How to conrfig and run Spring Security 3 tutorial under Myeclipse8

Spring security is one of the security framework under JavaEE platform, Here are the steps to guide how to configure and run the tutorial inside "spring-security-3.0.2.RELEASE". Before starting, you need know how to develop spring under myEclipse.


Step 1, Navigate to Myeclipse JavaEE Pespective.


Step 2. Create a new Web Project "springsecurity".


Step 3. Add Spring Capacibility.


Step 4, Import Spring Security libs, spring-security-config-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar and spring-security-core-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar are required.


Step 5, Uncompress spring-security-samples-contacts-3.0.2.RELEASE.war and copy the files into the web project. Please keep the same structor.


Step 6, Uncompress spring-security-samples-tutorial-3.0.2.RELEASE-sources.jar and copy all the files into src folder.


Step 7, if there is no file existing in the src folder, please create it !


The final project structor looks like this,



Step 8, deploy the project under such web containers as tomcat and ask htttp://localhost:8080/springsecurity/


If you can see the screen like below. Congratulations! You can run spring tutorial in your locla successfully!


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