與Project Euler的速度比較:C vs Python vs Erlang vs Haskell

本文翻譯自:Speed comparison with Project Euler: C vs Python vs Erlang vs Haskell

I have taken Problem #12 from Project Euler as a programming exercise and to compare my (surely not optimal) implementations in C, Python, Erlang and Haskell. 我將Project Euler中的問題#12作爲編程練習並比較了我在C,Python,Erlang和Haskell中的(當然不是最優的)實現。 In order to get some higher execution times, I search for the first triangle number with more than 1000 divisors instead of 500 as stated in the original problem. 爲了獲得更高的執行時間,我搜索第一個三角形數字,其中有超過1000個除數而不是原始問題中所述的500。

The result is the following: 結果如下:

C: C:

lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ gcc -lm -o euler12.bin euler12.c
lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ time ./euler12.bin

real    0m11.074s
user    0m11.070s
sys 0m0.000s

Python: 蟒蛇:

lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ time ./euler12.py 

real    1m16.632s
user    1m16.370s
sys 0m0.250s

Python with PyPy: Python與PyPy:

lorenzo@enzo:~/Downloads/pypy-c-jit-43780-b590cf6de419-linux64/bin$ time ./pypy /home/lorenzo/erlang/euler12.py 

real    0m13.082s
user    0m13.050s
sys 0m0.020s

Erlang: 二郎:

lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ erlc euler12.erl 
lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ time erl -s euler12 solve
Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.7.4  (abort with ^G)
1> 842161320

real    0m48.259s
user    0m48.070s
sys 0m0.020s

Haskell: 哈斯克爾:

lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ ghc euler12.hs -o euler12.hsx
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( euler12.hs, euler12.o )
Linking euler12.hsx ...
lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ time ./euler12.hsx 

real    2m37.326s
user    2m37.240s
sys 0m0.080s

Summary: 摘要:

  • C: 100% C:100%
  • Python: 692% (118% with PyPy) Python:692%(使用PyPy時爲118%)
  • Erlang: 436% (135% thanks to RichardC) Erlang:436%(135%歸功於RichardC)
  • Haskell: 1421% 哈斯克爾:1421%

I suppose that C has a big advantage as it uses long for the calculations and not arbitrary length integers as the other three. 我認爲C有一個很大的優勢,因爲它使用long進行計算而不是任意長度整數作爲其他三個。 Also it doesn't need to load a runtime first (Do the others?). 此外,它不需要首先加載運行時(其他人?)。

Question 1: Do Erlang, Python and Haskell lose speed due to using arbitrary length integers or don't they as long as the values are less than MAXINT ? 問題1: Erlang,Python和Haskell是否由於使用任意長度整數而失去速度,或者只要值小於MAXINT就不會失敗?

Question 2: Why is Haskell so slow? 問題2:爲什麼Haskell這麼慢? Is there a compiler flag that turns off the brakes or is it my implementation? 是否有編譯器標誌關閉剎車或是我的實施? (The latter is quite probable as Haskell is a book with seven seals to me.) (後者非常可能,因爲Haskell是一本帶有七個印章的書。)

Question 3: Can you offer me some hints how to optimize these implementations without changing the way I determine the factors? 問題3:您能否提供一些提示,如何優化這些實現而不改變我確定因素的方式? Optimization in any way: nicer, faster, more "native" to the language. 以任何方式進行優化:更好,更快,更“本地”的語言。

EDIT: 編輯:

Question 4: Do my functional implementations permit LCO (last call optimization, aka tail recursion elimination) and hence avoid adding unnecessary frames onto the call stack? 問題4:我的功能實現是否允許LCO(最後調用優化,也就是尾遞歸消除),從而避免在調用堆棧中添加不必要的幀?

I really tried to implement the same algorithm as similar as possible in the four languages, although I have to admit that my Haskell and Erlang knowledge is very limited. 我真的試圖在四種語言中儘可能地實現相同的算法,儘管我必須承認我的Haskell和Erlang知識非常有限。

Source codes used: 使用的源代碼:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int factorCount (long n)
    double square = sqrt (n);
    int isquare = (int) square;
    int count = isquare == square ? -1 : 0;
    long candidate;
    for (candidate = 1; candidate <= isquare; candidate ++)
        if (0 == n % candidate) count += 2;
    return count;

int main ()
    long triangle = 1;
    int index = 1;
    while (factorCount (triangle) < 1001)
        index ++;
        triangle += index;
    printf ("%ld\n", triangle);

