

public class Color 
extends Object 



  • Color ints, 最常見的表現
  • Color longs
  • Color instances


Color ints

ints 是最常使用的,在API 1 的時候就出現了。

A color int always defines a color in the sRGB color space using 4 components packed in a single 32 bit integer value:

Component Name Size Range
A Alpha 8 bits [0..255]
R Red 8 bits [0..255]
G Green 8 bits [0..255]
B Blue 8 bits [0..255]

The components in this table are listed in encoding order (see below), which is why color ints are called ARGB colors.

Usage in code

To avoid confusing color ints with arbitrary integer values, it is a good practice to annotate them with the @ColorInt annotation found in the Android Support Library.


The four components of a color int are encoded in the following way:

 int color = (A & 0xff) << 24 | (R & 0xff) << 16 | (G & 0xff) << 16 | (B & 0xff);

Because of this encoding, color ints can easily be described as an integer constant in source. For instance, opaque blue is 0xff0000ff and yellow is0xffffff00.

To easily encode color ints, it is recommended to use the static methods argb(int, int, int, int) and rgb(int, int, int). The second method omits the alpha component and assumes the color is opaque (alpha is 255). As a convenience this class also offers methods to encode color ints from components defined in the [0..1] range: argb(float, float, float, float) and rgb(float, float, float).

Color longs (defined below) can be easily converted to color ints by invoking the toArgb(long) method. This method performs a color space conversion if needed.

It is also possible to create a color int by invoking the method toArgb() on a color instance.


The four ARGB components can be individually extracted from a color int using the following expressions:

 int A = (color >> 24) & 0xff; // or color >>> 24
 int R = (color >> 16) & 0xff;
 int G = (color >>  8) & 0xff;
 int B = (color      ) & 0xff;

This class offers convenience methods to easily extract these components:

Color longs

Color longs are a representation introduced in Android O to store colors in different color spaces, with more precision than color ints.

A color long always defines a color using 4 components packed in a single 64 bit long value. One of these components is always alpha while the other three components depend on the color space's color model. The most common color model is the RGB model in which the components represent red, green and blue values.

Component ranges: the ranges defined in the tables below indicate the ranges that can be encoded in a color long. They do not represent the actual ranges as they may differ per color space. For instance, the RGB components of a color in the Display P3 color space use the [0..1] range. Please refer to the documentation of the various color spaces to find their respective ranges.

Alpha range: while alpha is encoded in a color long using a 10 bit integer (thus using a range of [0..1023]), it is converted to and from [0..1] float values when decoding and encoding color longs.

sRGB color space: for compatibility reasons and ease of use, color longs encoding sRGB colors do not use the same encoding as other color longs.

Component Name Size Range
RGB color model
R Red 16 bits [−65504.0,65504.0]
G Green 16 bits [−65504.0,65504.0]
B Blue 16 bits [−65504.0,65504.0]
A Alpha 10 bits [0..1023]
  Color space 6 bits [0..63]
sRGB color space
A Alpha 8 bits [0..255]
R Red 8 bits [0..255]
G Green 8 bits [0..255]
B Blue 8 bits [0..255]
X Unused 32 bits 0
XYZ color model
X X 16 bits [−65504.0,65504.0]
Y Y 16 bits [−65504.0,65504.0]
Z Z 16 bits [−65504.0,65504.0]
A Alpha 10 bits [0..1023]
  Color space 6 bits [0..63]
Lab color model
L L 16 bits [−65504.0,65504.0]
a a 16 bits [−65504.0,65504.0]
b b 16 bits [−65504.0,65504.0]
A Alpha 10 bits [0..1023]
  Color space 6 bits [0..63]
CMYK color model

The components in this table are listed in encoding order (see below), which is why color longs in the RGB model are called RGBA colors (even if this doesn't quite hold for the special case of sRGB colors).

The color long encoding relies on half-precision float values (fp16). If you wish to know more about the limitations of half-precision float values, please refer to the documentation of the Half class.

Usage in code

To avoid confusing color longs with arbitrary long values, it is a good practice to annotate them with the @ColorLong annotation found in the Android Support Library.


Given the complex nature of color longs, it is strongly encouraged to use the various methods provided by this class to encode them.

