[NCE2]Lesson 1. A private conversation

#New words and expressions

privacy  # 隱私
private life # 私生活
private soldier # 大兵
private citizen # 公民

theatre # 劇院
cinema # 電影院

be seated
take a(your) seat # 就坐
seat + 人 :  seat yourself/himself  # 讓某人就坐
you seat him
seat #vt 後有賓語
sit    #vi 後無賓語

annoyed  #惱火的 1
angry = cross #生氣的 2
be blue in the face # 3

bear #熊
give sb a bear hug # 給某人一個熱情的擁抱

business # 生意
business man
do business
go to someplace on business # 因公出差

gossip # 嚼舌頭、八卦
dialogue # 對話
talk # 課正式、可不正式
conversation # 正式 have a conversation

bear # 忍受 1
stand # 2
endure # 3
put up with 
suffer # 遭受、忍受(精神上、或肉體上)
# I suffer the headache
# He often suffers defeat

pay attention # 注意
pay attention to # 對...注意 = pay a little attention
pay much/more/no attention # 多加/多加/不 注意
not any = no

go to school/hospital/church # church 教堂(做禮拜)
go home # 沒事可做,回家休息

enjoy oneself # 玩得開心
enjoy + something # 喜歡,從...中得到一種享受

got # 變得
I am/was angry # 事實
I got angry # 變化的過程

hear # 聽見
hear + 人 # 聽見某人的話
I couldn't catch your word.


pay attention # 注意(在思想上)
notice # 注意 = see 眼睛看

ahead of # 在...前面(+時間、位置) 相對動態的
Ahead of time, He goes ahead of me.
in front of # 相對靜態的

how # adv. 對形容詞、副詞、介詞提問 。pron.對方式狀態提問

none # 沒有任何東西,沒有任何人
None knows/None of us knows.

not any = no # not 否定詞,要放在非實意動詞後面。He didn't pay any attention.
#no 形容詞, 修飾名詞。
# I don't have any friends/ I have no friends.
# I don't have time/ I have no time.   

還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.