind this information with the user's network access or restriction policies. then the IT infrastructure would configure itself accordingly to enable or disable that a access.

One of the killer applications for DEN when it was announced was the ability to link QoS policies to users via dircetories . but bandwidth has become cheaper and more plentiful in the LAN over the past two years , and that's made QOS much less of an issue.

Instead of prioritizing bandwidth allocation, users can inexpensively overprovision band-width when they need to support delay-sensitive traffic such as voice and video. Also , simple mechanisms such as setting 802.1p bits on ethernet frame or type-of -service bits in IP headers are enough for LAN QOS.

Nonetheless , there 's still a huge demand among enterprise users for directories to enable self-configuring networks based on business policy.

DEN for QOS may still apply for WAN applications, edholm says . indeed cisco has made more strides with DEN in the service provider market than in the enterprise arena.

Service providers are looking to DEN to integrate multivendor products into an interoperable operational support system .

So despite the silnece , progress on DEN is being the silnece, progress on DEN is being made and activty is expected to pick up once standards become a little more solidiffed.



今年三月,DETF 宣佈完成了新版公共信息模型(CIM) 的研究工作,此模型實現了CIM模式映射到簡便目錄訪問協議(LDAP)的相應目錄中, CIM 定義如何在目錄中表示網絡設備,系統和應用數據,因而它很容易爲DEN 和企業管理目的而被共享。

DMTF 稱, 通過把CIM 模式映射到LDAP 目錄,用戶就能進一步把目錄信息與整個企業管理系統結合起來。

一旦DMTF在DEN 規範上取得更多一些進展,如定義一個爲把目錄簡表與網絡安全和服務質量(QOS)政策捆綁在一起而規定數據結構的政策模式,以及隨之而來的產品,客戶將優先使用符合DEN的產品。

廠商們也許還不得不確定怎樣利用目錄來提示網絡和應用程序以便依據商業政策來配置他們自己。例如:當一用戶登錄上網時,目錄將會識別出用戶的名字、所在的部門、地點及在公司中的級別,把這些信息與用戶的網絡訪問或限制政策捆綁在一起。然後,IT 基礎設施就能相應地配置自己,以便實現或不讓實現訪問。

當年宣佈DEN 的最具衝擊力的應用之一是通過目錄把QOS 政策與用戶聯繫起來的能力,但在過去兩年局域網中帶寬變的更爲便宜和充足,是QOS不再是個問題。

當用戶需要支持對延遲敏感的流量,如聲音和視頻圖象時,他們可以廉價地獲得很大的帶寬,而不用對帶寬進行優先等級分配。同時,在以太網楨上設置802.1P 位或者在IP 報頭中設服務類型位等簡單機制對局域網的QOS 來說已經足夠了。


EDHOLM說:“實現QOS 的DEN 還可以應用於廣域網上的應用程序。實際上。思科公司利用DEN 在服務供應商市場上取得了比企業市場更大的進步。服務供應商正期待着把DEN 做進更多廠商產品中去,成爲一個可互用的運行支持系統。

儘管(DEN)比較沉默,但DEN 正在取得進步,一旦此標準變的更爲穩定,DEN 可望會有所作爲。


With portable computers and wireless LANs,users can enjoy greater productivity while away from their desks ,whether they are in conference rooms, public areas or remote offices.
Until recently , however,wireless LANs were too slow for most enterprise applications.based on the IEEE 802.11 standdrd,they ran at 1M to 2M bit/sec.

Now a new high -rate extension to the standard ,802.11b, lets wireless networks support data rates to 11M bit/sec.

Ratified in 1997 ,the original 802.11 standardunited the wireless industury by defining a low-level protocol architecture that worked with conventional upper-layer enterprise protocol stacks . also, 802.11 maintained compatibility with the three most popular radio transmission types: direct sequence spread spectrum,frequency-hopping spread spectrum,and infrared.

Essentially,this new architecture added intelligence at the medium access control(MAC) layer 2 and at the physical (PHY) layer 1, fosteing cooperation between the two layers in performing the critical tasks involved with initiating and maintaining wireless communi-cations.

For instance ,to ensure reliability of the wireless link ,MAC and PHY work together to determine if a clear path exists before they start a transmission.

During transmission, they employ special collision -avoidance and arrival-acknowledgment techniques that are not required in wired ethernet LANs.

in september 1999,the IEEE approved a new designation, known as 802.11.intended to retain the error-correction,security,powermanagement and other advantages of the original , a key ingredient-a thchnique for increasing bandwidth to 11M bit/sec.

Called complementary code keying (CCK) the technique works only in conjunction with the DSSS technology sprcified in the original standard . it does net work with frequency-hopping or infrared transmissions.

What CCK does is apply sophisticated mathematical formulas to the DSSS codes, a permitting the code to represent a greater volume of informitter is now able to send multiple bits of information with each DSSS code ,enough to make possible the 11M bit /sec in the original standard .

The 802.11b standard benefits users by delivering wireless ethernet speeds of 11M bit/sec that can reliably support everyday business applications,e-mail,internet and server network access.

With support from the new wireless ethernet from the new wireless ethernet compatibility alliance ,founded by 3com,lucent,nokia and several other companies in the wireless LAN business,the new standard will also promise certified interoperability across multivendor platforms.

Finally, the 802.11b standard serves as a clamoring for a simplified wireless LAN landscpape.

Vendors can now focus on a single ,high-speed standard , and users can cut through the clutter of wireless options by fovusing on a standard that delivers multibvendor interoperability and the performance to meet their application needs.











802.11B 標準給出11兆位/秒的無線以太網速度,給用戶帶來好處,速度能可靠地支持日常的業務應用、電子郵件、因特網和服務器網絡的接入。




kerberos was developed at MIT in 1998s. it was named after the three-headed watchdog in classical Greek mythology that guards the gates to Hades .the name is apt because Kerberos is a three-way process , depending on a thrid-party service called the Key distribution center(KDC) to verify one computer's identity to another and to set up encryption keys for a secure connection between them .basically,kerberos works because each computer shares a secret with the KDC, which has two components:a Kerberos authentication server and a ticket-granting server , it a KDC doesn't know the requested target server, it refers the authentication transaction to another KDC that does .Kerberos is a network authentication protocol that allows one computer to prove its identity to another across an insecure network through an exchange of encrypted messages. once identity is verified, kerberos provides the two computer with encryption keys for a secure communication session. kerberos authenticates the identity and encrypts their communications through secret-key cryptography.

kerberos協議是80年代由MIT開發的一種協議。其命名是根據希臘神話中守衛冥王大門的長有三頭的看門狗做的。定名是貼切的,因爲KERBEROS是一個三路處理方法,根據稱爲密匙分配中心(KDC)的第三方服務來驗證計算機相互的身份,並建立密匙以保證計算機間安全連接。KERBEROS協議基本上是可行的,因爲每臺計算機分享KDC一個祕密,KDC有兩個部件:一個KEBEROS 認證服務器和一個授票服務器。如果KDC不知請求的目標服務器,則求助於另一個KDC完成認證交易。KERBEROS 是一種網絡認證協議,允許一臺計算機通過交換加密消息在整個非安全網絡上與另一臺計算機互相證明身份。一旦身份得到驗證,KERBEROS協議給這兩臺計算機提供密匙,以進行安全通訊對話。KERBEROS 協議認證試圖等錄上網用戶的身份,並通過使用密匙密碼爲用戶間的通信加密。

名詞解釋:base address

base address 基址:

the part of a two-part memory address that remains constant and provides a reference point from which the location of a byte of data can be calculated. a base address is accompanied by an offset value that is added to the base to determine the exact location(the absolute address)of the information. the concept is similar to a street address system . for example, "2010 main street " plus an offset(10from the beginning of the block ).base address are known as segment address in IBM pcs and compatibles; data in these computers is identified by its position as a relative offset the start of the segment.



  CPU:Central Processing Unit,中央處理單元,又叫中央處理器或微處理器,被喻爲電腦的心臟。

  RAM:Random Access Memory,隨機存儲器,即人們常說的“內存”。

  ROM:Read-Only Memory,只讀存儲器。

  EDO:Extended Data Output,擴充數據輸出。當CPU的處理速度不斷提高時,也相應地要求不斷提高DRAM傳送數據速度,一般來說,FPM(Fast Page Model)DRAM傳送數據速度在60-70ns,而EDO DRAM比FPM快3倍,達20ns。目前最快的是SDRAM(Synchronous DRAM,同步動態存儲器),其存取速度高達10ns。

  SDRAM:Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory,同步動態隨機存儲器,又稱同步DRAM,爲新一代動態存儲器。它可以與CPU總線使用同一個時鐘,因此,SDRAM存儲器較EDO存儲器能使計算機的性能大大提高。

  Cache:英文含義爲“(勘探人員等貯藏糧食、器材等的)地窖;藏物處”。電腦中爲高速緩衝存儲器,是位於CPU和主存儲器DRAM(Dynamic Randon Access Memory)之間,規模較小,但速度很高的存儲器,通常由SRAM(Static Random Access Memory靜態存儲器)組成。

  CMOS:是Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor的縮寫,含義爲互補金屬氧化物半導體(指互補金屬氧化物半導體存儲器)。CMOS是目前絕大多數電腦中都使用的一種用電池供電的存儲器(RAM)。它是確定系統的硬件配置,優化微機整體性能,進行系統維護的重要工具。它保存一些有關係統硬件設置等方面的信息,在關機以後,這些信息也繼續存在(這一點與RAM完全不同)。開機時,電腦需要用這些信息來啓動系統。如果不慎或發生意外而弄亂 了CMOS中保留的信息,電腦系統將不能正常啓動。

  PCI:Peripheral Component Interconnection,局部總線( 總線是計算機用於把信息從一個設備傳送到另一個設備的高速通道)。PCI總線是目前較爲先進的一種總線結構,其功能比其他總線有很大的提高,可支持突發讀寫操作,最高傳輸率可達132Mbps,是數據傳輸最快的總線之一,可同時支持多組外圍設備。PCI不受制於CPU處理器,並能兼容現有的各種總線,其主板插槽體積小,因此成本低,利於推廣。


  Quantum:英文含意爲“定量,總量”。著名硬盤商標,美國昆騰硬盤生產商(Quantum Corporation)。


  LD:Laser Disk,鐳射光盤,又稱激光視盤。

  CD:Compact Disc,壓縮光盤,又稱激光唱盤。

  CD-ROM:Compact Disc-Read Only Memory,壓縮光盤-只讀記憶(存儲),又叫“只讀光盤”。

  VCD:Video Compact Disc,視頻壓縮光盤,即人們通常所說的“小影碟”。

  DVD:至今有許多人把DVD視爲Digital Video Disc(數字視頻光盤)的縮寫,事實上,從1995年9月,索尼/飛利浦和東芝/時代華納兩大DVD開發集團達成DVD統一標準後,DVD的內涵有了很大的變化,它已成了數字通用光盤,即Digital Versatile Disc的英文縮寫。Versatile“通用”的含義表明了DVD用途的多元化,它不僅可用於影視娛樂,還可用於多媒體計算機等領域。目前按其用途可分爲5種類型:1?計算機用只讀光盤——DVD-ROM;2?家用型影音光盤——DVD-Movie;3?專供音樂欣賞的DVD Audio;4?只寫一次的光盤——DVD-R;5?可讀寫多次的光盤——DVD-RAM。


  UPS:爲Uninterruptible Power Supply(不間斷電源)的英文縮寫。它是伴隨着計算機的誕生而出現的,是電腦的重要外圍設備之一。UPS是一種含有儲能裝置,以逆變器爲主要組成的恆壓恆頻的不間斷電源,用以保護電腦在突然斷電時不會丟失重要的數據。



  Internet: 爲International Net的簡寫,因特網,又稱國際互聯網。它最早產生於美國國防部的高級研究規劃署,那是1969年的事了,最初的目的也只是遠程計算機的數據共享,後來發展成將世界各地的計算機及計算機網絡相互連接起來,形成了一個無邊無際的超級大網。Internet的主要服務項目有:電子郵件(E-mail),遠程登錄(Telnet),查詢服務(Finger),文件傳輸(FTP),文檔服務器(Archive),新聞論壇(Usenet),電子公告牌(BBS),新聞羣組(News Group),全球網(World Wide Web,縮寫爲WWW,又稱萬維網)等。

  BBS:Bulletin Board System,公告牌系統或電子公告板,又稱Public Access Message System,公共訪問信息系統。它是普通公告的電子版本,用戶可以通過公告牌發佈消息,任何用戶都可以讀取公告牌上的消息,也可以給某一特定的人或一組用戶發送信息。公告牌系統被廣泛地用於傳播信息,諮詢一個電子公告牌往往比使用交互信箱或公共郵政系統發送公告更加快捷、有效。

  E-mail: 電子郵件,這是一種利用Internet網交換文字信息的交互式服務,全世界Internet用戶可以互相發送和接收電子郵件。

  WWW: World Wide Web的縮寫,全球網,又稱萬維網。它是一個基於超文本方式的信息檢索工具,提供一種友好的信息查詢接口,是目前最受歡迎同時也是最先進的Internet檢索工具之一。

  Remote Login: 遠程登錄(註冊),它是在網絡環境下實現資源共享的一種重要手段,採用這種方式,用戶可連接到世界任何一臺Internet主機。

  HTTP: Hyper Text Transmission Protocol,超文本傳輸協議。


  FTP:是 Transfer Protocol的縮寫,即文件傳輸協議,用於在Internet上傳輸文件。FTP的任務是從一臺計算機將文件傳送到另一臺計算機。人們通過FTP可以獲得很多免費的實用軟件。

  Gopher: 讀音/′g?uf?/,英文意爲“地鼠”;(美國南部穴居的)可食用的龜”。它是Internet中基於菜單驅動的信息查詢軟件,可將用戶的請求自動轉換成FTP(文件傳輸協議)或Telnet(用於遠程終端連接的標準IP協議)命令,在菜單的引導下,用戶可對Internet上遠程信息系統進行訪問。

  Archive: 讀音/′a:kaiv/,“檔案;檔案館”之意。Internet中的文檔服務器,可定期自動地訪問衆多的Internet FTP服務器,將這些服務器上的文件索引成一個可以檢索的數據庫。

  WAIS:是Wide Area Information Service的簡寫,廣域信息服務器。它使得Internet上巨大的數據資源變得易於檢索,並且可以獲得遠程數據庫的信息。

  Luisitserv: 這是Internet上流行的用戶之間交流信息的方式。

  IRC:Internet Relay Chat,互聯網接力聊天。這是一種多用戶聊天設施,允許多個用戶通過文字實時地與其它人聊天。

  Hypertext: 超文本。本來用做表示所有超鏈接,也表示包含“鏈接”的文本。這是一種非線性的信息組織方法,文字、圖形和其它數據做爲單個元素都能夠指向(鏈接)其它元素。

  Hyperlink: 超鏈接。一種與其它文件的“鏈接”,文件中圖片、按鈕、“熱詞”或短語都可以做爲超鏈接,當用戶選擇超鏈接之後,所連接的信息就會顯示出來。

  HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language,超文本標示語言。它是由歐洲粒子實驗室一名想象力豐富的研究員Tim Bemers Lee發明的,是“WWW(全球網)世界”的通用語言。“WWW世界”的諸服務器與客戶瀏覽器間,通過它互相溝通;信息資源也是由它描述而“表現”的,HTML可以 描述主頁(Home Page)和靜態的文本。全世界有幾千萬人在使用HTML語言,可以毫不誇張地說,沒有HTML就沒有“WWW世界”。

  Hypermedia: 超媒體。一種以計算機爲基礎的利用文字、圖形、動畫、聲音和視頻傳送和顯示信息的方法。這些文字等超媒體的組成元素既可以與其它文件連接,又可以做爲單個對象處理。

  Navigator: 是美國網景(Netscape)公司出品的Internet瀏覽器軟件之一。Navigator的英文意思是“航海者、海上探險者”,寓意人們可以使用該軟件在Internet網絡的海洋中航行、探險。Navigator不僅可以瀏覽萬維網(WWW),還具有電子郵件(E-mail)、文件傳輸(FTP)、遠程登錄(Telnet)及新聞組(News Group)、信息瀏覽(Gopher)等多種功能。

  IE:Internet Explorer,Explorer意爲“探險者”。


??PC:Personal Computer,個人計算機、個人電腦,又稱微型計算機或微機。

??NC: Network Computer,網絡計算機。

  MPC: Multimedia Personal Computer,多媒體個人電腦。

  MMX: 是MultiMedia eXtensions(多媒體擴展)的縮寫,是第六代CPU芯片的重要特點。MMX技術是在CPU中加入了特地爲視頻信號(Video Signal),音頻信號(Audio Signal)以及圖像處理(Graphical Manipulation)而設計的57條指令,因此,MMX CPU極大地提高了電腦的多媒體(如立體聲、視頻、三維動畫等)處理功能。

  Intel Pentium 166MHz MMXTM: Intel Pentium是英特爾(Intel)公司生產的“奔騰”CPU。?意爲“Registered”(註冊商標)。166MHz指CPU時鐘頻率,MHz即Mega Hertz的縮寫。MMXTM中的TM是“Trade Mark”的簡寫,意爲“註冊商標”。

  OOP: Object Oriented Programming,面向對象的程序設計。所謂“對象”就是一個或一組數據以及處理這些數據的方法和過程的集合。面向對象的程序設計完全不同於傳統的面向過程程序設計,它大大地降低了軟件開發的難度,使編程就像搭積木一樣簡單,是當今電腦編程的一股勢不可擋的潮流。

  28VGA: 28是指彩色顯示器上的黃光網點間距(點距),點距越小的顯示器,圖像就越細膩、越好,這是因爲彩色屏幕上的每個像點都是由一組紅、綠、藍光匯聚而成的,由於在技術上三束光還不能100%地匯聚在一點上,因此會產生一種黃光網點的間隔,這種間隔越小,屏幕上顯示的圖像越清晰。VGA是Video Graphics Array(視頻圖形陣列)的縮寫。

  FAT:Allocation Table,文件分配表,它的作用是記錄硬盤中有關文件如何被分散存儲在不同扇區的信息。

  EPA:Environmental Protection Agency的簡稱,美國環境保護署。EPA於1992年宣佈了“能源之星”(Energy Star)計劃,並得到了國際社會的積極響應。只要啓動電腦,過不了幾秒鐘就能見到屏幕上出現“能源之星”的標誌。能源之星的目標是當電腦系統的各個部件不活動時自動進入低功耗狀態,當部件的能動性恢復(即當鍵盤、鼠標等被使用)時,電腦系統自動回到完全清醒的狀態。對於符合能源之星規範的產品,EPA將發給能源之星標誌“EPA POLLUTION PREVENTER”,意爲“美國環境保護署認可的防污染的節能產品”。

  IC卡:Intelligent Card,智能卡。



  DLL:Dynamic Link Library,動態鏈接庫。

  KB:Kilo Byte,KB表示千字節。K=Kilo,構詞成分,表示“千;千米;公斤;公里”。B=Byte,意爲“字節”,是電腦中最小存貯單位(一個字節可以存貯一個英文字母,每兩個字節可以存放一個漢字)。

  MB:Mega Byte,MB表示兆字節。M=Mega,構詞成分,表示“兆;百萬”。

  GB:Giga Byte,GB表示千兆字節。G=Giga,構詞成分,表示千兆;十億”。

  CAI:Computer-Asisted Instruction或Computer-Aided Instruction,計算機輔助教學。它將是二十一世紀最重要、最受歡迎的教學手段。

  CAD:Computer-Aided Design,計算機輔助設計。

  ISO:International Standard Organization,國際標準化組織。ISO於1987年推出有關質量管理和質量保證的ISO 9000系列國際標準,於1994年又發佈了經過修訂的標準。其中,構成ISO 9000系列標準的主要標準分別是:1.ISO 9000-1:1994《質量管理和質量保證標準—第一部分:選擇和使用指南》。2.ISO 9001:1994《質量體系—設計、開發、生產、安裝和服務的質量保證模式》。3.ISO 9002:1994《質量體系—最終檢驗和試驗的質量保證模式》。

  3DS或3D Studio: Three Dimension Studio,三維攝影室。是美國Autodesk公司推出的一套多功能三維動畫軟件,集實體造型、靜態着色和動畫創作於一體,極大地普及了三維造型技術。它能夠與AutoCAD進行圖形信息交換,利用掃描儀輸入圖形,通過VGA與電視轉換接口將動畫輸出至電視或錄像帶。