The most flexible way to encode a color long is to use the method pack(float, float, float, float, ColorSpace). This method allows you to specify three color components (typically RGB), an alpha component and a color space. To encode sRGB colors, use pack(float, float, float) andpack(float, float, float, float) which are the equivalent of rgb(int, int, int) and argb(int, int, int, int) for color ints. If you simply need to convert a color int into a color long, use pack(int).

It is also possible to create a color long value by invoking the method pack() on a color instance.


This class offers convenience methods to easily extract the components of a color long:

The values returned by these methods depend on the color space encoded in the color long. The values are however typically in the [0..1] range for RGB colors. Please refer to the documentation of the various color spaces for the exact ranges.

Color instances

Color instances are a representation introduced in Android O to store colors in different color spaces, with more precision than both color ints and color longs. Color instances also offer the ability to store more than 4 components if necessary.

Colors instances are immutable and can be created using one of the various valueOf methods. For instance:

 // sRGB
 Color opaqueRed = Color.valueOf(0xffff0000); // from a color int
 Color translucentRed = Color.valueOf(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);

 // Wide gamut color
 @ColorLong long p3 = pack(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, colorSpaceP3);
 Color opaqueYellow = Color.valueOf(p3); // from a color long

 // CIE L*a*b* color space
 ColorSpace lab = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.LAB);
 Color green = Color.valueOf(100.0f, -128.0f, 128.0f, 1.0f, lab);

Color instances can be converted to color ints (toArgb()) or color longs (pack()). They also offer easy access to their various components using the following methods:

  • alpha(), returns the alpha component value
  • red(), returns the red component value (or first component value in non-RGB models)
  • green(), returns the green component value (or second component value in non-RGB models)
  • blue(), returns the blue component value (or third component value in non-RGB models)
  • getComponent(int), returns a specific component value
  • getComponents(), returns all component values as an array

Color space conversions

You can convert colors from one color space to another using connect(ColorSpace, ColorSpace) and its variants. However, the Color class provides a few convenience methods to simplify the process. Here is a brief description of some of them:

Please refere to the ColorSpace documentation for more information.

Alpha and transparency

The alpha component of a color defines the level of transparency of a color. When the alpha component is 0, the color is completely transparent. When the alpha is component is 1 (in the [0..1] range) or 255 (in the [0..255] range), the color is completely opaque.

The color representations described above do not use pre-multiplied color components (a pre-multiplied color component is a color component that has been multiplied by the value of the alpha component). For instance, the color int representation of opaque red is 0xffff0000. For semi-transparent (50%) red, the representation becomes 0x80ff0000. The equivalent color instance representations would be (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) and (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5).




int BLUE

int CYAN


int GRAY




int RED




Public constructors


Creates a new color instance set to opaque black in the sRGB color space.

Public methods

static int HSVToColor(float[] hsv)

Convert HSV components to an ARGB color.

static int HSVToColor(int alpha, float[] hsv)

Convert HSV components to an ARGB color.

static void RGBToHSV(int red, int green, int blue, float[] hsv)

Convert RGB components to HSV.

static int alpha(int color)

Return the alpha component of a color int.

float alpha()

Returns the value of the alpha component in the range [0..1].

static float alpha(long color)

Returns the alpha component encoded in the specified color long.

static int argb(int alpha, int red, int green, int blue)

Return a color-int from alpha, red, green, blue components.

static int argb(float alpha, float red, float green, float blue)

Return a color-int from alpha, red, green, blue float components in the range [0..1].

static int blue(int color)

Return the blue component of a color int.

float blue()

Returns the value of the blue component in the range defined by this color's color space (see getMinValue(int) andgetMaxValue(int)).

static float blue(long color)

Returns the blue component encoded in the specified color long.

staticColorSpace colorSpace(long color)

Returns the color space encoded in the specified color long.

static void colorToHSV(int color, float[] hsv)

Convert the ARGB color to its HSV components.

static long convert(long color, ColorSpace.Connector connector)

Converts the specified color long from a color space to another using the specified color space connector.

Color convert(ColorSpace colorSpace)

Converts this color from its color space to the specified color space.

static long convert(int color, ColorSpace colorSpace)

Converts the specified ARGB color int from the sRGB color space into the specified destination color space.

static long convert(float r, float g, float b, float a, ColorSpace source, ColorSpace destination)

Converts the specified 3 component color from the source color space to the destination color space.

static long convert(float r, float g, float b, float a, ColorSpace.Connector connector)

Converts the specified 3 component color from a color space to another using the specified color space connector.

static long convert(long color, ColorSpace colorSpace)

Converts the specified color long from its color space into the specified destination color space.

boolean equals(Object o)

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

ColorSpace getColorSpace()

Returns this color's color space.

float getComponent(int component)

Returns the value of the specified component in the range defined by this color's color space (see getMinValue(int) andgetMaxValue(int)).

int getComponentCount()

Returns the number of components that form a color value according to this color space's color model, plus one extra component for alpha.

float[] getComponents()

Returns this color's components as a new array.

