



Extensibility - Because I Like To Tweak Things




This brings me to the last big benefit that coding this way provides, assuming that you are writing your code in a way that lets you take advantage of it: extensibility. MooTools has a class based hierarchy (inspired by Dean Edwards excellent work), but don’t let the name fool you. It’s called a class but it’s really just an object factory that makes taking advantage of the prototypal inheritance model in JavaScript easier.

這是這種編碼方式給我代理的最後一個大好處,假設你現在寫代碼的方式能夠利用它的可擴展性。MooTools有一種基於類的層次結構(靈感來源於Dean Edwards的傑出工作),不要被這個名字給欺騙了。儘管它叫做類,實際上就只是一個object工廠,只不過讓JavaScript裏面的原型繼承模型變得更容易跟簡單而已。

You don’t need MooTools to do this of course. JavaScript will let you do it yourself. But because this is the way MooTools works from the ground up, it makes it hard to avoid writing your own code this way. Writing your own classes is really easy, and extending a class - even if you didn’t write it - is easy, too.


Let’s take our FormPopup above. let’s say we want to have the popup appear with an effect. Just to make it interesting, lets say that there is already code out there using it, so we don’t want to alter it, but for the page we’re on, we want the popup to fade in and fade out rather than just appear.


MooTools lets you take any class (even the ones you didn’t write) and extend them into new classes. You don’t need to duplicate the whole class to add your differences - you only write the part you want to add or change.



參考代碼: [複製代碼] [保存代碼]
  1. var PopupForm.Fx = new Class({
  2.     Extends: PopupForm,
  3.     show: function(){
  4.         this.popup.setStyles({
  5.             opacity: 0,
  6.             display: 'none'
  7.         }).tween('opacity'1);
  8.     },
  9.     hide: function(){
  10.         this.popup.tween('opacity'0).chain(function(){
  11.             this.popup.hide();
  12.         }.bind(this));
  13.     }
  14. });



Now we have a new class called PopupForm.Fx that will fade the popup in and out. We haven’t changed PopupForm at all. What’s more, if we later find a bug in one of PopupForm’s methods, we can fix it in that one place and it’s fixed for both classes AND all the places we use it.


When I write my code this way, it means that every page, site, and project I work on I add a few more tools to my toolbox when I go to the next project. I’ve released over 70 plugins for MooTools in the last year or two, and this is just the code that I thought other people could use. Form validators, date pickers, and more. I’ve written many more extensions for my own projects that aren’t so generic, but they are no less reusable for my own work.


Looking Under the Hood




All this brings me back to what I really wanted to talk about, which is my thinking about MooTools and what makes it different from many other frameworks. Watching the jQuery presentations (again, jQuery is just different - not better or worse), I realized that MooTools and jQuery are very different in the solutions they present.


When talking with Bill Scott about his team and their use of jQuery, I asked him about what they do to program to patterns. Bill’s a great guy to ask about this because he spent a lot of last year giving a great talk about user experience patterns and YUI (I highly recommend it). He lead the project for the whole YUI pattern library. Here’s a guy who is all about creating patterns for reusability. I asked him about working with jQuery, which has mechanisms for creating plugins, but not a way to extend those plugins and, frankly, the plugin mechanism seems a little awkward to me (for instance, if you want to call a plugin method, you must do jQuery(domId).pluginName(”methodName”, [arg1, arg2]); - I hope I have that right - this seems incredibly esoteric to me).

當和Bill Scott談論他的團隊和他們對jQuery的使用,我詢問了他們對於按模式編程的所做的工作。Bill是相當適合問這個問題的人選,因爲他去年花了很長時間做了一個關於用戶體驗模式和YUI的演講(我強烈推薦這個)。他領導了整個YUI項目模式庫。他是一個一直致力於爲重用而創建模式的人。我問了他關於在jQuery中創建插件的機制,而不是擴展那些插件,坦率地說,這個插件機制對於我來說有一點尷尬(例如,你爲了調用一個插件的方法,你必須這樣寫:jQuery(domId).pluginName(”methodName”, [arg1, arg2]);——我希望我說的是對的——這對於我來說實在是神祕莫測)

After hearing me talk about the reusability and extensibility patterns built into MooTools, he made an excellent point: He knows enough about JavaScript to have his own methods for making use of JavaScript’s inheritance mechanisms. In other words, he uses jQuery for DOM manipulation and effects and for some of its plugins, but when he writes his own code, he has his own class system (I don’t think he used the word “class” though - but basically some sort of factory to create reusable and extendable objects).


JavaScript Has Its Own Methods For Reuse




This, frankly, was something I hadn’t considered. jQuery is really, really good at obscuring the DOM and its headaches from the user. It’s simple to use and very expressive. Viewed as a part of a broader framework (i.e one in which the user is just making use of JavaScript’s inherent potential as an object oriented language) it makes a lot of sense.


But then Bill said something else that made me seriously consider the participants in all the talks at the Ajax Experience. He said something to the effect: “But I guess I just never really thought that other people wouldn’t do that.” That other people would use jQuery (or any other Framework, or even just vanilla JavaScript) and NOT make use of JavaScript’s (somewhat hidden) inheritance system.


