



  1. 這裏調用 scipy 庫函數執行梯度下降的具體迭代,不用手動設置步長和迭代次數,但 cost 如何計算、梯度如何求取需要以函數形式傳遞給 scipy;
  2. numpy 對 array 執行矩陣運算時,對數據格式比較嚴格,程序中調用了好幾次 shape() 用於將形如 (100, ) 的數據格式轉化爲 (100, 1),這樣執行矩陣乘法才能得到正確結果。


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize as opt

def loadData(filename):
    return pd.read_csv(filename, header = None, names = ['Exam 1', 'Exam 2', 'Admitted'])

def showData(data):
    positive = data[data['Admitted'].isin([1])]
    negative = data[data['Admitted'].isin([0])]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12, 8))
    ax.scatter(positive['Exam 1'], positive['Exam 2'], s=50, c='b', marker='o', label='Admitted')
    ax.scatter(negative['Exam 1'], negative['Exam 2'], s=50, c='r', marker='x', label='Not Admitted')
    ax.set_xlabel('Exam 1 Score')
    ax.set_ylabel('Exam 2 Score')

data = loadData('ex2data1.txt')
      Exam 1     Exam 2  Admitted
0  34.623660  78.024693         0
1  30.286711  43.894998         0
2  35.847409  72.902198         0
3  60.182599  86.308552         1
4  79.032736  75.344376         1

           Exam 1      Exam 2    Admitted
count  100.000000  100.000000  100.000000
mean    65.644274   66.221998    0.600000
std     19.458222   18.582783    0.492366
min     30.058822   30.603263    0.000000
25%     50.919511   48.179205    0.000000
50%     67.032988   67.682381    1.000000
75%     80.212529   79.360605    1.000000
max     99.827858   98.869436    1.000000

Process finished with exit code 0

接着對數據預處理(這裏將 X,y,theta 都轉化爲 numpy 的 array 格式):

def initData(data):
    data.insert(0, 'Ones', 1)
    cols = data.shape[1]
    X = data.iloc[:, 0: cols - 1]
    y = data.iloc[:, cols - 1: cols]
    X = np.array(X.values)
    y = np.array(y.values)
    theta = np.zeros(3)
    return X, y, theta
data = loadData('ex2data1.txt')
X, y, theta = initData(data)
print(X.shape, theta.shape, y.shape)
(100, 3) (3,) (100, 1)

Process finished with exit code 0

根據如下公式計算 cost:

# 輔助函數:計算 sigmoid
def sigmoid(z):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))

# 計算 cost
def cost(theta, X, y):
    # theta 參數個數
    n = len(theta)
    first = -y * np.log(sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1)))
    second = -(1 - y) * np.log(1 - sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1)))
    return np.sum(first + second) / (len(X))


# 計算單次梯度下降
def gradient(theta, X, y):
    # theta 參數個數
    n = len(theta)
    # 樣本數
    m = len(y)
    grad = np.zeros(n)
    error = sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1)) - y
    for i in range(n):
        term = error * X[:, i].reshape(m, 1)
        grad[i] = np.sum(term) / m
    return grad

調用 scipy 使用 TNC 尋找最優參數:

data = loadData('ex2data1.txt')
X, y, theta = initData(data)
# 利用 SciPy 的 truncated newton(TNC) 尋找最優參數
result = opt.fmin_tnc(func=cost, x0=theta, fprime=gradient, args=(X, y))
(array([-25.16131866,   0.20623159,   0.20147149]), 36, 0)


def showClassification(result, data):
    x = np.arange(30, 100, step=1)
    f = (- result[0][0] - x * result[0][1]) / result[0][2]

    positive = data[data['Admitted'].isin([1])]
    negative = data[data['Admitted'].isin([0])]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
    ax.scatter(positive['Exam 1'], positive['Exam 2'], s=50, c='b', marker='o', label='Admitted')
    ax.scatter(negative['Exam 1'], negative['Exam 2'], s=50, c='r', marker='x', label='Not Admitted')
    ax.plot(x, f, 'g', label='Classification')
    ax.set_xlabel('Exam 1 Score')
    ax.set_ylabel('Exam 2 Score')


def predict(theta, X):
    n = len(theta)
    probability = sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1))
    return [1 if x >= 0.5 else 0 for x in probability]

data = loadData('ex2data1.txt')
X, y, theta = initData(data)
# 利用 SciPy 的 truncated newton(TNC) 尋找最優參數
result = opt.fmin_tnc(func=cost, x0=theta, fprime=gradient, args=(X, y))
theta_get = np.array(result[0])
predictions = predict(theta_get, X)
correct = [1 if ((a == 1 and b == 1) or (a == 0 and b == 0)) else 0 for (a, b) in zip(predictions, y)]
accuracy = (sum(correct) / len(correct)) * 100
print ('accuracy = {0}%'.format(accuracy))
(array([-25.16131866,   0.20623159,   0.20147149]), 36, 0)
accuracy = 89%