ColorSpace.Model getModel()

Returns the color model of this color.

static float green(long color)

Returns the green component encoded in the specified color long.

float green()

Returns the value of the green component in the range defined by this color's color space (see getMinValue(int) andgetMaxValue(int)).

static int green(int color)

Return the green component of a color int.

int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for the object.

static boolean isInColorSpace(long color, ColorSpace colorSpace)

Indicates whether the specified color is in the specified color space.

boolean isSrgb()

Indicates whether this color is in the sRGB color space.

static boolean isSrgb(long color)

Indicates whether the specified color is in the sRGB color space.

static boolean isWideGamut(long color)

Indicates whether the specified color is in a wide-gamut color space.

boolean isWideGamut()

Indicates whether this color color is in a wide-gamut color space.

static float luminance(long color)

Returns the relative luminance of a color.

static float luminance(int color)

Returns the relative luminance of a color.

float luminance()

Returns the relative luminance of this color.

static long pack(int color)

Converts the specified ARGB color int to an RGBA color long in the sRGB color space.

static long pack(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)

Packs the sRGB color defined by the specified red, green, blue and alpha component values into an RGBA color long in the sRGB color space.

static long pack(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, ColorSpace colorSpace)

Packs the 3 component color defined by the specified red, green, blue and alpha component values into a color long in the specified color space.

static long pack(float red, float green, float blue)

Packs the sRGB color defined by the specified red, green and blue component values into an RGBA color long in the sRGB color space.

long pack()

Packs this color into a color long.

static int parseColor(String colorString)

Parse the color string, and return the corresponding color-int.

float red()

Returns the value of the red component in the range defined by this color's color space (see getMinValue(int) andgetMaxValue(int)).

static float red(long color)

Returns the red component encoded in the specified color long.

static int red(int color)

Return the red component of a color int.

static int rgb(float red, float green, float blue)

Return a color-int from red, green, blue float components in the range [0..1].

static int rgb(int red, int green, int blue)

Return a color-int from red, green, blue components.

int toArgb()

Converts this color to an ARGB color int.

static int toArgb(long color)

Converts the specified color long to an ARGB color int.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

static Color valueOf(float r, float g, float b)

Creates a new opaque Color in the sRGB color space with the specified red, green and blue component values.

static Color valueOf(float r, float g, float b, float a)

Creates a new Color in the sRGB color space with the specified red, green, blue and alpha component values.

static Color valueOf(int color)

Creates a new Color instance from an ARGB color int.

static Color valueOf(float[] components, ColorSpace colorSpace)

Creates a new Color in the specified color space with the specified component values.

static Color valueOf(long color)

Creates a new Color instance from a color long.

static Color valueOf(float r, float g, float b, float a, ColorSpace colorSpace)

Creates a new Color in the specified color space with the specified red, green, blue and alpha component values.

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object



added in API level 1

Constant Value: -16777216 (0xff000000)


added in API level 1
int BLUE

Constant Value: -16776961 (0xff0000ff)


added in API level 1
int CYAN

Constant Value: -16711681 (0xff00ffff)


added in API level 1

Constant Value: -12303292 (0xff444444)


added in API level 1
int GRAY

Constant Value: -7829368 (0xff888888)


added in API level 1

Constant Value: -16711936 (0xff00ff00)


added in API level 1

Constant Value: -3355444 (0xffcccccc)


added in API level 1

Constant Value: -65281 (0xffff00ff)


added in API level 1
int RED

Constant Value: -65536 (0xffff0000)


added in API level 1

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


added in API level 1

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)


added in API level 1

Constant Value: -256 (0xffffff00)

Public constructors

Public methods


added in API level 1
int HSVToColor (float[] hsv)

Convert HSV components to an ARGB color. Alpha set to 0xFF.

