BPMN 2.0 快速使用文檔


BPMN 使用教程 3

BPMN 基礎 3

事件(Event) 3

開始事件(Start Event) 3

中間事件(Intermediate Event ) 4

結束事件(End event) 6

活動(Activity) 7

任務(Task) 7

子流程(Sub process) 8

點對點子流程(Adhoc Sub Process) 9

事務型子流程(Transaction) 10

事件型子流程(Event Sub Process) 12

調用型活動(Call Activity) 14

網關(Gateway) 15

流(Flow) 16

順序流(Sequence Flow) 16

消息流(Message Flow) 16

數據關聯(Data Association) 17

關聯(Association) 17

數據(Data) 17

工件(Artifact) 18

泳道基礎(Swimlane basics) 19

泳道(Lane) 20

泳池(Pool) 21

BPMN 基本規則 22

BPMN的一些基本規則: 22

BPMN 澄清說明 23

流程、模型、示意圖和文件 23

數據流 23

網關 23

手動、自動化和半自動化的任務 24

發送和接收消息 24

BPMN命名規則的最佳實踐 24

活動 24

網關 25

順序流 25

事件 25

數據對象 25

參與者 26

角色 26

泳池 26

泳道 26

BPMN建模最佳實踐 26

流程範圍 26

流程分割與結構 27

開始和結束事件 27

網關 27

協作 28
































BPMN 使用教程










數據(Data)             製品(Artifact)         泳道(Swimlane)



開始事件(Start Event





空開始事件(None Start Event



中斷-消息開始事件(Interrupting - Message Start Event



非中斷消息-開始事件(Non-interrupting - Message Start Event



中斷-定時器開始事件(Interrupting - Timer Start Event



非中斷定-時器開始事件(Non-interrupting - Timer Start Event



中斷-條件開始事件(Interrupting - Conditional Start Event



非中斷-條件開始事件(Non-interrupting - Conditional Start Event



中斷-信號開始事件(Interrupting Signal Start Event



非中斷-信號開始事件(Interrupting Signal Start Event



中斷-多重開始事件(Interrupting Multiple Start Event



非中斷-多重開始事件(Non-interrupting Multiple Start Event



中斷-平行多重開始事件(Interrupting - Parallel Multiple Start Event



非中斷-平行多重開始事件(Non-interrupting - Parallel Multiple Start Event



中斷-升級開始事件(Interrupting - Escalation Start Event



非中斷-升級開始事件(Non-interrupting - Escalation Start Event



中斷-錯誤開始事件(Interrupting - Error Start Event



中斷-補償開始事件(Interrupting - Compensation Start Event





中間事件(Intermediate Event 





中斷-空中間事件(Interrupting - None Intermediate Event



捕獲-消息中間事件(Catch - Message Intermediate Event



中斷-邊界-捕獲消息中間事件(Interrupting - Boundary - Catch -  Message Intermediate Event



非中斷-邊界-捕獲-消息中間事件(Non-interrupting - Boundary - Catch - Message Intermediate Event