  VR:Virtual Reality,虛擬現實,又稱投入3D,由空軍模擬飛行裝置演變而來,基本上是利用左、右視覺空間交替變換顯示圖像的原理產生立體效果,實際上已超出圖像處理的範疇,是綜合光、聲、圖像的計算機生成環境,人們能夠像在實際生活中那樣對虛擬環境中的對象進行交互式操作,虛擬現實應用前景極爲廣闊。

  OCR:Optical Character Recognition(光學字符識別)的縮寫,是指將文字材料通過掃描儀輸入作爲計算機圖像文件,通過軟件識別爲中文或英文內碼,然後進行文字處理。由於手寫體的隨意性太大,目前OCR主要限於印刷文字的識別。目前代表中文OCR識別準確率最高水平的是清華文通公司出品的TH-OCR NT for Windows。

  SCSI:Small Computer System Interface,小型計算機系統接口,它是爲解決衆多的外部設備與計算機之間的連接問題而出現的。

  OEM:Original Equipment Manufacturer,原始設備製造商。

  Microsoft OEM: 微軟OEM產品。它是指預安裝在微機上的軟件操作系統,包括Windows98、Windows NT、WorkStation、Windows3.X、MS-DOS。

  MIS:Management Information System,管理信息系統。它廣泛地應用於各行各業,國內最有名的管理信息系統有“王特MIS”、“雅奇MIS”、“Quick MIS”。

  PNP:Plug and Play,即插即用,它是Window98的一個重要技術特性。所謂即插即用是指將符合PNP標準的PC插卡等外圍設備安裝到電腦時,操作系統自動設定系統結構的技術。這就是說,當用戶安裝新的硬件時,不必再設置任何跳線器開關,也不必用軟件配置中斷請求(IRQ)、內存地址或直接存儲器存取(DMA)通道,Windows98會嚮應用程序通知硬件設備的新變化,並會自動協調IRQ、內存地址和DMA通道之間的衝突。

  OLE:Object Linking and Embedding,對象連接與嵌入,簡稱OLE技術。OLE不僅是桌面應用程序集成,而且還定義和實現了一種允許應用程序作爲軟件“對象”(數據集合和操作數據的函數)彼此進行“連接”的機制,這種連接機制和協議稱爲部件對象模型(Component Object Model),簡稱COM。OLE可以用來創建複合文檔,複合文檔包含了創建於不同源應用程序,有着不同類型的數據,因此它可以把文字、聲音、圖像、表格等組合在一起。

  MIDI:Musical Instrument Digital Interface,樂器數字接口。它是多媒體的基本術語之一,MIDI文件是用電子樂器如:電子琴、吉它、薩克斯等演奏並錄製下來的,它能在大多數的多媒體計算機聲音卡上播放,即使不去創建自己的MIDI文件,也可以使用現有的MIDI文件,作爲多媒體演示的背景音樂。MIDI文件儲存的只是對聲音的描述,依靠聲音卡的合成器(FM或者波形表)來產生人們想聽的真實聲音。

  MPEG:是Motion Picture Experts Group的縮寫,意即“運動圖像專家組”,它是多媒體計算機中的一種活動圖像及其伴音的壓縮編碼標準,即人們通常所說的MPEG標準。它包括三部分:MPEG音頻、MPEG視頻、和MPEG系統。


??DOS:Disk Operating System,磁盤操作系統。提到DOS,只要稍有電腦知識的人對它都會有所瞭解。DOS的主要功能是管理電腦的硬件和軟件資源,方便用戶對電腦進行操作。使用DOS操作電腦,需要用戶記住大量命令及其正確格式,比較難學。Windows(微軟視窗操作系統)的出現,標誌着DOS時代的結束,圖形操作電腦時代的到來。

? Windows:在一般英文字典中查到Windows的意思爲“窗戶”。Window指微軟公司(Microsoft)著名的新一代電腦主流“視窗操作系統”。它通過一些圖形圖標(Icon)、窗口(Window)和菜單(Menu)等的選擇來實現對計算機的控制,極大地方便了用戶。Windows視窗操作系統系列產品有Windows 3.1、Windows 3.2、Windows 95(因爲該產品是1995年出品,因而取名爲Windows 95,也可寫成Win95。PWindows 95指中文版本的Windows 95),而功能更強大的最新產品爲Windows 98和Windows 2000等。Windows 95是目前最著名、最受歡迎的圖形化操作系統之一。

  Windows NT:微軟公司的著名網絡視窗操作系統。NT是New Technology(新技術)的縮寫。

  OS/2 Warp:Operating System(操作系統)。它是IBM推出的一個性能卓越的純32位操作系統,同時它也能提供完善的DOS支持,在總體技術上比Windows 95更優越,是Windows 95的一個強有力的競爭對手。OS/2 Warp中的Warp,英文含義爲“弄彎;歪曲”,在這裏指IBM爲其新一代操作系統OS/2加入的別名。Warp是美國著名的科幻電影《星球大戰》中的科學怪人,把軟件比喻爲《星球大戰》中的科學怪人,既給人以出其不意的感覺,又希望用戶把對《星球大戰》的美好記憶移到OS/2軟件上來。



  WPS:Word Processing System,文字處理系統,1989年由香港金山公司(Kingsun)開發的一套編輯、打印等功能爲一體的DOS平臺漢字處理系統,以其簡單易學和實用方便等優勢迅速佔領市場。在昔日WPS的輝煌時期,國人一提到電腦無不與WPS聯繫在一起,真可謂“言電腦必提WPS”。WPS一度成爲中文文字處理軟件的代名詞。在近幾年的“全國計算機等級一級考試”中,WPS是指定的文字處理考試內容。

  WPS97:Word Processing System,文字處理系統,珠海金山公司(Kingsun)出品,因在1997年上市而命名爲WPS97。它是WPS升級換代產品,是一個能運行在UCDOS、Windows 3?X和Windows 95等中文環境下的文字處理軟件。它綜合了WPS、電子詞典、方正校對系統、多內碼轉換、條形碼製作等功能,在保留原有的文字編輯方式的同時,支持所見即所得的文字處理方式,是一套圖文並茂、功能強大的超級辦公軟件。

  Office 97:Office爲“辦公室”之意。這裏指微軟公司先進的辦公集成軟件,1997年出品,因此冠之爲Office97。Office 97包括:Word 97(文字處理軟件),Excel 97(電子表格處理軟件),PowerPoint 97(電子幻燈演示軟件),Outllook 97(集日程管理、郵件信息交換等功能於一體的個人事務管理軟件)。

  Word 97:Word在英語中意思爲“單詞”。Word 97指微軟高級文字處理軟件。其系列產品還有Word 5.0、Word 6.0、Word 7.0等。

  Excel 97:Excel英文意爲“勝過、優於”,Excel 97是Microsoft Office 97軟件包中的一個電子表格軟件。電子表格一開始只作爲財務賬表的電子版本,也就是利用電腦裏的財務賬表來替代印刷品的財務賬表,並能對錶格中一行或一列數據進行簡單的算術運算。Microsoft Excel 97是被公認爲目前功能最強大、技術最先進、使用最方便的電子表格軟件。

  Lotus 1-2-3:Lotus是“蓮花”之意。Lotus 1-2-3是美國蓮花(Lotus)公司推出的在Windows環境下的集成軟件,它把常用的電子數據表、文字處理、數據庫、圖形軟件、文件管理功能組合在一個系統裏,且可以互相傳遞和調用信息。



  Authorware:由Author(作家;創造者)和Ware(商品;物品;器皿)兩個英語單詞組成,顧名思義爲“作家用來創造商品的工具”。它是美國Macromedia公司開發的一種多媒體系統制作工具,在Windows環境下有專業版(Authorware Professional)與學習版(Authorware Star)。Authorware是一個圖標導向式的多媒體制作工具,使非專業人員快速開發多媒體軟件成爲現實,其強大的功能令人驚歎不已。它無需傳統的計算機語言編程,只通過對圖標的調用來編輯一些控制程序走向的活動流程圖,將文字、圖形、聲音、動畫、視頻等各種多媒體項目數據匯在一起,就可達到多媒體軟件製作的目的。Authorware這種通過圖標的調用來編輯流程圖用以替代傳統的計算機語言編程的設計思想,是它的主要特點。它的主要功能還在:1?編制的軟件具有強大的交互功能,可任意控制程序流程。2?在人機對話中,它提供了按鍵、按鼠標、限時等多種應答方式。3?它還提供了許多系統變量和函數以根據用戶響應的情況,執行特定功能。4?編制的軟件除了能在其集成環境下運行外,還可以編譯成擴展名爲?EXE的文件,在Windows系統下脫離Authorware製作環境運行。

  Oracle:英文含義爲“聰明人、賢人、哲人”,電腦英語中指美國Oracle公司開發的大型高性能關係型數據庫系統軟件,在衆多的數據庫系統中,如IBM公司的DB2數據庫、Sybase公司的Sybase數據庫等,唯有Oracle數據庫系統,以其卓越穩定的性能,可靠的安全保障,強大的聯網能力,豐富快捷的開發工具得到廣泛的讚譽。因此,它一直佔全球數據庫銷售額的40%以上,穩居數據庫產業龍頭地位,在衆多的評比中幾乎獲得所有大獎,被美國最著名的計算機評論雜誌《PC MAGAZINE》譽爲“數據庫行業的巨無霸”。在中國,Oracle數據庫也伴隨着我國計算機技術的發展,得到廣泛應用和推廣。

  PCTools:Personal Computer Tools,個人電腦工具。它是美國Central Point Software公司出口的一種電腦維護工具,集文件管理和磁盤管理爲一體,精簡和增強了常規應用程序,是一組多功能實用工具軟件。使用PCTools可以取代DOS的許多命令,比起DOS來,其操作更加容易、直觀、簡便,是電腦這好者的常用工具軟件。

  NU:是Norton Untilities的縮寫,Norton是著名的計算機專家諾頓,Utility英文意思爲“實用工具”,在這裏是指Norton先生爲解決DOS系統存在的問題而編寫的個人計算機工具軟件。用它的複數形式可以看成是個人電腦工具軟件集。NU是在PCTools之後功能強大、受人喜愛的電腦維護工具。普通用戶可利用NU中最著名的工具NDD(Norton Disk Doctor諾頓磁盤醫生),解決大部分磁盤問題;專業人員則可利用操作靈活、功能強大的DiskEdit(磁盤編輯)工具解決專業數據維護問題。

  CSC:Clever Software Corporation,“聰明的軟件公司”。這是由北京科利華教育軟件公司開發的一套電腦家教軟件。


  That little "a" with a circle curling around it that is found in email addresses is most commonly referred to as the "at" symbol.

  Surprisingly though, there is no official, universal name for this sign. There are dozens of strange terms to describe the @ symbol.

  Before it became the standard symbol for electronic mail, the @ symbol was used to represent the cost or weight of something. For instance, if you purchased 6 apples, you might write it as 6 apples @ $1.10 each.

  With the introduction of e-mail came the popularity of the @ symbol. The @ symbol or the "at sign" separates a person's online user name from his mail server address. For instance, [email protected]. Its widespread use on the Internet made it necessary to put this symbol on keyboards in other countries that have never seen or used the symbol before. As a result, there is really no official name for this symbol.
  隨着電子郵件的使用,@這一符號越來越普及了。符號@或'at'標記將上網用戶的姓名與其郵件的服務器地址分開。例如:[email protected]。 這一符號在因特網上的廣泛使用使得許多以前從未見過或使用過它的國家必須在它們的電腦鍵盤上加上這一符號鍵,結果造成這一符號並沒有真正的官方名稱。

  The actual origin of the @ symbol remains an enigma.

  History tells us that the @ symbol stemmed from the tired hands of the medieval monks. During the Middle Ages before the invention of printing presses, every letter of a word had to be painstakingly transcribed by hand for each copy of a published book. The monks that performed these long, tedious copying duties looked for ways to reduce the number of individual strokes per word for common words. Although the word "at" is quite short to begin with, it was a common enough word in texts and documents that medieval monks thought it would be quicker and easier to shorten the word "at" even more. As a result, the monks looped the "t" around the "a" and created it into a circle-eliminating two strokes of the pen.


  The answer is neither simple nor easy. Multimedia is the combination of computer and video technology. Multimedia really just two media sound and pictures, or in today's term, audio and video. Multimedia itself has its binary aspects. As with all modern technologies, it is made from a mix of hardware and software, machine and ideas. More importantly, you can conceptually divide technology and function of multimedia into control systems and information. The enabling force behind multimedia is digital technology. Multimedia represents the convergence of digital control and digital media---the PC as the digital control system and the digital media being today's most advanced form of audio and video storage and transmission. In fact, some people see multimedia simply as the marriage of PCs and video. PC power has reached a level close to that needed for procession television and sound data streams in real time, multimedia was born. Multimedia PC needs to be more powerful than mainstream computer---at least the multimedia PC defines the mainstream. Among contemporary PCs, about the only things that separate an ordinary computer from multimedia are a soundboard and a CD- ROM driver. The CD serves as multimedia 's chief storage and exchange medium. Without the convenient CD, the PC industry would lack a means of distributing the hundreds of megabytes of audio, visual, and textual data that make up today's multimedia titles. Without CD, you couldn't buy multimedia because publishers have no way of getting it to you.

  So what is multimedia? By now you should agree that multimedia isn't any one thing but a complex entity that involves the many things: hardware, software, and the interface where they meet. But we've forgotten the most important thing that multimedia involves: you. Yeah, sure. With multimedia, you don' t have to be a passive recipient. You can control. You can interact. You can make it do what you want it to do. It means you can tailor a multimedia presentation to your own needs. You can cut through the chaff and dig directly into the important data in a report, pull together reports and video clips from around the world that interest you. That's the strength of multimedia and what distinguishes it from traditional media like books and television.

  What does multimedia do? It presents information, shares ideas and elicits emotions. It enables you to see, hear, and understand the thoughts of others. In other words, it is a form of communication.

  要回答這個問題不那麼容易。多媒體是計算機和視頻技術的結合,實際上它是兩個媒體;聲音和圖像,或者用現在的術語:音響和電視。多媒體本身有兩個方面,和所有現代技術一樣它是由硬件和軟件,或機器和思想混合組成。可以將多媒體技術和功能在概念上區分爲控制系統和信息。 多媒體之所以能夠實現是依靠數字技術。多媒體代表數字控制和數字媒體的匯合,電腦是數字控制系統,而數字媒體是當今音頻和視頻最先進的存儲和傳播形式。事實上有人就簡單地認爲多媒體是電腦和電視的結合。電腦的能力達到實時處理電視和聲音數據流的水平,這時多媒體就誕生了。多媒體電腦需要具有比主流電腦更強的能力,多媒體電腦決定了主流電腦的發展。區別普通電腦和多媒體電腦的主要東西是聲卡和只讀光盤驅動器。光盤是多媒體的主要存儲和交換媒體。沒有這種方便的光盤,電腦工業就無法銷售構成多媒體節目的幾百兆字節的音頻、可視的和文字的數據,你也無法買到多媒體。




  access arm 磁頭臂,存取臂
  access time 存取時間
  adder 加法器
  address 地址
  alphanumeric 字母數字的
  analog computer 模擬計算機
  analyst 分析員
  area 區域
  array 數組,陣列
  assembler 彙編程序
  automation 自動化
  band 區
  batch processing 成批處理
  binary code 二進制碼
  binary digit 二進制位,二進制數字
  bit 比特,二進制的一位
  branch 分支,支線
  brush 電刷
  buffer storage 緩衝存儲器
  calculator 計算器
  call instruction 呼叫指令
  card punch 卡片穿孔機
  card reader 卡片閱讀機,讀卡機
  cell 單元
  channel 通道,信道
  character 字符
  check digit 校驗數位
  circuit 電路,線路
  to clear 清除,清零
  clock 時鐘
  code 代碼
  to code 編碼
  coder 編碼員,編碼器
  command 指令,命令
  compiler 編譯程序
  computer language 計算機語言
  console 控制檯
  control unit 控制部件,控制器
  core storage, core store 磁心存儲器
  counter 計數器
  cybernetics 控制論
  cycle 循環
  data 數據
  data processing 數據處理
  debugging 調試
  decision 制定
  digit 數字,數位,位
  digital computer 數字計算機
  disc, disk 磁盤
  display unit 顯示裝置
  drum 磁鼓
  to edit 編輯
  electronics 電子學
  emitter 發射器
  to encode 編碼
  to erase 擦除,清洗,抹除
  feed 饋送,供給
  to feed 饋送,供給
  feedback 反饋
  field 字段,信息組,域
  file 文件
  floppy disk 軟磁盤
  floppy disk drive 軟磁盤機
  flow chart 流程圖
  frame 幀
  hardware 硬件
  identifier 標識符
  index 索引
  information 信息
  inline processing 內處理
  input 輸入
  inquiry 詢問
  instruction 指令
  integrated circuit 集成電路
  to interpret 解釋
  item 項目,項
  jump 轉移
  key 鍵,關鍵碼
  keyboard 鍵盤
  latency time 等待時間  


  library 庫,程序庫
  linkage 連接
  to load 裝入,寄存,寫入,加載
  location 存儲單元
  logger 登記器,記錄器
  loop 循環
  machine language 機器語言
  magnetic storage 磁存儲器
  magnetic tape 磁帶
  matrix 矩陣
  memory 存儲器
  message 信息,報文
  microcomputer 微型計算機
  module 組件,模塊
  monitor 監視器,監督程序,管程
  nanosecond 毫微秒
  network 網絡,網
  numeric, numerical 數字的,數值的
  octet 八位位組,八位字節
  operator 操作員
  optical character reader 光符閱讀機
  optical scanner 光掃描器
  output 輸出
  overflow 溢出,上溢
  panel 平板
  parameter 參數,參量
  perforator 穿孔機
  peripheral equipment 外圍設備,外部設備
  personal computer 個人計算機
  printed circuit 印製電路
  printer 打印機
  printout 打印輸出
  to process 處理
  processing unit 處理部件
  program 程序
  to program 程序編制
  programmer 程序設計員
  programming 程序設計,程序編制
  pulse 脈衝
  punch 穿孔
  to punch 穿孔
  punched card, punch card 穿孔卡片
  punched tape, punch tape 穿孔紙帶
  punch hole 孔,穿孔
  random access 隨機存取
  to read 讀
  reader 閱讀程序
  reading 閱讀
  real time 實時
  record, register 記錄
  redundancy 冗餘
  routine 例行程序
  selector 選擇器,選擇符
  sentinel 標記
  sequence 序列,順序
  sequential 順序的
  serial 串行的.連續的
  shift 移位,移數
  signal 信號
  simulation 模擬
  simulator 模擬器,模擬程序
  software 軟件,軟設備
  sort 分類,排序
  sorter 分類人員,分類機,分類程序,排序程序
  storage 存儲器
  to store 存儲
  subroutine, subprogram 子程序
  switch 開關
  symbol 符號
  symbolic language 符號語言
  system 系統
  tabulator 製表機
  teleprinter 電傳打字機
  terminal 終端
  terminal unit 終端設備  
  timer 時鐘,精密計時器
  time sharing 分時
  timing 定時
  track 磁道
  transducer 傳感器,翻譯機
  translator 翻譯程序,翻譯器
  to update 更新
  Winchester disk drive 溫徹斯特磁盤機,硬盤機
  working storage 工作存儲器

C2C: card-to-card interleaving,卡到卡交錯存取
cc-NUMA:(cache-coherent non uniform memory access,連貫緩衝非統一內存尋址)
CHRP(Common Hardware Reference Platform,共用硬件平臺,IBM爲PowerPC制定的標準,可以兼容Mac OS,   Windows NT, Solaris, OS/2, Linux和AIX等多種操作系統)
EMP: Emergency Management Port,緊急事件管理端口
ICMB: Inter-Chassis Management Bus, 內部管理總線
MPP(Massive Parallel Processing,巨量平行處理架構)
MUX: Data Path Multiplexor,多重路徑數據訪問
SOS(Server Operating Systems,服務器操作系統)
TPS:transactions per second,每秒處理事項數
UPA: Ultra Port Architecture,超級端口結構


CSS: Cascading Style Sheets,層疊格式表
DCD: Document Content Description for XML: XML文件內容描述
DTD: Document Type Definition,文件類型定義
HTML(HyperText Markup Language,超文本標記語言)
JVM: Java Virtual Machine, Java虛擬機
OJI: Open Java VM Interface,開放JAVA虛擬機接口
SGML: Standard Generalized Markup Language,標準通用標記語言
SMIL: Synchronous Multimedia Integrate Language(同步多媒體集成語言)
VRML:Virtual Reality Makeup Language,虛擬現實結構化語言
VXML(Voice eXtensible Markup Language,語音擴展標記語言)
XML: Extensible Markup Language(可擴展標記語言)
XSL: Extensible Style Sheet Language(可擴展設計語言)


ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,不對稱數字訂閱線路
AH: Authentication Header,鑑定文件頭
AMR(Audio/Modem Riser,音效/數據主機板附加直立插卡)
ARP(Address Resolution Protocol,地址解析協議)
ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode,異步傳輸模式)
BOD(Bandwidth On Demand,彈性帶寬運用)
CBR(Committed Burst Rate,約定突發速率)
CCIRN: Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networking,洲際研究網絡協調委員會
CCM(Call Control Manager,撥號控制管理)
CDSL: Consumer Digital Subscriber Line(消費者數字訂閱線路)
CGI(Common Gateway Interface,通用網關接口)
CIEA: Commercial Internet Exchange Association,商業因特網交易協會
CIR(Committed Infomation Rate,約定信息速率)
CTS(Clear to Send,清除發送)
DBS-PC: Direct Broadcast Satellite PC(人造衛星直接廣播式PC)
DCE: Data Circuit Terminal Equipment,數據通信設備
DES: Data Encryption Standard,數據加密標準
DMT: Discrete Multi - Tone,不連續多基頻模式
DNS(Domain Name System,域名系統)
DOCSIS(Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications,線纜服務接口數據規格)
DTE: Data Terminal Equipment,數據終端設備
EBR(Excess Burst Rate,超額突發速率)
ESP: Encapsulating Security Payload,壓縮安全有效載荷
FDM: Frequency Division Multi,頻率分離
FRICC: Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee,聯邦調查因特網協調委員會
FTP(File Transfer Protocol,文件傳輸協議)
Ghost:(General Hardware Oriented System Transfer,全面硬件導向系統轉移)
HDSL: High bit rate DSL,高比特率數字訂閱線路
HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol,超文本傳輸協議)
ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol,因特網信息控制協議)
IETF(Internet Engineering Task Framework,因特網工程任務組)
IKE: Internet Key Exchange,因特網密鑰交換協議
IMAP4: Internet Message Access Protocol Version 4,第四版因特網信息存取協議
IP(Internet Protocol,網際協議)
ISDN(Integrated Service Digital Network,綜合服務數字網絡)
ISOC: Internet Society,因特網協會
ISP(Internet Service Provider,因特網服務提供商)
LAN(Local Area Network,局域網)
LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol,輕權目錄訪問協議
IAB: Internet Activities Board,因特網工作委員會
IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force,因特網工程作業推動
L2TP(Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol,二級通道協議)
LMDS: Local Multipoint Distributed System,局域多點分佈式系統
MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension,多用途因特網郵件擴展協議
MNP: Microcom Networking Protocal
MODEM(Modulator Demodulator,調制解調器)
NAT(Network Address Translation,網絡地址轉換)
NC(Network Computer,網絡計算機)
NDS: Novell Directory Service,Novell目錄服務
NNTP: Network News Transfer Protocol,網絡新聞傳輸協議
MSN: Microsoft Network,微軟網絡
OFDM(orthogonal frequency division multiplexing,直角頻率部分多路複用)
P3P(Privacy Preference Project,個人私隱安全平臺)
PDS: Public Directory Support,公衆目錄支持
PGP: Pretty Good Privacy,優良保密協議
PICS: Platform for Internet Content Selection,因特網內容選擇平臺
POF: Polymer Optical Fiber,聚合體光纖
POP3: Post Office Protocol Version 3,第三版電子郵局協議
PPTP: Point to Point Tunneling Protocol,點對點通道協議
RADSL: Rate Adaptive DSL,速率自適應數字訂閱線路
RARP(Reverse Address Resolution Protocol,反向地址解析協議)
RDF: Resource Description Framework,資源描述框架
RSA(Rivest Shamir Adlemen,一種因特網加密和認證體系)
RTS(Request To Send,需求發送)
SIS: Switched Internetworking Services(交換式網絡互聯服務)
S/MIME: Secure MIME,安全多用途因特網郵件擴展協議
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol,簡單網絡管理協議)
SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,簡單郵件傳輸協議)
SKIP: Simple Key Exchange Internet Protocol,因特網簡單密鑰交換協議
SUA(Single User Account,單用戶帳號)
TCP(Transmission Control Protocol,傳輸控制協議)
UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter,通用異步接收/發送裝置)
UDP(User Datagram Protocol,用戶數據報協議)
ULS: User Location Service,用戶定位服務
VOD: Video On Demand,視頻點播
VPN: virtual private network, 虛擬局域網
WWW(World Wide Web,萬維網,是因特網的一部分)



CTI:Computer Telephone Integration,計算機電話綜合技術
DBS: Direct Broadcast Satellite,直接衛星廣播
DWDM: Dense WaveLength Division Multiplex,波長密集型複用技術
MMDS: Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service,多波段多點分發服務
PCM: Pulse Code Modulation,脈衝編碼調製
PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network,公用交換式電話網)
TAPI: Telephony Application Programming Interface,電話應用程序接口
TSAPI: Telephony Services Application Programming Interface,電話服務應用程序接口
WDM: WaveLength Division Multiplex,波分多路複用 



CBF: Cable Broadband Forum,電纜寬帶論壇
CEMA(Consumer Electronics Manufacturing Association(消費者電子製造業協會)
CPE: Customer Premise Equipment(用戶預定設備)
CSA: Canadian Standards Association(加拿大標準協會)
DCA: Defense Communication Agency,國防部通信局
DOJ: Department of Justice(反不正當競爭部門)
DSP: Delivery Service Partner(交付服務合夥人)
DVB:Digital Video Broadcasting,數字視頻廣播
E3:Electronic Entertainment Expo,電子娛樂展覽會
EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation(電子前線基金會)
EPA(Environmental Protection Agency,美國環境保護局)
FCC: Federal Communications Commission(聯邦通信委員會)
FTC: Federal Trade Commission,聯邦商業委員會
GDC(Game Developer Conference,遊戲發展商會議)
ISSCC(International Solid-State Circuits Conference,國際晶體管電路討論會)
ICSA: International Computer Security Association(國際計算機安全協會),它的前身爲NCSA(National Computer Security Association,國家計算機安全協會)
IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,電子電路工程師協會)
IFWP: International Forum White Paper,國際白皮書論壇
ISO/MPEG: International Standard Organization's Moving Picture Expert Group(國際標準化組織的活動圖片專家組)
ITAA: Information Technology Association of American,美國信息技術協會
MAC(Mobile Advisory Council)
MCSP: Microsoft Certified Solution Providers,微軟認證解決方案供應商
MJPEG(Motion Joint Photographic Experts Group,移動式連續圖像專家組)
MMA: MIDI Manufacturer Association(MIDI製造商聯盟)
NCTA: National Cable Television Association,美國電纜電視協會
NIA: Networking Interoperatility Alliance(網絡互操作聯盟)
NBITD(National Board for Industrual and Technical Development,瑞典國立工業和技術發展委員會制訂)
OAAF:Open Arcade Architecture Forum,開放式Arcade體系論壇
OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer,原始設備製造商)
OIF: Optical Internetworking Forum,光纖互連網絡論壇
RIAA(Recording Industry Association of America,美國唱片工業協會)
RIO: Redistributed Internet Object(因特網分配組織)
SIA(The Semiconductor Industries Association,半導體工業協會)
SPA: Software Publishers Association,軟件出版商協會
TSOWU(The Swedish office worker's union,瑞典辦公人員聯合會,以制訂TCO標準著稱)
UAWG: Universal ADSL Working Group(通用ADSL工作組)
UCAID:University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development
UL: Underwriters Laboratories Inc.(新產品承諾實驗室)
VAR: Value Added Resellers(增值分銷商)
W3C(World Wide Web Consortium,萬維網協會)
WHQL(Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Lab,微軟公司視窗硬件質量實驗室)
WinHEC: Windows Hardware Engineering Conference,視窗硬件工程會議



Ali: Acer Lab(宏棋實驗室)
ASF: Applied Science Fiction
AMD: Advanced Micro Device(超微半導體)
AMI: American Megatrends Incorporated
EAR(Extreme Audio Reality)
HP: Hewlett-Packard,美國惠普公司
IBM: International Business Machine,國際商業機器
IDG(International Data Group,國際數據集團)
IMS: International Meta System
MLE:Microsoft Learning and Entertainment,微軟教學與娛樂公司
NAI: Network Associates Incorporation,前身爲McAfee。
NS(National Semiconductor,國家半導體)
PMI: Pacific Magtron International
SCE(sony computer entertainment,索尼計算機娛樂部)
SGI:Silicon Graphics
SiS: Silicon Integrated Systems,硅片綜合系統公司
UMC(United Microelectronics Corporation,臺灣聯華電子公司,半導體製造商)
WD(Western Digital,西部數據)



AAT(Average access time,平均存取時間)
ABS(Auto Balance System,自動平衡系統)
ASMO(Advanced Storage Magneto-Optical,增強形光學存儲器)
AST(Average Seek time,平均尋道時間)
ATA(AT Attachment,AT擴展型)
ATOMM(Advanced super Thin-layer and high-Output Metal Media,增強形超薄高速金屬媒體)
bps(bit per second,位/秒)
CAM(Common Access Model,公共存取模型)
CSS(Common Command Set,通用指令集)
DMA(Direct Memory Access,直接內存存取)
DVD(Digital Video Disk,數字視頻光盤)
EIDE(enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics,增強形電子集成驅動器)
FAT(File Allocation Tables,文件分配表)
FDBM(Fluid dynamic bearing motors,液態軸承馬達)
FDC(Floppy Disk Controller,軟盤驅動器控制裝置)
FDD(Floppy Disk Driver,軟盤驅動器)
GMR(giant magnetoresistive,巨型磁阻)
HDA(head disk assembly,磁頭集合)
HiFD(high-capacity floppy disk,高容量軟盤)
IDE(Integrated Drive Electronics,電子集成驅動器)
LBA(Logical Block Addressing,邏輯塊尋址)
MBR(Master Boot Record,主引導記錄)
MTBF(Mean Time Before Failure,平均故障時間)
PIO(Programmed Input Output,可編程輸入輸出模式)
PRML(Partial Response Maximum Likelihood,最大可能部分反應,用於提高磁盤讀寫傳輸率)
RPM(Rotation Per Minute,轉/分)
RSD: Removable Storage Device(移動式存儲設備)
SCSI(Small Computer System Interface,小型計算機系統接口)
SCMA:SCSI Configured Auto Magically,SCSI自動配置
S.M.A.R.T.(Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology,自動監測、分析和報告技術)
SPS(Shock Protection System,抗震保護系統)
STA(SCSI Trade Association,SCSI同業公會)
Ultra DMA(Ultra Direct Memory Access,超高速直接內存存取)
LVD(Low Voltage Differential)
DST(Drive Self Test,磁盤自檢程序)

ATAPI(AT Attachment Packet Interface)
BCF(Boot Catalog File,啓動目錄文件)
BIF(Boot Image File,啓動映像文件)
CDR(CD Recordable,可記錄光盤)
CD-ROM/XA(CD-ROM eXtended Architecture,唯讀光盤增強形架構)
CLV(Constant Linear Velocity,恆定線速度)
DAE(digital Audio Extraction,數據音頻抓取)
DDSS(Double Dynamic Suspension System,雙懸浮動態減震系統)
DDSS II(Double Dynamic Suspension System II,第二代雙層動力懸吊系統)
PCAV(Part Constant Angular Velocity,部分恆定角速度)
VCD(Video CD,視頻CD) 



ABP: Address Bit Permuting,地址位序列改變
ATC(Access Time from Clock,時鐘存取時間)
BSRAM(Burst pipelined synchronous static RAM,突發式管道同步靜態存儲器)
CAS(Column Address Strobe,列地址控制器)
CCT(Clock Cycle Time,時鐘週期)
DB: Deep Buffer(深度緩衝)
DDR SDRAM(Double Date Rate,雙數據率SDRAM)
DIMM(Dual In-line Memory Modules,雙重內嵌式內存模塊)
DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory,動態隨機存儲器)
DRDRAM(Direct RAMbus DRAM,直接RAMbus內存)
ECC(Error Checking and Correction,錯誤檢查修正)
EEPROM(Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM,電擦寫可編程只讀存儲器)
FM: Flash Memory(快閃存儲器)
FMD ROM (Fluorescent Material Read Only Memory,熒光質只讀存儲器)
PIROM:Processor Information ROM,處理器信息ROM
PLEDM: Phase-state Low Electron(hole)-number Drive Memory
QBM(Quad Band Memory,四倍邊帶內存)
RAC(Rambus Asic Cell,Rambus集成電路單元)
RAS(Row Address Strobe,行地址控制器)
RDRAM(Rambus Direct RAM,直接型RambusRAM)
RIMM(RAMBUS In-line Memory Modules,RAMBUS內嵌式內存模塊)
SDR SDRAM(Single Date Rate,單數據率SDRAM)
SGRAM(synchronous graphics RAM,同步圖形隨機儲存器)
SO-DIMM(Small Outline Dual In-line Memory Modules,小型雙重內嵌式內存模塊)
SPD(Serial Presence Detect,串行存在檢查)
SRAM(Static Random Access Memory,靜態隨機存儲器)
SSTL-2(Stub Series Terminated Logic-2)
TSOPs(thin small outline packages,超小型封裝)
USWV(Uncacheable, Speculative, Write-Combining非緩衝隨機混合寫入)
VCMA(Virtual Channel Memory architecture,虛擬通道內存結構)


上次我們向PC Game玩家簡單介紹了有關顯卡的專業詞彙,今天我們來看看與計算機聲卡相關的術語,專業的電腦音樂愛好者要留意看哦。

3DPA(3D Positional Audio,3D定位音頻)
AC(Audio Codec,音頻多媒體數字信號編解碼器)
Auxiliary Input(輔助輸入接口)
CS(Channel Separation,聲道分離)
DS3D(DirectSound 3D Streams)
DSD(Direct Stream Digital,直接數字信號流)
DSL(Down Loadable Sample,可下載的取樣音色)
DLS-2(Downloadable Sounds Level 2,第二代可下載音色)
EAX(Environmental Audio Extensions,環境音效擴展技術)
Extended Stereo(擴展式立體聲)
FM(Frequency Modulation,頻率調製)
FIR(finite impulse response,有限推進響應)
FR(Frequence Response,頻率響應)
FSE(Frequency Shifter Effect,頻率轉換效果)
HRTF(Head Related Transfer Function,頭部關聯傳輸功能)
IID(Interaural Intensity Difference,兩側聲音強度差別)
IIR(infinite impulse response,無限推進響應)
Interactive Around-Sound(交互式環繞聲)
Interactive 3D Audio(交互式3D音效)
ITD(Interaural Time Difference,兩側聲音時間延遲差別)
MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface(樂器數字接口)
NDA: non-DWORD-aligned ,非DWORD排列
Raw PCM: Raw Pulse Code Modulated(元脈碼調製)
RMA: RealMedia Architecture(實媒體架構)
RTSP: Real Time Streaming Protocol(實時流協議)
SACD(Super Audio CD,超級音樂CD)
SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio,信噪比)
S/PDIF(Sony/Phillips Digital Interface,索尼/飛利普數字接口)
SRS: Sound Retrieval System(聲音修復系統)
Surround Sound(環繞立體聲)
Super Intelligent Sound ASIC(超級智能音頻集成電路)
THD+N(Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise,總諧波失真加噪音)
QEM(Qsound Environmental Modeling,Qsound環境建模揚聲器組)
WG(Wave Guide,波導合成)
WT(Wave Table,波表合成)



ASIC: Application Specific Integrated Circuit(特殊應用積體電路)
ASC(Auto-Sizing and Centering,自動調效屏幕尺寸和中心位置)
ASC(Anti Static Coatings,防靜電塗層)
AGAS(Anti Glare Anti Static Coatings,防強光、防靜電塗層)
BLA: Bearn Landing Area(電子束落區)
BMC(Black Matrix Screen,超黑矩陣屏幕)
CRC: Cyclical Redundancy Check(循環冗餘檢查)
CRT(Cathode Ray Tube,陰極射線管)
DDC:Display Data Channel,顯示數據通道
DEC(Direct Etching Coatings,表面蝕刻塗層)
DFL(Dynamic Focus Lens,動態聚焦)
DFS(Digital Flex Scan,數字伸縮掃描)
DIC: Digital Image Control(數字圖像控制)
Digital Multiscan II(數字式智能多頻追蹤)
DLP(digital Light Processing,數字光處理)
DOSD: Digital On Screen Display(同屏數字化顯示)
DPMS(Display Power Management Signalling,顯示能源管理信號)
Dot Pitch(點距)
DQL(Dynamic Quadrapole Lens,動態四極鏡)
DSP(Digital Signal Processing,數字信號處理)
EFEAL(Extended Field Elliptical Aperture Lens,可擴展掃描橢圓孔鏡頭)
FRC: Frame Rate Control(幀比率控制)
HVD(High Voltage Differential,高分差動)
LCD(liquid crystal display,液晶顯示屏)
LCOS: Liquid Crystal On Silicon(硅上液晶)
LED(light emitting diode,光學二級管)
L-SAGIC(Low Power-Small Aperture G1 wiht Impregnated Cathode,低電壓光圈陰極管)
LVD(Low Voltage Differential,低分差動)
LVDS: Low Voltage Differential Signal(低電壓差動信號)
MALS(Multi Astigmatism Lens System,多重散光聚焦系統)
MDA(Monochrome Adapter,單色設備)
MS: Magnetic Sensors(磁場感應器)
Porous Tungsten(活性鎢)
RSDS: Reduced Swing Differential Signal(小幅度擺動差動信號)
SC(Screen Coatings,屏幕塗層)
Single Ended(單終結)
Shadow Mask(陰罩式)
TDT(Timeing Detection Table,數據測定表)
TICRG: Tungsten Impregnated Cathode Ray Gun(鎢傳輸陰級射線槍)
TFT(thin film transistor,薄膜晶體管)
UCC(Ultra Clear Coatings,超清晰塗層)
VAGP: Variable Aperature Grille Pitch(可變間距光柵)
VBI: Vertical Blanking Interval(垂直空白間隙)
VDT(Video Display Terminals,視頻顯示終端)
VRR: Vertical Refresh Rate(垂直掃描頻率)


上次我們向PC Game玩家簡單介紹了有關顯卡的專業詞彙,今天我們來看看與計算機聲卡相關的術語,專業的電腦音樂愛好者要留意看哦。

3DPA(3D Positional Audio,3D定位音頻)
AC(Audio Codec,音頻多媒體數字信號編解碼器)
Auxiliary Input(輔助輸入接口)
CS(Channel Separation,聲道分離)
DS3D(DirectSound 3D Streams)
DSD(Direct Stream Digital,直接數字信號流)
DSL(Down Loadable Sample,可下載的取樣音色)
DLS-2(Downloadable Sounds Level 2,第二代可下載音色)
EAX(Environmental Audio Extensions,環境音效擴展技術)
Extended Stereo(擴展式立體聲)
FM(Frequency Modulation,頻率調製)
FIR(finite impulse response,有限推進響應)
FR(Frequence Response,頻率響應)
FSE(Frequency Shifter Effect,頻率轉換效果)
HRTF(Head Related Transfer Function,頭部關聯傳輸功能)
IID(Interaural Intensity Difference,兩側聲音強度差別)
IIR(infinite impulse response,無限推進響應)
Interactive Around-Sound(交互式環繞聲)
Interactive 3D Audio(交互式3D音效)
ITD(Interaural Time Difference,兩側聲音時間延遲差別)
MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface(樂器數字接口)
NDA: non-DWORD-aligned ,非DWORD排列
Raw PCM: Raw Pulse Code Modulated(元脈碼調製)
RMA: RealMedia Architecture(實媒體架構)
RTSP: Real Time Streaming Protocol(實時流協議)
SACD(Super Audio CD,超級音樂CD)
SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio,信噪比)
S/PDIF(Sony/Phillips Digital Interface,索尼/飛利普數字接口)
SRS: Sound Retrieval System(聲音修復系統)
Surround Sound(環繞立體聲)
Super Intelligent Sound ASIC(超級智能音頻集成電路)
THD+N(Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise,總諧波失真加噪音)
QEM(Qsound Environmental Modeling,Qsound環境建模揚聲器組)
WG(Wave Guide,波導合成)
WT(Wave Table,波表合成)


