

#ifndef __LIBEMQTT_H__
#define __LIBEMQTT_H__

#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
    #define MQTT_CONF_USERNAME_LENGTH 13 // Recommended by MQTT Specification (12 + '\0')

    #define MQTT_CONF_PASSWORD_LENGTH 13 // Recommended by MQTT Specification (12 + '\0')

#define MQTT_MSG_CONNECT       1<<4
#define MQTT_MSG_CONNACK       2<<4
#define MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH       3<<4
#define MQTT_MSG_PUBACK        4<<4
#define MQTT_MSG_PUBREC        5<<4
#define MQTT_MSG_PUBREL        6<<4
#define MQTT_MSG_PUBCOMP       7<<4
#define MQTT_MSG_SUBSCRIBE     8<<4
#define MQTT_MSG_SUBACK        9<<4
#define MQTT_MSG_UNSUBACK     11<<4
#define MQTT_MSG_PINGREQ      12<<4
#define MQTT_MSG_PINGRESP     13<<4
#define MQTT_MSG_DISCONNECT   14<<4

#define MQTTParseMessageType(buffer) ( *buffer & 0xF0 )
#define MQTTParseMessageDuplicate(buffer) ( *buffer & 0x08 )
#define MQTTParseMessageQos(buffer) ( (*buffer & 0x06) >> 1 )
#define MQTTParseMessageRetain(buffer) ( *buffer & 0x01 )

typedef struct {
    // Connection info
    char clientid[50];
    // Auth fields
    char username[MQTT_CONF_USERNAME_LENGTH];
    char password[MQTT_CONF_PASSWORD_LENGTH];
    // Will topic
    uint8_t will_retain;
    uint8_t will_qos;
    uint8_t clean_session;
    // Management fields
    uint16_t seq;
    uint16_t alive;
} mqtt_broker_handle_t;

uint8_t mqtt_num_rem_len_bytes(const uint8_t* buf);
uint16_t mqtt_parse_rem_len(const uint8_t* buf);
uint16_t mqtt_parse_msg_id(const uint8_t* buf);
uint16_t mqtt_parse_pub_topic(const uint8_t* buf, uint8_t* topic);
uint16_t mqtt_parse_pub_topic_ptr(const uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t** topic_ptr);
uint16_t mqtt_parse_publish_msg(const uint8_t* buf, uint8_t* msg);
uint16_t mqtt_parse_pub_msg_ptr(const uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t** msg_ptr);
/** Initialize the information to connect to the broker.
 * @param broker Data structure that contains the connection information with the broker.
 * @param clientid A string that identifies the client id.
 * @note Only has effect before to call mqtt_connect
void mqtt_init(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, const char* clientid);
/** Enable the authentication to connect to the broker.
 * @param broker Data structure that contains the connection information with the broker.
 * @param username A string that contains the username.
 * @param password A string that contains the password.
 * @note Only has effect before to call mqtt_connect
void mqtt_init_auth(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, const char* username, const char* password);
/** Set the keep alive timer.
 * @param broker Data structure that contains the connection information with the broker.
 * @param alive Keep aliver timer value (in seconds).
 * @note Only has effect before to call mqtt_connect
void mqtt_set_alive(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, uint16_t alive);
/** Connect to the broker.
 * @param broker Data structure that contains the connection information with the broker.
 * @retval  1 On success.
 * @retval  0 On connection error.
 * @retval -1 On IO error.
int mqtt_connect(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker);
/** Disconnect to the broker.
 * @param broker Data structure that contains the connection information with the broker.
 * @note The socket must also be closed.
 * @retval  1 On success.
 * @retval  0 On connection error.
 * @retval -1 On IO error.
int mqtt_disconnect(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker);
/** Publish a message on a topic. This message will be published with 0 Qos level.
 * @param broker Data structure that contains the connection information with the broker.
 * @param topic The topic name.
 * @param msg The message.
 * @param retain Enable or disable the Retain flag (values: 0 or 1).
 * @retval  1 On success.
 * @retval  0 On connection error.
 * @retval -1 On IO error.
int mqtt_publish(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, const char* topic, const char* msg, uint8_t retain);
/** Publish a message on a topic.
 * @param broker Data structure that contains the connection information with the broker.
 * @param topic The topic name.
 * @param msg The message.
 * @param retain Enable or disable the Retain flag (values: 0 or 1).
 * @param qos Quality of Service (values: 0, 1 or 2)
 * @param message_id Variable that will store the Message ID, if the pointer is not NULL.
 * @retval  1 On success.
 * @retval  0 On connection error.
 * @retval -1 On IO error.
int mqtt_publish_with_qos(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, const char* topic, const char* msg, uint8_t retain, uint8_t qos, uint16_t* message_id);
/** Send a PUBREL message. It's used for PUBLISH message with 2 QoS level.
 * @param broker Data structure that contains the connection information with the broker.
 * @param message_id Message ID
 * @retval  1 On success.
 * @retval  0 On connection error.
 * @retval -1 On IO error.
int mqtt_pubrel(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, uint16_t message_id);
/** Subscribe to a topic.
 * @param broker Data structure that contains the connection information with the broker.
 * @param topic The topic name.
 * @param message_id Variable that will store the Message ID, if the pointer is not NULL.
 * @retval  1 On success.
 * @retval  0 On connection error.
 * @retval -1 On IO error.
int mqtt_subscribe(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, const char* topic, uint16_t* message_id);
/** Unsubscribe from a topic.
 * @param broker Data structure that contains the connection information with the broker.
 * @param topic The topic name.
 * @param message_id Variable that will store the Message ID, if the pointer is not NULL.
 * @retval  1 On success.
 * @retval  0 On connection error.
 * @retval -1 On IO error.
int mqtt_unsubscribe(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, const char* topic, uint16_t* message_id);
/** Make a ping.
 * @param broker Data structure that contains the connection information with the broker.
 * @retval  1 On success.
 * @retval  0 On connection error.
 * @retval -1 On IO error.
int mqtt_ping();