Process finished with exit code 0


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize as opt

def loadData(filename):
    return pd.read_csv(filename, header = None, names = ['Exam 1', 'Exam 2', 'Admitted'])

def showData(data):
    positive = data[data['Admitted'].isin([1])]
    negative = data[data['Admitted'].isin([0])]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12, 8))
    ax.scatter(positive['Exam 1'], positive['Exam 2'], s=50, c='b', marker='o', label='Admitted')
    ax.scatter(negative['Exam 1'], negative['Exam 2'], s=50, c='r', marker='x', label='Not Admitted')
    ax.set_xlabel('Exam 1 Score')
    ax.set_ylabel('Exam 2 Score')

def initData(data):
    data.insert(0, 'Ones', 1)
    cols = data.shape[1]
    X = data.iloc[:, 0: cols - 1]
    y = data.iloc[:, cols - 1: cols]
    X = np.array(X.values)
    y = np.array(y.values)
    theta = np.zeros(3)
    return X, y, theta

# 輔助函數:計算 sigmoid
def sigmoid(z):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))

# 計算 cost
def cost(theta, X, y):
    # theta 參數個數
    n = len(theta)
    first = -y * np.log(sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1)))
    second = -(1 - y) * np.log(1 - sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1)))
    return np.sum(first + second) / (len(X))

# 計算單次梯度下降
def gradient(theta, X, y):
    # theta 參數個數
    n = len(theta)
    # 樣本數
    m = len(y)
    grad = np.zeros(n)
    error = sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1)) - y
    for i in range(n):
        term = error * X[:, i].reshape(m, 1)
        grad[i] = np.sum(term) / m
    return grad

def showClassification(result, data):
    x = np.arange(30, 100, step=1)
    f = (- result[0][0] - x * result[0][1]) / result[0][2]

    positive = data[data['Admitted'].isin([1])]
    negative = data[data['Admitted'].isin([0])]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
    ax.scatter(positive['Exam 1'], positive['Exam 2'], s=50, c='b', marker='o', label='Admitted')
    ax.scatter(negative['Exam 1'], negative['Exam 2'], s=50, c='r', marker='x', label='Not Admitted')
    ax.plot(x, f, 'g', label='Classification')
    ax.set_xlabel('Exam 1 Score')
    ax.set_ylabel('Exam 2 Score')

def predict(theta, X):
    n = len(theta)
    probability = sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1))
    return [1 if x >= 0.5 else 0 for x in probability]

data = loadData('ex2data1.txt')
X, y, theta = initData(data)
# 利用 SciPy 的 truncated newton(TNC) 尋找最優參數
result = opt.fmin_tnc(func=cost, x0=theta, fprime=gradient, args=(X, y))
#showClassification(result, data)
theta_get = np.array(result[0])
predictions = predict(theta_get, X)
correct = [1 if ((a == 1 and b == 1) or (a == 0 and b == 0)) else 0 for (a, b) in zip(predictions, y)]
accuracy = (sum(map(int, correct)) % len(correct))
print ('accuracy = {0}%'.format(accuracy))





  1. 以邏輯迴歸的程序爲基礎,改寫計算 cost 和梯度的函數,下面可以看到公式,非常直觀;
  2. 主要改動在於數據的初始化,使用多項式方法提取特徵,這裏值得注意一下;
  3. 其他相似的代碼只在最後完整程序貼出。



# degree:多項式迴歸允許的最大次方數
def initData(data, degree = 5):
    # 特徵集數量
    parameters = int((degree + 1) * (degree + 2) / 2)
    # 在 data 中添加多項式項
    x1 = data['Test 1']
    x2 = data['Test 2']
    for i in range(0, degree + 1):
        for j in range(0, degree + 1 - i):
            data['F' + str(i) + str(j)] = np.power(x1, i) * np.power(x2, j)
    # 生成 X、y、theta 的 array 數據
    cols = data.shape[1]
    X = data.iloc[:, 3: cols]
    y = data.iloc[:, 2: 3]
    X = np.array(X.values)
    y = np.array(y.values)
    theta = np.zeros(parameters)
    return X, y, theta
data = loadData('ex2data2.txt')
X, y, theta = initData(data)
print(X.shape, theta.shape, y.shape)
     Test 1   Test 2  Accepted  F00  ...       F32       F40       F41           F50
0  0.051267  0.69956         1  1.0  ...  0.000066  0.000007  0.000005  3.541519e-07
1 -0.092742  0.68494         1  1.0  ... -0.000374  0.000074  0.000051 -6.860919e-06
2 -0.213710  0.69225         1  1.0  ... -0.004677  0.002086  0.001444 -4.457837e-04
3 -0.375000  0.50219         1  1.0  ... -0.013299  0.019775  0.009931 -7.415771e-03
4 -0.513250  0.46564         1  1.0  ... -0.029315  0.069393  0.032312 -3.561597e-02

