
本文翻譯自:Is there a standardized method to swap two variables in Python?

In Python, I've seen two variable values swapped using this syntax: 在Python中,我已經看到使用此語法交換了兩個變量值:

left, right = right, left

Is this considered the standard way to swap two variable values or is there some other means by which two variables are by convention most usually swapped? 這是否被認爲是交換兩個變量值的標準方法,或者是否有其他一些方式可以按照慣例最通常地交換兩個變量?






Python evaluates expressions from left to right. Python從左到右計算表達式。 Notice that while evaluating an assignment, the right-hand side is evaluated before the left-hand side. 請注意,在評估分配時,右側的評估先於左側。

http://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html#evaluation-order http://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html#evaluation-order

That means the following for the expression a,b = b,a : 這意味着表達式a,b = b,a

  • the right-hand side b,a is evaluated, that is to say a tuple of two elements is created in the memory. 右邊b,a被求值,也就是說在內存中創建了兩個元素的元組。 The two element are the objects designated by the identifiers b and a , that were existing before the instruction is encoutered during an execution of program 這兩個元素是由標識符ba指定的對象,它們在程序執行期間對指令進行加密之前就已存在
  • just after the creation of this tuple, no assignement of this tuple object have still been made, but it doesn't matter, Python internally knows where it is 創建此元組後,仍未分配該元組對象,但這沒關係,Python內部知道它在哪裏
  • then, the left-hand side is evaluated, that is to say the tuple is assigned to the left-hand side 然後,評估左側,即將元組分配給左側
  • as the left-hand side is composed of two identifiers, the tuple is unpacked in order that the first identifier a be assigned to the first element of the tuple (which is the object that was formely b before the swap because it had name b ) 因爲左側由兩個標識符組成,所以對元組進行解壓縮,以便將第一個標識符a分配給元組的第一個元素(這是交換之前爲b的對象,因爲它的名稱爲b
    and the second identifier b is assigned to the second element of the tuple (which is the object that was formerly a before the swap because its identifiers was a ) 並且第二個標識符b分配給元組的第二個元素(這是交換之前的a對象,因爲其標識符爲a

This mechanism has effectively swapped the objects assigned to the identifiers a and b 該機制有效地交換了分配給標識符ab的對象

So, to answer your question: YES, it's the standard way to swap two identifiers on two objects. 因此,回答您的問題:是的,這是在兩個對象上交換兩個標識符的標準方法。
By the way, the objects are not variables, they are objects. 順便說一下,對象不是變量,而是對象。


I know three ways to swap variables, but a, b = b, a is the simplest. 我知道三種交換變量的方法,但是a, b = b, a是最簡單的。 There is

XOR (for integers) XOR(整數)

x = x ^ y
y = y ^ x
x = x ^ y

Or concisely, 或簡而言之,

x ^= y
y ^= x
x ^= y

Temporary variable 臨時變量

w = x
x = y
y = w
del w

Tuple swap 元組交換

x, y = y, x


I would not say it is a standard way to swap because it will cause some unexpected errors. 我不會說這是一種標準的交換方式,因爲它將導致一些意外錯誤。

nums[i], nums[nums[i] - 1] = nums[nums[i] - 1], nums[i]

nums[i] will be modified first and then affect the second variable nums[nums[i] - 1] . nums[i]將首先被修改,然後影響第二個變量nums[nums[i] - 1]


Does not work for multidimensional arrays, because references are used here. 不適用於多維數組,因爲此處使用了引用。

import numpy as np

# swaps
data = np.random.random(2)
data[0], data[1] = data[1], data[0]

# does not swap
data = np.random.random((2, 2))
data[0], data[1] = data[1], data[0]

See also Swap slices of Numpy arrays 另請參見交換Numpy數組的切片

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