WORDBOOK - ForeverStrong Cheng - YongQiang Cheng

WORDBOOK - ForeverStrong Cheng - YongQiang Cheng

long short-term memory,LSTM:长短期记忆
recurrent neural network,RNN:循环神经网络
recursive neural network,RvNN:递归神经网络
deep neural network,DNN:深度神经网络
artificial intelligence,AI:人工智能
machine intelligence,MI:机器智能
digital signal processor,DSP:数字信号处理器
digital signal processing,DSP:数字信号处理
user interface,UI:用户界面
user experience,UX:用户体验
central processing unit,CPU:中央处理器
graphics processing unit,GPU:图形处理器
natural language processing,NLP:自然语言处理
natural language programming,NLP:自然语言程序设计
neuro-linguistic programming,NLP:神经语言程序学
proof of concept,PoC:概念证明,概念验证
multilayer perceptron,MLP:多层感知器,多层感知机
natural intelligence,NI:自然智能
machine learning,ML:机器学习
integrated development environment,IDE:集成开发环境
Open Computing Language,OpenCL:开放计算语言
Android Open Source Project,AOSP:Android 开放源代码项目
Extensible Markup Language,XML:可扩展标记语言
hardware abstraction layer,HAL:硬件抽象层
Internet Engineering Task Force,IETF:国际互联网工程任务组
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,CVPR:IEEE 国际计算机视觉与模式识别会议
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,ICCV:IEEE 国际计算机视觉大会
European Conference on Computer Vision,ECCV:欧洲计算机视觉国际会议
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,IEEE [I triple E]:电气和电子工程师协会
independent component analysis,ICA:独立成分分析
information and communication technology,ICT:信息和通信技术
application program interface,API:应用程序接口
operating system,OS:操作系统
convolutional neural network,CNN or ConvNet:卷积神经网络
shift invariant or space invariant artificial neural networks,SIANN
information technology,IT:信息技术
visual processing unit,VPU:视觉处理单元
vision processing unit,VPU:视觉处理单元
you only look once,YOLO
tensor processing unit,TPU
application-specific integrated circuit,ASIC [ˈeɪsɪk]:专用集成电路,特定用途集成电路
integrated circuit (an IC, microchip, silicon chip, computer chip, or chip):集成电路
personal computer,PC:个人计算机

neural processing unit,NPU:神经网络处理器
artificial neural networks,ANN:人工神经网络
random forests or random decision forests:随机森林,随机决策森林
intelligence processing unit,IPU:智能处理单元
Exynos (from the Greek words exypnos meaning smart and prasinos meaning green), is a series of ARM-based system-on-chips developed by Samsung Electronics’ System LSI division and manufactured by Samsung Electronics’ Foundry division. Exynos 由 Exypnos 和 Prasinos 两个希腊语单词组合而来,分别代表智能与环保。
semantic segmentation:语义分割
instance segmentation:实例分割
semantic [sɪˈmæntɪk]:adj. 语义的
instance ['ɪnstəns]:n. 实例,例子,事例 v. 举…为例
panoramic segmentation:全景分割
graphical user interface,GUI [ɡuːiː]:图形用户界面,图形用户接口
Community Enterprise Operating System,CentOS [sɛnt.ɑːs]:社区企业操作系统
High-level Graphical User Interface,HighGUI:高级图形用户接口
cloud computing:云计算
on-premises software,on-premise,on-prem:本地部署
principal component analysis,PCA:主成分分析
Conda is an open source package management system and environment management system that runs on Windows, macOS and Linux.
public relations,PR:公共关系,公关
Domain Name System,DNS:域名系统
fast Fourier transform,FFT:快速傅立叶变换
discrete Fourier transform,DFT:离散傅立叶变换
discrete-time Fourier transform,DTFT:离散时间傅立叶变换
instruction set architecture,ISA:指令集体系结构
Internet of Things,IoT:物联网
frequently asked questions,FAQ:常见问答
questions and answers,Q&A:问与答
Jetson Development Pack,JetPack
root file system,rootfs
Jetson Development Pack for Linux for Tegra,JetPack L4T
Common Visual Data Foundation,CVDF
Tsinghua University Press,TUP:清华大学出版社
International Standard Book Number,ISBN:国际标准书号
Standard Book Numbering,SBN:标准图书编号
Cataloging in Publication or Cataloguing in Publication,CIP:图书在版编目
Posts & Telecom Press:人民邮电出版社
China Machine Press:机械工业出版社
Dallas [ˈdæləs]:达拉斯
Manhattan [mæn’hætn]:曼哈顿
Chicago [ʃɪ’kɑ:gəʊ]:芝加哥
Portland [ˈpɔ:tlənd]:波特兰
Compute Unified Device Architecture,CUDA:统一计算设备架构
Portable Operating System Interface,POSIX:可移植性操作系统接口
Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial,UFLDL Tutorial

