
一、excel操作模塊 xlrd xlwt

1.xlrd 模塊用來讀excel

import xlrd  #導入讀excel的模塊
book = xlrd.open_workbook('d_product.xls')
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)  #根據下標獲取sheet頁,下標從0開始,即第一個sheet頁的下標爲0
#sheet = book.sheet_by_name('sheet1') #根據名字獲取sheet頁數據
print(book.sheet_names())   #獲取電子表格sheet頁的所有名字,放在一個list當中
# 返回的類型是class 'xlrd.sheet.Cell',如果sheet頁爲空會報錯IndexError: list index out of range
print(sheet.cell(0,0).value)   #獲取單元格內容#獲取一整行內容 sheet.row_values()#print(sheet.row_values(0)) #獲取第1行的內容,結果存放在一個list當中#獲取一整列內容 sheet.col_values()#print(sheet.col_values(0)) #獲取第1列的內容,結果存放在一個list當中#獲取所有的行數#print(sheet.nrows) #獲取到excel當中有多少行#獲取所有的列數#print(sheet.ncols) #獲取到excel中的有多少列#循環獲取到每行的數據for i in range(sheet.nrows): print( sheet.row_values(i))#循環獲取到每列的數據# for i in range(sheet.ncols):# print( sheet.col_values(i))


1)xlrd.open_workbook('c:\abc.xls')  #打開一個電子表格用來提取數據

def open_workbook(filename=None,
    Open a spreadsheet file for data extraction.

    :param filename: The path to the spreadsheet file to be opened.

    :param logfile: An open file to which messages and diagnostics are written.

    :param verbosity: Increases the volume of trace material written to the

    :param use_mmap:

      Whether to use the mmap module is determined heuristically.
      Use this arg to override the result.

      Current heuristic: mmap is used if it exists.

    :param file_contents:

      A string or an :class:`mmap.mmap` object or some other behave-alike
      object. If ``file_contents`` is supplied, ``filename`` will not be used,
      except (possibly) in messages.

    :param encoding_override:

      Used to overcome missing or bad codepage information
      in older-version files. See :doc:`unicode`.

    :param formatting_info:

      The default is ``False``, which saves memory.
      In this case, "Blank" cells, which are those with their own formatting
      information but no data, are treated as empty by ignoring the file's
      ``BLANK`` and ``MULBLANK`` records.
      This cuts off any bottom or right "margin" of rows of empty or blank
      Only :meth:`~xlrd.sheet.Sheet.cell_value` and
      :meth:`~xlrd.sheet.Sheet.cell_type` are available.

      When ``True``, formatting information will be read from the spreadsheet
      file. This provides all cells, including empty and blank cells.
      Formatting information is available for each cell.
      Note that this will raise a NotImplementedError when used with an
      xlsx file.

    :param on_demand:

      Governs whether sheets are all loaded initially or when demanded
      by the caller. See :doc:`on_demand`.

    :param ragged_rows:

      The default of ``False`` means all rows are padded out with empty cells so
      that all rows have the same size as found in

      ``True`` means that there are no empty cells at the ends of rows.
      This can result in substantial memory savings if rows are of widely
      varying sizes. See also the :meth:`~xlrd.sheet.Sheet.row_len` method.

    :returns: An instance of the :class:`` class.


import xlwt
book = xlwt.Workbook()
sheet = book.add_sheet('sheet1',cell_overwrite_ok=True)
sheet.write(0,1,'姓名')'stu.xls') #結尾一定要以xls結尾


1)book.add_sheet()  #在電子表格中創建一個sheet頁,默認單元格覆蓋寫爲False,如果改爲True允許覆蓋寫單元格

def add_sheet(self, sheetname, cell_overwrite_ok=False):
    This method is used to create Worksheets in a Workbook.

    :param sheetname:

      The name to use for this sheet, as it will appear in the
      tabs at the bottom of the Excel application.

    :param cell_overwrite_ok:

      If ``True``, cells in the added worksheet will not raise an
      exception if written to more than once.


      The :class:`~xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet` that was added.


2)sheet.write(r,c,label='') #往單元格寫內容,如果label的默認參數是空,如果不填寫則單元格默認爲空

def write(self, r, c, label="", style=Style.default_style):
    This method is used to write a cell to a :class:`Worksheet`.

    :param r:

       The zero-relative number of the row in the worksheet to which
       the cell should be written.

    :param c:

       The zero-relative number of the column in the worksheet to which
       the cell should be written.

    :param label:

       The data value to be written.

       An :class:`int`, :class:`long`, or
       :class:`~decimal.Decimal` instance is converted to :class:`float`.

       A :class:`unicode` instance is written as is. A :class:`bytes`
       instance is converted to :class:`unicode` using the
       encoding, which defaults to ``ascii``, specified when the
       :class:`Workbook` instance was created.

       A :class:`~datetime.datetime`, :class:`` or
       :class:`~datetime.time` instance is converted into Excel date format
       (a float representing the number of days since (typically)
       ``1899-12-31T00:00:00``, under the pretence that
       1900 was a leap year).

       A :class:`bool` instance will show up as ``TRUE`` or ``FALSE`` in

       ``None`` causes the cell to be blank: no data, only formatting.

       An :class:`xlwt.Formula` instance causes an Excel formula to be

    :param style:

       A style, also known as an XF (extended format), is an
       :class:`~xlwt.Style.XFStyle` object, which encapsulates the
       formatting applied to the cell and its contents.

       :class:`~xlwt.Style.XFStyle` objects are best set up using the
       :func:`~xlwt.Style.easyxf` function. They may also be set up by
       setting attributes in :class:`Alignment`, :class:`Borders`,
       :class:`Pattern`, :class:`Font` and :class:`Protection` objects then
       setting those objects and a format string as attributes of an
       :class:`~xlwt.Style.XFStyle` object.
    self.row(r).write(c, label, style)    #將電子表格保存成一個excel文件

def save(self, filename_or_stream):
    This method is used to save the Workbook to a file in native Excel

    :param filename_or_stream:
      This can be a string containing a filename of
      the file, in which case the excel file is saved to disk using the name
      provided. It can also be a stream object with a write method, such as
      a :class:`~io.StringIO`, in which case the data for the excel
      file is written to the stream.
    from . import CompoundDoc

    doc = CompoundDoc.XlsDoc(), self.get_biff_data())

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