3DNow!(3D no waiting)
ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit,算術邏輯單元)
AGU(Address Generation Units,地址產成單元)
BGA(Ball Grid Array,球狀矩陣排列)
BHT(branch prediction table,分支預測表)
BPU(Branch Processing Unit,分支處理單元)
Brach Pediction(分支預測)
CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor,互補金屬氧化物半導體
CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computing,複雜指令集計算機)
CLK(Clock Cycle,時鐘週期)
COB(Cache on board,板上集成緩存)
COD(Cache on Die,芯片內集成緩存)
CPGA(Ceramic Pin Grid Array,陶瓷針型柵格陣列)
CPU(Center Processing Unit,中央處理器)
Data Forwarding(數據前送)
DIB(Dual Independent Bus,雙獨立總線)
EC(Embedded Controller,嵌入式控制器)
Embedded Chips(嵌入式)
EPIC(explicitly parallel instruction code,並行指令代碼)
FADD(Floationg Point Addition,浮點加)
FCPGA(Flip Chip Pin Grid Array,反轉芯片針腳柵格陣列)
FDIV(Floationg Point Divide,浮點除)
FEMMS:Fast Entry/Exit Multimedia State,快速進入/退出多媒體狀態
FFT(fast Fourier transform,快速熱歐姆轉換)
FID(FID:Frequency identify,頻率鑑別號碼)
FIFO(First Input First Output,先入先出隊列)
FLOP(Floating Point Operations Per Second,浮點操作/秒)
FMUL(Floationg Point Multiplication,浮點乘)
FPU(Float Point Unit,浮點運算單元)
FSUB(Floationg Point Subtraction,浮點減)
GVPP(Generic Visual Perception Processor,常規視覺處理器)
HL-PBGA: 表面黏著,高耐熱、輕薄型塑膠球狀矩陣封裝
IA(Intel Architecture,英特爾架構)
ICU(Instruction Control Unit,指令控制單元)
IDF(Intel Developer Forum,英特爾開發者論壇)
IEU(Integer Execution Units,整數執行單元)
IMM: Intel Mobile Module, 英特爾移動模塊
Instructions Cache,指令緩存
Instruction Coloring(指令分類)
IPC(Instructions Per Clock Cycle,指令/時鐘週期)
ISA(instruction set architecture,指令集架構)
KNI(Katmai New Instructions,Katmai新指令集,即SSE)
LDT(Lightning Data Transport,閃電數據傳輸總線)
Local Interconnect(局域互連)
MESI(Modified, Exclusive, Shared, Invalid:修改、排除、共享、廢棄)
MMX(MultiMedia Extensions,多媒體擴展指令集)
MMU(Multimedia Unit,多媒體單元)
MFLOPS(Million Floationg Point/Second,每秒百萬個浮點操作)
MHz(Million Hertz,兆赫茲)
MPS(MultiProcessor Specification,多重處理器規範)
MSRs(Model-Specific Registers,特別模塊寄存器)
NAOC(no-account OverClock,無效超頻)
OLGA(Organic Land Grid Array,基板柵格陣列)
OoO(Out of Order,亂序執行)
PGA: Pin-Grid Array(引腳網格陣列),耗電大
PR(Performance Rate,性能比率)
PSN(Processor Serial numbers,處理器序列號)
PIB(Processor In a Box,盒裝處理器)
PPGA(Plastic Pin Grid Array,塑膠針狀矩陣封裝)
PQFP(Plastic Quad Flat Package,塑料方塊平面封裝)
RAW(Read after Write,寫後讀)
Register Contention(搶佔寄存器)
Register Pressure(寄存器不足)
Register Renaming(寄存器重命名)
Resource contention(資源衝突)
RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computing,精簡指令集計算機)
SEC: Single Edge Connector,單邊連接器
Shallow-trench isolation(淺槽隔離)
SIMD(Single Instruction Multiple Data,單指令多數據流)
SiO2F(Fluorided Silicon Oxide,二氧氟化硅)
SMI(System Management Interrupt,系統管理中斷)
SMM(System Management Mode,系統管理模式)
SMP(Symmetric Multi-Processing,對稱式多重處理架構)
SOI: Silicon-on-insulator,絕緣體硅片
SONC(System on a chip,系統集成芯片)
SPEC(System Performance Evaluation Corporation,系統性能評估測試)
SQRT(Square Root Calculations,平方根計算)
SSE(Streaming SIMD Extensions,單一指令多數據流擴展)
TCP: Tape Carrier Package(薄膜封裝),發熱小
TLB(Translate Look side Buffers,翻譯旁視緩衝器)
USWC(Uncacheabled Speculative Write Combination,無緩衝隨機聯合寫操作)
VALU(Vector Arithmetic Logic Unit,向量算術邏輯單元)
VLIW(Very Long Instruction Word,超長指令字)
VPU(Vector Permutate Unit,向量排列單元)
VPU(vector processing units,向量處理單元,即處理MMX、SSE等SIMD指令的地方)



ADIMM(advanced Dual In-line Memory Modules,高級雙重內嵌式內存模塊)
AMR(Audio/Modem Riser;音效/調制解調器主機板附加直立插卡)
AHA(Accelerated Hub Architecture,加速中心架構)
ASK IR(Amplitude Shift Keyed Infra-Red,長波形可移動輸入紅外線)
ATX: AT Extend(擴展型AT)
BIOS(Basic Input/Output System,基本輸入/輸出系統)
CSE(Configuration Space Enable,可分配空間)
DB: Device Bay,設備插架
DMI(Desktop Management Interface,桌面管理接口)
EB(Expansion Bus,擴展總線)
EISA(Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture,增強形工業標準架構)
EMI(Electromagnetic Interference,電磁干擾)
ESCD(Extended System Configuration Data,可擴展系統配置數據)
FBC(Frame Buffer Cache,幀緩衝緩存)
FSB: Front Side Bus,前置總線,即外部總線
FWH( Firmware Hub,固件中心)
GMCH(Graphics & Memory Controller Hub,圖形和內存控制中心)
GPIs(General Purpose Inputs,普通操作輸入)
ICH(Input/Output Controller Hub,輸入/輸出控制中心)
IR(infrared ray,紅外線)
IrDA(infrared ray,紅外線通信接口可進行局域網存取和文件共享)
ISA: Industry Standard Architecture,工業標準架構
ISA(instruction set architecture,工業設置架構)
MDC(Mobile Daughter Card,移動式子卡)
MRH-R(Memory Repeater Hub,內存數據處理中心)
MRH-S(SDRAM Repeater Hub,SDRAM數據處理中心)
MTH(Memory Transfer Hub,內存轉換中心)
NGIO(Next Generation Input/Output,新一代輸入/輸出標準)
P64H(64-bit PCI Controller Hub,64位PCI控制中心)
PCB(printed circuit board,印刷電路板)
PCBA(Printed Circuit Board Assembly,印刷電路板裝配)
PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect,互連外圍設備
PCI SIG(Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group,互連外圍設備專業組)
POST(Power On Self Test,加電自測試)
RNG(Random number Generator,隨機數字發生器)
RTC: Real Time Clock(實時時鐘)
KBC(KeyBroad Control,鍵盤控制器)
SAP(Sideband Address Port,邊帶尋址端口)
SBA(Side Band Addressing,邊帶尋址)
SMA: Share Memory Architecture,共享內存結構
STD(Suspend To Disk,磁盤喚醒)
STR(Suspend To RAM,內存喚醒)
SVR: Switching Voltage Regulator(交換式電壓調節)
USB(Universal Serial Bus,通用串行總線)
USDM(Unified System Diagnostic Manager,統一系統監測管理器)
VID(Voltage Identification Definition,電壓識別認證)
VRM (Voltage Regulator Module,電壓調整模塊)
ZIF: Zero Insertion Force, 零插力
ACOPS: Automatic CPU OverHeat Prevention System(CPU過熱預防系統)
SIV: System Information Viewer(系統信息觀察)
ESDJ(Easy Setting Dual Jumper,簡化CPU雙重跳線法)
ACPI(Advanced Configuration and Power Interface,先進設置和電源管理)
AGP(Accelerated Graphics Port,圖形加速接口)
MIOC: Memory and I/O Bridge Controller,內存和I/O橋控制器
NBC: North Bridge Chip(北橋芯片)
PIIX: PCI ISA/IDE Accelerator(加速器)
PSE36: Page Size Extension 36-bit,36位頁面尺寸擴展模式
PXB: PCI Expander Bridge,PCI增強橋
RCG: RAS/CAS Generator,RAS/CAS發生器
SBC: South Bridge Chip(南橋芯片)
SMB: System Management Bus(全系統管理總線)
SPD(Serial Presence Detect,內存內部序號檢測裝置)
SSB: Super South Bridge,超級南橋芯片
TDP: Triton Data Path(數據路徑)
TSC: Triton System Controller(系統控制器)
QPA: Quad Port Acceleration(四接口加速) 



·PSTN is enable to support data &picture services.

·More different networks are needed to be built due to more different services would be provided by Telecommunication Bureau.

·Subscriber is not convient to apply and use.

·So, a communication network which can support voice、 data and picture etc at same time are required ,ISDN network is just that one.

ISDN Developments in China:

· China began to do scientific research on ISDN in the early years eighties.

· Before 1995,ISDN was developed slowly in China, it was mainly in a trial run period.

· In 1996 MPT issued a plan to make a test on ISDN around 22 cities of the whole country.

· Shanghai opened local ISDN in 1996,the target of 10,000 lines would be reached this year.

·Beijing officially opened local ISDN on Oct,14,1997.

·Nanjing、 Shenyang、Sichuan、Heilongjiang、 Hunan、Shandong etc、the main provinces and cities of the whole country are going to open ISDN services to society this year.

·Shenyang is going to open ISDN service to society on Aug 1,1997,detail destinations are 2386、2383、 2484、 2389, the other districts will be opened on Sep,30.

·On Nov,1997,MPT convened ISDN general mobilization to total P&T in Beijing .

·MPT drawn up the main target of next three years to increase ISDN with intelligent network.

·Defined ATM as the central network of 169 project,ISDN as it’s general frame structure of access network.

·Defined the target of infiltration rate of ISDN line in the range of whole country this year 1% for local telephone lines.


ISDN is constructed to an integrated service digital network on the present foundation of local telephone networks:

ISDN is able to provide subscriber with voice、data、 picture、fax and each type integrated services.Morever, it could realize?"one unit connects more,three
units occupies one line" one pair of telephone lines can connect to more different type terminals (max 8),each terminals can be communicated simultaneously (max 3),terminal types include:ISDN router,terminal adapter,,ISDN video telephone, digital telephone,G4 fax;other special terminal equipments are with ISDN interfaces.

Basic Rate: Total is 2B+128Kbps wideband ,RJ45 interface.

Primary Rate:30B+D channel, 2Mbps Wideband,RJ45 or BNC interface.

B channel: Basic channel,64Kbps;D channel: control channel,16Kbps.

Where Did XML Come From?

XML is a simplified version of SGML and a cousin of HTML. It was developed by members of the W3C and released as a recommendation by the W3C in February 1998.

SGML, the parent of XML, is an international standard that has been in use as a markup language primarily for technical documentation and government applications since the early 1980s. It was developed to standardize the production process for large document sets. Think: Medical records. Company databases. Aircraft parts catalogs. Other really huge documents.

Marking-up documents in SGML allows information to be passed from one system to the next without losing information. With databases marked-up in SGML you can see what Widget A is all about and go check to see if Widget A is in stock.

Early on, people thought that SGML would be useful for the Web. In fact, HTML is really an very basic application of SGML! But HTML quickly became used for visual layout, so a group of people returned to the basics, determined to create something that had the strengths of SGML without being so difficult to implement -- and had the ease of use of HTML, but with more structural power. The result was XML.

The design goals of XML, taken from the XML Specification are:

XML shall be straightforwardly usable over the Internet.
XML shall support a wide variety of applications.
XML shall be compatible with SGML.
It shall be easy to write programs which process XML documents.
The number of optional features in XML is to be kept to the absolute minimum,    ideally zero.
XML documents should be human-legible and reasonably clear.
The XML design should be prepared quickly.
The design of XML shall be formal and concise.
XML documents shall be easy to create.
Terseness in XML markup is of minimal importance.

In other words, XML is easy to create, easy to read, and designed for use over the Internet. What more could a Web designer ask for?

What is XML?

XML is a way of adding intelligence to your documents. It lets you identify each element using meaningful tags and it lets you add information ("metatdata") about each element.

XML is very much a part of the future of Web, and part of the future for all electronic information.

XML is a syntax for marking up data and it works with many other technologies to display and process information. It looks and feels very much like HTML.

XML isn't going to replace everything else you've already learned; it complements it and extends it.

XML isn't going to change the way your Web pages look. You'll still need to use CSS--Cascading Style Sheets-- (with XML) to define font colors or JavaScript (again, with XML) to make your images fly around. Yet XML will change the way you and others read documents and it will change the way documents are filed and stored. It's a new technology and you certainly don't need to use it in order to build a great Web site -- but you will want to be aware of it as you look at the Web of the future.

Client/Server Concepts

A client computer initiates a service request. A server computer waits to reply, kind of like a person who waits to answer the phone so you can make airline reservations.

A client program can be directed by a human being (at a screen, keyboard, and mouse), or it can run automatically.

A server is a program that knows a protocol for communication (see below), but often doesn't know much about networking -- it just exchanges bytes of information with the client, a back-and-forth conversation that might be human-readable ASCII, or binary code; kind of like when you call someone to make a reservation, and they don't know how the phone system works, just how to use the telephone to talk with you.

It's entirely possible for the client and server programs to be on the same computer, as well as on two different computers connected by a network. The client/server model blurs the boundaries between computers, to where "the network IS the computer."

Once a virtual connection is established between a client and server, the two systems are peers, but the client/server asymmetry usually continues through the protocol; just like when you're done dialing someone, it doesn't matter much who placed the call, you can talk to each other as equals, though quite often the caller and the callee have very different roles. (With phone calls the caller usually pays for any long distance charges, but there's usually no equivalent in network connections.)
Plan your trip online

While traveling through cyberspace can be exciting, it's no substitute for an adventure in the real world. That's where the Web can really help you research destinations, organize your itinerary, and book reservations. Whether it's a weekend getaway or a safari, look to the Internet to save you time (no more trekking to bookstores for guidebooks and maps) and money (discounts abound on airfares and hotels). How do you start? Here's our step-by-step approach:

1.Research a Destination

Where would you like to go? One option is to use a search engine to find information about choice destinations. If you choose to go this route, use a directory like Yahoo! Why? Because it lists websites in categories, so you can easily find listings of Mexican resorts, for example.

Another approach is perusing the websites of travel publications. Begin your journey at:

Lonely Planet

For detailed information about foreign locales, you can't beat the CIA World Factbook.
For worldwide travel advisories, visit the U.S. State Department website.

2.Plan Your Itinerary

Once you know where you want to go, it's time to get specific. What are the sights to see? What events will be happening? Where are the best places to eat? Answers to these questions await you online.

Let's say you will be spending a week in British Columbia and want to sample the local cuisine. Some of the websites listed above may have articles about Vancouver and Victoria restaurants. But most newspapers have dining sections, so go to the website of the local paper (try NewsDirectory.com to locate them), and search its archive.

Another strategy is to Ask Jeeves, the friendly search engine, where to find restaurant listings. He will reply with some tasty recommendations.

As you plan your trip, hopping from link to link, you are bound to stumble on all kinds of gems. Bookmark the pages so you can easily return to them.

3.Get a Map

Whether you need a street map, country map or even driving instructions, you can probably find it somewhere--for free. The CIA World Factbook is a good source for maps of countries and regions. For city guides, try:



What's the local currency? How much is the dollar or pound worth in France? To convert currency and find out local exchange rates, visit Oanda.

4.Making Reservations

Most major airlines and hotel chains have their own websites, so if you have a favorite, start there to check for availability, prices, and to make reservations.

A number of websites do it all: planes tickets, vacation packages, cruises, accommodations, car rental--the works. Before you can make reservations, however, you need to to open an account with the site. Among the giants of Internet travel are:

Expedia Travel

6.Saving Money

Register with many airline websites to receive e-mail alerts when bargain fares to destinations you specify become available. Some airlines now offer discounted Internet-only fares, as do many hotels. It's worth hunting for these special deals.

7.Learn Some Lingo

It never hurts to know at least a few words of the local language. For some pointers, visit Travelang, Foreign Languages for Travelers. If you want to take a free online language course, try Parlo.

Top Ten Tips

In the future you will be able to instantly access websites. You will have a cyber-assistant to scour the Net, delivering data right to your digital doorstep. At least that's the promise. But most of us are still a long way from that reality. Yet there are ways to minimize the frustration of going online. After all, life is much too short to spend precious time waiting for web pages to download, or hunting for information on dozens of sites. In the interest of making Web surfing a more satisfying experience, we offer ten tips:

View sites in text-only mode by turning off the graphics.
Sure, web designers spend a great amount of time creating wonderful graphics, but it can take quite a while to download large graphic files. To speed things up, turn off the images in your web browser.

With Internet Explorer 5.0, under the Tools menu, select Internet Options, then click the Advanced tab. Now uncheck Show Pictures.

Thoughtful designers will include something called an ALT tag, which is a written description of the image. If you want to see a particular image, click on the tag with your right mouse button and select View Image. For Mac users, just hold down the mouse button over the graphic. You can also click the Image button in Navigator to load all the images.

Use the Stop button.
When you access a website, what you are actually doing is downloading a set of digital files. You can see how the download is progressing if you look at the status bar located in the lower left hand corner of your web browser. If you get tired of waiting, click the Stop button to view the files that have already been downloaded. Then you can decide if you want to continue. If you do, click the Reload or Refresh button.

Increase your cache.
Files you download are stored in a cache (pronounced like "cash") on your hard drive. That way when you return to a site, you don't have to download the files again, just access them from your cache. After a while though, the cache becomes full. Your web browser automatically deletes old files as you continue to surf the Web. But if you visit many of the same sites regularly, you can speed up access by caching more of them. To do this, increase the size of your cache. 10 Mb is optimal.
If you use Netscape Navigator 4.0, under the Edit menu, choose Preferences, then click on Advanced. Now click on Cache. In the appropriate box, increase the cache size.

With Explorer 5.0, under the Tools menu, select Internet Options. Next, on the General tab, click on Settings. Use the slider to increase the cache.

Save keystrokes by using Bookmarks or Favorites.
Web addresses or URLs can be unwieldy. Worse, if you type it wrong, you will get an error message. To avoid these problems, save the addresses of sites you want to revisit. For details on how to do this, read the Bookmarks article.

Use the Find feature of your web browser.
Once you've downloaded a document, the Find button can quickly locate a particular term in which you are interested. Why take the time to scroll through the entire document?

Pick two search engines and learn how they work.
The difficulty of finding specific information is by far the biggest complaint we hear. Although dozens of search engines are available, pick two, then take the time to learn them well. For more on searches read Searching the Web. In case you're interested, our favorites are Yahoo! and AltaVista.

Choose your own home page.
Both Netscape and Microsoft set their websites as the default home page when you launch your web browser. But if you like to begin your surfing by reading a daily newspaper or better yet, Learn the Net, why not start there first? Here's how to select a new home page.

Open a new window.
While you are downloading one web page, you can actually access another site by opening a second browser window. With Navigator, go to the File menu and choose New Web Browser. With Explorer, select New Window from the File menu. A word of caution: Although you can open multiple windows, this will slow down your computer, so don't go overboard. Also, remember to close the additional windows to free up disk space.

Surf during off-peak hours.
Most commuters experience rush hour, when highways bog down with traffic. The same phenomenon happens on the Internet, usually in the late afternoon and early evening, when people log on to check e-mail, chat and play games. If you want to avoid the slowdown, go online in the morning or late at night, when traffic is lighter.

Get a faster connection.
If you are still using a 28.8 Kbps modem, it's time to upgrade. Most people these days access the Web at twice that speed. New modems offer access at 56 Kbps (kilobits per second). Before you upgrade, however, make sure your Internet service provider supports 56 Kbps modems.

For the impatient, the good news is that many companies are investing large sums of money to solve the problem of slow Internet access. Exotic technologies such as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) , Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and cable modems promise enormous bandwidth. Will it ever be enough? Who knows? Until then, happy surfing.

Auction Online

Every day, beanie babies, Depression glassware, and thousands of other items change hands via online auctions. eBay has been the darling of bargain hunters, as well as Wall Street investors. But hundreds of other sites now offer auctions as well. Unlike buying treasures in the real world, however, e-auctions pose some unique risks. To prevent rip-offs, proceed with caution.