Latin [ˈlætɪn]:adj. 拉丁语的,拉丁人的 n. 拉丁语,拉丁人
trial and error ['traɪəl ænd 'erə]:试错法,反复试验,从失败中找到解决办法,试差法
All rights reserved. 版权所有。
estimated time of arrival,ETA:预计到港时间,预计到达时间,估计到达时间
estimated time of departure,ETD:预计离港时间,预计离开时间,估计离开时间
Cornell University:康奈尔大学
Carnegie Mellon University,CMU:卡耐基-梅隆大学
complex programmable logic device,CPLD:复杂可编程逻辑器件
current working directory,CWD
office automation,OA:办公自动化
customer relationship management,CRM:客户关系管理
user identifier,user ID or UID:
universally unique identifier,UUID:通用唯一识别码
globally unique identifier,GUID:全局唯一标识符
unique identifier,UID:唯一识别符
Georgia Institute of Technology,Georgia Tech:佐治亚理工学院
Publishing House of Electronics Industry:电子工业出版社
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press:上海交通大学出版社
memory management unit,MMU:内存管理单元
bounding box left:coordinate of the top-left corner of the pedestrian bounding box
bounding box top:coordinate of the top-left corner of the pedestrian bounding box
bounding box width:width in pixels of the pedestrian bounding box
bounding box height:height in pixels of the pedestrian bounding box
left:left coordinate of the bounding box as a ratio of overall image width.
top:top coordinate of the bounding box as a ratio of overall image height.
width:width of the bounding box as a ratio of the overall image width.
height:height of the bounding box as a ratio of the overall image height.
China Electric Power Press:中国电力出版社
Open Source Computer Vision Library,OpenCV:开源计算机视觉库
Embedded Vision / Vector Engine,EVE:嵌入式视觉引擎
true positive,TP:真正例
false positive,FP:假正例
false negative,FN:假反例
true negative,TN:真反例
receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC curve:受试者工作特征曲线,感受性曲线
true positive rate,TPR:真阳性概率,真阳率,真正例率
false positive rate,FPR:假阳性概率,假阳率,假正例率
region of interest,ROI:感兴趣区域
standard input,stdin:标准输入
standard output,stdout:标准输出
standard error,stderr:标准错误
University of Pennsylvania,UPenn:宾夕法尼亚大学
virtual reality,VR:虚拟现实
augmented reality,AR:增强现实

