mysql not in 和 left join 效率問題記錄

聲明:感謝 laserhe, denniswwh ACMAIN_CHM vinsonshen 的熱心幫助

not in的寫法
select add_tb.RUID
from (select distinct RUID
      from UserMsg
      where SubjectID =12
      and CreateTime>'2009-8-14 15:30:00'
      and CreateTime<='2009-8-17 16:00:00'
) add_tb
  where add_tb.RUID
  not in (select distinct RUID
          from UserMsg
          where SubjectID =12
      and CreateTime<'2009-8-14 15:30:00'
返回444行記錄用時 0.07sec
explain 結果

| id | select_type        | table      | type           | possible_keys             | key        | key_len | ref  | rows |

Extra                        |

|  1 | PRIMARY            | <derived2> | ALL            | NULL                      | NULL       |    NULL | NULL |  452 |

Using where                  |
|  3 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | UserMsg    | index_subquery | RUID,SubjectID,CreateTime | RUID       |      96 | func |    2 |

Using index; Using where     |
|  2 | DERIVED            | UserMsg    | range          | SubjectID,CreateTime      | CreateTime |       9 | NULL | 1857 |

Using where; Using temporary |

其中一種left join
select a.ruid,b.ruid
from(select distinct RUID
     from UserMsg
     where SubjectID =12
     and CreateTime >= '2009-8-14 15:30:00'
     and CreateTime<='2009-8-17 16:00:00'
) a  left join  (
    select distinct RUID
    from UserMsg
    where SubjectID =12 and CreateTime< '2009-8-14 15:30:00' 
) b on a.ruid = b.ruid
where b.ruid is null
返回444行記錄用時 0.39sec
explain 結果

| id | select_type | table      | type  | possible_keys        | key        | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra                  


|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived2> | ALL   | NULL                 | NULL       |    NULL | NULL |  452 |                        

|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived3> | ALL   | NULL                 | NULL       |    NULL | NULL | 1112 | Using where; Not exists

|  3 | DERIVED     | UserMsg    | ref   | SubjectID,CreateTime | SubjectID  |       5 |      | 6667 | Using where; Using

temporary |
|  2 | DERIVED     | UserMsg    | range | SubjectID,CreateTime | CreateTime |       9 | NULL | 1838 | Using where; Using

temporary |

另外一種left join
select distinct a.RUID
from UserMsg a
left join UserMsg b
    on a.ruid = b.ruid
    and b.subjectID =12 and b.createTime < '2009-8-14 15:30:00'
where a.subjectID =12
and a.createTime >= '2009-8-14 15:30:00'
and a.createtime <='2009-8-17 16:00:00'
and b.ruid is null;
返回444行記錄用時 0.07sec
explain 結果

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys             | key        | key_len | ref          | rows | Extra          


|  1 | SIMPLE      | a     | range | SubjectID,CreateTime      | CreateTime |       9 | NULL         | 1839 | Using where;

Using temporary      |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | b     | ref   | RUID,SubjectID,CreateTime | RUID       |      96 | dream.a.RUID |    2 | Using where;

Not exists; Distinct |

使用not exists的sql
select distinct a.ruid
from UserMsg a
where a.subjectID =12
and a.createTime >= '2009-8-14 15:30:00'
and a.createTime <='2009-8-17 16:00:00'
and not exists (
    select distinct RUID
    from UserMsg
    where subjectID =12 and createTime  < '2009-8-14 15:30:00'
    and ruid=a.ruid
返回444行記錄用時 0.08sec
explain 結果

| id | select_type        | table   | type  | possible_keys             | key        | key_len | ref          | rows | Extra 


|  1 | PRIMARY            | a       | range | SubjectID,CreateTime      | CreateTime |       9 | NULL         | 1839 | Using

where; Using temporary |
|  2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | UserMsg | ref   | RUID,SubjectID,CreateTime | RUID       |      96 | dream.a.RUID |    2 | Using

where                  |


爲了驗證數據查詢效率,將上述查詢中的subjectID =12的限制條件去掉,結果統計查詢時間如下

select a.ruid,b.ruid 
from(    select distinct RUID     
    from UserMsg      
    where CreateTime >= '2009-8-14 15:30:00'      
    and CreateTime<='2009-8-17 16:00:00'
) a      left join  UserMsg  b
    on a.ruid = b.ruid 
    and b.createTime < '2009-8-14 15:30:00'
where b.ruid is null;

| id | select_type | table      | type  | possible_keys   | key        | key_len | ref    | rows | Extra                     


|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived2> | ALL   | NULL            | NULL       |    NULL | NULL   | 1248 |                           

|  1 | PRIMARY     | b          | ref   | RUID,CreateTime | RUID       |      96 | a.RUID |    2 | Using where; Not exists   

|  2 | DERIVED     | UserMsg    | range | CreateTime      | CreateTime |       9 | NULL   | 3553 | Using where; Using

temporary |

執行效率類似與not in的效率




explain select a.ruid,b.ruid  from(select distinct RUID      from UserMsg       where CreateTime >= '2009-8-14 15:30:00'     

 and CreateTime<='2009-8-17 16:00:00' ) a  left join  UserMsg  b on a.ruid = b.ruid  and b.createTime < '2009-8-14 15:30:00'

where b.ruid is null;

explain select add_tb.RUID
    -> from (select distinct RUID
    ->       from UserMsg
    ->       where  CreateTime>'2009-8-14 15:30:00'
    ->       and CreateTime<='2009-8-17 16:00:00'
    -> ) add_tb
    ->   where add_tb.RUID
    ->   not in (select distinct RUID
    ->           from UserMsg
    ->           where CreateTime<'2009-8-14 15:30:00'
    -> );

| id | select_type        | table      | type           | possible_keys   | key        | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra       


|  1 | PRIMARY            | <derived2> | ALL            | NULL            | NULL       |    NULL | NULL | 1248 | Using where 

|  3 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | UserMsg    | index_subquery | RUID,CreateTime | RUID       |      96 | func |    2 | Using index;

Using where     |
|  2 | DERIVED            | UserMsg    | range          | CreateTime      | CreateTime |       9 | NULL | 3509 | Using where;

Using temporary |

開銷是完全一樣的,開銷可以從 rows 那個字段得出(基本上是rows那個字段各個行的數值的乘積,也就是笛卡爾積)
explain select a.ruid,b.ruid  from(select distinct RUID      from UserMsg       where CreateTime >= '2009-8-14 15:30:00'     

 and CreateTime<='2009-8-17 16:00:00' ) a  left join  (  select distinct RUID  from UserMsg where createTime < '2009-8-14

15:30:00' ) b on a.ruid = b.ruid  where b.ruid is null;

| id | select_type | table      | type  | possible_keys | key        | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra                       


|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived2> | ALL   | NULL          | NULL       |    NULL | NULL |  1248 |                             

|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived3> | ALL   | NULL          | NULL       |    NULL | NULL | 30308 | Using where; Not exists     

|  3 | DERIVED     | UserMsg    | ALL   | CreateTime    | NULL       |    NULL | NULL | 69366 | Using where; Using temporary

|  2 | DERIVED     | UserMsg    | range | CreateTime    | CreateTime |       9 | NULL |  3510 | Using where; Using temporary


雖然b 表因爲符合條件的非常多,基本上不會用索引
但是並不應該妨礙查詢優化器看到外面的join on條件,從而和前面兩個SQL一樣,選取主鍵進行join
 其實你仔細想想,最後一種寫法無非是我們第一種寫法的一個變種,關鍵在表b的where 條件放在哪裏

還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.