    #include "emqtt.h"
    #include "usart4_wifi.h"

    #define MQTT_DUP_FLAG     1<<3
    #define MQTT_QOS0_FLAG    0<<1
    #define MQTT_QOS1_FLAG    1<<1
    #define MQTT_QOS2_FLAG    2<<1

    #define MQTT_RETAIN_FLAG  1

    #define MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION  1<<1
    #define MQTT_WILL_FLAG      1<<2
    #define MQTT_WILL_RETAIN    1<<5
    #define MQTT_USERNAME_FLAG  1<<7
    #define MQTT_PASSWORD_FLAG  1<<6

  #define TOPIC_MAX_LENGTH  64
    #define MESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH 1024
    //fixed_head×î´óΪ3 qossize×î´óΪ2

    uint8_t mqtt_num_rem_len_bytes(const uint8_t* buf) 
        uint8_t num_bytes = 1;
        if ((buf[1] & 0x80) == 0x80) 
            if ((buf[2] & 0x80) == 0x80) 
                num_bytes ++;
                if ((buf[3] & 0x80) == 0x80) 
                    num_bytes ++;
        return num_bytes;

    uint16_t mqtt_parse_rem_len(const uint8_t* buf) 
        uint16_t multiplier = 1;
        uint16_t value = 0;
        uint8_t digit;


        do {
            digit = *buf;
            value += (digit & 127) * multiplier;
            multiplier *= 128;
        } while ((digit & 128) != 0);

        return value;

    uint16_t mqtt_parse_msg_id(const uint8_t* buf) 
        uint8_t type = MQTTParseMessageType(buf);
        uint8_t qos = MQTTParseMessageQos(buf);
        uint16_t id = 0;
        uint8_t rlb;
        uint8_t offset;