This is when three things clicked for me. Three really big things that, to me, only reinforce my preference for MooTools.


Everyone Is a Noob At Something




The first big thing was that a lot of people (maybe not all, or a majority, or even a third - who knows) using the frameworks don’t think think this way. MooTools users, jQuery users, YUI users. They just write the code to get the page to do what they want (and to be clear, I wrote a lot of my code this way until earlier this year - now almost everything I write are classes). These people are excited about what they are able to do in the browser and they are excited with how fun/powerful/slick/usable/whatever their sites are. When they need to refactor them, it will be painful, but they are happy non-the-less (again, I am/was one of these people - I’m not talking down).


I think it’s safe to say that of all the frameworks, jQuery makes this experience easy to get into. It so completely obscures the browser and feels so much like CSS in many ways that it’s like a gateway drug. You do a little, and then you can’t stop. If jQuery has accomplished nothing else, it has introduced a lot of people to JavaScript and got them to stick around. This is no minor accomplishment.


But We All Learn Eventually




The second big thing that became apparent to me was that sooner or later, people writing this way are going to get really, really good at it, and when they do, they’ll want to be more efficient. They may not take the same road as I’m currently on - the number of frameworks out there illustrate that there are a lot of ways to skin this cat. But they will get past the “hey look, I can make a slick ajax login box” phase and will want to start developing code that’s easier to reuse, maintain, and extend. That’s when they’ll re-read Crockford’s book and ask themselves why they aren’t doing some of the stuff in there.


Again, regardless of which framework they are using, this is going to happen. Step one: learn javascript syntax basics. Step two: learn to do some fun effects/ajax with a framework. Step four through seven hundred and nineteen: make a bunch of stupid mistakes and learn some stuff the hard way. Step seven hundred and twenty: get really good at JavaScript and look back on your previous work with disdain. This is the way of all programming experience, am I right people? (Hey, afford me one generalizing, sweeping statement about all programming languages, ok?)


With Frameworks, What Matters Is Hidden Deep Inside




And this, finally, led me to the third big thing. The thing that reaffirms my choice of MooTools. All the frameworks out there are increasingly becoming very similar to each other at the edges. I.E. they all eventually look something like this:



參考代碼: [複製代碼] [保存代碼]
  1. fetch(element).verb(details).verb(details).verb(details)



The only real difference is terminology. One framework might use $, another might do something like, oh, Y.get, or jQuery(id), followed by different verbs that are synonymous with the next framework. At the edges, they all do the same thing. This is because we all see good patterns in each others’ work and incorporate it - again, we’re all working against the same thing - the browsers - for the same purpose.


But where they are different is deep down in the core. The developers of these frameworks don’t spent their days writing code to animate login boxes. Sure, they write that stuff for their own projects, but the framework work itself is down inside. Sooner or later, anyone starting out learning one of these frameworks is going to get to a point where writing code at the edges are going to want to start making use of the mojo down in the core. They are going to re-read Crockford’s book and think, “I am going about this the hard way - I’m repeating myself too much, and that thing I wrote today was almost, but not quite, identical to the thing I wrote yesterday. There has to be a better way.” People like Bill Scott are already doing this, but everyone just getting started are still impressed by seeing something bounce on the screen (as well they should be).

但是在覈心深處,他們是各不相同的。這些框架的開發者不會花大量的時間來寫一個讓登陸框變化的代碼。當然,他們爲各自的項目完成這樣的工作,這些框架本身的工作在內部進行。遲早,任何人開始學習其中的一個框架,就會接觸到邊緣代碼,然後就會想去利用核心的代碼。他們會重新閱讀“Crockford的書”並想:“我在用很困難的方式做這個——我不停地重複太多了,那個東西和我昨天寫的東西幾乎一樣,雖然不完全一樣。那裏肯定有更好的方式。”像Bill Scott這樣的人已經在做這些了,但是每個剛剛開始的人還深深地銘記着從屏幕上看到的那些絢麗的東西(當然,他們應該這樣)。

When they get really good and are ready to take that next step, they will look to the core of their library of choice for guidance. After spending months grinding out code with whatever framework they started with, they’ll look to the experts of that framework for answers, and the experts are writing the core. Every framework has a mechanism for writing plugins and extending them and I will admit that I am only familiar with a few of them in a cursory manner. I cannot pass judgement on any of them save MooTools, so I’ll limit my pronouncements to that. Nearly all of the functionality in MooTools is implemented as extensions to native objects (arrays, strings, etc) and classes. Throughout the library the principals of (shallow) inheritance and reuse are illustrated in an easy to read and easy to use manner. It is because of this that my own code has gotten so much better than it used to be (and I’m a contributor! - don’t hold that against the framework, please).


Why MooTools Rocks (At Least, Why I Think It Does)




So now, when people ask me why I think MooTools is the better choice, I’ll still tell them that it’s not about what’s better than the next one, and that all the frameworks are good choices, but the reason that I, personally, prefer MooTools is finally something I can put into words. All the frameworks achieve similar goals in different ways, but, for me at least, MooTools helps me solve my design and implementation challenges once, which is definitely good enough reason for me.




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