拋出-消息中間事件(Throw - Message Intermediate Event



定時中間事件(Timer Intermediate Event



中斷-邊界-定時中間事件(Interrupting - Boundary  - Timer Intermediate Event



非中斷邊界-定時中間事件(Non-interrupting Boundary - Timer Intermediate Event



條件中間事件(Conditional Intermediate Event



中斷-邊界-條件中間事件(Interrupting – Boundary - Conditional Intermediate Event



非中斷-邊界-條件中間事件(Non-interrupting - Boundary - Conditional Intermediate Event



捕獲-信號中間事件(Catch - Signal Intermediate Event



中斷-邊界-捕獲-信號中間事件(Interrupting - Boundary - Catch - Signal Intermediate Event



非中斷-邊界-捕獲-信號中間事件(Non-interrupting - Boundary - Catch - Signal Intermediate Event



中斷-邊界-拋出-信號中間事件(Interrupting - Boundary - Throw - Signal Intermediate Event



捕獲-多重中間事件(Catch - Multiple Intermediate Event



中斷-邊界-捕獲-多重中間事件(Interrupting - Boundary - Catch - Multiple Intermediate Event



非中斷邊界-捕獲-多重中間事件(Non-interrupting Boundary - Catch - Multiple Intermediate Event



拋出-多重中間事件(Throw - Multiple Intermediate Event



捕獲-平行多重中間事件(Catch - Parallel Multiple Intermediate Event



中斷-邊界-捕獲-平行多重中間事件(Interrupting - Boundary - Catch - Parallel Multiple Intermediate Event



非中斷邊界-捕獲-平行多重中間事件(Non-interrupting Boundary - Catch - Parallel Multiple Intermediate Event



捕獲-升級中間事件(Catch - Escalation Intermediate Event



中斷-邊界-捕獲-升級中間事件(Interrupting - Boundary - Catch - Escalation Intermediate Event



非中斷-邊界-捕獲-升級中間事件(Non-interrupting - Boundary - Catch - Escalation Intermediate Event



拋出-升級中間事件(Throw - Escalation Intermediate Event



邊界-捕獲-錯誤中間事件(Boundary - Catch - Error Intermediate Event



邊界-捕獲-補償中間件事件(Boundary - Catch - Compensation Intermediate Event



拋出-補償中間事件(Throw - Compensation Intermediate Event



捕獲-連接中間事件(Catch - Link Intermediate Event



拋出-連接中間事件(Throw - Link Intermediate Event



邊界-捕獲-取消中間事件(Boundary - Catch - Cancel Intermediate Event












結束事件(End event





空結束事件(None End Event



消息結束事件(Message End Event



信號結束事件(Signal End Event



多重結束事件(Multiple End Event



升級結束事件(Escalation End Event



錯誤結束事件(Error End Event



補償結束事件(Compensation End Event



取消結束事件(Cancel  End Event



終止結束事件(Terminate End Event



















抽象任務(Abstract Task



服務任務(Service Task



發送任務 (Send Task



接收任務(Receive Task



用戶任務(User Task



手動任務(Manual Task



業務規則任務(Business Rule Task



腳本任務(Script Task





子流程(Sub process






Collapsed Sub Process




Expanded Sub Process


















點對點子流程(Adhoc Sub Process






Adhoc Expanded Sub Process




























收縮狀態的事務型子流程(Collapsed Transaction



展開狀態的事務型子流程(Expanded Transaction






















事件型子流程(Event Sub Process






Non-interrupting Message - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Interrupting -Message - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Non-interrupting - Timer - Event Sub-Process -Collapsed




Interrupting - Timer - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Non-interrupting - Conditional - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Interrupting - Conditional - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Non-interrupting- Signal - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Interrupting - Signal - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Non-interrupting- Multiple - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Interrupting - Multiple - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Non-interrupting - Parallel Multiple - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Interrupting - Parallel Multiple - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Non-interrupting – Escalation - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Interrupting - Escalation Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Interrupting - Error - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed




Interrupting – Compensation - Event Sub-Process - Collapsed












調用型活動(Call Activity





抽象調用型活動(Abstract Call Activity



用戶調用型活動(User Call Activity



手動操作調用型活動(Manual Call Activity



業務規則調用型活動(Business Rule Call Activity



腳本調用型活動(Script Call Activity
























排他網關-無標誌(Exclusive Gateway - without Marker



排他網關-有標誌(Exclusive Gateway - with Marker



包容網關(Inclusive Gateway



平行網關(Parallel Gateway



複雜網關(Complex Gateway



事件觸發型網關(Event-Based Gateway




Event-Based Gateway to Start a Process




Parallel Event-Based Gateway to Start a Process










順序流(Sequence Flow






順序流(Sequence Flow



條件順序流(Conditional Sequence Flow



默認順序流(Default Sequence Flow






消息流(Message Flow





消息流(Message Flow




Initiating Message Flow with Decorator




Non-Initiating Message Flow with Decorator










數據關聯(Data Association





Data Association














單向關聯(Directional Association




Bi-Directional Association











數據對象(Data Object



數據對象的集合(Data Object Collection



數據來源(Data Input



數據來源的集合(Data Input Collection



數據輸出(Data Output



數據輸出的集合(Data Output Collection



數據存儲(Data Store














文本註解(Text Annotation
















泳道基礎(Swimlane basics

































水平方向泳道Horizontal Lane




Vertical Lane





















Horizontal Pool



水平方向泳池-多實例參與者Horizontal Pool - with Multi Instance Participant



垂直方向泳池Vertical Pool



垂直方向泳池-多實例參與者Vertical Pool - with Multi Instance Participant






BPMN 基本規則




ü 用來顯示活動在流程中執行的方向

ü 它們不能夠跨越子流程的邊界

ü 它們不能跨越泳池的邊界



ü 用來顯示各個參與者之間的溝通

ü 它們不能用來連接在相同泳池內的對象



ü 必須要有至少一個向外的順序流

ü 不能有任何一個向內的順序流



ü 子流程中的一個開始事件必須屬於空事件類型



BPMN 澄清說明





ü 在BPMN中,流程、模型、示意圖和文件並不是對等的。一個BPMN模型可能會包




ü 一個BPMN示意圖並不是一個數據流示意圖,儘管數據對象目前在BPMN中是一等公




ü 網關並不做決策。

ü 網關不應該用來做任何判斷,它們只應該用來分流。

ü 一個決策的結果應該在進入到網關前的活動中就提前決定好 。



ü 使用手動任務描述一個無需涉及到任何軟件協助的而完成的工作。 

ü 使用用戶任務描述一個涉及到需要軟件協助才能完成的半自動化工作。

ü 使用服務任務描述一個全自動化的工作。



ü 從時間維度上看,如果消息的發送或者接收是實時的,可以考慮使用一個消息事件。

ü 如果消息的發送或者接收是可以被打斷的,可以考慮使用消息任務。

ü 事件映射到時間線上的點,而任務則映射到一個時間間隔。 






ü 使用那些對業務有意義的關鍵詞

ü 不要使用不常見的縮寫詞

ü 不要在它的名稱中使用元素類型

ü 避免使用冠詞和人稱代詞



ü 應該給所有的活動命名。

ü 使用動詞-名詞的形式給活動命名。

ü 使用動詞的現在時態,並且該動詞要對業務有意義。

ü 使用一個能夠很好的表達業務的名詞。

ü 除了調用型活動,不要給多個不同的活動使用相同的名稱。



ü 網關不需要執行任何工作或者做任何決策;它僅僅就是用來顯示流程匯合或分流的方向。

ü 不要給匯合網關命名。

ü 連接一個文本註釋當匯合邏輯看起來不明顯時。

ü 使用疑問句給分流的排他網關命名。



ü 使用其被標記爲結果的關聯條件爲從分流網關(排他、包容和複雜網關)出來的順序流命名。使用其被標記爲結果的關聯條件爲條件順序流命名。

ü 不要給默認順序流命名。



ü 所有的事件都應該被命名。

ü 使用動詞的過去分詞形式給消息、信號、升級和錯誤事件命名。

ü 使用名詞給鏈接事件命名。

ü 使用一個相匹配的名稱給成對的消息、鏈接、信號、升級和錯誤類型的事件命名。

ü 根據其計劃給定時事件命名。

ü 使用觸發條件給條件事件命名。

ü 使用結束狀態的名稱給結束事件命名。



ü 應該給所有的數據對象命名。

ü 使用一個合格的名詞來命名數據對象,該名詞可以是業務對象或者信息對象的名稱,對業務描述有意義。在給同一個數據對象(真實的數據引用)的多個實例命名時,使用一個相匹配的名稱,緊跟一個花括號,裏面是其狀態。