How Auction Sites Work
As with online stores, the exact procedure varies by site, so make sure you understand the site's policy before you begin. In general, to participate, both sellers and buyers must register with the site. Sellers typically pay a flat fee or a percentage of the final sales price to list merchandise. Buyers pay the sellers directly and also pay the shipping costs. Auctions are usually time-based, meaning that the highest qualified bid at the end of the predetermined period--say a week--wins the item.
Of course, as a buyer, you can't actually see what you are bidding on. The best you can hope for is a full description and a photo. You must trust that it's accurate and that you receive your purchase in the stated condition. That's where the potential for fraud is greatest. Typically, auction sites claim no liability, although some do provide limited guarantees. So it's up to you to be a smart consumer. Here's how:

Avoiding Auction Fraud
Read the auction site's policy carefully before you bid.
Contact the seller directly and question him or her about the merchandise.
Get the seller's vital information, including name, address and phone number.
Check the auction site to see if there is any negative postings about the seller.
If possible, pay by credit card for the same protection you have when making purchases in the real world. Otherwise, consider using an escrow service.
Print a copy of your transaction for your records.

  auction: n.拍賣 v.拍賣
  shopping cart: 購物籃
  delivery:v. 遞送、交付、交貨
  myriad: adj. 無數的,種種的
  assistance:n. 需要、幫助
  vital:adj. 至磁重要的,重大的,所必須的
  scam: n. 詭計
  skeptical:adj. 懷疑

Online Learning

Would you like to hone(*) your professional skills from the comfort of your home or get a college degree without setting foot on campus? Sound too good to be true? There are now thousands of online classes available on the World Wide Web and that number will soon mushroom(*) into tens of thousands.

For decades(*), students have turned to distance learning to further their educational goals. From correspondence(*) courses to tele-classes, distance learning has served the needs of people who cannot physically attend classes. With the explosion of information technology and the Internet, you can now have a virtual classroom right on your desktop. In most cases, to take a course you need only your computer, a web browser and Internet access.

A New Kind of Education

Online learning, also known as Web-based training or WBT, makes it possible to deliver instructional content to your personal computer via the World Wide Web. You access a website, where you will find most, if not all of the materials you need--a course outline and lessons, information about the instructor (if there is one), lecture notes, a list of activities, tests, and inks to other online resources. In some cases, additional materials may be required, such as textbooks or videotapes. Some WBT class are self-paced, others are led by an instructor. Most are what is known as asynchronous(*) classes--you study at your convenience--although there may be a period of time in which you must complete the course.

WBT offers a number of advantages over classroom-based instruction:

  Take a class anywhere. Learn at home or at the office, because you only need a computer and Internet access.
  Take a class anytime. Access material 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  You decide when to attend. Take courses according to your own schedule and pace.
  Lower costs. Eliminate(*) travel, parking, childcare and all the other costs of physically attending a class.
  Instant feedback(*). Tests can be graded and returned to you within seconds.
  Access to the latest materials. Instructors can easily update teaching materials as new information becomes available. Most textbooks are out-of-date(*) before they are even printed.
  An interactive(*) learning environment. Online technologies enable interaction with other students and course instructors.

Online learning has disadvantages too, the main one being that students work in isolation. To overcome this problem, many WBT classes incorporate features that invite student participation and collaboration(*) including:
  E-mail for submitting homework and communicating with the instructor and other students.
  Message boards where students can post messages relating to class content and group activities.
  Chat rooms, audio conferencing and videoconferencing for real-time conversation.
  Screen-sharing, which allows students to see what an instructor demonstrates on his or her computer screen.
  Class websites for posting of charts, graphics, links to other resources, etc.

Not all classes require student participation. Most use only a few of the features just discussed. Since education on demand is so new, course providers are trying to figure out what works best. And since people learn in different ways, classes vary in style. With self-paced classes, you study the course material and possibly take some online quizzes(*). Either no instructor is involved, or there may be a "teaching assistant" who can answer questions via e-mail. Because little human intervention is required, enrollment(*) is open to any number of students and you can begin the course as soon as you register.

Instructor-led classes are more demanding, often requiring that you submit homework assignments, meet online periodically with other students enrolled in the class, and participate in real-time class discussions with an instructor. These types of classes generally limit enrollment (perhaps to under 50 students) and have a start and end date. Upon completion of a class you may receive a grade. Classes offered by universities typically follow this model.

Subjects and prices vary enormously(*), ranging from accounting to zoology; some classes are free, while others cost hundreds of dollars.

Is Online Learning for You?
Typically, online classes are targeted(*) to working adults--people who want to get an advanced degree or acquire new skills for their jobs, but don't have time to regularly attend classes. Classes are open to anyone, but you may need some prerequisites(*) before you can enroll in certain courses. The requirements are usually listed along with class descriptions.
Online learning works best for people who are self-motivated, enjoy working alone at their computer and feel comfortable using technology. Beyond that, it's just one of those things you have to try.


  hone:磨練 ;用磨刀石磨
  mushroom:vi. 迅速生長, 迅速增加, 採蘑菇
  correspondence: n. 相應, 通信, 信件
  eliminate: vt. 排除, 消除 v. 除去
  feedback:回授, 反饋, 反應
  targeted:n. 目標, 對象, 靶子

Shopping Online

E-commerce has become a fact of modern life, with millions of people now regularly shopping from the convenience of their computers. Many retailers, from Abercrombie to Z Gallery, have websites where you can purchase products online, including flowers, pet food, and tonight's dinner. Why this explosion? Shopping online can save time and money, and people are more willing to give out their credit card numbers as online security has improved.

Let's say you are looking for a bestselling novel. You can comparison shop to find the best price, order the book, and arrange to have it shipped to you overnight. The whole transaction can be done in minutes, saving a trip to the store. Better yet, you may pay less than 50% of the cover price and no sales tax.

How To Buy Online
While every site is a bit different, you will find many similarities. Most sites are like electronic catalogs(1). You browse for merchandise in various categories or search for specific items. Once you find something you want to buy, you add it to your electronic "shopping cart(2)," and continue shopping. When you're done, you review the contents of your cart, deciding whether you want to purchase all of them, or just a few. Your purchases are then totaled. Now it's time to check out.
To buy the items you selected, you fill out a form, providing information such as your name, e-mail address, shipping information, and credit card number. Usually, you are advised how long it will take for delivery(3). Some sites e-mail you an order confirmation along with a tracking number.

Within this general procedure, there are myriad(4) variations. Some sites, like computer e-stores, will build a computer to your specifications. At certain apparel sites, you can "try on" clothes using a virtual model. Many sites have customer service representatives who you can e-mail or chat with in real time, should you need assistance(5). Since customer service has become as vital(6) to online shopping as it has in the real world, expect to see a greater emphasis on making e-commerce a more shopper-friendly experience.

There are too many shopping sites to begin to list them here. Start with LTN stores, online merchants that have our endorsement. If you are looking for a particular store, brand, or type of product, use a search engine to find the right site.

Avoid Scams(7)
Shop with businesses you already know and trust.
Pay by credit card for the same protection you have when shopping in the real world.
Don't send your credit card number by e-mail.
Be skeptical(8) of deals that appear too good to be true. They probably are.
Check the shipping costs, which could make the total purchase price more than what you would pay in a retail store.
Print a copy of your order for your records.

  catalogs: n.目錄、目錄冊、編目
  shopping cart: 購物籃
  delivery:v. 遞送、交付、交貨
  myriad: adj. 無數的,種種的
  assistance:n. 需要、幫助
  vital:adj. 至磁重要的,重大的,所必須的
  scam: n. 詭計
  skeptical:adj. 懷疑

Web Chat

  Would you like to join a virtual* party without leaving the comfort of your desktop? With web chat you can communicate in real time with people all around the world. In most cases, you don't need any special software, just your web browser. (For the best results, however, we recommend* that you use at least version 4.0 or later releases of Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer.)

  For many years, subscribers to America Online and other commercial online services were able to participate in chat sessions. Now it's possible to join chats offered by hundreds of websites as well. Actually, the word "chat" may be somewhat misleading, because you are not really talking to anyone, just typing and reading text messages that participants write. Once you enter a chat room, which is really just a web page that runs special software, you can choose to just read the exchanges, known as lurking*, or you can join in by posting your own messages.

  Many chat rooms focus the conversation on specific topics, such as health, politics, football and so on. That way, people with similar interests can find one another. Sometimes chat sessions can lead to truly stimulating exchanges, but they are just as likely to be a waste of time. You should also be aware that some chat rooms are adult in nature. Exchanges can be sexually oriented, so parents take note. None of this should stop you from trying this electronic interaction. It can be a lot of fun and the price is certainly right--generally it's free--so there's little to lose.

  A New Personality
  The first step is to locate a chat room that interests you. At the end of this article are some good places to start. Once you are on the website, you will usually be asked to register. You are free to use your real name, but many people make up a name. Not only does it conceal* your identity, offering you some privacy, but it lets you assume a new identity. It can be similar to role playing, where you can be anyone you want. Therein lies some of the fun, but be aware that other people may be living out their fantasies* online as well. Wild Bill might be a teenage girl. You should also know that if you don't sign-in with a name, you may be assigned the default name Anonymous*. With this moniker*, others in the chat room may avoid you or worse, tease you mercilessly.

  After you choose your chat persona, you may also be able to select an image to represent you. These graphics, known as avatars, can be anything from a frog to a prince or princess. Although communicating online lacks the nuances* we get when talking face-to-face, these friendly graphics can personalize the experience in a small way, and certainly break the monotony of a text-only screen. Once you are equipped with name and possibly an avatar, click the enter button and follow the instructions to choose a room.

  Join the Party
  Once inside, you will probably find yourself in the middle of a conversation. Take a few minutes to get the gist* of the exchange. There's no harm in lurking for a while before you join in. In fact it's not uncommon for chat rooms to have many more lurkers than participants. As the interaction continues, new postings appear at the top or bottom of the list. Once you feel confident enough to participate in the discussion, just type your message in the blank box at the bottom of your screen and click the Talk button or hit the Enter or Return key on your keyboard. Soon your message will be posted in the chat room and people may respond.

  The same rules of behavior apply in chat rooms as they do to other online communications, so be sure to review the article on netiquette to avoid offending anyone. To minimize the amount of typing, people often use emoticons* and abbreviations.

  If you want, you can make a general posting to everyone in the chat room, expounding your views. But just like in the real world, you can also address your comments to a specific person. "Hey, Wild Bill, I had just the opposite experience . . ." Although everyone can read your message, it's clear that it's intended for a particular individual. Some chat rooms let you have private conversations by clicking on the name of a participant.

  While web chats can offer an engaging* experience, proceed with caution. Use common sense. Remember that all your postings are public. Even if it appears that there is only one other person in a room, others can be lurking. Don't give out personal information to strangers you meet online--certainly not your address, phone number or credit card account. Having said that, it's time to start chatting.

  virtual: adj. 虛的,虛擬的
  recommend: vt. 推薦, 介紹
  participate lurking: (新用戶的)"潛伏"(在USENET上作爲旁觀者,不參加討論)
  conceal: vt. 隱藏, 隱蔽, 隱瞞 v. 隱蔽
  Anonymous:adj. 匿名的
  moniker: n. 名字, 綽號
  nuances: n. 小塊, 瘤, 結節, 要點, 殘端, 殘根
  gist: n. n. 要點, 要旨
  emoticons: 由字符組成的圖釋,也稱作Smiley,由emotion和icons合成
  engaging:adj. 動人的, 有魅力的, 迷人的
A Home (Page) of Your Own

In the 60s, people asked about your astrological* sign. In the 90s, they want to know your URL. These days, having a web address is almost as important as a street address. Your website is an electronic meeting place for your family, friends and potentially*, millions of people around the world. Building your digital domain can be easier than you may think. Best of all, you may not have to spend a cent. The Web brims with all kinds of free services, from tools to help you build your site, to free graphics, animation and site hosting. All it takes is some time and creativity.

Think of your home page as the starting point of your website. Like the table of contents of a book or magazine, the home page is the front door. Your site can have one or more pages, depending on how you design it. If there isn't a lot of information just yet, your site will most likely have only a home page. But the site is sure to grow over time.

While web pages vary dramatically* in their design and content, most use a traditional magazine layout. At the top of the page is a banner graphic. Next comes a greeting and a short description of the site. Pictures, text, and links to other websites follow.

If the site has more than one page, there's typically a list of items--similar to an index--often with a brief description. The items in the list link to other pages on the website. Sometimes these links are highlighted words in the body of the text. It can also be a combination of both. Additionally, a web page may have images that link to other content.

Before you start building your site, do some planning. Think about whom the site is for and what you want to say. Next, gather up the material that you want to put on the site: write the copy, scan the photos, design or find the graphics. Draw a rough layout on a sheet of paper.

While there are no rules you have to follow, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Start simply. If you are too ambitious at the beginning, you may never get the site off the ground. You can always add to your site.
Less is better. Most people don't like to read a lot of text online. Break it into small chunks.
Use restraint. Although you can use wild colors and images for the background of your pages, make sure your visitors will be able to read the text easily.
Smaller is better. Most people connect to the Internet with a modem. Since it can take a long time to download large image files, keep the file sizes small.
Have the rights. Don't put any material on your site unless you are sure you can do it legally. Read Learn the Net's copyright article for more about this.
Stake Your Claim

Now it's time to roll up your sleeves and start building. Learn the Net Communities provides tools to help you build your site, free web hosting, and a community of other homesteaders.

Your Internet service provider may include free web hosting services with an account, one alternative to consider.

  dramatically:戲劇地, 引人注目

Bookmarks and Favorites

With millions of websites and more coming online daily, you will undoubtedly find ones you want to revisit. Bookmarks or Favorites save the addresses of your favorite sites so you can return to them quickly, without having to retype the addresses. Whether you are using Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, the procedure is similar.

Once you find a site you want to save, go to the Bookmarks or Favorites menu or click on its icon and select Add. When you click on the icon again, the title of the web page you recorded will appear at the bottom of the list. To revisit a bookmarked website, just double-click on it.

Putting Your Links in Order

Soon you will discover that you've got dozens of bookmarks. It's now time to organize them into folders*.

If you use Internet Explorer 5.0, click on the Favorites button on the toolbar to open the Favorites window. Now select Organize Favorites*. Click on the folder icon to create a new folder, then name it. We suggest organizing your bookmarks in folders by subjects*, such as Food, Travel, News, Sports, etc. Now click on each Favorite once, hold down your left mouse key and drag the appropriate Favorite into the subject folder.

If you use Navigator 4.0 or a later release*, click on the Bookmarks icon to view all your bookmarks. Under the File menu, select New Folder. In the Name box, type in a name for the folder, then click on OK. Now return to your list of bookmarks, click once on one to highlight it, then drag it into the appropriate subject-related folder. Repeat the process for the other topics and bookmarks.

Sometimes the names of the bookmarks aren't descriptive, so you may want to alter them. With Navigator, select the bookmark you want to change by clicking on it once. Go to the Edit menu and choose Bookmark Properties. Now type in the new name and click OK.

With Explorer, open the Favorites window, then click on Organize Favorites. After the dialog box opens, click on the favorites you want to change. Next, click the Rename button. Now you can type a new name.

  Organize Favorites:整理收藏夾

Decoding Error Messages

  As you surf the Net, you will undoubtedly find that at times you can't access certain websites. Why, you make wonder? Error messages attempt to explain the reason. Unfortunately, these cryptic* messages baffle* most people. We've deciphered* the most common ones you may encounter.

  400 - Bad Request
  Problem: There's something wrong with the address you entered. You may not be authorized* to access the web page, or maybe it no longer exists.
  Solution: Check the address carefully, especially if the address is long. Make sure that the slashes are correct (they should be forward slashes) and that all the names are properly spelled. Web addresses are case sensitive, so check that the names are capitalized in your entry as they are in the original reference to the website.

  401 - Unauthorized
  Problem: You can't access a website, because you're not on the guest list, your password is invalid or you have entered your password incorrectly.
  Solution: If you think you have authorization, try typing your password again. Remember that passwords are case sensitive.

  403 - Forbidden
  Problem: Essentially the same as a 401.
  Solution: Try entering your password again or move on to another site.

  404 - Not Found
  Problem: Either the web page no longer exists on the server or it is nowhere to be found.
  Solution: Check the address carefully and try entering it again. You might also see if the site has a search engine and if so, use it to hunt for the document. (It's not uncommon for pages to change their addresses when a website is redesigned.) To get to the home page of the site, delete everything after the domain name and hit the Enter or Return key.

  503 - Service unavailable
  Problem: Your Internet service provider (ISP) or your company's Internet connection may be down.
  Solution: Take a stretch, wait a few minutes and try again. If you still have no luck, phone your ISP or system administrator.

  Bad file request
  Problem: Your web browser may not be able to decipher the online form you want to access. There may also be a technical error in the form.
  Solution: Consider sending a message to the site's webmaster, providing any technical information you can, such as the browser and version you use.

  Connection refused by host
  Problem: You don't have permission to access the page or your password is incorrect.
  Solution: Try typing your password again if you think you should have access.

  Failed DNS lookup
  Problem: DNS stands for the Domain Name System, which is the system that looks up the name of a website, finds a corresponding number (similar to a phone number), then directs your request to the appropriate web server on the Internet. When the lookup fails, the host server can't be located.
  Solution: Try clicking on the Reload or Refresh button on your browser toolbar. If this doesn't work, check the address and enter it again. If all else fails, try again later.

  File contains no data
  Problem: The site has no web pages on it.
  Solution: Check the address and enter it again. If you get the same error message, try again later.

  Host unavailable
  Problem: The web server is down.
  Solution: Try clicking on the Reload or Refresh button. If this doesn't work, try again later.

  Host unknown
  Problem: The web server is down, the site may have moved, or you've been disconnected from the Net.
  Solution: Try clicking on the Reload or Refresh button and check to see that you are still online. If this fails, try using a search engine to find the site. It may have a new address.

  Network connection refused by the server
  Problem: The web server is busy.
  Solution: Try again in a while.

  Unable to locate host
  Problem: The web server is down or you've been disconnected from the Net.
  Solution: Try clicking on the Reload or Refresh button and check to see that you are still online.

  Unable to locate server
  Problem: The web server is out-of-business or you may have entered the address incorrectly.
  Solution: Check the address and try typing it again.

  cryptic:adj. 含義模糊的
  baffle:v. 困惑
  decipher: vt. 譯解(密碼等), 解釋

Understanding Web Addresses

  You can think of the World Wide Web as a network of electronic files stored on computers all around the world. Hypertext links these resources together. Uniform Resource Locators or URLs are the addresses used to locate these files. The information contained in a URL gives you the ability to jump from one web page to another with just a click of your mouse. When you type a URL into your browser or click on a hypertext link, your browser is sending a request to a remote computer to download a file.

  What does a typical URL look like? Here are some examples:

  The home page for study english.

A directory of files at MIT* available for downloading.

A newsgroup on rose gardening.
  The first part of a URL (before the two slashes* tells you the type of resource or method of access at that address. For example:

http - a hypertext document or directory
gopher - a gopher document or menu
ftp - a file available for downloading or a directory of such files
news - a newsgroup
telnet - a computer system that you can log into over the Internet
WAIS* - a database or document in a Wide Area Information Search database
file - a file located on a local drive (your hard drive)
  The second part is typically the address of the computer where the data or service is located. Additional parts may specify the names of files, the port to connect to, or the text to search for in a database.

  You can enter the URL of a site by typing it into the Location bar of your web browser, just under the toolbar.

  Most browsers record URLs that you want to use again, by adding them to a special menu. In Netscape Navigator, it's called Bookmarks. In Microsoft Explorer, it's called Favorites. Once you add a URL to your list, you can return to that web page simply by clicking on the name in your list, instead of retyping the entire URL.

  Most of the URLs you will be using start with http which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol*. http is the method by which HTML files are transferred over the Web. Here are some other important things to know about URLs:

A URL usually has no spaces.
A URL always uses forward slashes (//).
If you enter a URL incorrectly, your browser will not be able to locate the site or resource you want. Should you get an error message or the wrong site, make sure you typed the address correctly.
You can find the URL behind any link by passing your mouse cursor over the link. The pointer will turn into a hand and the URL will appear in the browser's status bar, usually located at the bottom of your screen.


  MIT:Massachusettes Institute of Technology (美國)麻省理工學院
  WAIS: Wide Area Information Server 廣域信息服務系統
  Hypertext Transfer Protocol:超文本傳輸協議

Anatomy of a Web Page

A web page is an electronic document written in a computer language called HTML, short for Hypertext Markup Language. Each web page has a unique address, called a URL* or Uniform Resource Locator, which identifies its location on the network.

A website has one or more related web pages, depending on how it's designed. Web pages on a site are linked together through a system of hyperlinks* , enabling you to jump between them by clicking on a link. On the Web, you navigate through pages of information according to your interests.