[5 rows x 24 columns]
(118, 21) (21,) (118, 1)

Process finished with exit code 0

根據如下公式改寫 cost 計算方法:

# 計算 cost
def costReg(theta, X, y, lamda):
    # theta 參數個數
    n = len(theta)
    # 樣本數
    m = len(y)
    first = -y * np.log(sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1)))
    second = -(1 - y) * np.log(1 - sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1)))
    reg = (lamda / (2 * m)) * np.sum(np.power(theta.reshape(n, 1), 2))
    return (np.sum(first + second) / m) + reg


# 計算單次梯度下降
def gradientReg(theta, X, y, lamda):
    # theta 參數個數
    n = len(theta)
    # 樣本數
    m = len(y)
    grad = np.zeros(n)
    error = sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1)) - y
    for i in range(n):
        term = error * X[:, i].reshape(m, 1)
        if(i == 0):
            grad[i] = np.sum(term) / m
            grad[i] = (np.sum(term) / len(X)) + ((lamda / len(X)) * theta.reshape(n, 1)[i])
    return grad

運行並測試(可以嘗試增加 lamda,正確率會下降,但是泛化能力可能會提高):

lamda = 1
data = loadData('ex2data2.txt')
X, y, theta = initData(data)
# 利用 SciPy 的 truncated newton(TNC) 尋找最優參數
result = opt.fmin_tnc(func=costReg, x0=theta, fprime=gradientReg, args=(X, y, lamda))

theta_get = np.array(result[0])
predictions = predict(theta_get, X)
correct = [1 if ((a == 1 and b == 1) or (a == 0 and b == 0)) else 0 for (a, b) in zip(predictions, y)]
accuracy = (sum(correct) / len(correct)) * 100
print ('accuracy = {0}%'.format(accuracy))
(array([ 1.25428442,  1.19474489, -1.49491004, -0.29714827, -1.39749019,
       -0.67605408,  0.61391241, -0.89234232, -0.36100897, -0.25106153,
       -0.28291693, -2.1579572 , -0.36841775, -0.62674956, -0.27932149,
        0.0560712 , -0.07305438, -0.06419001, -1.62631552, -0.22204016,
       -0.32974837]), 54, 4)

accuracy = 83.89830508474576%

Process finished with exit code 0

繪圖(多項數最大階數取 5)

這裏可應該有更簡潔的方式繪製多項式曲線,筆者就用 matplotlib 的 contour 來做了。

def showClassificationReg(result, data):
    x = y = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.01)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    positive = data[data['Accepted'].isin([1])]
    negative = data[data['Accepted'].isin([0])]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
    ax.scatter(positive['Test 1'], positive['Test 2'], s=50, c='b', marker='o', label='Accepted')
    ax.scatter(negative['Test 1'], negative['Test 2'], s=50, c='r', marker='x', label='Not Accepted')

    plt.contour(x, y, result[0][1]*y + result[0][2]*(y**2) + result[0][3]*(y**3) + result[0][4]*(y**4) + result[0][5]*(y**5)\
                + result[0][6]*x + result[0][7]*x*y + result[0][8]*x*(y**2) + result[0][9]*x*(y**3) + result[0][10]*x*(y**4)\
                + result[0][11]*(x**2) + result[0][12]*(x**2)*y + result[0][13]*(x**2)*(y**2) + result[0][14]*(x**2)*(y**3)\
                + result[0][15]*(x**3) + result[0][16]*(x**3)*y + result[0][17]*(x**3)*(y**2)\
                + result[0][18]*(x**4) + result[0][19]*(x**4)*y + result[0][20]*(x**5), [-result[0][0]])

    ax.set_xlabel('Test 1 Score')
    ax.set_ylabel('Test 2 Score')

lamda = 0(訓練集正確率 88.98305084745762%):過擬合(若最大階數更高,得到的曲線會更加扭曲)