ü 使用一個合格的名詞或者名詞詞組給參與者命名。



ü 使用一個合格的名詞或者名詞詞組給角色命名。



ü 使用參與者的名稱給泳池命名。

ü 不要使用流程名給泳池命名。

ü 在BPMN中,一個泳池是用來描述一個參與者。



ü 使用類別名來命名泳道

ü 泳道通常用角色來給元素分類





ü 通過識別出是流程(流程就是如何做(how))中的誰(who)、什麼事(what)、什麼時候(when)、什麼地方(where)以及爲什麼(why)來明確的定義業務的範圍。

ü 明確的識別出流程中的每一個實例代表什麼。

ü 實例很小也可識別:你可以引用每一個實例,並且它們是可數的。

ü 識別出潛在可行的方式使用開始事件來觸發一個流程。

ü 識別出潛在可行的方式使用結束事件來結束一個流程中實例的狀態。





ü 剛好適合顯示在一頁中的BPMN示意圖最佳。

ü 儘量使用簡潔的佈局,減少跨流程來提升可讀性。

ü 和水平順序流、垂直關聯數據和消息流一起使用連貫的佈局。

ü BPMN示意圖並不限於時間上的順序(因爲有可能會循環回來),但是大多數讀者期待一個從左到右的順序。

ü 不要創建之字形元素的佈局。

ü 它應該清楚的表達流程首要(“快樂的”)的路徑是什麼。

ü 使用業務規則任務儘可能的從流程中表達出業務的規則,以幫助創建出更準確和更靈活的流程模型。

ü 創建其他可行的相同流程的可視圖,用於不同的溝通目的和參與者。例如:一個總結性的示意圖,其所有的子流程和調用型活動都處於收縮狀態,沒有展示出任何數據對象。又如,一個詳細的示意圖,其所有的子流程和調用型活動都處於展開狀態,展示出所有的數據對象和文字註解。




ü 創建分級且多層級的流程細節。

ü 使用子流程將你的流程分割成“詞組”。

ü 使用調用型活動來重用其他的流程。




ü 總是應該使用開始和結束事件。

ü 通過流程可選的實例化來分辨出不同的開始事件。

ü 通過不同的結束狀態來分辨出不同的結束事件。

ü 那些在相同的結束狀態的流應該被合併到同一個結束事件。




ü  總是應該使用網關來描述分流或者流的合併。

ü 不要使用混合網關(合併和分流),總是應該將一個用於做決策(分流條件)的活動放置在一個分流網關,包括排他、包容和複雜網關。這麼做的好處就是,這個用於做決策的活動就可以在需要時中斷它。

ü 將多重連接在一起的分流網關抽象成一個業務規則任務。這麼做的好處就是能夠簡化這些負載的示意圖。




ü 不要在泳池裏爲內部流程建模。

ü 沒有一個泳池來打標籤,人們可以避免使用流程名來命名一個泳池這樣不好的做法。




BPMN 詞彙表



Abstract Process


A Process that represents the interactions between a private business process and another process or participant.



Work that a company or organization performs using business processes. An activity can be atomic or non-atomic (compound). The types of activities that are a part of a Process Model are: Process, Sub-Process, and Task.



A graphical object that provides supporting information about the Process or elements within the Process. However, it does not directly affect the flow of the Process.



A connecting object that is used to link information and Artifacts with Flow Objects.  An association is represented as a dotted graphical line with an arrowhead to represent the direction of flow

Atomic Activity


An activity not broken down to a finer level of Process Model detail. It is a leaf in the tree-structure hierarchy of Process activities. Graphically it will appear as a Task in BPMN.

BPM System


The technology that enables BPM.

Business Analyst


A specialist who analyzes business needs and problems, consults with users and stakeholders to identify opportunities for improving business return through information technology, and defines, manages, and monitors the requirements into business processes.