mixed reality or hybrid reality,MR:混合现实
field-programmable gate array,FPGA:现场可编程门阵列
hardware description language,HDL:硬件描述语言
Java Platform, Standard Edition,Java SE
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition,Java EE
Java Platform, Micro Edition,Java ME
Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition,J2EE
Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition,J2ME
Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition,J2SE
Preboot eXecution Environment,PXE or pixie:预启动执行环境,预执行环境
In computing, just-in-time (JIT) compilation (dynamic translation or run-time compilations) is a way of executing computer code that involves compilation during execution of a program - at run time - rather than before execution.
just-in-time compilation,JIT compilation:即时编译
ahead-of-time compilation,AOT compilation:提前编译,预先编译
Common Intermediate Language,CIL:公共中间语言,通用中间语言
Microsoft Foundation Class Library,MFC:Microsoft 基本类库
object-oriented programming,OOP:面向对象编程,面向对象程序设计
Parallel Patterns Library,PPL:并行模式库
Standard Template Library,STL:标准模板库
Common Language Runtime,CLR:公共语言运行时
Common Language Infrastructure,CLI:通用语言基础结构
Microsoft Intermediate Language,MSIL:Microsoft 中间语言
Java virtual machine,JVM:Java 虚拟机
Java Runtime Environment,JRE:Java 运行环境
Java Development Kit,JDK:Java 语言的软件开发工具包
Jazelle DBX (Direct Bytecode eXecution) is an extension that allows some ARM processors to execute Java bytecode in hardware as a third execution state alongside the existing ARM and Thumb modes.
Direct Bytecode eXecution,DBX :直接字节码执行
Jazelle RCT (Runtime Compilation Target) is a different technology and is based on ThumbEE mode and supports ahead-of-time (AOT) and just-in-time (JIT) compilation with Java and other execution environments.
Jazelle Runtime Compilation Target,Jazelle RCT:运行时间编译器目标
weight / weights:权重
weight [weɪt]:n. 重量,分量,重物,砝码 v. 在…上加重量,使负重,(用重物) 固定,使加权
bias / biases:偏置
bias ['baɪəs]:adv. 偏 n. 偏见,偏向,偏心,偏爱 v. 使有偏见,使偏心,使偏向 adj. 斜的,偏动的
weight decay:权重衰减
regularization [ˌregjʊlərɪ’zeɪʃən]:n. 正规化,调整,合法化
regularization parameter:正则化参数
L2 regularization:L2 正则化
activation function:激活函数,激励函数,响应函数
linear function:线性函数
loss function or cost function:损失函数或代价函数
hidden layer /ˈhɪdn ˈleiə/:隐蔽层,隐含层或隐层
input layer:输入层

output layer:输出层
global variable:全局变量
local variable:局部变量
pooling layer:池化层,汇合层
average pooling:平均池化
max pooling:最大池化
time-series classification,TSC:时间序列分类
gated recurrent units,GRUs:门控循环神经元,门限循环单元
Microsoft DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) for handling tasks related to multimedia, especially game programming and video, on Microsoft platforms.
public limited company,PLC:公开有限公司
Pearson Public Limited Company,Pearson PLC
Pearson Education is a British-owned education publishing and assessment service to schools and corporations, as well for students directly.
Pearson Education Group:培生教育出版集团
Google Brain is a deep learning artificial intelligence research team at Google.
Starting in 2011, Google Brain built DistBelief as a proprietary machine learning system based on deep learning neural networks.
iOS (iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc.
United States of America,USA:美利坚合众国
United States (U.S. or US) or America:美国
United Nations,UN:联合国
convolution [,kɒnvə’luːʃ(ə)n]:n. 卷积,回旋,盘旋,卷绕
model ['mɒdl]:n. 模型,典型,模范,模特儿,样式 vt. 模拟,塑造,模仿 vi. 做模型,做模特儿 adj. 模范的,作模型用的
backbone ['bækbəʊn]:n. 脊骨,脊柱,支柱,骨气,毅力,书脊,聚合分子主链,主干网
truncate [trʌŋ’keɪt; 'trʌŋ-]:v. 截断,删节,把…截成平面 adj. 截形的,截短的
ablative ['æblətɪv]:adj. 易烧蚀的,夺格的,消融的 n. 夺格,烧蚀材料
learning rate [ˈlə:niŋ reit]:学习率,学习速率,学习因子
The Boeing Company,Boeing:波音,波音公司
passenger boarding bridge,PBB:旅客登机桥
aspect ratio [ˈæspekt reɪʃiəʊ]:宽高比
fully convolution network,FCN:全卷积网络
fully convolutional network,FCN:全卷积网络
fully-connected layer:全连接层
deconvolution layer:反卷积层,解卷积层
dilated convolution:空洞卷积,扩张卷积
pretrained / pre-trained:预训练的
receptive field:感受野
local receptive field:局部感受野
ablative analysis:销蚀分析,消融分析,去除实验
ablation experiment:销蚀分析,消融分析,去除实验
online hard example mining,OHEM:在线难例挖掘,困难样本挖掘
hard example mining:难分样本挖掘
hard example:难分样本



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