  • hsv[0] is Hue [0..360[
  • hsv[1] is Saturation [0...1]
  • hsv[2] is Value [0...1]
If hsv values are out of range, they are pinned.

hsv float: 3 element array which holds the input HSV components.
int the resulting argb color


added in API level 1
int HSVToColor (int alpha, 
                float[] hsv)

Convert HSV components to an ARGB color. The alpha component is passed through unchanged.

  • hsv[0] is Hue [0..360[
  • hsv[1] is Saturation [0...1]
  • hsv[2] is Value [0...1]
If hsv values are out of range, they are pinned.

alpha int: the alpha component of the returned argb color.
hsv float: 3 element array which holds the input HSV components.
int the resulting argb color


added in API level 1
void RGBToHSV (int red, 
                int green, 
                int blue, 
                float[] hsv)

Convert RGB components to HSV.

  • hsv[0] is Hue [0..360[
  • hsv[1] is Saturation [0...1]
  • hsv[2] is Value [0...1]

red int: red component value [0..255]
green int: green component value [0..255]
blue int: blue component value [0..255]
hsv float: 3 element array which holds the resulting HSV components.


added in API level 1
int alpha (int color)

Return the alpha component of a color int. This is the same as saying color >>> 24

color int


float alpha ()

Returns the value of the alpha component in the range [0..1]. Calling this method is equivalent to getComponent(getComponentCount()).



float alpha (long color)

Returns the alpha component encoded in the specified color long. The returned value is always in the range [0..1].

color long: The color long whose blue channel to extract
float A float value in the range [0..1]


added in API level 1
int argb (int alpha, 
                int red, 
                int green, 
                int blue)

Return a color-int from alpha, red, green, blue components. These component values should be [0..255], but there is no range check performed, so if they are out of range, the returned color is undefined.

alpha int: Alpha component [0..255] of the color
red int: Red component [0..255] of the color
green int: Green component [0..255] of the color
blue int: Blue component [0..255] of the color


int argb (float alpha, 
                float red, 
                float green, 
                float blue)

Return a color-int from alpha, red, green, blue float components in the range [0..1]. If the components are out of range, the returned color is undefined.

alpha float: Alpha component [0..1] of the color
red float: Red component [0..1] of the color
green float: Green component [0..1] of the color
blue float: Blue component [0..1] of the color


added in API level 1
int blue (int color)

Return the blue component of a color int. This is the same as saying color & 0xFF

color int


float blue ()

Returns the value of the blue component in the range defined by this color's color space (see getMinValue(int) and getMaxValue(int)).

If this color's color model is not RGB, calling this method is equivalent to getComponent(2).



float blue (long color)

Returns the blue component encoded in the specified color long. The range of the returned value depends on the color space associated with the specified color. The color space can be queried by calling colorSpace(long).

color long: The color long whose blue channel to extract
float A float value with a range defined by the specified color's color space


ColorSpace colorSpace (long color)

Returns the color space encoded in the specified color long.

color long: The color long whose color space to extract
ColorSpace A non-null color space instance. If the color long encodes an unknown or invalid color space, the sRGB color space is returned


added in API level 1
void colorToHSV (int color, 
                float[] hsv)

Convert the ARGB color to its HSV components.

  • hsv[0] is Hue [0..360[
  • hsv[1] is Saturation [0...1]
  • hsv[2] is Value [0...1]

color int: the argb color to convert. The alpha component is ignored.
hsv float: 3 element array which holds the resulting HSV components.


long convert (long color, 
                ColorSpace.Connector connector)

Converts the specified color long from a color space to another using the specified color space connector. The resulting color is returned as a color long. See the documentation of this class for a description of the color long format.

When converting several colors in a row, this method is preferable to convert(long, ColorSpace) as it prevents a new connector from being created on every invocation.

The connector's source color space should match the color long's color space.

color long: The color long to convert
connector ColorSpace.Connector: A color space connector, cannot be null
long A color long in the destination color space of the connector


Color convert (ColorSpace colorSpace)

Converts this color from its color space to the specified color space. The conversion is done using the default rendering intent as specified byconnect(ColorSpace, ColorSpace).

colorSpace ColorSpace: The destination color space, cannot be null
Color A non-null color instance in the specified color space


long convert (int color, 
                ColorSpace colorSpace)

Converts the specified ARGB color int from the sRGB color space into the specified destination color space. The resulting color is returned as a color long. See the documentation of this class for a description of the color long format.

color int: The sRGB color int to convert
colorSpace ColorSpace: The destination color space
long A color long in the destination color space


long convert (float r, 
                float g, 
                float b, 
                float a, 
                ColorSpace source, 
                ColorSpace destination)

Converts the specified 3 component color from the source color space to the destination color space. The resulting color is returned as a color long. See the documentation of this class for a description of the color long format.