#! /usr/bin/env python3.2

import math

def factorCount (n):
    square = math.sqrt (n)
    isquare = int (square)
    count = -1 if isquare == square else 0
    for candidate in range (1, isquare + 1):
        if not n % candidate: count += 2
    return count

triangle = 1
index = 1
while factorCount (triangle) < 1001:
    index += 1
    triangle += index

print (triangle)

-module (euler12).
-compile (export_all).

factorCount (Number) -> factorCount (Number, math:sqrt (Number), 1, 0).

factorCount (_, Sqrt, Candidate, Count) when Candidate > Sqrt -> Count;

factorCount (_, Sqrt, Candidate, Count) when Candidate == Sqrt -> Count + 1;

factorCount (Number, Sqrt, Candidate, Count) ->
    case Number rem Candidate of
        0 -> factorCount (Number, Sqrt, Candidate + 1, Count + 2);
        _ -> factorCount (Number, Sqrt, Candidate + 1, Count)

nextTriangle (Index, Triangle) ->
    Count = factorCount (Triangle),
        Count > 1000 -> Triangle;
        true -> nextTriangle (Index + 1, Triangle + Index + 1)  

solve () ->
    io:format ("~p~n", [nextTriangle (1, 1) ] ),
    halt (0).

factorCount number = factorCount' number isquare 1 0 - (fromEnum $ square == fromIntegral isquare)
    where square = sqrt $ fromIntegral number
          isquare = floor square

factorCount' number sqrt candidate count
    | fromIntegral candidate > sqrt = count
    | number `mod` candidate == 0 = factorCount' number sqrt (candidate + 1) (count + 2)
    | otherwise = factorCount' number sqrt (candidate + 1) count

nextTriangle index triangle
    | factorCount triangle > 1000 = triangle
    | otherwise = nextTriangle (index + 1) (triangle + index + 1)

main = print $ nextTriangle 1 1




With Haskell, you really don't need to think in recursions explicitly. 使用Haskell,您實際上不需要明確地考慮遞歸。

factorCount number = foldr factorCount' 0 [1..isquare] -
                     (fromEnum $ square == fromIntegral isquare)
      square = sqrt $ fromIntegral number
      isquare = floor square
      factorCount' candidate
        | number `rem` candidate == 0 = (2 +)
        | otherwise = id

triangles :: [Int]
triangles = scanl1 (+) [1,2..]

main = print . head $ dropWhile ((< 1001) . factorCount) triangles

In the above code, I have replaced explicit recursions in @Thomas' answer with common list operations. 在上面的代碼中,我用@Thomas的回答用公共列表操作替換了顯式遞歸。 The code still does exactly the same thing without us worrying about tail recursion. 代碼仍然完全相同,沒有我們擔心尾遞歸。 It runs (~ 7.49s ) about 6% slower than the version in @Thomas' answer (~ 7.04s ) on my machine with GHC 7.6.2, while the C version from @Raedwulf runs ~ 3.15s . 在運行GHC 7.6.2的機器上運行(~ 7.49s )比@Thomas的答案(~ 7.04s )慢6%左右 ,而@Raedwulf的C版運行~ 3.15s It seems GHC has improved over the year. GHC似乎在過去一年中有所改善。

PS. PS。 I know it is an old question, and I stumble upon it from google searches (I forgot what I was searching, now...). 我知道這是一個老問題,我從谷歌搜索中偶然發現它(我忘記了我在搜索,現在......)。 Just wanted to comment on the question about LCO and express my feelings about Haskell in general. 只是想對有關LCO的問題發表評論,並表達我對Haskell的總體感受。 I wanted to comment on the top answer, but comments do not allow code blocks. 我想對最佳答案發表評論,但評論不允許代碼塊。


Your Haskell implementation could be greatly sped up by using some functions from Haskell packages. 通過使用Haskell包中的一些函數,可以大大加快Haskell的實現。 In this case I used primes, which is just installed with 'cabal install primes' ;) 在這種情況下,我使用了primes,它只是安裝了'cabal install primes';)

import Data.Numbers.Primes
import Data.List

triangleNumbers = scanl1 (+) [1..]
nDivisors n = product $ map ((+1) . length) (group (primeFactors n))
answer = head $ filter ((> 500) . nDivisors) triangleNumbers

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ "First triangle number to have over 500 divisors: " ++ (show answer)

Timings: 時序:

Your original program: 你原來的節目:

PS> measure-command { bin\012_slow.exe }

TotalSeconds      : 16.3807409
TotalMilliseconds : 16380.7409

Improved implementation 改進實施

PS> measure-command { bin\012.exe }

TotalSeconds      : 0.0383436
TotalMilliseconds : 38.3436

As you can see, this one runs in 38 milliseconds on the same machine where yours ran in 16 seconds :) 正如你所看到的,這個在同一臺機器上運行38毫秒,你的運行時間爲16秒:)

Compilation commands: 編譯命令:

ghc -O2 012.hs -o bin\012.exe
ghc -O2 012_slow.hs -o bin\012_slow.exe


Question 1: Do Erlang, Python and Haskell lose speed due to using arbitrary length integers or don't they as long as the values are less than MAXINT? 問題1:Erlang,Python和Haskell是否由於使用任意長度整數而失去速度,或者只要值小於MAXINT就不會失敗?