 lamda = 1(訓練集正確率 83.89830508474576%):結果較好

 lamda = 10(訓練集正確率 70.33898305084746%):欠擬合


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize as opt

def loadData(filename):
    return pd.read_csv(filename, header = None, names = ['Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Accepted'])

def showData(data):
    positive = data[data['Accepted'].isin([1])]
    negative = data[data['Accepted'].isin([0])]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12, 8))
    ax.scatter(positive['Test 1'], positive['Test 2'], s=50, c='b', marker='o', label='Accepted')
    ax.scatter(negative['Test 1'], negative['Test 2'], s=50, c='r', marker='x', label='Rejected')
    ax.set_xlabel('Test 1 Score')
    ax.set_ylabel('Test 2 Score')

# degree:多項式迴歸允許的最大階數
def initData(data, degree = 5):
    # 特徵集數量
    parameters = int((degree + 1) * (degree + 2) / 2)
    # 在 data 中添加多項式項
    x1 = data['Test 1']
    x2 = data['Test 2']
    for i in range(0, degree + 1):
        for j in range(0, degree + 1 - i):
            data['F' + str(i) + str(j)] = np.power(x1, i) * np.power(x2, j)
    # 生成 X、y、theta 的 array 數據
    cols = data.shape[1]
    X = data.iloc[:, 3: cols]
    y = data.iloc[:, 2: 3]
    X = np.array(X.values)
    y = np.array(y.values)
    theta = np.zeros(parameters)
    return X, y, theta

# 輔助函數:計算 sigmoid
def sigmoid(z):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))

# 計算 cost
def costReg(theta, X, y, lamda):
    # theta 參數個數
    n = len(theta)
    # 樣本數
    m = len(y)
    first = -y * np.log(sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1)))
    second = -(1 - y) * np.log(1 - sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1)))
    reg = (lamda / (2 * m)) * np.sum(np.power(theta.reshape(n, 1), 2))
    return (np.sum(first + second) / m) + reg

# 計算單次梯度下降
def gradientReg(theta, X, y, lamda):
    # theta 參數個數
    n = len(theta)
    # 樣本數
    m = len(y)
    grad = np.zeros(n)
    error = sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1)) - y
    for i in range(n):
        term = error * X[:, i].reshape(m, 1)
        if(i == 0):
            grad[i] = np.sum(term) / m
            grad[i] = (np.sum(term) / len(X)) + ((lamda / len(X)) * theta.reshape(n, 1)[i])
    return grad

def predict(theta, X):
    n = len(theta)
    probability = sigmoid(X @ theta.reshape(n, 1))
    return [1 if x >= 0.5 else 0 for x in probability]

def showClassificationReg(result, data):
    x = y = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.01)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    positive = data[data['Accepted'].isin([1])]
    negative = data[data['Accepted'].isin([0])]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
    ax.scatter(positive['Test 1'], positive['Test 2'], s=50, c='b', marker='o', label='Accepted')
    ax.scatter(negative['Test 1'], negative['Test 2'], s=50, c='r', marker='x', label='Not Accepted')

    plt.contour(x, y, result[0][1]*y + result[0][2]*(y**2) + result[0][3]*(y**3) + result[0][4]*(y**4) + result[0][5]*(y**5)\
                + result[0][6]*x + result[0][7]*x*y + result[0][8]*x*(y**2) + result[0][9]*x*(y**3) + result[0][10]*x*(y**4)\
                + result[0][11]*(x**2) + result[0][12]*(x**2)*y + result[0][13]*(x**2)*(y**2) + result[0][14]*(x**2)*(y**3)\
                + result[0][15]*(x**3) + result[0][16]*(x**3)*y + result[0][17]*(x**3)*(y**2)\
                + result[0][18]*(x**4) + result[0][19]*(x**4)*y + result[0][20]*(x**5), [-result[0][0]])

    ax.set_xlabel('Test 1 Score')
    ax.set_ylabel('Test 2 Score')

lamda = 1
data = loadData('ex2data2.txt')
X, y, theta = initData(data)
# 利用 SciPy 的 truncated newton(TNC) 尋找最優參數
result = opt.fmin_tnc(func=costReg, x0=theta, fprime=gradientReg, args=(X, y, lamda))
showClassificationReg(result, data)

theta_get = np.array(result[0])
predictions = predict(theta_get, X)
correct = [1 if ((a == 1 and b == 1) or (a == 0 and b == 0)) else 0 for (a, b) in zip(predictions, y)]
accuracy = (sum(correct) / len(correct)) * 100
print ('accuracy = {0}%'.format(accuracy))


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