
Dim ImgWHInfo
' 建立類對象
Set ImgWHInfo = New clsImgWHInfo
Call ImgWHInfo.GetImgInfo
Response.write "Img類型: " & ImgWHInfo.ImgType & "<br>"
Response.write "寬: " & ImgWHInfo.Width & "<br>"
Response.write "高: " & ImgWHInfo.Height & "<br>"
Response.write "<hr>"
Response.Write "<img src='" & IMGPath & "' border=0><br>"
Set ImgWHInfo = Nothing
<Script RunAt="Server" Language="VBScript">
'運行環境:ADO 2.5以上/FSO
'作者:jimzhu 請保留

'File 文件的路徑

'GetImgInfo 執行
Class clsImgWHInfo
 Private objStream
 Private m_File,m_Type,m_Height,m_Width
 Private Sub Class_Initialize
  m_File = vbNullString
 End Sub

 Property Let File(ByVal value)
'  If GetFileExt(value)=".mp3" Then m_File=value
 End Property
 Property Get ImgType()
 End Property
 Property Get Height()
 End Property
 Property Get Width()
 End Property

 Sub GetImgInfo()
  Dim objFSO,IMGFile,FileExt,sFile
  Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  If (objFSO.FileExists(sFile)) Then
   Select Case FileExt
    Case "gif","bmp","jpg","jpeg","png","swf"
     Call GetImageSize(sFile)
    Case Else
     m_Type="File isn;t an Image File."
   End Select
   Set IMGFile=Nothing
   m_Type="File Not Exists."
  End If
  Set objFSO=Nothing
 End Sub

 Private Sub GetImageSize(ByVal FullPath)
  Dim bFlag
  Set objStream=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
  Select Case Hex(Bin2Val(bFlag))
   Case "4E5089"
    objStream.Position = objStream.Position + 15
    objStream.Position = objStream.Position + 2
   Case "464947"
    objStream.Position = objStream.Position + 3
   Case "535746"
    objStream.Position = objStream.Position + 5
    While Len(sConv)<nBits*4
   Case "FFD8FF"
    Dim iTmp
    Do While True
     Loop Until iTmp<255 Or objStream.EOS
     If iTmp>191 And iTmp<196 Then
      Exit Do
      objStream.Position = objStream.Position + Bin2ValRev(objStream.Read(2))-2
     End If
     Loop Until iTmp=255 Or objStream.EOS
    objStream.Position = objStream.Position + 3
   Case Else
    If Left(Bin2Str(bFlag),2)="BM" Then
     objStream.Position = objStream.Position + 15
    End If
  End Select
  Set objStream=Nothing
 End Sub

 Private Function Bin2Str(ByVal BinStr)
  Dim iChar,iCharLow,sRet,i,iLen
  sRet = vbNullString
  For i=1 To iLen
   If iChar > 127 Then
    If i<=iLen Then sRet =sRet & Chr(iChar*&H100 + AscB(MidB(BinStr,i,1)))
    If iChar<>0 Then sRet = sRet & Chr(iChar)
   End If
  Bin2Str = sRet
 End Function

 Private Function Num2Str(ByVal Num,ByVal Base,ByVal Lens)
  Dim Ret
  Ret = vbNullString
  While Num>=Base
   Ret = (Num Mod Base) & Ret
   Num = (Num - Num Mod Base)/Base
  Num2Str = Right(String(Lens,"0") & Num & Ret,Lens)
 End Function

 Private Function Str2Num(ByVal Str,ByVal Base)
  Dim Ret,I,iLen
  Ret = 0
  iLen = Len(Str)
  For I=1 To iLen
   Ret = Ret*base + Cint(Mid(Str,I,1))
 End Function

 Private Function Bin2Val(ByVal Bin)
  Dim Ret,I,iLen
  Ret = 0
  iLen = LenB(Bin)
  For I = iLen To 1 Step -1
   Ret = Ret*&H100 + AscB(MidB(Bin,I,1))
 End Function

 Private Function Bin2ValRev(ByVal Bin)
  Dim Ret,I
  Ret = 0
  iLen = LenB(Bin)
  For I = 1 To iLen
   Ret = Ret*&H100 + AscB(MidB(Bin,I,1))
 End Function

 Private Function GetFileExt(ByVal FullPath)
  Dim iTmp
  GetFileExt = ""
  iTmp=InStrRev(FullPath, ".")
  If Not iTmp Then GetFileExt = LCase(Mid(FullPath,iTmp))
 End Function
End Class

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