JVM學習筆記21 java 工具

bilibili-JVM學習筆記21 java 工具
The Java Virtual Machine Specification - Java SE 8 Edition

JVM學習筆記18 字節碼知識總結
JVM學習筆記19 JVM內存空間
JVM學習筆記20 jvisualvm

基於 java 1.8.0

jmap與jstat工具實戰分析 67

➜  ~ jmap -h
    jmap [option] <pid>
        (to connect to running process)
    jmap [option] <executable <core>
        (to connect to a core file)
    jmap [option] [server_id@]<remote server IP or hostname>
        (to connect to remote debug server)

where <option> is one of:
    <none>               to print same info as Solaris pmap
    -heap                to print java heap summary
    -histo[:live]        to print histogram of java object heap; if the "live"
                         suboption is specified, only count live objects
    -clstats             to print class loader statistics
    -finalizerinfo       to print information on objects awaiting finalization
    -dump:<dump-options> to dump java heap in hprof binary format
                           live         dump only live objects; if not specified,
                                        all objects in the heap are dumped.
                           format=b     binary format
                           file=<file>  dump heap to <file>
                         Example: jmap -dump:live,format=b,file=heap.bin <pid>
    -F                   force. Use with -dump:<dump-options> <pid> or -histo
                         to force a heap dump or histogram when <pid> does not
                         respond. The "live" suboption is not supported
                         in this mode.
    -h | -help           to print this help message
    -J<flag>             to pass <flag> directly to the runtime system

jps -l

jmap -clstats [pid]


jmap -heap [pid]


➜  ~ jstat -h
-h requires an integer argument
Usage: jstat -help|-options
       jstat -<option> [-t] [-h<lines>] <vmid> [<interval> [<count>]]

  <option>      An option reported by the -options option
  <vmid>        Virtual Machine Identifier. A vmid takes the following form:
                Where <lvmid> is the local vm identifier for the target
                Java virtual machine, typically a process id; <hostname> is
                the name of the host running the target Java virtual machine;
                and <port> is the port number for the rmiregistry on the
                target host. See the jvmstat documentation for a more complete
                description of the Virtual Machine Identifier.
  <lines>       Number of samples between header lines.
  <interval>    Sampling interval. The following forms are allowed:
                Where <n> is an integer and the suffix specifies the units as 
                milliseconds("ms") or seconds("s"). The default units are "ms".
  <count>       Number of samples to take before terminating.
  -J<flag>      Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system.

jstat -gc [pid]



jcmd命令實戰講解 68

➜  ~ jcmd -h
Usage: jcmd <pid | main class> <command ...|PerfCounter.print|-f file>
   or: jcmd -l                                                    
   or: jcmd -h                                                    
  command must be a valid jcmd command for the selected jvm.      
  Use the command "help" to see which commands are available.   
  If the pid is 0, commands will be sent to all Java processes.   
  The main class argument will be used to match (either partially 
  or fully) the class used to start Java.                         
  If no options are given, lists Java processes (same as -p).     
  PerfCounter.print display the counters exposed by this process  
  -f  read and execute commands from the file                     
  -l  list JVM processes on the local machine                     
  -h  this help   

jmc與jhat工具使用詳解 69

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