When converting multiple colors in a row, it is recommended to use convert(float, float, float, float, ColorSpace.Connector) instead to avoid the creation of a ColorSpace.Connector on every invocation.

The red, green and blue components must be in the range defined by the specified color space. See getMinValue(int) and getMaxValue(int).

r float: The red component of the color to convert
g float: The green component of the color to convert
b float: The blue component of the color to convert
a float: The alpha component of the color to convert, in [0..1]
source ColorSpace: The source color space, cannot be null
destination ColorSpace: The destination color space, cannot be null
long A color long in the destination color space


long convert (float r, 
                float g, 
                float b, 
                float a, 
                ColorSpace.Connector connector)

Converts the specified 3 component color from a color space to another using the specified color space connector. The resulting color is returned as a color long. See the documentation of this class for a description of the color long format.

When converting several colors in a row, this method is preferable to convert(float, float, float, float, ColorSpace, ColorSpace) as it prevents a new connector from being created on every invocation.

The red, green and blue components must be in the range defined by the source color space of the connector. See getMinValue(int) andgetMaxValue(int).

r float: The red component of the color to convert
g float: The green component of the color to convert
b float: The blue component of the color to convert
a float: The alpha component of the color to convert, in [0..1]
connector ColorSpace.Connector: A color space connector, cannot be null
long A color long in the destination color space of the connector


long convert (long color, 
                ColorSpace colorSpace)

Converts the specified color long from its color space into the specified destination color space. The resulting color is returned as a color long. See the documentation of this class for a description of the color long format.

When converting several colors in a row, it is recommended to use convert(long, ColorSpace.Connector) instead to avoid the creation of aColorSpace.Connector on every invocation.

color long: The color long to convert
colorSpace ColorSpace: The destination color space
long A color long in the destination color space


added in API level 1
boolean equals (Object o)

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

The equals method implements an equivalence relation on non-null object references:

  • It is reflexive: for any non-null reference value xx.equals(x) should return true.
  • It is symmetric: for any non-null reference values x and yx.equals(y) should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true.
  • It is transitive: for any non-null reference values xy, and z, if x.equals(y) returns true and y.equals(z) returns true, then x.equals(z) should returntrue.
  • It is consistent: for any non-null reference values x and y, multiple invocations of x.equals(y) consistently return true or consistently return false, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the objects is modified.
  • For any non-null reference value xx.equals(null) should return false.

The equals method for class Object implements the most discriminating possible equivalence relation on objects; that is, for any non-null reference values x and y, this method returns true if and only if x and y refer to the same object (x == y has the value true).

Note that it is generally necessary to override the hashCode method whenever this method is overridden, so as to maintain the general contract for thehashCode method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.

o Object: the reference object with which to compare.
boolean true if this object is the same as the obj argument; false otherwise.


ColorSpace getColorSpace ()

Returns this color's color space.

ColorSpace A non-null instance of ColorSpace


float getComponent (int component)

Returns the value of the specified component in the range defined by this color's color space (see getMinValue(int) and getMaxValue(int)).

If the requested component index is getComponentCount(), this method returns the alpha component, always in the range [0..1.

component int
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the specified component index is < 0 or >= getComponentCount()

See also:


int getComponentCount ()

Returns the number of components that form a color value according to this color space's color model, plus one extra component for alpha.

int An integer between 4 and 5


float[] getComponents ()

Returns this color's components as a new array. The last element of the array is always the alpha component.

float[] A new, non-null array whose size is equal to getComponentCount()

See also:


ColorSpace.Model getModel ()

Returns the color model of this color.

ColorSpace.Model A non-null ColorSpace.Model


float green (long color)

Returns the green component encoded in the specified color long. The range of the returned value depends on the color space associated with the specified color. The color space can be queried by calling colorSpace(long).

color long: The color long whose green channel to extract
float A float value with a range defined by the specified color's color space


float green ()

Returns the value of the green component in the range defined by this color's color space (see getMinValue(int) and getMaxValue(int)).