        if(type >= MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH && type <= MQTT_MSG_UNSUBACK) 
                if(type == MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH) 
                        if(qos != 0) 
                            rlb = mqtt_num_rem_len_bytes(buf);
                            offset = *(buf+1+rlb)<<8;   // topic UTF MSB
                            offset |= *(buf+1+rlb+1);           // topic UTF LSB
                            offset += (1+rlb+2);                    // fixed header + topic size
                            id = *(buf+offset)<<8;              // id MSB
                            id |= *(buf+offset+1);              // id LSB
                // fixed header length
                // 1 for "flags" byte + rlb for length bytes
                        rlb = mqtt_num_rem_len_bytes(buf);
                        id = *(buf+1+rlb)<<8;   // id MSB
                        id |= *(buf+1+rlb+1);   // id LSB
            return id;

    uint16_t mqtt_parse_pub_topic(const uint8_t* buf, uint8_t* topic) 
            const uint8_t* ptr;
            uint16_t topic_len = mqtt_parse_pub_topic_ptr(buf, &ptr);


            if(topic_len != 0 && ptr != NULL) 
                    memcpy(topic, ptr, topic_len);

            return topic_len;

    uint16_t mqtt_parse_pub_topic_ptr(const uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t **topic_ptr) 
            uint16_t len = 0;
            uint8_t rlb;

            if(MQTTParseMessageType(buf) == MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH) 
            // fixed header length = 1 for "flags" byte + rlb for length bytes
                rlb = mqtt_num_rem_len_bytes(buf);
                len = *(buf+1+rlb)<<8;  // MSB of topic UTF
                len |= *(buf+1+rlb+1);  // LSB of topic UTF
            // start of topic = add 1 for "flags", rlb for remaining length, 2 for UTF
                *topic_ptr = (buf + (1+rlb+2));
                *topic_ptr = NULL;
            return len;

    uint16_t mqtt_parse_publish_msg(const uint8_t* buf, uint8_t* msg) 
            const uint8_t* ptr;


            uint16_t msg_len = mqtt_parse_pub_msg_ptr(buf, &ptr);

            if(msg_len != 0 && ptr != NULL) 
                memcpy(msg, ptr, msg_len);

            return msg_len;

    uint16_t mqtt_parse_pub_msg_ptr(const uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t **msg_ptr) 
            uint16_t len = 0;
            uint8_t rlb;
            uint8_t offset;

            if(MQTTParseMessageType(buf) == MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH) 
            // message starts at
            // fixed header length + Topic (UTF encoded) + msg id (if QoS>0)
                rlb = mqtt_num_rem_len_bytes(buf);
                offset = (*(buf+1+rlb))<<8; // topic UTF MSB
                offset |= *(buf+1+rlb+1);           // topic UTF LSB
                offset += (1+rlb+2);                // fixed header + topic size

                        offset += 2;                    // add two bytes of msg id

                *msg_ptr = (buf + offset);

            // offset is now pointing to start of message
            // length of the message is remaining length - variable header
            // variable header is offset - fixed header
            // fixed header is 1 + rlb
            // so, lom = remlen - (offset - (1+rlb))
                len = mqtt_parse_rem_len(buf) - (offset-(rlb+1));
                *msg_ptr = NULL;
            return len;
    void mqtt_init(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, const char* clientid) 
        // Connection options
            broker->alive = 300; // 300 seconds = 5 minutes
            broker->seq = 1; // Sequency for message indetifiers
        // Client options
            memset(broker->clientid, 0, sizeof(broker->clientid));
            memset(broker->username, 0, sizeof(broker->username));
            memset(broker->password, 0, sizeof(broker->password));
                strncpy(broker->clientid, clientid, sizeof(broker->clientid));
                strcpy(broker->clientid, "emqtt");
            // Will topic
            broker->clean_session = 1;

    void mqtt_init_auth(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, const char* username, const char* password) 
            if(username && username[0] != '\0')
                strncpy(broker->username, username, sizeof(broker->username)-1);
            if(password && password[0] != '\0')
                strncpy(broker->password, password, sizeof(broker->password)-1);

    void mqtt_set_alive(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, uint16_t alive) 
            broker->alive = alive;

    int mqtt_connect(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker)
            uint8_t flags = 0x00;

            uint16_t clientidlen = strlen(broker->clientid);
            uint16_t usernamelen = strlen(broker->username);
            uint16_t passwordlen = strlen(broker->password);
            uint16_t payload_len = clientidlen + 2;

