Definitions of some Basic Biology Concepts(Start with "GENE")

  1. GENE The fundamental physical and functional unit of heredity. A gene is an ordered sequence of nucleotides located in a particular position on a particular chromosome that encodes a specific functional product (ie, a protein or RNA molecule). See gene expression. 
    1. NUCLEOTIDES The basic building blocks of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Nucleotides are made up of a nitrogen-containing purine or pyrimidine base linked to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and a phosphate group.
    2. CHROMOSOME Components in a cell that contain genetic information. Each chromosome contains numerous genes. Chromosomes occur in pairs: one obtained from the mother; the other from the father. Chromosomes of different pairs are often visibly different from each other (see also DNA).
    3. X CHROMOSOME The female sex chromosome. In species that have sex chromosomes that differ to one another this chromosome usually occurs as a pair in each female cell (ie XX in humans), and unpaired in each male cell (ie XY in humans).
  2. GENE PRODUCT Genes are transcribed into segments of RNA (ribonucleic acid), which are translated into proteins. Both RNA and proteins are products of the expression of the gene. 
  3. GENE THERRAPY An experimental procedure aimed at replacing, manipulating, or supplementing nonfunctional or misfunctioning genes with healthy genes. Source : Human Genome Project Information
  4. GENE POOL The collection of alleles available among reproductive members of a population.
  5. GENE FLOW This is distinct from "genetic drift" in that it refers to movement of alleles between adjacent populations. This flow may be either into a population ("immigration") or out ("emigration"). This effect makes the populations more similar, and reduces the chance that the allele frequencies in the two populations will become very dissimilar.
  6. GEME AMPLIFICATION The presence of multiple copies of a gene or segment of DNA; a mechanism by which proto-oncogenes are activated in malignant cells. A tumor cell amplifies, or copies, DNA segments as a result of cell signals or the effects of environmental insults.
  7. GENE MAPPING Determination of the relative locations of genes on a chromosome.
  8. REPORTER GENE A gene used to analyze another gene.
  9. CANDIDATE GENE A gene that is suspected of being associated with a particular disease.
  10. The Gene Ontology, or GO, is a trio of controlled vocabularies that are being developed to aid the description of the molecular functions of gene products, their placement in and as cellular components, and their participation in biological processes. Terms in each of the vocabularies are related to one another within a vocabulary in a polyhierarchical (or directed acyclic graph) manner; terms are mutually exclusive across the three vocabularies. ...
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