Question one can be answered in the negative for Erlang. 問題一可以回答Erlang的否定。 The last question is answered by using Erlang appropriately, as in: 最後一個問題是通過適當地使用Erlang來回答的,如:

http://bredsaal.dk/learning-erlang-using-projecteuler-net http://bredsaal.dk/learning-erlang-using-projecteuler-net

Since it's faster than your initial C example, I would guess there are numerous problems as others have already covered in detail. 由於它比你最初的C例子快,我猜它會有很多問題,因爲其他人已經詳細介紹了。

This Erlang module executes on a cheap netbook in about 5 seconds ... It uses the network threads model in erlang and, as such demonstrates how to take advantage of the event model. 這個Erlang模塊在大約5秒內在便宜的上網本上執行...它使用erlang中的網絡線程模型,並且因此演示瞭如何利用事件模型。 It could be distributed over many nodes. 它可以分佈在許多節點上。 And it's fast. 它很快。 Not my code. 不是我的代碼。

-author("Jannich Brendle, [email protected], http://blog.bredsaal.dk").  

server() ->  

server(Number) ->  
  receive {getwork, Worker_PID} -> Worker_PID ! {work,Number,Number+100},  
  {result,T} -> io:format("The result is: \~w.\~n", [T]);  
  _ -> server(Number)  

worker(Server_PID) ->  
  Server_PID ! {getwork, self()},  
  receive {work,Start,End} -> solve(Start,End,Server_PID)  

start() ->  
  Server_PID = spawn(p12dist, server, []),  
  spawn(p12dist, worker, [Server_PID]),  
  spawn(p12dist, worker, [Server_PID]),  
  spawn(p12dist, worker, [Server_PID]),  
  spawn(p12dist, worker, [Server_PID]).

solve(N,End,_) when N =:= End -> no_solution;

solve(N,End,Server_PID) ->  
  case (divisor(T,round(math:sqrt(T))) > 500) of  
    true ->  
      Server_PID ! {result,T};  
    false ->  

divisors(N) ->  

divisor(_,0) -> 1;  
divisor(N,I) ->  
  case (N rem I) =:= 0 of  
  true ->  
  false ->  

The test below took place on an: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz 下面的測試發生在:Intel(R)Atom(TM)CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz

~$ time erl -noshell -s p12dist start

The result is: 76576500.


BREAK: (a)bort (c)ontinue (p)roc info (i)nfo (l)oaded
       (v)ersion (k)ill (D)b-tables (d)istribution

real    0m5.510s
user    0m5.836s
sys 0m0.152s


Change: case (divisor(T,round(math:sqrt(T))) > 500) of 更改: case (divisor(T,round(math:sqrt(T))) > 500) of

To: case (divisor(T,round(math:sqrt(T))) > 1000) of To: case (divisor(T,round(math:sqrt(T))) > 1000) of

This will produce the correct answer for the Erlang multi-process example. 這將爲Erlang多進程示例生成正確答案。


I modified "Jannich Brendle" version to 1000 instead 500. And list the result of euler12.bin, euler12.erl, p12dist.erl. 我將“Jannich Brendle”版本修改爲1000而不是500.並列出了euler12.bin,euler12.erl,p12dist.erl的結果。 Both erl codes use '+native' to compile. 兩個erl代碼都使用'+ native'進行編譯。

zhengs-MacBook-Pro:workspace zhengzhibin$ time erl -noshell -s p12dist start
The result is: 842161320.

real    0m3.879s
user    0m14.553s
sys     0m0.314s
zhengs-MacBook-Pro:workspace zhengzhibin$ time erl -noshell -s euler12 solve

real    0m10.125s
user    0m10.078s
sys     0m0.046s
zhengs-MacBook-Pro:workspace zhengzhibin$ time ./euler12.bin 

real    0m5.370s
user    0m5.328s
sys     0m0.004s
zhengs-MacBook-Pro:workspace zhengzhibin$
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