                    // Variable header
            uint8_t var_header[] = 
                0x00,0x06,0x4d,0x51,0x49,0x73,0x64,0x70, // Protocol name: MQIsdp
                0x03, // Protocol version
                0x00, // Connect flags
                0x00, 0x00 // Keep alive
        // Fixed header
            uint8_t fixedHeaderSize = 2;    // Default size = one byte Message Type + one byte Remaining Length
            uint8_t remainLen;
            uint8_t fixed_header[3];    
            uint16_t offset = 0;
            uint8_t packet[sizeof(fixed_header)+sizeof(var_header)+200];
            // Preparing the flags
                payload_len += usernamelen + 2;
                flags |= MQTT_USERNAME_FLAG;
                payload_len += passwordlen + 2;
                flags |= MQTT_PASSWORD_FLAG;
                flags |= MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION;
            var_header[9] = flags;
            var_header[10] = broker->alive>>8;
            var_header[11] = broker->alive&0xFF;
            remainLen = sizeof(var_header)+payload_len;
            if (remainLen > 127) 
                    fixedHeaderSize++;          // add an additional byte for Remaining Length

            // Message Type
            fixed_header[0] = MQTT_MSG_CONNECT;

            // Remaining Length
            if (remainLen <= 127) 
                    fixed_header[1] = remainLen;
                    // first byte is remainder (mod) of 128, then set the MSB to indicate more bytes
                    fixed_header[1] = remainLen % 128;
                    fixed_header[1] = fixed_header[1] | 0x80;
                    // second byte is number of 128s
                    fixed_header[2] = remainLen / 128;

            memset(packet, 0, sizeof(packet));
            memcpy(packet, fixed_header, fixedHeaderSize);
            offset += fixedHeaderSize;//sizeof(fixed_header);
            memcpy(packet+offset, var_header, sizeof(var_header));
            offset += sizeof(var_header);
        // Client ID - UTF encoded
            packet[offset++] = clientidlen>>8;
            packet[offset++] = clientidlen&0xFF;
            memcpy(packet+offset, broker->clientid, clientidlen);
            offset += clientidlen;

            // Username - UTF encoded
                packet[offset++] = usernamelen>>8;
                packet[offset++] = usernamelen&0xFF;
                memcpy(packet+offset, broker->username, usernamelen);
                offset += usernamelen;

                // Password - UTF encoded
                packet[offset++] = passwordlen>>8;
                packet[offset++] = passwordlen&0xFF;
                memcpy(packet+offset, broker->password, passwordlen);
                offset += passwordlen;
            return 1;
    int mqtt_ping() 
            uint8_t packet[] = {
                MQTT_MSG_PINGREQ, // Message Type, DUP flag, QoS level, Retain
                0x00 // Remaining length
            return 1;

    int mqtt_publish_with_qos(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, const char* topic, const char* msg, uint8_t retain, uint8_t qos, uint16_t* message_id) 
            const uint16_t topiclen = strlen(topic);
            const uint16_t msglen = strlen(msg);

            uint8_t qos_flag = MQTT_QOS0_FLAG;
            uint8_t qos_size = 0; // No QoS included
        //½«Êý×é·ÖÅä³É×î´óÖµ topiclen×î´ó64
        //msg ×î´ó1024
            uint8_t var_header[TOPIC_MAX_LENGTH+2+2];//topiclen+2+qos_size
          uint8_t varHeaderSize;
            uint8_t fixedHeaderSize = 2; 
            uint16_t remainLen;
            uint8_t fixed_header[3];
            uint8_t packet[sizeof(fixed_header)+sizeof(var_header)+MESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH];

