
本文翻译自:How do I see which version of Swift I'm using?

I just created a new Swift project within Xcode. 我刚刚在Xcode中创建了一个新的Swift项目。 I am wondering which version of Swift it's using. 我想知道它正在使用哪个版本的Swift。

How can I see, in Xcode or the terminal, what version of Swift I am using inside my project? 如何在Xcode或终端中查看我在项目中使用的Swift的哪个版本?




What I do is say in the Terminal: 我在终端中说的是:

$ xcrun swift -version

Output for Xcode 6.3.2 is: Xcode 6.3.2的输出是:

Apple Swift version 1.2 (swiftlang-602.0.53.1 clang-602.0.53)

Of course that assumes that your xcrun is pointing at your copy of Xcode correctly. 当然,这假定您的xcrun正确指向了您的Xcode副本。 If, like me, you're juggling several versions of Xcode, that can be a worry! 如果像我一样,您在使用Xcode的多个版本,那可能会令人担忧! To make sure that it is, say 为了确定它,说

$ xcrun --find swift

and look at the path to Xcode that it shows you. 并查看显示给您的Xcode的路径。 For example: 例如:


If that's your Xcode, then the output from -version is accurate. 如果那是您的Xcode,那么-version的输出是准确的。 If you need to repoint xcrun , use the Command Line Tools pop-up menu in Xcode's Locations preference pane. 如果需要重新指向xcrun ,请使用Xcode的“位置”首选项窗格中的“命令行工具”弹出菜单。



swift -version


From Xcode 8.3 onward Build Settings has key Swift Language Version with a value of swift version your target is using. 从Xcode 8.3开始,“ Build Settings具有关键的“ Swift Language Version和目标所使用的swift版本值。

For older Xcodes use this solution, open terminal and type following command(s) 对于较旧的Xcode,请使用此解决方案,打开终端并键入以下命令

Case 1: You have installed only one Xcode App 情况1:您仅安装了一个Xcode应用程序

swift -version

Case 2: You have installed multiple Xcode Apps 情况2:您已经安装了多个Xcode应用程序

  • Switch active developer directory (Replace Xcode_7.3.app from following command with your Xcode app file name from Application directory for which you want to check swift version) 切换active developer directory (用您要检查快速版本的应用程序目录中的Xcode应用程序文件名替换以下命令中的Xcode_7.3.app

      sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode_7.3.app/Contents/Developer 
  • Then 然后

      swift -version 

NOTE: From Xcode 8 to Xcode 8.2.x you can use swift 2.3 even though Xcode 8 uses swift 3.x as default swift version. 注意:从Xcode 8到Xcode 8.2.x,即使Xcode 8使用swift 3.x作为默认的swift版本,您也可以使用swift 2.3。 To use swift 2.3, just turn on flag Use Legacy Swift Language Version to YES from Build Setting and XCode will use Swift 2.3 for that project target. 要使用swift 2.3,只需将Build Setting Use Legacy Swift Language Version标记Build SettingYES ,XCode将对该项目目标使用Swift 2.3。


This reddit post helped me: https://www.reddit.com/r/swift/comments/4o8atc/xcode_8_which_swift/d4anpet 这篇reddit帖子对我有所帮助: https : //www.reddit.com/r/swift/comments/4o8atc/xcode_8_which_swift/d4anpet

Xcode 8 uses Swift 3.0 as default. Xcode 8默认使用Swift 3.0。 But you can turn on Swift 2.3. 但是您可以打开Swift 2.3。 Go to project's Build Settings and set 'Use Legacy Swift Language Version' to YES. 转到项目的“构建设置”,并将“使用旧版Swift语言版本”设置为“是”。

Good old reddit :) 好老reddit :)


You can see and select which Swift version Xcode is using in: 您可以查看并选择Xcode在以下版本中使用的Swift版本:

Target -> Build Settings -> Swift Language Version : 目标 -> 构建设置 -> Swift语言版本


This is available in Xcode 8.3 and Xcode 9 (haven't checked older versions) 在Xcode 8.3和Xcode 9中可用(尚未检查较旧的版本)

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