Business Process


A defined set of business activities that represent the steps required to achieve a business objective. It includes the flow and use of information and resources.

Business Process Management


The services and tools that support process management (for example, process analysis, definition, processing, monitoring and administration), including support for human and application-level interaction. BPM tools can eliminate manual processes and automate the routing of requests between departments and applications.



An ordered sequence of B2B message exchanges between two or more Participants. In a Choreography there is no central controller, responsible entity, or observer of the Process.



Collaboration is the act of sending messages between any two Participants in a BPMN model. The two Participants represent two separate BPML processes.

Collapsed Sub-Process


A Sub-Process that hides its flow details. The Collapsed Sub-Process object uses a marker to distinguish it as a Sub-Process, rather than a Task. The marker is a small square with a plus sign (+) inside.

Compensation Flow


Flow that defines the set of activities that are performed while the transaction  is being rolled back to compensate for activities that were performed during the Normal Flow of the Process. A Compensation Flow can also be called from a Compensate End or Intermediate Event.

Compound Activity


Flow that proceeds from one Flow Object to another, via a Sequence Flow link, but is subject to either conditions or dependencies from other flow as defined by a Gateway. Typically, this is seen as a Sequence flow between two activities, with a conditional indicator (mini-diamond) or a Sequence Flow connected to a Gateway.



A gateway within a business process where the Sequence Flow can take one of several alternative paths. Also known as "Or-Split."

End Event


An Event that indicates where a path in the process will end. In terms of Sequence Flows, the End Event ends the flow of the Process, and thus, will not have any outgoing Sequence Flows. An End Event can have a specific Result that will appear as a marker within the center of the End Event shape. End Event Results are Message, Error, Compensation, Signal, Link, and Multiple. The End Event shares the same basic shape of the Start Event and Intermediate Event, a circle, but is drawn with a thick single line.

Event Context


An Event Context is the set of activities that can be interrupted by an exception  (Intermediate Event). This can be one activity or a group of activities in an expanded Sub-Process.



An event that occurs during the performance of the Process that causes a diversion from the Normal Flow of the Process. Exceptions can be generated by Intermediate Events, such as time, error, or message.

Exception Flow


A Sequence Flow path that originates from an Intermediate Event attached to the boundary of an activity. The Process does not traverse this path unless the Activity is interrupted by the triggering of a boundary Intermediate Event (an Exception - see above).

Expanded Sub-Process


A Sub-Process that exposes its flow detail within the context of its Parent Process. An Expanded Sub-Process is displayed as a rounded rectangle that is enlarged to display the Flow Objects within.



A directional connector between elements in a Process, Collaboration, or Choreography. A Sequence Flows represents the sequence of Flow Objects in a Process or Choreography. A Message Flow represents the transmission of a Message between Collaboration Participants. The term Flow is often used to represent the overall progression of how a Process or Process segment would be performed.

Flow Object


A graphical object that can be connected to or from a Sequence Flow. In a Process, Flow Objects are Events, Activities, and Gateways. In a Choreography, Flow Objects are Events, Choreography Activities, and Gateways.



A point in the Process where one Sequence Flow path is split into two or more paths that are run in parallel within the Process, allowing multiple activities to run simultaneously rather than sequentially. BPMN uses multiple outgoing Sequence Flows from Activities or Events or a Parallel Gateway to perform a Fork. Also known as “AND-Split.”

Intermediate Event


An event that occurs after a Process has been started. An Intermediate Event affects the flow of the process by showing where messages and delays are expected, distributing the Normal Flow through exception handling, or showing the extra flow required for compensation. However, an Intermediate Event does not start or directly terminate a process. An Intermediate Event is displayed as a circle, drawn with a thin double line.



A point in the Process where two or more parallel Sequence Flow paths are combined into one Sequence Flow path. BPMN uses a Parallel Gateway to perform a Join. Also known as “AND-Join.”



