

接触“双生火焰”这个概念以来,发现国外对这一话题的讨论和成系统的资料整理远远多于国内。正在经历双生旅程的人一定明白,这个过程有时迷雾重重,有时很多戏码上演,有时还容易陷入执念…… 所以,的确需要一些同伴,需要一些支持。于是建了这个【双生火焰资讯】专题,持续收录和翻译一些经过筛选的英文资料,希望能帮助到一些人。


Part 3 - Why do we do this to ourselves?

第3集 - 双生子们,你知道自己为什么要体验这个吗?

In this video I continue my discussion about Twin Flames. What is often overlooked is that these relationships can, in their very nature, be some of the most challenging of all. And so, in this video I ask the question "Why do we do this to ourselves?"


Zingdad on Twin Flames 3_腾讯视频

Hello everybody. So today I want to have a continued conversation on the theme of twin Flames. I want to talk about the purpose of twin flames, the purpose of this arrangement, this particular constellation. Why we would do this in the first place? And the reason I ask this question “why would we do it?”, (is) because it's quite a difficult thing for the soul to do, in many ways. It's a difficult thing for the soul to do to balance two different streams, entirely different streams, entirely different life streams, to balance them constantly so that these two life streams can meet up for their “entwinement” in incarnation, have the interaction they're meant to have, travel onwards, and meet again. Travel onwards, meet again, to keep this imbalances is quite difficult.


And when these two time streams, these life streams, when they meet and they have an interaction, assuredly, the interaction has its beautiful side. It's very often very romantic and it’s very loving and very deep and very powerful, and it has that upside. But it certainly has a downside, too. In fact, since I have begun to speak on the subject of twin flames, I've had a lot of people contact me and say they're a part of a twin flame constellation. And, almost universally, what they report to me is that they're in some state of distress because of the challenge, the difficulty, of the relating to a twin flame. So I want to talk about why that is.


Why is it so very difficult? What is the root of this challenge that twin flames have? I want to talk about why we would go to all of this effort to balance these life streams, only to have a very difficult challenging interaction, which, if the twin flames I’ve been speaking to are anything to go by, usually results in these two beings, both alive on planet Earth, both aware of each other, both feeling heartbroken over each other, but they just can’t be together. It’s just too difficult to be together.

So, not only the challenging, it also involves a lot of heartbreak, a lot of sadness. Why would we do this? You know, if it were only as the sort of.... the common perception often is, if it was only so that this was pure bliss and romantic wonderment to meet your twin flame. If only that was so. If only it was so that your job is just to find your twin flame, and if you’ve found your twin flame you’ve got your other, and you can just glom on to each other and travel through eternity together. If that was so, I’d understand it would make perfect sense, but it isn’t so.



So let’s talk about this. Before we can get into twin flames, I would like to say that it does seem to me that there is also a perception that we kind of all have a twin flame, we just need to find them. There also is a perception amongst the more romantically inclined that there are many twin flames out there, you know, you just find one that works, and then that’s your twin flame, that it's kind of an equivalent of a wonderfully rich, romantic interaction that you could kind of have a one night stand with a twin flame today and then let them go, and tomorrow meet another one at the same bar or something like that. Well, this is not true for me at all. This is not my perspective at all. The twin flame thing, the true twin flame experience is actually statistically very rare. The overwhelming majority of people on planet Earth have not procured or not “signed up” for this kind of an interaction. It's a particular situation, and it is particular to beings that I would call them “gift givers”. And I want to talk about why that is. So, there's a lot that I'm lining up for in these conversations.

So, “gift givers” are those, they're wanderers, star seeds, light bringers. They are beings who come into a much denser level of reality here on planet Earth, stepped down maybe from the fifth or the sixth density, or the eighth or somewhere beyond entirely. Stepped all the way down to the third density. (Through) layers of deep forgetting to get here to planet Earth. Carrying inside of their being, as they moved through this deeper and deeper forgetting, carrying inside of them some special, unique gift, a thing that they are coming to planet Earth to gift to the earth, the people, those around them, the planet.




“Gift givers” have a unique tool in their tool bag of soul. That’s the gift that they have come to give. Now, if you have a gift like this and you forget who you are, you will start to rediscover that gift quite early on, but you will discover it in a place of forgetting, and that will cause all kinds of pain and trauma, you know, it’s a typical situation of a person in a community that (there) is all just lost ones, and here’s one who is a bright shining light, one who speaks the truth and helps and heals and....what does the community do? They put this one on a pedestal. They say: “You are the one. Teach us, great master.” And what inevitably happens to such great masters, you just need to look at history, is very soon after they’re put on the pedestal, they get torn down, and then we hang them on the cross, or we burn them on the stake, or we torture them, or somewhat punish them for being a gift giver. And, so, gift givers will have a lifetime or two like that when they'll decide: “Okay, that’s it. I’m not going to be giving any gifts anymore.” But then they start to use their gift and they’ll use it in small ways, subtle ways to heal themselves, to heal the others around them once they have discovered, you know, “You mustn’t just go out there and heal everybody”. They are using their gift to help themselves and heal themselves. They will also use their gift to avoid their own growth. Think about it.


