bat實例 lean code

windows bat腳本實例

@echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set enddate=%1
set logtabledir=%2
set attachfilepath=%3
if not defined attachfilepath (
	echo Usage: delrec.bat [enddate] [logtabledir] [attachfilepath]
	goto :eof

if not exist %logtabledir% (
	echo ERROR logtabledir:%logtabledir% not exist
	goto :eof

if not exist %attachfilepath% (
	echo ERROR attachfilepath:%attachfilepath% not exist
	goto :eof

set mytask=mysqld-nt.exe
tasklist|find /i "%mytask%">nul
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
	for /f "eol= delims== tokens=2" %%i in ('wmic process where "name='%mytask%'" get executablepath /value') do (
		set mysqld-nt_exe=%%~fi

if "%mysqld-nt_exe%"=="" (
	echo ERROR the mysql server not exist or not start
	set mysqld-nt_exe=
	goto :eof

set mysql_exe=!mysqld-nt_exe:mysqld-nt.exe=mysql.exe!

set runmysql="%mysql_exe%" -psinfors -uroot --skip-column-names -e

echo create database ipsetdbxxx
%runmysql% "create database ipsetdbxxx"
%runmysql% "create table ipsetdbxxx.ipset(ip int unsigned primary key)engine=myisam"

echo convert ip set
for /f %%i in (ipsetorigxxx) do (
	iptoint %%i >>ipsetresxxx
set ipsetrespathrr=%CD%\ipsetresxxx
set ipsetrespathtt=%ipsetrespathrr:\=\\%
set ipsetrespathtt=%ipsetrespathtt:/=\\%

echo load ip to table
%runmysql% "load data infile '%ipsetrespathtt%' replace into table ipsetdbxxx.ipset"
if not %errorlevel% equ 0 (
	echo "load ip error"
	goto :eof

echo show databases
%runmysql% "show databases" >HYFORTHYdatabasesxxx
for /f %%d in (HYFORTHYdatabasesxxx) do (
	set databasenow=%%d
	if not "%%d"=="information_schema" if not "%%d"=="mysql" if not "%%d"=="performance_schema" if not "%%d"=="sinfor_ac_auth" if not "%%d"=="ipsetdbxxx" (
		set runmysql="%mysql_exe%" -psinfors -uroot --skip-column-names %%d -e

		::clean 原始表
		echo %%d: 開始清理原始表
		!runmysql! "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '%%d' and table_name regexp '^[Aa][0-9]{8}'" >sqlresxxx
		for /f %%i in (sqlresxxx) do (
			call :dealtable %%i %%d

		::dlete 中間表
		echo %%d: 開始清理中間表
		!runmysql! "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '%%d' and table_name regexp '^mid.*[0-9]{8}.*'" >sqlresxxx
		for /f %%i in (sqlresxxx) do (
			set midtabxxx=%%i
			set midtabdatexxx=!midtabxxx:~8,8!
			if !midtabdatexxx! leq %enddate% (
				echo drop table %%i
				!runmysql! "drop table %%i"	

		echo %%d: 開始清理原始日誌
		dir /b /d %logtabledir%\%%d\logtable >sqlresxxx
		for /f %%i in (sqlresxxx) do (
			set deldir=%%i

			echo !deldir!|findstr "^2[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$" >nul 2>&1
			if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
				if !deldir! leq %enddate% (
					echo remove %logtabledir%\%%d\logtable\!deldir!
					rd /s /q %logtabledir%\%%d\logtable\!deldir! >nul 2>&1

set runmysql="%mysql_exe%" -psinfors -uroot --skip-column-names -e
!runmysql! "drop database ipsetdbxxx"
del /q HYFORTHYdatabasesxxx
del /q sqlresxxx
del /q ipsetresxxx

echo 所有的表都處理完畢

goto :eof
::A          F T S(單獨刪除)         U P M O<刪除附件>  C I W Q (連接A表進行刪除)
	set table=%1
	set attachdb=%2
	set tabdate=%table:~1%

	if %tabdate% gtr %enddate% (
		goto :eof
	echo %databasenow%: 已處理到日期 %tabdate% 
	for  %%i in (F T S U P M O C I W Q A) do (
		set it=%%i%tabdate%
		!runmysql! "desc !it!" >nul 2>&1
		echo %databasenow%: 清理!it!
		if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
			!runmysql! "create table !it!_newxxx like !it!"
			set checktype=0
			if "%%i" == "F" (
				set checktype=1
			if "%%i" == "T" (
				set checktype=1
			if "%%i" == "S" (
				set checktype=1
			if "%%i" == "A" (
				set checktype=1
			if !checktype! equ 1 (
				!runmysql! "insert into !it!_newxxx select !it!.* from !it!, ipsetdbxxx.ipset where !it!.host_ip=ipsetdbxxx.ipset.ip"
			) else (
				!runmysql! "insert into !it!_newxxx select !it!.* from !it!, %table%, ipsetdbxxx.ipset where %table%.host_ip=ipsetdbxxx.ipset.ip and !it!.record_id=%table%.record_id and !it!.dev_id=%table%.dev_id and !it!.account_id=%table%.account_id"
				set checktype=0
				if "%%i" == "U"  (
					set checktype=1
				if "%%i" == "P"  (
					set checktype=1
				if "%%i" == "M"  (
					set checktype=1
				if "%%i" == "O"  (
					set checktype=1

				if !checktype! equ 1 (
					set pathstr=path
					if "%%i" == "M" (set pathstr=mail_path)
					!runmysql! "select !it!.!pathstr! from !it!, %table% where %table%.host_ip not in (select ip from ipsetdbxxx.ipset) and !it!.record_id=%table%.record_id and !it!.dev_id=%table%.dev_id and !it!.account_id=%table%.account_id" >sqlresxxx
					for /f %%a in (sqlresxxx) do (
						set tabattachpath=%%a
						set tabattachpathtt=!tabattachpath:/aclog/=\%attachdb%\!
						set tabattachpathtt=!tabattachpathtt:/=\!
						del /q %attachfilepath%\!tabattachpathtt! >nul 2>&1
						call :strlenn !tabattachpathtt! \
						del /q %attachfilepath%\!tabattachpath! >nul 2>&1

			!runmysql! "drop table !it!"
			!runmysql! "rename table !it!_newxxx to !it!"

goto :eof

	set strnow=%1
	set tabattachpath=%1
	set chrfind=%2
	set /a numstr=0
	set /a posfind=-1
	if not "!strnow!"=="" (
		set chrbegin=!strnow:~0,1!
		if "!chrbegin!"=="%chrfind%" (
			set /a posfind=!numstr!
		set /a numstr+=1
		set strnow=!strnow:~1!
		goto :nextstr
	set /a posfind=%posfind%+1
	set tabattachpath=!tabattachpath:~0,%posfind%!e_!tabattachpath:~%posfind%!
goto :eof

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