If this color's color model is not RGB, calling this method is equivalent to getComponent(1).



added in API level 1
int green (int color)

Return the green component of a color int. This is the same as saying (color >> 8) & 0xFF

color int


added in API level 1
int hashCode ()

Returns a hash code value for the object. This method is supported for the benefit of hash tables such as those provided by HashMap.

The general contract of hashCode is:

  • Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application, the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application.
  • If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.
  • It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the equals(java.lang.Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hash tables.

As much as is reasonably practical, the hashCode method defined by class Object does return distinct integers for distinct objects. (This is typically implemented by converting the internal address of the object into an integer, but this implementation technique is not required by the Java™ programming language.)

int a hash code value for this object.


boolean isInColorSpace (long color, 
                ColorSpace colorSpace)

Indicates whether the specified color is in the specified color space.

color long: The color to test
colorSpace ColorSpace: The color space to test against
boolean True if the color is in the specified color space, false otherwise


boolean isSrgb ()

Indicates whether this color is in the sRGB color space.

boolean True if this color is in the sRGB color space, false otherwise

See also:


boolean isSrgb (long color)

Indicates whether the specified color is in the sRGB color space.

color long: The color to test
boolean True if the color is in the sRGB color space, false otherwise


boolean isWideGamut (long color)

Indicates whether the specified color is in a wide-gamut color space. See isWideGamut() for a definition of a wide-gamut color space.

color long: The color to test
boolean True if the color is in a wide-gamut color space, false otherwise


boolean isWideGamut ()

Indicates whether this color color is in a wide-gamut color space. See isWideGamut() for a definition of a wide-gamut color space.

boolean True if this color is in a wide-gamut color space, false otherwise


float luminance (long color)

Returns the relative luminance of a color.

Based on the formula for relative luminance defined in WCAG 2.0, W3C Recommendation 11 December 2008.

color long
float A value between 0 (darkest black) and 1 (lightest white)
IllegalArgumentException If the specified color's color space does not use the RGB color model


added in API level 24
float luminance (int color)

Returns the relative luminance of a color.

Assumes sRGB encoding. Based on the formula for relative luminance defined in WCAG 2.0, W3C Recommendation 11 December 2008.

color int
float a value between 0 (darkest black) and 1 (lightest white)


float luminance ()

Returns the relative luminance of this color.

Based on the formula for relative luminance defined in WCAG 2.0, W3C Recommendation 11 December 2008.

float A value between 0 (darkest black) and 1 (lightest white)
IllegalArgumentException If the this color's color space does not use the RGB color model


long pack (int color)

Converts the specified ARGB color int to an RGBA color long in the sRGB color space. See the documentation of this class for a description of the color long format.

color int: The ARGB color int to convert to an RGBA color long in sRGB
long A color long


long pack (float red, 
                float green, 
                float blue, 
                float alpha)

Packs the sRGB color defined by the specified red, green, blue and alpha component values into an RGBA color long in the sRGB color space. See the documentation of this class for a description of the color long format.

red float: The red component of the sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
green float: The green component of the sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
blue float: The blue component of the sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
alpha float: The alpha component of the sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
long A color long


long pack (float red, 
                float green, 
                float blue, 
                float alpha, 
                ColorSpace colorSpace)

Packs the 3 component color defined by the specified red, green, blue and alpha component values into a color long in the specified color space. See the documentation of this class for a description of the color long format.

The red, green and blue components must be in the range defined by the specified color space. See getMinValue(int) and getMaxValue(int).

red float: The red component of the color to create
green float: The green component of the color to create
blue float: The blue component of the color to create
alpha float: The alpha component of the color to create, in [0..1]
colorSpace ColorSpace
long A color long
IllegalArgumentException If the color space's id is MIN_ID or if the color space's color model has more than 3 components


long pack (float red, 
                float green, 
                float blue)

Packs the sRGB color defined by the specified red, green and blue component values into an RGBA color long in the sRGB color space. The alpha component is set to 1.0. See the documentation of this class for a description of the color long format.

red float: The red component of the sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
green float: The green component of the sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
blue float: The blue component of the sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
long A color long


long pack ()

Packs this color into a color long. See the documentation of this class for a description of the color long format.

long A color long
IllegalArgumentException If this color's color space has the id MIN_ID or if this color has more than 4 components


added in API level 1
int parseColor (String colorString)

Parse the color string, and return the corresponding color-int. If the string cannot be parsed, throws an IllegalArgumentException exception. Supported formats are:


The following names are also accepted: redbluegreenblackwhitegraycyanmagentayellowlightgraydarkgraygreylightgreydarkgreyaqua,fuchsialimemaroonnavyolivepurplesilver, and teal.

colorString String


float red ()

Returns the value of the red component in the range defined by this color's color space (see getMinValue(int) and getMaxValue(int)).