Home Sweet Home Page

When you browse the World Wide Web you'll see the term home page often. Think of a home page as the starting point of a website. Like the table of contents of a book or magazine, the home page usually provides an overview of what you'll find at the website. A site can have one page, many pages or a few long ones, depending on how it's designed. If there isn't a lot of information, the home page may be the only page. But usually you will find at least a few other pages.

Web pages vary wildly in design and content, but most use a traditional magazine format. At the top of the page is a masthead* or banner graphic*, then a list of items, such as articles, often with a brief description. The items in the list usually link to other pages on the website, or to other sites. Sometimes these links are highlighted* words in the body of the text, or are arranged in a list, like an index. They can also be a combination* of both. A web page can also have images that link to other content.

How can you tell which text are links? Text links appear in a different color from the rest of the text--typically in blue and underlined. When you move your cursor over a text link or over a graphic link, it will change from an arrow to a hand. The hypertext words often hint* at what you will link to.

When you return to a page with a link you've already visited, the hypertext words will often be in a different color, so you know you've already been there. But you can certainly go there again. Don't be surprised though, if the next time you visit a site, the page looks different and the information has changed. The Web is a dynamic* medium. To encourage visitors to return to a site, some web publishers change pages often. That's what makes browsing the Web so exciting.


  masthead: 報頭,片頭
  banner graphic:標題圖片
  highlighted: 突出
  combination:. 結合,聯合,合併

Domain Names

When you think of the Internet, you probably think of ".com." Just what do those three letters at the end of a World Wide Web address mean?

Every computer that hosts data on the Internet has a unique numerical address. For example, the numerical address for the White House is But since few people want to remember long strings of numbers, the Domain Name System (DNS)* was developed. DNS, a critical part of the Internet's technical infrastructure*, correlates* a numerical address to a word. To access the White House website, you could type its number into the address box of your web browser. But most people prefer to use "www.whitehouse.gov." In this case, the domain name is whitehouse.gov.

In general, the three-letter domain name suffix* is known as a generic top-level domain and describes the type of organization. In the last few years, the lines have somewhat blurred* between these categories.
.com - business (commercial)
.edu - educational
.org - non-profit
.mil - military
.net - network provider
.gov - government

A domain name always has two or more parts separated by dots and typically consists of some form of an organization's name and the three-letter suffix. For example, the domain name for IBM is "ibm.com"; the United Nations is "un.org."

If a domain name is available, and provided it does not infringe* on an existing trademark, anyone can register the name for $35 a year through Network Solutions, Inc., which is authorized to register .com, .net and .org domains. You can use the box below to see if a name is a available. Don't be surprised if the .com name you want is already taken, however. Of the over 8 million domain names, 85% are .com domains.

ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, manages the Domain Name System. As of this writing, there are plans to add additional top-level domains, such as .web and .store. When that will actually happen is anybody's guess.

To check for, or register a domain name, type it into the search box.
It should take this form: myname.com

In addition to the generic top-level domains, 244 national top-level domains were established for countries and territories*, for example:

.au - Australia
.ca - Canada
.fr - France
.de - Germany
.uk - United Kingdom

For US $275 per name, you can also register an international domain name with Net Names. Be aware that some countries have restrictions for registering names.

If you plan to register your own domain name, whether it's a .com or not, keep these tips in mind:

The shorter the name, the better. (But it should reflect your family name, interest or business.)
The name should be easy to remember.
It should be easy to type without making mistakes.
Remember, the Internet is global. Ideally, a domain name will "read" in a language other than English.


  Domain Name System:域名系統
  correlate: 使相互關聯,和…相關
  blur: 把(界線)弄得模糊不清
Web Browsers

  A web browser is the software program you use to access the World Wide Web, the graphical portion of the Internet. The first browser, called NCSA Mosaic, was developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications in the early '90s. The easy-to-use point-and-click interface* helped popularize the Web, although few then could imagine the explosive growth that would soon occur.

  Although many different browsers are available, Microsoft Internet Explorer* and Netscape Navigator* are the two most popular ones. Netscape and Microsoft have put so much money into their browsers that the competition can't keep up. The pitched battle* between the two companies to dominate* the market has lead to continual improvements to the software. Version 4.0 and later releases of either browser are excellent choices. (By the way, both are based on NCSA Mosaic.) You can download Explorer and Navigator for free from each company's website. If you have one browser already, you can test out the other. Also note that there are slight differences between the Windows and MacIntosh* versions.

  You can surf to your heart's content, but it's easy to get lost in this electronic web. That's where your browser can really help. Browsers come loaded with all sorts of handy features. Fortunately, you can learn the basics in just a few minutes, then take the time to explore the advanced functions.

  Both Explorer and Navigator have more similarities than differences, so we'll primarily cover those. For the most up-to-date information about the browsers, and a complete tutorial, check the online handbook under the Help menu or go to the websites of the respective* software companies.

  Browser Anatomy
  When you first launch your web browser, usually by double-clicking on the icon on your desktop, a predefined web page, your home page, will appear. With Netscape Navigator for instance, you will be taken to Netscape's NetCenter.


Choose Your Own Home Page

You can change the home page that loads when you first launch your browser. With Navigator 4.0, go to the Edit menu, then select Preferences. In the Home page section, type in the new web address in the box. If you want Learn the Net to be your home page, enter:


Any time you want to return to your home page from any other website, just click the Home button on the toolbar.

If you are using Explorer, first go to the Learn the Net home page. Now click the View menu, then select Options. Now click the General tab. Finally, click the Use Current button.

As much as we would like Learn the Net to be your home page, you can select any page you want.

The Toolbar (工具欄)
The row of buttons at the top of your web browser, known as the toolbar, helps you travel through the web of possibilities, even keeping track of where you've been. Since the toolbars for Navigator and Explorer differ slightly, we'll first describe what the buttons in common do:

The Back button returns you the previous page you've visited.
Use the Forward button to return to the page you just came from.
Home takes you to whichever home page you've chosen. (If you haven't selected one, it will return you to the default home page, usually the Microsoft or Netscape website.)
Reload or Refresh does just that, loads the web page again. Why would you want to do this? Sometimes all of the elements of a web page haven't loaded the first time, because the file transfer was interrupted. Also when you download a web page, the data is cached (pronounced cashed), meaning it is stored temporarily on your computer. The next time you want that page, instead of requesting the file from the web server, your web browser just accesses it from the cache. But if a web page is updated frequently, as may be the case with news, sports scores or financial data, you won't get the most current information. By reloading the page, this timely data is updated.
Print lets you make a hard copy of the current document loaded in your browser.
The Stop button stops the browser from loading the current page.
Search connects to pages on the Microsoft or Netscape websites that list a number of Internet directories and search tools.
Bookmarks or Favorites is where you can record the addresses of website you want to revisit. Once you add a URL to your list, you can return to that web page simply by clicking on the link in your list, instead of retyping the entire address.

When to Use the STOP Button

There's a good reason why the Web is referred to as the World Wide Wait. If you can't connect to a site, use the STOP button and try again later, especially if you are trying to access a popular site.

The Location Bar (位置欄)
Just under the toolbar, you will see a box labeled "Location," "Go To," or "Address." This is where you type in the address of a website you want to visit. After you enter it, press the Return or Enter key to access the site.

By clicking the small triangle to the right of the Location box, you will get a drop down list of the most recent websites you have visited. To revisit a site, just click on the address.

The Menu Bar (菜單欄)
Located along the top of the browser window, the menu bar offers a selection of things you can do with a web page, such as saving it to your hard drive or increasing the size of the text on a page. Many of the choices are the same as the buttons on the toolbar below, so don't try to learn everything now. Click once on a word to access the drop-down menu, then click on the appropriate selection you want to make.

The Access Indicator(訪問指示器)
Both Navigator and Explorer have a small picture in the upper right hand corner of the browser. When this image is animated, it means that your browser software, known as a client, is accessing data from a remote computer, called a server. The server can be located across town or on another continent. Your browser downloads these remote files to your computer, then displays them on your screen. The speed of this process depends a number of factors: your modem speed, your Internet service provider's modem speed, the size of the files you are downloading, how busy the server is and the traffic on the Internet.

The Status Bar (狀態欄)
At the bottom of the web browser you'll find a window known as a status bar. You can watch the progress of web page transactions, such as the address of the site you are contacting, whether the host computer has been contacted and the size of the files to be downloaded.

The Scroll Bar (滾動條)
The vertical bar to the right of the browser lets you scroll a down and up a long web page. You can do this by placing your arrow cursor on the up or down arrows and holding down your left mouse key. You can also place the arrow on the slider control, hold down the left mouse key and drag the slider.

If a web page is too wide to fit your screen, a horizontal scroll bar will appear at the bottom on your browser window. This scroll bar works the same way.

  Some Browser Tricks
  As with most software, there is more than one way to accomplish a task. Here are a few other features to help you navigate:

  As you hop from page to page and website to website, your browser remembers where you've been. With Navigator, select History from the drop-down list under the Communicator menu. With Internet Explorer, click the History button on the toolbar. There you'll find a history of all the web pages you have visited during a specified period of time. To revisit a page, just click on the address.

  Another way move between pages with Navigator is by clicking the right mouse button. A pop-up menu will appear and you can choose to move forward or back.

Speed Up Downloads

While text downloads quickly, images can really slow things down. There are two ways to speed things up.

Since text appears first, after it loads, click the STOP button. The images won't appear, but should you want to look at an image, use the right mouse button to click on the image icon, then select View Image.
You can view websites in text-only mode by turning off the auto-loading of images function under the Options menu.

  One final word of advice: Your web browser is your gateway to the Internet. Take the time to learn about its features. In the long run, it will save you hours of frustration.

  Microsoft Internet Explorer:Microsoft公司出品的WEB瀏覽器
  Netscape Navigator: Netscape公司出品的WEB瀏覽器
  pitched battle:激戰
  dominate: 支配, 佔優勢
  MacIntosh:. Apple公司於1984年推出的一種系列微機;蘋果公司生產的一種型號的計算機;(Mac)麥金託什機
  respective:分別的, 各自的
  frustration:挫敗, 挫折, 受挫

How the Web Works

   The World Wide Web, the graphical portion of the Internet, is the most popular part of the Internet by far. Once you spend time on the Web,you will begin to feel like there is no limit to what you can discover. The Web allows rich and diverse(1) communication by displaying text, graphics, animation(2), photos, sound and video.
  So just what is this miraculous(3) creation? The Web physically consists of your personal computer, web browser software, a connection to an Internet service provider, computers called servers that host digital data and routers and switches to direct the flow of information.
  The Web is known as a client-server(4) system. Your computer is the client; the remote computers that store electronic files are the servers. Here's how it works:
  Let's say you want to pay a visit to the the Louvre museum website. First you enter the address or URL(5) of the website in your web browser (more about this shortly). Then your browser requests the web page from the web server that hosts the Louvre's site. The Louvre's server sends the data over the Internet to your computer. Your web browser interprets the data, displaying it on your computer screen.
  The Louvre's website also has links to the sites of other museums, such as the Vatican Museum. When you click your mouse on a link, you access the web server for the Vatican Museum.
  The "glue" that holds the Web together is called hypertext and hyperlinks(6). This feature allow electronic files on the Web to be linked so you can easily jump between them. On the Web, you navigate through pages of information based on what interests you at that particular moment, commonly known as browsing or surfing(7) the Net.
  To access the Web you need web browser software, such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. How does your web browser distinguish between web pages and other files on the Internet? Web pages are written in a computer language called Hypertext Markup Language or HTML.
  Some Web History
  The World Wide Web (WWW) was originally developed in 1990 at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics. It is now managed by The World Wide Web Consortium, also known as the World Wide Web Initiative.
  The WWW Consortium is funded by a large number of corporate members, including AT&T, Adobe Systems, Inc., Microsoft Corporation and Sun Microsystems, Inc. Its purpose is to promote the growth of the Web by developing technical specifications and reference software that will be freely available to everyone. The Consortium is run by MIT with INRIA (The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science) acting as European host, in collaboration with CERN.
  The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, was instrumental in the development of early graphical software utilizing the World Wide Web features created by CERN. NCSA focuses on improving the productivity of researchers by providing software for scientific modeling, analysis, and visualization. The World Wide Web was an obvious way to fulfill that mission. NCSA Mosaic, one of the earliest web browsers, was distributed free to the public. It led directly to the phenomenal growth of the World Wide Web.

  diverse:adj. 不同的, 變化多的
  miraculous: adj. 奇蹟的, 不可思議的
  URL:Uniform Resource Locator ,在Internet的WWW服務程序上用於指定信息位置的表示方法。
  surf: n. 海浪, 拍岸浪;vi. 作衝浪運動;vt. 在激浪上駕(船), 在...衝浪。此處的含義指上網衝浪

Net Anatomy

  Even though the Internet is a global network, in many ways, it resembles a small town, with similar services. Let's say you want to send or receive your mail. The Internet has electronic post offices. There are online libraries you can use any time of the day or night, with millions of books and periodicals with unlimited browsing. Chat rooms are the Internet equivalent of 24-hour coffee shops, with people eager to gab anytime you want. With the explosive growth of the World Wide Web, you can shop, order a pizza, preview a movie, and listen to radio stations from around the world. All of these represent different ways of using the Internet.
  In the real world you can travel to different places over the same network of roads, but using different modes of transportation. You might use a car for one purpose and a truck for something else. Getting around on the Internet works much the same way.
  To understand the Internet, it is helpful to realize that many different kinds of communication go on at the same time. You use different software programs to accomplish different tasks: for instance, a web browser to access shopping sites and an e-mail program to send and receive messages.
  Some programs, such as Netscape Communicator, contain more than one kind of program. Communicator has a web browser, called Netscape Navigator, an e-mail program and a newsreader. (In later articles, we will explain what each of these programs do.) You can also use more specialized and sophisticated software, such as Eudora, a stand-alone e-mail program, or combine different software packages together into a system that works for you.
Birth of the Net

  The Internet has had a relatively brief, but explosive history so far. It grew out of an experiment begun in the 1960's by the U.S. Department of Defense. The DoD wanted to create a computer network that would continue to function in the event of a disaster, such as a nuclear war. If part of the network were damaged or destroyed, the rest of the system still had to work. That network was ARPANET, which linked U.S. scientific and academic researchers. It was the forerunner of today's Internet.
  In 1985, the National Science Foundation (NSF) created NSFNET, a series of networks for research and education communication. Based on ARPANET protocols, the NSFNET created a national backbone service, provided free to any U.S. research and educational institution. At the same time, regional networks were created to link individual institutions with the national backbone service.
NSFNET grew rapidly as people discovered its potential, and as new software applications were created to make access easier. Corporations such as Sprint and MCI began to build their own networks, which they linked to NSFNET. As commercial firms and other regional network providers have taken over the operation of the major Internet arteries, NSF has withdrawn from the backbone business.
  NSF also coordinated a service called InterNIC, which registered all addresses on the Internet so that data could be routed to the right system. This service has now been taken over by Network Solutions, Inc., in cooperation with NSF.

Making Connections

  To connect online, your computer must be equipped with a modem, a device that translates the digital signals from your computer into analog signals that can travel over a standard phone line. Those are the scratchy sounds you hear from a modem's speaker. Believe it or not, there is actually meaning in all that noise. A modem on the other end of the line can understand it and converts the sounds back into digital information.

  Modems come in different speeds and are measured in bps or bits per second. A 28.8 Kbps modem sends data at 28,800 bits per second. A 56 Kbps modem is twice as fast, sending and receiving data at a rate of 56,000 bits per second. Most modems today are 56 Kbps.

  Why does speed matter? On the Internet, you are constantly exchanging data with other computers. Some of these digital files can be quite large. As you will soon learn, you want this exchange to happen as quickly as possible. If you are purchasing a modem, get the fastest one available.

  Modems come in different speeds and can be installed inside your computer (internal), or connected to your computer's serial port (external). These days, almost all computers come equipped with an internal modem. But if you need to buy a modem for an older computer, consider purchasing an external one for two reasons. First, they are much easier to install. Second, occasionally your modem will freeze and need to be reset. If your modem is external, you can simply turn it off and on again. If it's internal, the only way to reset it is to turn off your computer and reboot, which can take several minutes every time you need to reset your modem.

  To connect an external modem to your computer, you'll need a serial modem cable. The cables are usually not included when you buy a modem because there are several different sizes available. These can be purchased at any computer store where modems are sold. Most likely, your computer will have a connector on the back labeled serial, or with the IOIOIO icon. This connector comes in a variety of formats: 9, 15, or 25 pins. If you only have one of these ports, it will probably be COM1. If you have two, one will be COM1, and the other will be COM2. After you plug in your modem, you can sign up for Internet Service.

  Usually your setup program will try and find your modem and its COM port. If it can't, it will ask you which COM port your modem is attached to. If you don't know, the easiest thing to do is try them all. Even if you only have two serial ports, you may be able to select one of four COM ports. Also, there are some other devices that use the COM ports. In some computers,the mouse is plugged into a serial port. This is known as a serial mouse. If you've got a serial mouse plugged into COM1, then just plug the modem into COM2. If you don't have a second COM port, you can purchase a card that goes inside your computer that will give you a second COM port. If this is necessary, you should check with the manufacturer of your computer.

  Your modem will likely have a connector on the back with space for 25 pins. You need to make sure that the serial modem cable you purchase has the right number of pins on either side, and is the correct "gender." The best thing to do is to look at the back of your computer and list the various connectors, the number of pins, and the gender. Then, when you go to purchase your modem, find the cable that matches the connector.

  Lastly, you'll need a standard phone cable to connect the modem to your phone line. The standard connector on a telephone cable is called an RJ-11. On the back of your modem, you'll probably have two RJ-11 jacks. One is for connecting the modem to a wall jack, and the other is for connecting the modem to a phone. And remember, if you have call waiting, you will want to disable it before connecting online. If you're online and a call comes in, it will disconnect you unless you disable call waiting. In most places you can enter *70 before the number you call for Internet service so that another call will not interrupt you while you're on line.

Monitor Settings

  The best monitor setting for the Web is 800 X 600 pixels with thousands of colors. Here's why. You may have already noticed that your monitor can be set to different screen resolutions and set to display different numbers of colors. Let's walk through it.

  Screen Resolution
  Most people think of resolution in terms of photographs or television. In those media, resolution means sharpness. But in the computer world, screen resolution refers to the dimensions of the pixels displayed on a monitor. Your computer probably came set to a resolution of 640 X 480 pixels. That means that your computer will display a screen of 640 pixels wide and 480 pixels high on the monitor -- whether you have a 14, 15, or 17-inch monitor. The size of the monitor does not determine the screen resolution. But the bigger the monitor, the bigger the screen resolution you can use. Try it for yourself. If you have a 14 or 15-inch monitor, switch the resolution from 640 X 480 to 800 X 600 and to 1024 X 768 if your video card supports it. You will quickly see that everything gets smaller as the resolution goes up. That's because the monitor is displaying a larger number of pixels in the same screen space. Most people find everything is too small at 1024 X 768 on a 14-inch monitor, but try it on a 17-inch monitor and you'll find you have tons of screen real estate you can use.

  On the Web you want as large a resolution as you can get. The larger the resolution, the more you can fit on the screen. Web pages are almost always too large to fit on one screen, so a larger resolution is better. We recommend using a resolution of 800 X 600 if you have a 14 or 15-inch monitor, and a resolution of 1024 X 768 for 17" and larger monitors.

  Under settings, there is a control panel folder with an icon called Display. Double-click on the icon. Then click the Settings tab to see the current screen resolution.

  Try changing the resolution to the largest you can, probably 1024 X 768. Unless you have a 17-inch or larger monitor, everything will be too small to see. But you will have a lot of screen space.

  Screen Colors
  Setting the number of colors is also important. Unless you are working with professional graphics and photography and have a computer with lots of memory, avoid using 16 million colors. The best practical resolution to use on the Web is 64,000 colors. You can get near photographic quality using thousands of colors, and you'll find many web graphics, like those on Learn the Net, look much better than when your display is set to only 256 colors. One thing to keep in mind, many multimedia CD-ROMs with animations require you to set your display to 256 colors. Even though you may need to change your color settings once in awhile, you will find the Web more visually exciting if you surf at thousands of colors.