            if(qos == 1) 
                qos_size = 2; // 2 bytes for QoS
                qos_flag = MQTT_QOS1_FLAG;
            else if(qos == 2) 
                qos_size = 2; // 2 bytes for QoS
                qos_flag = MQTT_QOS2_FLAG;
        // Variable header
         // Topic size (2 bytes), utf-encoded topic
            memset(var_header, 0, sizeof(var_header));
            var_header[0] = topiclen>>8;
            var_header[1] = topiclen&0xFF;
            memcpy(var_header+2, topic, topiclen);
                var_header[topiclen+2] = broker->seq>>8;
                var_header[topiclen+3] = broker->seq&0xFF;
                { // Returning message id
                    *message_id = broker->seq;

        // Fixed header
        // the remaining length is one byte for messages up to 127 bytes, then two bytes after that
        // actually, it can be up to 4 bytes but I'm making the assumption the embedded device will only
        // need up to two bytes of length (handles up to 16,383 (almost 16k) sized message)
   // Default size = one byte Message Type + one byte Remaining Length
            remainLen = varHeaderSize+msglen;//sizeof(var_header)
            if (remainLen > 127) 
                fixedHeaderSize++;          // add an additional byte for Remaining Length

         // Message Type, DUP flag, QoS level, Retain
         fixed_header[0] = MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH | qos_flag;
            fixed_header[0] |= MQTT_RETAIN_FLAG;
         // Remaining Length
         if (remainLen <= 127) {
                 fixed_header[1] = remainLen;
         } else {
                 // first byte is remainder (mod) of 128, then set the MSB to indicate more bytes
                 fixed_header[1] = remainLen % 128;
                 fixed_header[1] = fixed_header[1] | 0x80;
                 // second byte is number of 128s
                 fixed_header[2] = remainLen / 128;

        memset(packet, 0, sizeof(packet));
        memcpy(packet, fixed_header, fixedHeaderSize);
        memcpy(packet+fixedHeaderSize, var_header, varHeaderSize);
        memcpy(packet+fixedHeaderSize+varHeaderSize, msg, msglen);

        return 1;

    int mqtt_publish(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, const char* topic, const char* msg, uint8_t retain) 
        return mqtt_publish_with_qos(broker, topic, msg, retain, 0, NULL);

    int mqtt_pubrel(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, uint16_t message_id) 
        uint8_t packet[] = {
            MQTT_MSG_PUBREL | MQTT_QOS1_FLAG, // Message Type, DUP flag, QoS level, Retain
            0x02, // Remaining length
        return 1;

    int mqtt_subscribe(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, const char* topic, uint16_t* message_id) 
        const uint16_t topiclen = strlen(topic);

        // Variable header
        uint8_t var_header[2]; // Message ID

        //topic ×î´ó64 Topic size (2 bytes), utf-encoded topic, QoS byte
        uint8_t utf_topic[TOPIC_MAX_LENGTH+3];

        // Fixed header
        uint8_t fixed_header[] = {
            MQTT_MSG_SUBSCRIBE | MQTT_QOS1_FLAG, // Message Type, DUP flag, QoS level, Retain
        uint8_t packet[sizeof(var_header)+sizeof(fixed_header)+sizeof(utf_topic)];

        var_header[0] = broker->seq>>8;
        var_header[1] = broker->seq&0xFF;
        { // Returning message id
                *message_id = broker->seq;

        // utf topic
         // Topic size (2 bytes), utf-encoded topic, QoS byte
        memset(utf_topic, 0, sizeof(utf_topic));
        utf_topic[0] = topiclen>>8;
        utf_topic[1] = topiclen&0xFF;
        memcpy(utf_topic+2, topic, topiclen);

        memset(packet, 0, sizeof(packet));
        memcpy(packet, fixed_header, sizeof(fixed_header));
        memcpy(packet+sizeof(fixed_header), var_header, sizeof(var_header));
        memcpy(packet+sizeof(fixed_header)+sizeof(var_header), utf_topic, topiclen+3);

        return 1;

    int mqtt_unsubscribe(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, const char* topic, uint16_t* message_id) 
        const uint16_t topiclen = strlen(topic);