There's a long and burdensome journey that you must walk towards trusting yourself or your own integrity or something like that, long journey that you have to walk. And, life is calling you to this journey, through the intervention of others around you, (to) have difficult interactions with others. But you’ve got a gift, some sparkly, magical gift that you can just whip out and use and avoid that long journey. What happens? You avoid the long journey.

So “gift givers” will advance in their growth. They will raise their consciousness from the third, slowly up up up, reawakening themselves to the point where they are really ready to give their gift to the world. But they are going to carry a whole lot of unlearned lessons with them, the lessons that they managed to avoid learning because of the gift. And along the way, we have wonderful assistance to help us to figure out this burdensome stuff, like family members, for example.



You know how it is. You’re busy awakening to your own divinity, you’re busy finding your gift, you're busy discovering your magnificence, and you go home to mom for dinner. And mom manages just to press your buttons, just like that, that she suddenly realises that it's just .... (you) still feel like a kid that hasn’t tidied their room. Mom can do that. And then you will awaken a little bit more and you will discover a little bit more and mom will no longer be able to press your buttons, because you will outevolve her ability. And so with the rest of your family, brothers, sisters, everybody else. People will slowly not be able to press your buttons anymore. You’re not quite fully awaken, you’re not quite God realised, but you’ve outevloved parents and family. And there’s this space where very few will actually be able to really call you on your stuff, to really look into your own, the corners of your soul where you can’t see your own shadow.


And this is where the twin flame comes in. As a pure matter of their being, without them even trying, the twin flame holds a mirror, twin to twin. They hold mirrors for each other. And in the presence of the other, you get to see yourself. Yes, you do get to see your magnificence in the presence of the other. You get to see your beauty, and the wonderment of who and what you are gets shown to you, and you will a little bit fall in love with yourself in the presence of your twin flame, and that's very nice. But your twin flame will also reflect back to you all of this dross that you've been carrying. All the unprocessed, unresolved, undealt with, burdensome, painful, miserable stuff that you have accumulated with you in your travel through forgetting, they will reflect that back at you too. And you won't like to see that. You really really will want to scratch their eyes out for showing you this stuff. You will struggle. You need to be at a pretty profound level of self love before you can really have an engagement with your twin flame that will have any longevity.

Of course there are exceptions to this, of course there are twin flame constellations that will manage things differently because of whatever reason. But I'm saying in the main, pretty much everybody is going to meet their twin flame and they're going to (be like):”Ah! Oh, wow! How beautiful, how amazing, how spectacularly what I see in the mirror. Oh, wow, I really don't want to look at that stuff.” And it's going to really bring up your most challenging stuff. And that's actually the value of the twin flame.Because you otherwise will not see that stuff that's behind you, you otherwise will not look into your own hurt, painful, dark stuff.



So, the twin flame acts as a kind of a sweeper. They come in, they broom up all of the stuff that's hidden behind you, all the dark in the hidden. Are you equipped? Can you deal with that? Do you have the ability to heal and transform and reintegrate the stuff that's being brought up? Because if you don't, It's going to be pure torture. Even if you do, it's going to be deeply challenging. But the challenge is worth it, if you are able to process that. It's not worth it if you're not. If you're not able to process that, well, perhaps you need to find somebody to help you process It.

[And in this regard, this is something I'd like to let you know that you can contact me for. This isn't really meant to be an advertisement for my services, but the awareness comes up that this is something that I can help with. So I'll put up a link on this video frame that you can have a look and come and have a chat to me about (Link: zingdad.com/sri)].

But really, what I wanted to say is, what's actually going on here is the twin flame experience for both of you is bringing to the surface the stuff that needs to be looked at. So that this soul that has travel these two different journeys, that otherwise would get lost in both of those journeys, would just not be able to ever come home, now procures for itself that it meets itself and shows itself what is causing it to get locked and blocked and stuck. And when it is able to really see and love and heal and reintegrate and transform, then that soul can bring itself home. The two twin flames uniquely held (hold) a key for each other that somehow nobody else can hold for each other. They're uniquely.... I dislike the term “rescue” and “salvation”, I really dislike these terms. But, this is one place because the person that can save you is you, the person that can rescue you is you. Nobody else. The twin flame constellation uniquely can offer this service to each other. It's not fun, it's usually pretty painful, but that's one of the purposes of the twin flame interaction.




So I just want to put this on the table and let you know something that I had been mulling over and thinking about. While I'm at it, if you are in such a situation, whether it's a twin flame situation or another deep love relationship, if you're struggling, have a look. Perhaps a little coaching on the subject will help. Perhaps I can take you or both of you on a deep journey of discoveries to what the deepest cause of your stickiness is. But, as I said, this wasn't meant to be an advertisement. This is more just meant to be a discussion about twin flames, which I will continue as I go. I will have more to say on the subject until next time.



I love you with the Heart of Oneness. Good bye.






第1集 【中英对照】双生火焰是怎么来的?

第2集 【中英对照】双生火焰的纠缠与共舞



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