About Modem

  Telephone lines were designed to carry the human voice, not electronic data from a computer. Modems were invented to convert digital computer signals into a form that allows them to travel over the phone lines. Those are the scratchy sounds you hear from a modem's speaker. A modem on the other end of the line can understand it and convert the sounds back into digital information that the computer can understand. By the way, the word modem stands for MOdulator/DEModulator.
  Buying and using a modem used to be relatively easy. Not too long ago, almost all modems transferred data at a rate of 2400 Bps (bits per second). Today, modems not only run faster, they are also loaded with features like error control and data compression. So, in addition to converting and interpreting signals, modems also act like traffic cops, monitoring and regulating the flow of information. That way, one computer doesn't send information until the receiving computer is ready for it. Each of these features, modulation, error control, and data compression, requires a separate kind of protocol and that's what some of those terms you see like V.32, V.32bis, V.42bis and MNP5 refer to.
If your computer didn't come with an internal modem, consider buying an external one, because it is much easier to install and operate. For example, when your modem gets stuck (not an unusual occurrence), you need to turn it off and on to get it working properly. With an internal modem, that means restarting your computer--a waste of time. With an external modem it's as easy as flipping a switch.
  Here's a tip for you: in most areas, if you have Call Waiting, you can disable it by inserting *70 in front of the number you dial to connect to the Internet (or any online service). This will prevent an incoming call from accidentally kicking you off the line.

  This table illustrates the relative difference in data transmission speeds for different types of files. A modem's speed is measured in bits per second (bps). A 14.4 modem sends data at 14,400 bits per second. A 28.8 modem is twice as fast, sending and receiving data at a rate of 28,800 bits per second.
Until nearly the end of 1995, the conventional wisdom was that 28.8 Kbps was about the fastest speed you could squeeze out of a regular copper telephone line. Today, you can buy 33.6 Kbps modems, and modems that are capable of 56 Kbps. The key question for you, is knowing what speed modems your Internet service provider (ISP) has. If your ISP has only 28.8 Kbps modems on its end of the line, you could have the fastest modem in the world, and only be able to connect at 28.8 Kbps. Before you invest in a 33.6 Kbps or a 56 Kbps modem, make sure your ISP supports them.
  Speed It Up
  There are faster ways to transmit data by using an ISDN or leased line. In many parts of the U.S., phone companies are offering home ISDN at less than $30 a month. ISDN requires a so-called ISDN adapter instead of a modem, and a phone line with a special connection that allows it to send and receive digital signals. You have to arrange with your phone company to have this equipment installed. For more about ISDN, visit Dan Kegel's ISDN Page.
  An ISDN line has a data transfer rate of between 57,600 bits per second and 128,000 bits per second, which is at least double the rate of a 28.8 Kbps modem. Leased lines come in two configurations: T1 and T3. A T1 line offers a data transfer rate of 1.54 million bits per second. Unlike ISDN, a T-1 line is a dedicated connection, meaning that it is permanently connected to the Internet. This is useful for web servers or other computers than need to be connected to the Internet all the time. It is possible to lease only a portion of a T-1 line using one of two systems: fractional T-1 or Frame Relay. You can lease them in blocks ranging from 128 Kbps to 1.5 Mbps. The differences are not worth going into in detail, but fractional T-1 will be more expensive at the slower available speeds and Frame Relay will be slightly more expensive as you approach the full T-1 speed of 1.5 Mbps. A T-3 line is significantly faster, at 45 million bits per second. The backbone of the Internet consists of T-3 lines.
Leased lines are very expensive and are generally only used by companies whose business is built around the Internet or need to transfer massive amounts of data. ISDN, on the other hand, is available in some cities for a very reasonable price. Not all phone companies offer residential ISDN service. Check with your local phone company for availability in your area.
  Cable Modems
  A relatively new development is a device that provides high-speed Internet access via a cable TV network. With speeds of up to 36 Mbps, cable modems can download data in seconds that might take fifty times longer with a dial-up connection. Because it works with your TV cable, it doesn't tie up a telephone line. Best of all, it's always on, so there is no need to connect--no more busy signals! This service is now available in some cities in the United States and Europe.
  The download times in the table above are relative and are meant to give you a general idea of how long it would take to download different sized files at different connection speeds, under the best of circumstances. Many things can interfere with the speed of your file transfer. These can range from excessive line noise on your telephone line and the speed of the web server from which you are downloading files, to the number of other people who are simultaneously trying to access the same file or other files in the same directory.
  DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is another high-speed technology that is becoming increasingly popular. DSL lines are always connected to the Internet, so you don't need to dial-up. Typically, data can be transferred at rates up to 1.544 Mbps downstream and about 128 Kbps upstream over ordinary telephone lines. Since a DSL line carries both voice and data, you don't have to install another phone line. You can use your existing line to establish DSL service, provided service is available in your area and you are within the specified distance from the telephone company's central switching office.
  DSL service requires a special modem. Prices for equipment, DSL installation and monthly service can vary considerably, so check with your local phone company and Internet service provider. The good news is that prices are coming down as competition heats up.


  We expect other drivers to observe the rules of the road and the same is true as we travel through cyberspace. Here are a few pointers to help you out:

  Avoid using all caps.

  To personalize your messages, you can use smileys, also known as emoticons, expressions you create from the characters on your keyboard. A few popular ones include:

:-) Happy :-e Disappointed
:-( Sad :-< Mad
:-o Surprised :-D Laughing
:-@ Screaming ;-) Winking
:-I Indifferent

  Keep your communications to the point. Some people pay for Internet access by the hour. The longer it takes to read your messages, the more it may cost them. This is true whether you post messages to a newsgroup or a mailing list.

  Keep in mind that anything you post to a newsgroup or type into a chat session is a public comment. You never know who's reading it, or who may copy it and spread it around.

  If you're posting a message to a public bulletin board, forum, or newsgroup, stick to the topic. Don't make the mistake of indiscriminately posting advertisements to every newsgroup you can think of. This practice, referred to as spamming, will quickly lead to another unpleasant Internet practice known as flaming. What is flaming? Sometimes you might offend someone unintentionally. Be prepared to receive some angry e-mail or be treated rudely in a public discussion. This is called being flamed. If you attack back, you will spark what is known as a flame war. To contain the heat, the best response usually is no response at all.

  If you post an ad to a newsgroup, or send it in an e-mail, clearly identify it in the subject line. That way people who aren't interested can delete it.

  To keep messages short, there are some abbreviations you can use:

  < BTW> means "by the way."
  A < G> enclosed in brackets indicates grinning.
  A good one to keep handy in case you're worried about offending someone is < IMHO> -- In My Humble Opinion.
  One of our favorites is < ROTFL>, which stands for Rolling on the Floor Laughing.

  Netiquette isn't something you learn overnight, so don't let your fear of not knowing cyber-protocol hold you back. Some additional resources you can consult include the following:

  For a short and friendly summary, try the UK Beginners' Guide to Good Manners. For the definitive guide, read Arlene Rinaldi's The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette.

  Keep in mind that FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) are very handy documents to read before asking questions. You should always consult them whenever they are available.

  Responsibility in a Virtual World
  The Internet is a strange and wonderful network that has made it possible for people all around the world to connect with each other in meaningful ways. Whether for research, education, business, or fun, the Internet has changed how many of us live, work, and play, in ways we may not even be fully aware of.

  As the Internet continues to evolve, so do the issues that impact the way we use it. Whether you are the consummate hacker or just an occasional driver on the information highway, you play a role in determining the future direction of this road. From privacy, security, and freedom of speech to honesty and consideration in the way we interact with others, we all have a responsibility to preserve and protect its unique character. That means recognizing that while the medium is in many ways a reflection of the physical world, it is in other ways, fundamentally different -- manifesting its own customs and practices.



3D Accelerator:3D加速器。一種專門提升PC的3D運算功能硬件,但其不能提升計算機整體的顯示效果。

ACT (Action Game):動作類遊戲。這類遊戲提供玩者一個訓練手眼協調及反應力的環境及功能,通常要求玩者所控制的主角(人或物)根據周遭情況變化做出一定的動作,如移動、跳躍、攻擊、躲避、防守等,來達到遊戲所要求的目標。此類遊戲講究逼真的形體動作、火爆的打鬥效果、良好的操作手感及複雜的攻擊組合等等。

AI (Artificial Intelligence):人工智能。就是指計算機模仿真實世界的行爲方式與人類思維與遊戲的方式的運算能力。那是一整套極爲複雜的運算系統與運算規則。

Alpha: Alpha測試。就是指在遊戲製作者控制的環境下進行的遊戲測試工作,所以一般來說a測試是在公司內部進行的。

AVG (Adventure Game):冒險類遊戲。這類遊戲在一固定的劇情或故事下,提供玩者一個可解謎的環境及場景,玩者必須隨着故事的安排進行解謎。遊戲的目的是借遊戲主角在故事中所冒險積累的經驗來解開製作者所設定的謎題或疑點。通常這類遊戲常被用來設計成偵探類型的解謎遊戲。





Clock Speed: 遊戲執行速度。即遊戲在計算機中被運行的速度,常以Megahertz(MHz)計量。

Code:密碼。1)同Cheat條;2)同Source Code條。

Doom-like: 三維射擊類遊戲。即第一人稱射擊類遊戲。遊戲畫面即爲玩者的視野範圍。現在此類遊戲多稱作Quake-like。

E3(Electronic Entertainment Expo):美國E3大展。 當前世界上最爲盛大的電腦遊戲與電視遊戲的商貿展示會,基本於每年五月舉行。

Easter Egg:復活節彩蛋。 程序中隱藏着的一段意外的內容,常爲製作者設計的搞笑內容,經常是關於製作者自己的介紹與調侃。

ECTS(European Computer Trade Show):歐洲計算機商貿展示會。被稱爲歐洲的E3大展,每年三月和九月於倫敦舉行。

Electronic Game:電子遊戲。即電腦遊戲、電視遊戲以及街機和手掌型遊戲機的總稱。

Engine:遊戲引擎。 即一套遊戲的主程序。

Experience Point:經驗點數。常出現在角色扮演遊戲中,以數值計量人物的成長,經驗點數達到一定數值後常常會升級,這時人物就會變得更強大。

FTG(Fighting Game):格鬥類遊戲。從動作類遊戲脫胎分化出來,就是指兩個角色一對一決鬥的遊戲形式。現在此類遊戲又分化出2D格鬥類遊戲與3D格鬥類遊戲。

First Person:第一人稱視角。就是指屏幕上不直接出現主角,而是表現爲主角的視野範圍。

Flight Sim:飛行模擬類遊戲。是模擬類遊戲下的一個門類,讓玩家感受到操縱飛機以及飛翔於藍天上的樂趣。

FMV (Full-motion Video):全動態影像。即遊戲的片頭、過場和片尾的動態畫面。

Forward Scrolling:向前卷軸。即背景不斷向玩者趨近的卷軸模式,常出現在第一人稱射擊或模擬類遊戲。


FPS(Frames Per Second):每秒顯示幀數。美國的標準NTSC的電視節目的每秒顯示幀數爲30。不少電腦遊戲的顯示幀數都超過了這個數字。

Free Guy:額外的命。在遊戲中,你有可能會獲得的額外的命,比如收集一定數量的某種寶物。

Game Over:遊戲結束。這是遊戲中最常見的話語,通常是表示遊戲者失敗,而不是通關爆機。



GPU (Graphics Processing Unit): 圖形處理器。輔助CPU處理圖形運算。

Graphics Accelerator:圖形加速器。專門的提升顯示速度和效果的硬件。

Graphic Adventure:圖形冒險類遊戲。是冒險類遊戲下的一個門類, 相對與文字冒險類遊戲。

GUI(Graphical User Interface):圖形用戶界面。 即計算機與用戶的交互界面。

Hidden Level:隱藏關卡。指遊戲中隱藏的部分,自行發現。即不玩到這部分也能夠通關,但玩到後可能會使清潔起變化。

High-Res:高解析度。 即精細的畫面顯示模式,但遊戲的運行速度可能會因此有所下降。


HP(Hit Point):生命力。即人物或作戰單位的生命數值。一般HP爲0即表示死亡,甚至Game Over。

HUD(Heads Up Display):飛行儀表盤。飛行模擬遊戲中的常見詞,常提供玩家諸如彈藥狀況、速度、目標跟蹤等作戰信息。

Interactive Movie:交互式電影。即結合遊戲要素與電影要素的一類計算機互動作品,常常包含大量的FMV(全動態影像)。






Motion Capture:動態捕捉。將物體在3D環境中運動的過程數字化的過程。

Motion Tracker:動作跟蹤器。動態捕捉時使用到的設備。


MP(Magic Point):魔法力。即人物的魔法數值,一旦使用完即不能再使用魔法招式。

MUD(Multi-user Dungeon):多用戶地牢,俗稱“泥巴”。在互聯網絡上的一種允許多人蔘與的實時遊戲,一般類似RPG的玩法,但目前多爲文字模式。


Network Games:網絡遊戲。指容許多人通過某種網絡協議連線後便能進行集體遊戲的遊戲種類。

NPC(Non Player Character):非玩者人物。在角色扮演遊戲中,玩者會在遊戲過程中遭逢到的所有不受控制的人物。這些人物或會提示重要情報線索,或是無關緊要的人物。





Player Killing:玩者殺手。指在MUD中,專以攻擊玩者人物,而不是非玩者人物的一類玩家。




PZL(Puzzle Game):解謎類遊戲。一類專以不斷解謎爲主要內容的遊戲種類。



RPG(Role Playing Game):角色扮演類遊戲。這類遊戲提供玩者一個可供冒險的世界(Fantasy World)或者一個反映真實的世界(Real World),這世界包含了各種角色、建築、商店、迷宮及各種險峻的地形。玩者所扮演的主角便在這世界中通過旅行、交談、交易、打鬥、成長、探險及解謎來揭開一系列的故事情節線索,最終走向勝利的彼岸。玩者依靠自身的膽識、智慧和機敏獲得一次又一次的成功,使自己扮演的主角不斷髮展壯大,從而得到巨大的精神滿足。

RTS(Realtime Strategy Game): 即時戰略類遊戲。對應回合制戰略遊戲,一切都是實時發生,要求玩者具備較好的敏捷與宏觀指揮能力。


Second Person:第二人稱視角。即追尾視角,緊隨遊戲主角的背影。

Shareware Software:共享軟件作品。


SLG(Simulation Game):模擬類遊戲。這類遊戲提供玩者一個可以做邏輯思考及策略、戰略運用的環境,且讓玩者有自由支配、管理或統御遊戲中的人、事物。

access arm 磁頭臂,存取臂
  access time 存取時間
  adder 加法器
  address 地址
  alphanumeric 字母數字的
  analog computer 模擬計算機
  analyst 分析員
  area 區域
  array 數組,陣列
  assembler 彙編程序
  automation 自動化
  band 區
  batch processing 成批處理
  binary code 二進制碼
  binary digit 二進制位,二進制數字
  bit 比特,二進制的一位
  branch 分支,支線
  brush 電刷
  buffer storage 緩衝存儲器
  calculator 計算器
  call instruction 呼叫指令
  card punch 卡片穿孔機
  card reader 卡片閱讀機,讀卡機
  cell 單元
  channel 通道,信道
  character 字符
  check digit 校驗數位
  circuit 電路,線路
  to clear 清除,清零
  clock 時鐘
  code 代碼
  to code 編碼
  coder 編碼員,編碼器
  command 指令,命令
  compiler 編譯程序
  computer language 計算機語言
  console 控制檯
  control unit 控制部件,控制器
  core storage, core store 磁心存儲器
  counter 計數器
  cybernetics 控制論
  cycle 循環
  data 數據
  data processing 數據處理
  debugging 調試
  decision 制定
  digit 數字,數位,位
  digital computer 數字計算機
  disc, disk 磁盤
  display unit 顯示裝置
  drum 磁鼓
  to edit 編輯
  electronics 電子學
  emitter 發射器
  to encode 編碼
  to erase 擦除,清洗,抹除
  feed 饋送,供給
  to feed 饋送,供給
  feedback 反饋
  field 字段,信息組,域
  file 文件
  floppy disk 軟磁盤
  floppy disk drive 軟磁盤機
  flow chart 流程圖
  frame 幀
  hardware 硬件
  identifier 標識符
  index 索引
  information 信息
  inline processing 內處理
  input 輸入
  inquiry 詢問
  instruction 指令
  integrated circuit 集成電路
  to interpret 解釋
  item 項目,項
  jump 轉移
  key 鍵,關鍵碼
  keyboard 鍵盤
  latency time 等待時間  

library 庫,程序庫
  linkage 連接
  to load 裝入,寄存,寫入,加載
  location 存儲單元
  logger 登記器,記錄器
  loop 循環
  machine language 機器語言
  magnetic storage 磁存儲器
  magnetic tape 磁帶
  matrix 矩陣
  memory 存儲器
  message 信息,報文
  microcomputer 微型計算機
  module 組件,模塊
  monitor 監視器,監督程序,管程
  nanosecond 毫微秒
  network 網絡,網
  numeric, numerical 數字的,數值的
  octet 八位位組,八位字節
  operator 操作員
  optical character reader 光符閱讀機
  optical scanner 光掃描器
  output 輸出
  overflow 溢出,上溢
  panel 平板
  parameter 參數,參量
  perforator 穿孔機
  peripheral equipment 外圍設備,外部設備
  personal computer 個人計算機
  printed circuit 印製電路
  printer 打印機
  printout 打印輸出
  to process 處理
  processing unit 處理部件
  program 程序
  to program 程序編制
  programmer 程序設計員
  programming 程序設計,程序編制
  pulse 脈衝
  punch 穿孔
  to punch 穿孔
  punched card, punch card 穿孔卡片
  punched tape, punch tape 穿孔紙帶
  punch hole 孔,穿孔
  random access 隨機存取
  to read 讀
  reader 閱讀程序
  reading 閱讀
  real time 實時
  record, register 記錄
  redundancy 冗餘
  routine 例行程序
  selector 選擇器,選擇符
  sentinel 標記
  sequence 序列,順序
  sequential 順序的
  serial 串行的.連續的
  shift 移位,移數
  signal 信號
  simulation 模擬
  simulator 模擬器,模擬程序
  software 軟件,軟設備
  sort 分類,排序
  sorter 分類人員,分類機,分類程序,排序程序
  storage 存儲器
  to store 存儲
  subroutine, subprogram 子程序
  switch 開關
  symbol 符號
  symbolic language 符號語言
  system 系統
  tabulator 製表機
  teleprinter 電傳打字機
  terminal 終端
  terminal unit 終端設備  
  timer 時鐘,精密計時器
  time sharing 分時
  timing 定時
  track 磁道
  transducer 傳感器,翻譯機
  translator 翻譯程序,翻譯器
  to update 更新
  Winchester disk drive 溫徹斯特磁盤機,硬盤機
  working storage 工作存儲器  


  What is Teddy giving Angela? Ah it's a special card he has made . There's no message on it, but I see a drawing of Angela inside a heart…and inside that another heart! Oh, I understand what he's saying. He's saying you are in my heart of hearts! That means in the deepest part of his heart and mind Teddy is very, very fond of Angela!

  每個人只有一顆心,英文成語中上的"in one's heart of hearts",是借喻某人在另一個的感情深處裏。
泰迪送給安琪拉的是什麼?噢,是他自制的一張別緻的卡片。卡片上並沒有寫什麼,但卻有一幅安琪拉在一顆心裏的畫。。。。。那是另外一個人的心。 我明白了泰迪的意思。 他是說安琪拉在他的內心深處,在這裏 in one's heart of hearts 表示泰迪非常愛安琪拉。

A Piece of Cake

  某天好友Carmen 來到我家中做客,帶了一些自制的甜餅乾/曲奇餅(cookies)給我品嚐,我覺得好吃極了,於是詢問她所需的材料及製作方法。
  Carmen 充滿自信地對我說:"Oh! It's a piece of cake!"
  當時我並不理解此言的真實含義,心有不甘地對她說:"Don't fool me around! I know these are cookies but not pieces of cake! (跟我開玩笑吧!我知道這些是甜餅乾而非一片蛋糕!)"
  豈料Carmen聽罷大笑起來,知道我誤會她的意思,急忙向我解釋道:"A piece of cake, when I mean here, is a very easy task(一片蛋糕在這兒的意思是一件非常容易、簡單的事情或任務)。""噢!原來很多時候,英文句子或成語都隱含別意,不能斷章取義,否則便貽笑大方了!"

