欺詐郵件:You've won a Microsoft X-Box (This is not spam)



Your email address was entered into our Microsoft X-Box promotional competition at

This is a prize draw, you have actually won a brand new Microsoft X-Box Gaming Console!

Your package also includes these top 5 games:
- Halo: Combat Evolved
- Grand Theft Auto Double Pack
- Madden NFL 2004
- Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
- Tom Clancy's Rainbox Six 3

You are now invited to login to our website and claim your prize that you have won.
There are only 3 winners in total this month, out of thousands of emails, so do count yourself lucky!

We have provided the following web link for you, it is temporary and expires in 72 hours.
If you do not login within this time, your X-Box shall unfortunately be returned to the prize pool.

Here is your link!
http://www.saprize.com/cgi-bin/server.cgi?code=DKN8838356612®[email protected]&ref=xxxxxxxx&xm=01

On this page you will need to enter this pass code number to proceed:


This is very important. Do not lose that number!
Put in your address, and we will send your X-Box to you.

We hope that you will enjoy your new X-Box gaming console.

Best Regards,

From Microsoft and the Saprize.com team!

收到郵件後,覺得有點奇怪,感覺不太可信。於是google了一下,結果發現這原來是封欺詐郵件。這種欺詐郵件大約是2003年9月左右開始在Internet上出現的,目的是收集用戶的信用卡帳號和住址。當時微軟官方已就此事發出過聲明,說此郵件是愚弄郵件,提醒用戶不要上當。大家可以訪問下面的地址:http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/bl_xbox_giveaway.htm written by David Emery, commented that :

"Microsoft, the manufacturer of Xbox, has denounced this email offer as a hoax and says the sender is not affiliated with Microsoft in any way. Virtually identical emails have surfaced monthly since September 2003, in each case pointing "winners" to a different Web domain where they can supposedly claim their "prize" by providing a debit card number and PIN to prepay shipping charges. It has all the elements of a scam, plus a false claim of affiliation with Microsoft. Caveat emptor!"

國外不少Blogger也對該郵件做了詳細記載,另外,據傳該欺詐郵件之後又有了類似下面的變種,郵件主題可能如下:This is a VERY WELL DONE SCAM. As always NEVER give your PIN number to anyone!!!!

最後提醒大家:不要貪心,貪心必被騙hitwall.gif 任何不是從你的可信任的朋友處發過來的電子郵件,如果需要你填信用卡號或住址,都極有可能是欺詐郵件。收到這類郵件後,第一件事就是把該郵件的主題google一下,看看有沒有黑記錄(black record),暫時沒有的話也不要馬上回復,最好等1~2周後,再次google一下,如果此時還是找不到不好的說明,再小心行事wink_smile.gif

還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.