MYSQL 使用語句總結

  • 數據庫操作:
  create database db_name charset utf8;#創建數據庫  drop database db_name;#刪除數據庫  use db_name;#切換數據庫  show databases;#查看所有數據庫 
  數據類型:    整形:      tinyint smallint int bigint     浮點型:       float double    字符串:      char varchar text    日期類型:      date datetime timestamp 
    1、主鍵約束  唯一、非空  primary key    2、外鍵約束  foreign key     3、唯一約束  unique    4、非空約束  not null    5、默認值約束 default    6、自增長  auto_increment
    DDL:      數據定義語句  create、drop、alter    DML:      數據操縱語句  select、insert、update、delete     DCL:      數據控制語句  grant 
      create table student (        id int primary key auto_increment,        name varchar(20) not null ,        phone varchar(11) unique not null,        sex tinyint default 0,        addr varchar(50),        brith datetime default current_timestamp,        index(name)        );       create table score (        id int primary key auto_increment,        score float not null,        sid int not null        );     create table student_new like student; -- 快速創建一個和student表結構一樣的表 
      alter table student add class2 int not null; -- 增加字段      alter table student drop addr; -- 刪除字段      alter table student change name new_name varchar(20) not null; -- 修改字段      alter table student modify  name varchar(30) ;
    drop table student;
    truncate table student; -- 自增長id會重新開始
     show tables;-- 查看當前所有表     show create table student; -- 查看建表語句     desc student; -- 查看錶結構  
      insert into student values ('','python','11111111111',0,'北京','2019-01-03 18:39:23'); --寫全      insert into student  (name,phone) values ('mysql','12345678901'); -- 指定字段      insert into student  (name,phone) values ('mysql1','12345678902'),('mysql2','22345678901'); --多條      insert into student_new select * from student; -- 把一個表的數據快速導出到另外一個表
      update student set name='mysql3' ; --修改全表數據      update student set name'mysql2',sex=1; --修改多個字段      update student set name='mysql3' where id = 1; #指定修改某條數據
      delete from student; --整表數據刪除      delete from student where id = 3; --指定數據刪除 
     基本查詢     select * from student;     select id,name,addr from student; --指定字段     select id as 編號, addr 地址 , name 姓名 from student; --字段加別名          where條件     select * from student where id=1; --where條件 >,<,>=,<=,!=,<>     select * from student where id in (1,2,3) and id != 5; -- in和and條件     select * from student where id between 1 and 5; -- 範圍     select * from student where id between 1 and 5 or id > 10; -- or          排序     select * from student where id between 1 and 5 order by id desc; -- 一起用的話,order by必須寫在where條件後面     select * from student order by id desc ;  -- 降序排序,按照id,升序的話是asc     select * from student order by id,name  asc ;  -- 升序,按照id和name排序,asc可以省略不寫          分組     select * from student group by sex; -- 按照某個字段分組,可以寫多個字段     select * from student group by sex having addr !='北京';     select * from student where id >5  group by sex having addr !='北京'; -- 如果有where條件,必須寫在group by前面,group by後面不能再寫where條件,如果有條件必須用having子句      limit     select id as 編號, addr 地址 , name 姓名 from student limit 2; -- 前N條數據     select id as 編號, addr 地址 , name 姓名 from student limit 1,5; -- 從第一行開始,向後取5行,不包含第一行的數據     select * from student where id >0  group by sex having addr !='北京'  limit 5; -- limit必須寫在最後面     select * from student where id >0  group by sex having addr !='北京'  order by id desc limit 5; -- limit必須寫在最後面     #如果一個sql裏面有where、group by、排序、limit,順序一定是1、where 2、group by 3、order by 4、limit      聚合函數     select count(*) from student; -- 多少條數據     select count(addr) from student; -- 某個字段不爲空的有多少條     select count(*) 人數 ,sex 性別 from student group by sex; -- 多少條數據     select avg(age) from student; -- 平均值     select sum(score) from score;  -- 和     select min(score) from score;      select max(score) from score;       子查詢      select * from student where id in (select sid from score where score >= 60);      多表查詢     select * from student a ,score b where = b.sid and a.score>90;          select,b.score,a.class2 from student a ,score b where = b.sid and a.score>90;      select ,b.score,a.class2 from student a inner join score b  on = b.sid  where a.score > 90;      select ,b.score,a.class2 from student a left join score b  on = b.sid  where a.score > 90; 
      GRANT ALL privileges ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';      GRANT ALL privileges ON byz.* TO 'byz'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';      flush privileges; 
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