If this color's color model is not RGB, calling this method is equivalent to getComponent(0).



float red (long color)

Returns the red component encoded in the specified color long. The range of the returned value depends on the color space associated with the specified color. The color space can be queried by calling colorSpace(long).

color long: The color long whose red channel to extract
float A float value with a range defined by the specified color's color space


added in API level 1
int red (int color)

Return the red component of a color int. This is the same as saying (color >> 16) & 0xFF

color int


int rgb (float red, 
                float green, 
                float blue)

Return a color-int from red, green, blue float components in the range [0..1]. The alpha component is implicitly 1.0 (fully opaque). If the components are out of range, the returned color is undefined.

red float: Red component [0..1] of the color
green float: Green component [0..1] of the color
blue float: Blue component [0..1] of the color


added in API level 1
int rgb (int red, 
                int green, 
                int blue)

Return a color-int from red, green, blue components. The alpha component is implicitly 255 (fully opaque). These component values should be [0..255], but there is no range check performed, so if they are out of range, the returned color is undefined.

red int: Red component [0..255] of the color
green int: Green component [0..255] of the color
blue int: Blue component [0..255] of the color


int toArgb ()

Converts this color to an ARGB color int. A color int is always in the sRGB color space. This implies a color space conversion is applied if needed.

int An ARGB color in the sRGB color space


int toArgb (long color)

Converts the specified color long to an ARGB color int. A color int is always in the sRGB color space. This implies a color space conversion is applied if needed.

color long
int An ARGB color in the sRGB color space


added in API level 1
String toString ()

Returns a string representation of the object. This method returns a string equal to the value of:

 "Color(" + r + ", " + g + ", " + b + ", " + a +
         ", " + getColorSpace().getName + ')'

For instance, the string representation of opaque black in the sRGB color space is equal to the following value:

 Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, sRGB IEC61966-2.1)

String A non-null string representation of the object


Color valueOf (float r, 
                float g, 
                float b)

Creates a new opaque Color in the sRGB color space with the specified red, green and blue component values. The component values must be in the range [0..1].

r float: The red component of the opaque sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
g float: The green component of the opaque sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
b float: The blue component of the opaque sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
Color A non-null instance of Color


Color valueOf (float r, 
                float g, 
                float b, 
                float a)

Creates a new Color in the sRGB color space with the specified red, green, blue and alpha component values. The component values must be in the range [0..1].

r float: The red component of the sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
g float: The green component of the sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
b float: The blue component of the sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
a float: The alpha component of the sRGB color to create, in [0..1]
Color A non-null instance of Color


Color valueOf (int color)

Creates a new Color instance from an ARGB color int. The resulting color is in the sRGB color space.

color int: The ARGB color int to create a Color from
Color A non-null instance of Color


Color valueOf (float[] components, 
                ColorSpace colorSpace)

Creates a new Color in the specified color space with the specified component values. The range of the components is defined by getMinValue(int) andgetMaxValue(int). The values passed to this method must be in the proper range. The alpha component is always in the range [0..1].

The length of the array of components must be at least getComponentCount() + 1. The component at index getComponentCount() is always alpha.

components float: The components of the color to create, with alpha as the last component
colorSpace ColorSpace: The color space of the color to create
Color A non-null instance of Color
IllegalArgumentException If the array of components is smaller than required by the color space


Color valueOf (long color)

Creates a new Color instance from a color long. The resulting color is in the same color space as the specified color long.

color long: The color long to create a Color from
Color A non-null instance of Color


Color valueOf (float r, 
                float g, 
                float b, 
                float a, 
                ColorSpace colorSpace)

Creates a new Color in the specified color space with the specified red, green, blue and alpha component values. The range of the components is defined by getMinValue(int) and getMaxValue(int). The values passed to this method must be in the proper range.

r float: The red component of the color to create
g float: The green component of the color to create
b float: The blue component of the color to create
a float: The alpha component of the color to create, in [0..1]
colorSpace ColorSpace: The color space of the color to create
Color A non-null instance of Color
IllegalArgumentException If the specified color space uses a color model with more than 3 components
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