A partition that is used to organize and categorize activities within a Pool. A Lane extends the entire length of the Pool either vertically or horizontally. Lanes are often used for such things as internal roles (e.g., Manager, Associate), systems (e.g., an enterprise application), or an internal department (e.g., shipping, finance).



A point in the Process where two or more alternative Sequence Flow paths are combined into one Sequence Flow path. No synchronization is required because no parallel activity runs at the join point. BPMN uses multiple incoming Sequence Flows for an Activity or an Exclusive Gateway to perform a Merge. Also know as “OR-Join.”



An Object that depicts the contents of a communication between two Participants. A message is transmitted through a Message Flow and has an identity that can be used for alternative branching of a Process through the Event-Based Exclusive Gateway.

Message Flow


A Connecting Object that shows the flow of messages between two Participants. A Message Flow is represented by a dashed lined.

Normal Flow


A flow that originates from a Start Event and continues through activities on alternative and parallel paths until reaching an End Event.

Parent Process


A Process that holds a Sub-Process within its boundaries.



A business entity (e.g., a company, company division, or a customer) or a business role (e.g., a buyer or a seller) that controls or is responsible for a business process. If Pools are used, then a Participant would be associated with one Pool. In a Collaboration, Participants are informally known as “Pools”.



A Pool represents a Participant in a Collaboration. Graphically, a Pool is a container for partitioning a Process from other Pools/Participants. A Pool is not required to contain a Process, i.e., it can be a “black box.”

Private Business Process


A process that is internal to a specific organization and is the type of process  that has been generally called a workflow or BPM process.



A sequence or flow of Activities in an organization with the objective of carrying out work. In BPMN, a Process is depicted as a graph of Flow Elements, which are a set of Activities, Events, Gateways, and Sequence Flow that adhere to a finite execution semantics.



The consequence of reaching an End Event. Types of Results include Message, Error, Compensation, Signal, Link, and Multiple.

Sequence Flow


A connecting object that shows the order in which activities are performed in a Process and is represented with a solid graphical line. Each Flow has only one source and only one target. A Sequence Flow can cross the boundaries between Lanes of a Pool but cannot cross the boundaries of a Pool.

Start Event


An Event that indicates where a particular Process starts. The Start Event starts the flow of the Process and does not have any incoming Sequence Flow, but can have a Trigger. The Start Event is displayed as a circle, drawn with a single thin line.



A Process that is included within another Process. The Sub-Process can be in a collapsed view that hides its details. A Sub-Process can be in an expanded view that shows its details within the view of the Process that it is contained in. A Sub-Process shares the same shape as the Task, which is a rectangle that has rounded corners.



A Swimlane is a graphical container for partitioning a set of activities from other activities. BPMN has two different types of Swimlanes. See “Pool” and “Lane.”



An atomic activity that is included within a Process. A Task is used when the work in the Process is not broken down to a finer level of Process Model detail. Generally, an end-user, an application, or both will perform the Task. A Task object shares the same shape as the Sub-Process, which is a rectangle that has rounded corners.



A theoretical concept that is used as an aid to define the behavior of a Process that is being performed. The behavior of Process elements can be defined by describing how they interact with a token as it “traverses” the structure of the Process. For example, a token will pass through an Exclusive Gateway, but continue down only one of the Gateway's outgoing Sequence Flow.



A Sub-Process that represents a set of coordinated activities carried out by independent, loosely-coupled systems in accordance with a contractually defined business relationship. This coordination leads to an agreed, consistent, and verifiable outcome across all participants.



A mechanism that detects an occurrence and can cause additional processing in response, such as the start of a business Process. Triggers are associated with Start Events and Intermediate Events and can be of the type: Message, Timer, Conditional, Signal, Link, and Multiple.

Uncontrolled Flow


Flow that proceeds without dependencies or conditional expressions. Typically, an Uncontrolled Flow is a Sequence Flow between two Activities that do not have a conditional indicator (mini-diamond) or an intervening Gateway.





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