An interesting way to memorize “Indiana Jones”

‘Indiana Jones’ is a name and a famous movie series, but it seems difficult to memorize it. Not to worry, I just found an easy way to do it.

First, Indiana is a US state. This word’s etymology: Indian + Latin-derived place-name suffix -ana.
word-forming element denoting “collection of sayings, gossip, etc. connected with a person or place

OK, now let’s analyze Indian. It can be a noun, means a person from India or whose family comes from India. It also can be an adjective, means of or connected with India or with the subcontinent that includes India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Well, it’s time to see India. It’s a country in southern Asia. The word’s from Greek India “region of the Indus River,”

In summary, India -> Indian -> Indiana

Second, let’s analyze Jones. It’s a surname, literally “John’s (child);”, so it’s J + ones. One here means a person of the type mentioned. For example, I’ll take my little one to an aquarium this weekend. Everybody wants to spend time with their loved ones.

OK. This is it. I hope the article is helpful for you.

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