Gunicorn 簡單使用

Gunicorn 簡單使用

  1. 配置文件如下
import multiprocessing

bind = ''
workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1
# 服務連接已滿時,可容納的等待連接數,當超過該值時,服務會直接被拒絕
backlog = 2048
worker_class = "gevent"
# 最大連接數
worker_connections = 1000
threads = 30
# 後臺運行
daemon = True
proc_name = 'gunicorn_demo'
# 日誌輸出
access_log = "./logs/access_guni.log"
error_log = "./logs/error/guni.log"
# pid 用於啓停
pidfile = "./logs/"
timeout = 600
  1. 服務啓停
  • 啓動 gunicorn -c manage:app
    • manage 就是 python 文件
    • 服務對象叫做 app
  • 關閉 kill -9 ./logs/
  • 重啓 kill -HUP ./logs/
  1. 配置 syslog(可輸出到 logstash)
syslog = True
syslog_addr = "udp://"
access_log_format = ''%(h)s %(l)s %(u)s %(t)s "%(r)s" %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s"''
  1. 日誌格式解釋
  • 官方文檔
變量名 釋義 備註
h remote address
l ‘-’
u user name
t date of the request
r status line (e.g. GET / HTTP/1.1)
m request method
U URL path without query string
q query string
H protocol
s status
B response length
b response length or ‘-’ (CLF format)
f referer
a user agent
T request time in seconds
D request time in microseconds
L request time in decimal seconds
p process ID
{header}i request header
{header}o response header
{variable}e environment variable
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