        // Variable header
        uint8_t var_header[2]; // Message ID
        uint8_t utf_topic[TOPIC_MAX_LENGTH+2]; // Topic size (2 bytes), utf-encoded topic
        // Fixed header
        uint8_t fixed_header[] = {
            MQTT_MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE | MQTT_QOS1_FLAG, // Message Type, DUP flag, QoS level, Retain
        uint8_t packet[sizeof(var_header)+sizeof(fixed_header)+sizeof(utf_topic)];

        var_header[0] = broker->seq>>8;
        var_header[1] = broker->seq&0xFF;
        if(message_id) { // Returning message id
            *message_id = broker->seq;

        // utf topic

        memset(utf_topic, 0, sizeof(utf_topic));
        utf_topic[0] = topiclen>>8;
        utf_topic[1] = topiclen&0xFF;
        memcpy(utf_topic+2, topic, topiclen);


        memset(packet, 0, sizeof(packet));
        memcpy(packet, fixed_header, sizeof(fixed_header));
        memcpy(packet+sizeof(fixed_header), var_header, sizeof(var_header));
        memcpy(packet+sizeof(fixed_header)+sizeof(var_header), utf_topic, topiclen+2);

        return 1;


#include <stdio.h>
#include "emqtt.h"

#define RCVBUFSIZE 1024
    uint8_t packet_buffer[RCVBUFSIZE];
    int keepalive = 30;
  mqtt_broker_handle_t broker;

    int init_socket(mqtt_broker_handle_t* broker, const char* hostname, short port)
            int flag = 1;
            keepalive = 3; 
            //atÖ¸ÁîÁ¬½Óhostname port ·þÎñÆ÷
            return 0;

    int read_packet(int timeout)

        return 0;//packet_length;
    int topmqtt()
            int packet_length;
            uint16_t msg_id, msg_id_rcv;

            mqtt_init(&broker, "avengalvon");
            init_socket(&broker,"", 1883);
          packet_length = read_packet(1);
            if(packet_length < 0)
                printf("Error(%d) on read packet!\n", packet_length);
                return -1;

            if(MQTTParseMessageType(packet_buffer) != MQTT_MSG_CONNACK)
                printf("CONNACK expected!\n");
                return -2;

            if(packet_buffer[3] != 0x00)
                printf("CONNACK failed!\n");
                return -2;

            //Á¬½Ó³É¹¦ºó ½øÐÐÊý¾Ý·¢²¼ ·¢²¼Ö÷ÌâΪ¡°hello¡ ±
            mqtt_publish(&broker, "hello", "Example: QoS 0", 0);


            mqtt_subscribe(&broker, "public/test/topic", &msg_id);
            if(packet_length < 0)
                printf("Error(%d) on read packet!\n", packet_length);
                return -1;

            if(MQTTParseMessageType(packet_buffer) != MQTT_MSG_SUBACK)
                printf("SUBACK expected!\n");
                return -2;

            msg_id_rcv = mqtt_parse_msg_id(packet_buffer);
            if(msg_id != msg_id_rcv)
                printf("%d message id was expected, but %d message id was found!\n", msg_id, msg_id_rcv);
                return -3;
                // <<<<<
                packet_length = read_packet(0);
                if(packet_length == -1)
                    printf("Error(%d) on read packet!\n", packet_length);
                    return -1;
                else if(packet_length > 0)
                    printf("Packet Header: 0x%x...\n", packet_buffer[0]);
                    if(MQTTParseMessageType(packet_buffer) == MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH)
                        uint8_t topic[255], msg[1000];
                        uint16_t len;
                        len = mqtt_parse_pub_topic(packet_buffer, topic);
                        topic[len] = '\0'; // for printf
                        len = mqtt_parse_publish_msg(packet_buffer, msg);
                        msg[len] = '\0'; // for printf
                        printf("%s %s\n", topic, msg);

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