Do Not Miss a Trick

  這一天很忙,老闆進來時,我正在改程序,只知道他好像在旁邊的桌子上抄些什麼。他再進時,我又在電話上,只見他在旁邊的貯存室裏左瞧右瞧,上下觀望一番離去。最後一次他進來,我終於可以閒下來,答完他的問題,我突然想起也該問問他,怎麼好像對那個貯存室感興趣,他說有一個Server(終端機)沒處放,看看這裏是否可以。 我又問那麼第一次進來抄了些什麼東西。
  這下老闆樂了,說:"Yon don't miss a trick."我心想什麼trick (小把戲),我怎麼沒見到。
原來,"Do not miss a trick"是一句成語,相當於中文的"明察秋毫"、細心警覺之意。也就是說老闆以爲我那麼忙,不會注意到這些小事情,結果我都注意到了。

Getting Cold Feet

  班上一位同學新近找到了工作,我們都向她表示祝賀。她除了表示感謝之外,然後說:"I think I'm getting cold feet."
  我聽了覺得很奇怪,就問老師:"爲什麼她的腳會冷呢?"老師說:"這是美語中的俚語,意思是說'她害怕做新的工作'。"我這才明白她說"getting cold feet"的意思。
Over the Hump
  我在餐廳打工時,有些老客人見得多了,總愛跟我隨便聊上幾句,有天中午,一位客人一進門就東呵呵地說:"Over the hump today,oh?"見我滿臉困惑不解的樣子,他又添上一句:"Wednesday today, Weekend is close."
  我這才恍然大悟,Weekday 有5天,星期三一過,離周未也就不遠了,果然是"Over the hump(一個星期過去一半了)"了。

Screw Driver?

  有一天,我的車子在路上拋錨了,幸好遇到一位好心的美國人下車來幫忙,他細心地幫把車子稍作檢查後,就問我:"Do you have a screw driver?"
  他這麼一問,我真是滿頭霧水,我就是driver啊,爲什麼他還跟我要driver? 於是我就跟他說:"I am the only driver in this car."他聽了不禁哈哈大笑,原來screw driver就是螺絲釘起子,跟driver(駕駛員)一點關係也沒有。
   (注: screw 螺絲釘)


  Henry used to be known as one of the world's very best trapeze artists. I use the past tense because it would appears that Henry has lost his touch."Whoops! There goes another partner!" Henry exclaimed.
  "Maybe it's true that I am losing my touch!" As Henry's partner landed in the safety net, he nodded his head in agreement."To lose your touch mesns to lose your skill or ability,"he said.

  亨利過去是世界著名的"高空鞦韆"表演者。用過去的標準衡量一下 ,現在的他已經Lost his touch了。
  亨利自已說:"哎,現在是我的塔擋表演出色。也許我真的是技不如人了!"他的搭檔到安全網裏點點頭贊同說:"Lose your touch就是說你的技能大失水準。"
  在"Lost one's touch"裏,touch一詞並非接觸的意思,而是指技藝或能力。因此,這個俗語就解釋爲對某事變得生疏,或者表現大失水準。


  朋友不是一位職業軍人,但他酷愛兵法。他有一位親戚晚輩,正在讀美國維吉尼亞軍官學校,放假後他向這位軍校學生借到一本"連作戰"的課本,每日潛心研究。書中一再強調士兵在某種情況下要挖狐狸洞( Foxhole),他大惑不解。


  我剛做職業司機就載了一位ING銀行的小姐去新澤西,一出高速公路便主動問她:"Turn Left?" "Right." 她回答。我便向左轉去,她急忙解釋她的意思是右轉,我這才如夢初醒。


  某日,一邊吃飯,一邊看兒子由學校帶回來的刊物,見其中一則徵電話線生的廣告,下面附註着:"Evening and graveyard, apply in person."我對兒子說:"晚上在墓園做接線生,這個工作誰敢去應徵啊?"


  Boys attending private school in Britain wear neckties in the colours of their school, each school having its unique tie . In later years, graduates are said to award favours to those who attended the same boyhood schools. That has led to what is called the old school tie, and it is often criticized as being typical of the British class system ,"We didn't win the contract. Our boss said it was due to the old school tie because he didn't attend Axton."

  在美國就讀私校的男童都要結領帶,而每一所學校都有獨特的領帶。若干年後,校友之間互相關照,給予優惠的習氣,就是所謂的"the old school tie", 因爲tie 一字語帶雙關,既解釋爲領帶,又意指關係。

  the old school tie 是英國社會一種典型的不良習氣。"我們沒有得到那份合約,老闆說因爲他沒上過埃克斯頓(中學),沒有'校友關係',所以失敗了。"

Have a turkey on one's back

  感恩節在美國朋友Bob家聚會。Bob 夫婦每年都會邀請親朋好友去他們家,大家互相都很熟了,要是誰沒來,大家都會問爲什麼。有個朋友Audun能吃能喝說,大家都很喜歡他。可是這次Audun 遲遲未到,我建議是否打個電話過去催一催。 Bob說不必了,"He's got turkey on his back."

  我一聽納悶了。Bob不是已經在烤turkey了嗎?Audun爲何還要再背只turkey來呢?原來Bob已打過電話,知道Audun那天已喝多了點,恐怕來不及了。Have a turkey on one's back是喝醉酒或吸毒成癮的意思。當然我們都知道Audun只是貪杯而已,他可不會去吸毒的。

Leave welll enough alone

  每年10月得克薩期州有一次TAAS考試,全稱Texas assessment of Academic Skills。每一個得州高中生,想畢業就一定要考過TAAS我當然也不例外。考前老師對全班同學說:Leave well enough alone.但我並未理解,在班裏數學一向第一的我,考完後即開開心心上其他的課去了。

  兩個月過後,老師告訴我數學得了78分。我百思不得其解,便向老師要來了原題及答題卷,我發現有許多題自己原本做對了,卻又在檢查時改錯了。這裏我才明白老師講的Leave well enough alone的意思了:不要畫蛇添足


  Lenny Long's doctor suggested he give up smoking."Lenny, you smoke like a chimney," he said,"Smoking does terrible harm.It's a very serious threat to a person's health. " Lenny's wife was also concerned."You sit in your chair every night smoking like a chimney," she stopped. Someone who smokes like a chimney smokes a great deal-and usually continuously.


  萊尼終於聽從忠告,把煙戒了。Chimney是排煙的煙囪。一個人抽很多煙,或者是不停地抽菸,可以說他"Smoke like a chimney"。

Party Pooper


  於是,Belle就勸她:"Come on ,take it easy ,Don't be a 'party pooper'!"



You Have Matches?

  一次, 我有機會上豪華遊輪觀光,自酒吧檯拿兩杯雞尾酒想回房間享受,途中遇到一位女士,她看看我後笑着說:"You have matches?"我一愣,答覆她說:"很抱歉,我15年前就戒菸了,我沒有火柴。"她立該會意到我誤解了她的意思,好像是有點抱歉地說:"It's a joke."又方就相互尷尬一笑分開了。



   In this idiom, supper can mean money, food, or a home to live in, and the word sing means about the same as to work, "Sing for one's supper means that someone must work to get what he or she desires, be it money, food , or a home," Edna said. "everyone on my farm knows he or she must sing for his (or her ) supper to be fed," Edna smiled.

  在Sing For One's Supper這個成語裏,supper指錢、食物、房子等,sing則指憑工作賺取這些東西。安娜說:"Sing for one's supper是指某人若想得到金錢、食物、房子等物質品,必須靠工作獲得。在我們農場裏,每個人都知道Sing for one's supper這一點。"

  Sing for one's Supper 這句成語出自街頭藝人"憑藉歌唱謀生"。

The Hong Kong Dog

   在一堂電腦課上,鈴響後,系裏的女祕書突然跑到教室宣佈:"Dr. Walker has a touch for the Hong kong Dog and will be here a little bit late."

  聽完後,我一臉正經地向隔壁的美國朋友抱怨說:"Dr. Walker怎麼可以撫弄他的愛犬到來不及上課呢?"

  老美聽完後居然爆出大笑說:"真是好笑極了! the Hong Kong Dog並非真指一種狗,而是指某人吃壞肚子、拉肚子的意思。"這一解釋倒讓我尷尬得無地自容。

Go Dutch

  大一時,我和外教關係較好。一天他請我吃水餃,我很高興,以爲他碰到好事要請客,就欣然前往。我暢開肚皮大吃一頓,吃完嘴巴一抹,坐在那兒等他買單。他吃完微笑着對我說:"Let's go Dutch,OK?"我納悶了,錢都沒付還去什麼荷蘭。於是,我說:"OK, but you have to pay the money first。"他一聽先怔了一下,然後微笑着付了錢,我們就一塊兒回學校了。但他沒有提去荷蘭的事兒了。後來我被告之"go Dutch"是各付各的帳,就是我們說的AA制。以後我就成了喜歡學習的學生,免得再鬧笑話。


   After a hard day's work Nanook and his friend like nothing better than to sit around a warm fire chewing the fat." We're usually so busy we don't have time to get together to chew the fat." Nanook said. To chew the fat is to have a casual chat.

  一天的忙碌工作結束後,納奴克和他的朋友最喜歡的事情,就是坐在溫暖的火邊chewing the fat。納奴克說:"我們都太忙了,很少能有時間一起閒聊。"

  從字面上來看,"chew the fat"是嚼肥肉,其實是閒談的意思。


那天是我先生的同事John的訂婚宴,我們應邀赴宴。見到John和他的未婚妻,我們由衷祝福。先生還和John聊了一會兒,說着這兩天的新鮮事,只聽John說:"I am in the dark."


  回家路上,向先生說起John的看法,這才知道in the dark不是指消極、心裏灰暗。John當時那麼說,表示他對先生所說的事一無所知。

  所以確切地說,那天in the dark的是我。


   加拿大一機場,旅客們正排隊陸續出海關,忽然出現一陣騷亂,一名華人婦女正舉着兩盒龍眼肉(longan meat)氣急敗壞地與海關官員爭執。






  太太切菜不小心割破手指流了血,我急匆匆跑進藥店,東搜西尋,神經兮兮地喊着:"Where is the bandit?"店員聞聽,都慌了手腳,有的拿起電話找警察,有的拿起棍棒與我一起找bandit 。經我比劃後,他們才明白,我找的是bandage(創可貼、止血繃帶),不是bandit(匪幫)一場虛驚。


  Once a tree is cut and made into logs, the logs don't do anything. They simply lie quietly on the ground. It's from that idea we met this idiom. When someone sleeps like a log he sleeps very well. "I feel great, "Brigitte yawned," I slept like a log last night."

  樹木一旦被劈成數段木幹(log)後,便只會一動不動地橫臥在地上。於是,一個人睡得酣熟時,就被喻爲"sleep like a log"。



   我剛來美國時,在腫瘤研究所研製一種腫瘤疫苗,已在病人身上試用了,我自認爲我的實驗技術是很好的。所以有一次我的老闆對我說:"The experiment's very big."我隨口答道:"No,It's very small for me."老闆用奇怪的眼光看着我說:"The vaccine have been tested by patient."(疫苗已給病人試用了)


  我再去查了字典才知道,這個簡單的小字在美國俚語中用法很多,如:big men(重要人物)、make big(飛黃騰達)、go over big(走紅)等。

Diarrhoea in the Mouth


  一天,我和分管西班牙貿易的女士在向他請示幾筆生意的談判情況時,談到一個西班牙客戶經常在線上不讓我們脫身。主任說:"Yes ,I know , He talks like diarrhoea in the mouth."


  他似乎看懂了我臉上的問號,馬上補充了一句:"You perhaps don't understand what I meant.This means this guy talks too much and too fast like diarrhoea."

  原來diarrhoea in the mouth指一個人說話太多太快,就像腹瀉一樣。





   "Since I appointed a new department head,business has certainly improved," the boss smiled." The new fellow keeps an eagle eye on all aspects of our operations. He watches the staff with an eagle eye, too . " Someone with an eagle eye watches things closely and carefully. Nothing escapes his attention.


  鷹(eagle)有極佳的視力,縱然盤旋於高空上,也能看見地下細小的獵物,於是給了我們"an eagle eye"一用語,比喻某人有銳利的目光。

cast pearls before swine


  好友Carmen安慰我說:"Don't waste your time and breath. It's not worth casting pearls before swine!(直譯是:別浪費你的力氣了,根本不值得在豬玀面前撒珍珠!)"我聽罷不禁大笑起來,因爲想不到她會形容那人爲"豬玀"。

  見我大笑,Carmen 向我解釋,她並沒有挖苦或貶低那人的意思,而"cast pearls before swine "是句英語成語,與中文成語"對牛彈琴"含義相同。


  在一次參觀學校活動中,我看到一個看板上寫着:"STATK!" 心裏想:怎麼印象中沒讀過這個單詞?回到家後查詞典也查不到這個單詞。

  事後請教其他老美朋友,才恍然大悟!原來這個"STATK!"根本不是單詞,而是"Stop Talk"的縮寫,取發音相同,要同學上課專心,不要講話!美語有許多語彙像中文一樣,用簡寫代替,像"For you"就變成"4U"了!

A Windfall

  Many words in English began as idioms. A windfall (wind+fall) is one of them. It once referred to fruit that had been blown to the ground by the wind, but has now come to mean sudden good luck-Particularly in receiving money unexpectedly. "Felix won some money in the lottery and got a welcome windfall."

  許多英文複合字都來源於民間的慣用語," A windfall"便是個例子,它由wind+fall 得來,昔日指風(wind)從樹上吹落(fall)的果實;今天引申開來,就解釋爲一個突如其來的好運,尤指意外獲得金錢或橫財。



  "We have ways to make you talk,"Officer Mutt grinned." If you guys don't start telling the truth, I'll find a way to make you come clean! And I don't think you will enjoy it !"
   Mutt's dog ground his teeth and seemed to agree. To come clean is to confess or reveal all the facts about something-especially after telling lies or hiding the truth.



  "Come Clean"能解作坦白承認,或剖白真相,尤指在撒謊或者隱瞞實情之後。

There's one born every minute

  愚人節April Fool's Day那天,好友Jenner在"愚弄"我失敗後,仍不罷休,她堅信一定可以找到一個愚弄我的方法的。我勸她放棄,她卻說:"There's one born every minute."我聽後覺得一頭霧水,每分鐘都有一個人出生?問了Jenner才明白,這句話是一句saying(俗語),意思是"總會有人上當的。"


  某日看雜誌,讀到一篇對一位集美貌和優雅於一身的服裝設計師的專訪,在介紹她身世時有這麼一句話"She was born in the purple."(出身紫色?)令我頗感費解,忙向Jenner請教。她不慌不忙地解釋道:"過去在歐洲,王室和一些聲名顯赫的家族爲了把自己和中低階級分開,常常向他們捲起衣袖,露出一小段手臂,炫耀自己臂膀上紫色的血管(因爲他們從不用暴曬在烈日下幹粗重的活,皮膚自然白,血管可見)。此後,人們就用born in the purple來形容那些生於王室或者是顯貴家庭的人。"


  一日,Jenner告訴我她在去打工的路上高跟鞋壞了,結果遲到了半小時,正碰上老闆心情不好,衝她斥道:"If you're late again, you're getting the boot."所以,Jenner感到很委屈。可我卻對她老闆說的話感到納悶,這句話有兩種解釋:一是"如果你再遲到,就給你一腳。"員工遲到,老闆就踢?而且是踢一位女士,這似乎有違他們英國男士的紳士風度;二是"……,你會得到靴子。"員工遲到,老闆反而獎勵她一雙靴子?這似乎又與邏輯不符。

  看到Jenner心情不好,實在不好意思打擾她,只好翻查字典,終於真相大白了:get the boot是委婉地表達解僱某人的意思,同樣是這個意思,還一種書面表達方法是give somebody the boot.


  This old saying has very little to do with pigs. It means that there are always new and different ways to do difficult things,"I used to have trouble getting Tommy to study his homework,"his mother said."Then I discovered a technique that worked wonders: I unplugged the television set."she smiled,"Now his grades have improved and he's become a pleasant little boy. You see, there's more than one way to get a pig to market!"

  " 這句古語雖然直譯爲"送豬上市場的方法不只一種",但卻與豬無關,只是藉此表示經常有不同的新方法可應付困難。

It's All on You!

   "It's overflowing."在我對面加油的女士對我說。


  "I guess it's all on you."對面的女士又說。


  油全在地上,她爲什麼說"It's all on you"呢?我很奇怪。

  到公司後,問同事,同事哈哈大笑:"Of course it's all on you."

  原來,"on"除了最常用的"在……之上"的意思外,還有"由……支付"的意思,那位女士說"It's all on you"意思是,加在油箱裏的油和流在地上的油全由我付錢。

Only a plate

   我在我先生熊焱加入美國陸軍一年半後,於1995年9月加入美國陸軍。經過軍訓後,我被分配到北卡的Fort Bragg著名的第18軍第82空降師做行政工作。1996年3月第一次參加全營的爲期二週的野外訓練。一天早上,我要去吃早飯,班長對我說:"Sgt.Qian, Can you bring me a plate,"我納悶,怎麼只要一個plate,就問:"only a plate?"班長說:"Yes."於是我就去野外餐棚排了很長的隊,領了一份早餐,並拿了一個空紙盤子。

  回到帳棚後,我一手端着我的飯,一手把空紙盤子(a plate)遞給班長,她接過空盤子,愣了一下,十分納悶,隨後反應過來,笑着大聲說:"Yes, Sgt.Qian, you are exactly right!"並把這個故事講給其他戰士聽,大家都笑出眼淚來。

  原來班長說的Can you bring me plate?是指讓我幫她帶一份早餐回來。而我把a plate當作字面上的理解,以爲就是一個空盤子。


  In North America, when a person goes off the deep end ,he or she does something that could be considered quite foolish. "When Audrey got a small increase in her salary, she went off the deep end and immediately bought a new car!" When someone in Britain goes off the deep end, he or she becomes angry,"When off the deep end and refused to talk to him for a week!"


  如果一個人不懂游泳,卻貿然跳進泳池的深端(the deep end ),便顯得輕率了。由此,"go off the deep end "就比喻:一、行事冒失;二、大發脾氣。

Hang on

   老闆一邊與一家營造商談生意,一邊在等另外一家營造商報價的電話……電話鈴聲響起時,我正在電話機旁,果然是報價營造商,我問老闆要不要馬上接電話。他對我說:"Hang on",我不明白他要我稍等一下,便把電話給"掛上"了。氣得老闆直跺腳。

no standing 與 free-standing

  no standing意思是不準在此停車,即使司機在車上也不行,也就是"don't stop"或"no car at all",通常用在大城市交通十分擁擠的地方。

  至於"no parking",意思也是不準在此停車,但司機還可以坐在車裏一段時間,必要時,可隨時移動車子,也就是"you may stay in your car for a short period of time."。

  但是free-standing是形容詞,意思是"獨立的",多指特別用途而蓋的單獨建築物或指一大建築物的某種裝飾。(individual or separate building for a specific purpose)

  例如:There is a new free-standing restaurant near the downtown area.(在市中心區附近有座新的獨立餐館)


  Bright Eyes has a new friend and he seems to be in love with her!"She's a beautiful calf named Sadie." Bright Eyes smiled. It may seem unusual for a dog to de remantic about a calf, but I won't say anything to Bright Eyes about that because he's helping me explain the expression calf love. Calf love is kind of youthful love that young people have for each other."I don't have calf love!" Bright Eyes exclaimed."Sadie and I are just good friends!"

  布蘭特·愛斯有個新朋友,看上去他愛上了她。布蘭特笑說:"她是一個漂亮的姑娘,叫桑迪。"一條狗對一頭牛存有羅曼蒂克的想法,看上去似乎很不尋常。但我不會對此發表任何意見,因爲布蘭特幫我懂得了Calf Love的意思。

  Calf是小牛;"Calf Love"比喻一種發生於少男少女之間的愛情。


Out to lunch!

  我和同事埋首工作一上午,轉眼就到了午休時間,公司裏德高望重的老美顧問這時探首進來,我看準他要出去吃飯,就說:"Out to Lunch?"

  老先生頓了一下,然後孩童似地嘻嘻笑了起來;笑得那麼開懷,連臉都給脹紅了。見同事一臉茫然,他才喘氣告訴我們out to lunch正面意思是去吃午飯,若當俚語解,是指這個人腦子不清楚,是做白日夢,不專注,甚至有呆呆的意思呢。

Nickel and Dime Someone

   一個客戶在電話線上和我就一筆生意討價還價,硬要在我的報價上再砍掉一角錢,當時我和他據理力爭,他說:"I am not trying to nickel and diam you."我當時就衝口回答說:"I don't need your nickel and diam."(我不需要分分角角),事後,經美國同事解釋,原來這個客戶當時就是和我在討價還價。Nickel and Dime Someone 即爲討價還價。



  後來,我們才發現,原來小女發音不清,以致查號臺給的不是Subway station(地鐵車部)的號碼而是附近Subway store (一間三明治專賣店)電話號碼。


   某日我得知Pyongenol葡萄子又稱OPC(Oligoem-ric Proanthocyanidis 低聚的花色素原),是強力抗氧化劑,保護心血管,健康食品店有售,隨即告訴有心臟病的哥哥。嫂子正忙着家事,聽後不明就裏地說:"難怪他心臟不好,因爲他平常光吃葡萄,不吃子。"大夥啞然失笑。

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