Exploiting the map generated by Cartographer ROS

 As sensor data come in, the state of a SLAM algorithm such as Cartographer evolves to stay the current best estimate of a robot’s trajectory and surroundings. The most accurate localization and mapping Cartographer can offer is therefore the one obtained when the algorithm finishes. Cartographer can serialize its internal state in a .pbstream file format which is essentially a compressed protobuf file containing a snapshot of the data structures used by Cartographer internally.d   

To run efficiently in real-time, Cartographer throws most of its sensor data away immediately and only works with a small subset of its input, the mapping used internally (and saved in .pbstream files) is then very rough. However, when the algorithm finishes and a best trajectory is established, it can be recombined a posteriori with the full sensors data to create a high resolution map.

Cartographer makes this kind of recombination possible using cartographer_assets_writer. The assets writer takes as input

  1. the original sensors data that has been used to perform SLAM (in a ROS .bag file),
  2. a cartographer state captured while performing SLAM on this sensor data (saved in a .pbstream file),
  3. the sensor extrinsics (i.e. TF data from the bag or an URDF description),
  4. and a pipeline configuration, which is defined in a .lua file.

The assets writer runs through the .bag data in batches with the trajectory found in the .pbstream. The pipeline can be can be used to color, filter and export SLAM point cloud data into a variety of formats. There are multiple of such points processing steps that can be interleaved in a pipeline - several ones are already available from cartographer/io.

Sample Usage

When running Cartographer with an offline node, a .pbstream file is automatically saved. For instance, with the 3D backpack example:

wget -P ~/Downloads https://storage.googleapis.com/cartographer-public-data/bags/backpack_3d/b3-2016-04-05-14-14-00.bag
roslaunch cartographer_ros offline_backpack_3d.launch bag_filenames:=${HOME}/Downloads/b3-2016-04-05-14-14-00.bag

Watch the output on the commandline until the node terminates. It will have written b3-2016-04-05-14-14-00.bag.pbstream which represents the Cartographer state after it processed all data and finished all optimizations.

When running as an online node, Cartographer doesn’t know when your bag (or sensor input) ends so you need to use the exposed services to explicitly finish the current trajectory and make Cartographer serialize its current state:

# Finish the first trajectory. No further data will be accepted on it.
rosservice call /finish_trajectory 0

# Ask Cartographer to serialize its current state.
# (press tab to quickly expand the parameter syntax)
rosservice call /write_state "{filename: '${HOME}/Downloads/b3-2016-04-05-14-14-00.bag.pbstream', include_unfinished_submaps: 'true'}"

Once you’ve retrieved your .pbstream file, you can run the assets writer with the sample pipeline for the 3D backpack:

roslaunch cartographer_ros assets_writer_backpack_3d.launch \
   bag_filenames:=${HOME}/Downloads/b3-2016-04-05-14-14-00.bag \

All output files are prefixed with --output_file_prefix which defaults to the filename of the first bag. For the last example, if you specify points.ply in the pipeline configuration file, this will translate to ${HOME}/Downloads/b3-2016-04-05-14-14-00.bag_points.ply.


The assets writer is modeled as a pipeline of `PointsProcessor`_s. `PointsBatch`_s flow through each processor and they all have the chance to modify the PointsBatch before passing it on.

For example the assets_writer_backpack_3d.lua pipeline uses min_max_range_filter to remove points that are either too close or too far from the sensor. After this, it saves “X-Rays” (translucent side views of the map), then recolors the PointsBatchs depending on the sensor frame ids and writes another set of X-Rays using these new colors.

The available PointsProcessors are all defined in the cartographer/io sub-directory and documented in their individual header files.

  • color_points: Colors points with a fixed color by frame_id.
  • dump_num_points: Passes through points, but keeps track of how many points it saw and output that on Flush.
  • fixed_ratio_sampler: Only let a fixed ‘sampling_ratio’ of points through. A ‘sampling_ratio’ of 1. makes this filter a no-op.
  • frame_id_filter: Filters all points with blacklisted frame_id or a non-whitelisted frame id. Note that you can either specify the whitelist or the blacklist, but not both at the same time.
  • write_hybrid_grid: Creates a hybrid grid of the points with voxels being ‘voxel_size’ big. ‘range_data_inserter’ options are used to configure the range data ray tracing through the hybrid grid.
  • intensity_to_color: Applies (‘intensity’ - min) / (max - min) * 255 and color the point grey with this value for each point that comes from the sensor with ‘frame_id’. If ‘frame_id’ is empty, this applies to all points.
  • min_max_range_filtering: Filters all points that are farther away from their ‘origin’ as ‘max_range’ or closer than ‘min_range’.
  • voxel_filter_and_remove_moving_objects: Voxel filters the data and only passes on points that we believe are on non-moving objects.
  • write_pcd: Streams a PCD file to disk. The header is written in ‘Flush’.
  • write_ply: Streams a PLY file to disk. The header is written in ‘Flush’.
  • write_probability_grid: Creates a probability grid with the specified ‘resolution’. As all points are projected into the x-y plane the z component of the data is ignored. ‘range_data_inserter’ options are used to cofnigure the range data ray tracing through the probability grid.
  • write_xray_image: Creates X-ray cuts through the points with pixels being ‘voxel_size’ big.
  • write_xyz: Writes ASCII xyz points.

First-person visualization of point clouds

Two PointsProcessors are of particular interest: pcd_writing and ply_writing can save a point cloud in a .pcd or .ply file format. These file formats can then be used by specialized software such as point_cloud_viewer or meshlab to navigate through the high resolution map.

The typical assets writer pipeline for this outcome is composed of an IntensityToColorPointsProcessor giving points a non-white color, then a PlyWritingPointsProcessor exporting the results to a .ply point cloud. An example of such a pipeline is in assets_writer_backpack_2d.lua.

Once you have the .ply, follow the README of point_cloud_viewer to generate an on-disk octree data structure which can be viewed by one of the viewers (SDL or web based) in the same repo.

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