

#define __WINDOWS__ 1
//#define MNIST_PATH "E:\\ebLearn\\mnist"
#include "libidx.h"
#include "libeblearn.h"
#include "libeblearntools.h"
//#include "netconf.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace ebl;
uint dump_count = 0;

string *gl_mnist_dir = NULL;
string *gl_mnist_errmsg = NULL;
template <typename Tnet>
void test_lenet5_mnist(string *dir, string *errmsg, double eta);
int main(int argc,char** argv)
	if (strlen(MNIST_PATH) > 0) gl_mnist_dir = new string(MNIST_PATH);
	gl_mnist_errmsg =
      new string("MNIST directory is unknown, some tests will be ignored (MNIST can be downloaded at http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/)");
	test_lenet5_mnist<float>(gl_mnist_dir, gl_mnist_errmsg, 1e-5);
	if (gl_mnist_dir) delete gl_mnist_dir;
	if (gl_mnist_errmsg) delete gl_mnist_errmsg;
	return 0;

template <typename Tnet>
void test_lenet5_mnist(string *dir, string *errmsg, double eta) 
  cout << "initializing random seed with " << fixed_init_drand() << endl;
  typedef ubyte Tdata;
  typedef ubyte Tlab;
#ifdef __GUI__
  bool display = true;
  //uint ninternals = 1;
  cout << endl;

  // load MNIST dataset
    test_ds(dir->c_str(), false, 1000),
    train_ds(dir->c_str(), true, 2000);
  // set 2nd argument to true for focusing on hardest examples
  //  train_ds.set_weigh_samples(true, false, false, 0.01);
  train_ds.set_weigh_samples(false, false, false, 0.01);
  test_ds.set_epoch_show(500); // show progress every 100 samples
  train_ds.set_epoch_show(500); // show progress every 100 samples

  // create 1-of-n targets with target 1.0 for shown class, -1.0 for the rest
  idx<Tnet> targets =
    create_target_matrix<Tnet>(1+idx_max(train_ds.labels), 1.0);
  uint nclasses = targets.dim(0);

  // create the network weights, network and trainer
  idxdim dims(train_ds.sample_dims()); // get order and dimensions of sample
  ddparameter<Tnet> theparam(60000); // create trainable parameter
  lenet5<Tnet> net(theparam, 32, 32, 5, 5, 2, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2, 120,
		   nclasses, true, false, true, false);
  cout << net.describe() << endl;

  l2_energy<Tnet> energy;
  class_answer<Tnet,Tdata,Tlab> answer(nclasses);
  trainable_module<Tnet,Tdata,Tlab> trainable(energy, net, NULL, &answer);
  supervised_trainer<Tnet, ubyte, ubyte> thetrainer(trainable, theparam);

#ifdef __GUI__
  //  labeled_datasource_gui<Tnet, ubyte, ubyte> dsgui(true);
//   dsgui.display(test_ds, 10, 10);
  supervised_trainer_gui<Tnet,Tdata,Tlab> stgui;

  // a classifier-meter measures classification errors
  classifier_meter trainmeter;
  classifier_meter testmeter;

  // initialize the network weights
  forget_param_linear fgp(1, 0.5, (int) 0 /* fixed seed */);

  // gradient parameters
  gd_param gdp(/* double eta*/ eta,
	       /* double ln */ 	0.0,
	       /* double l1 */ 	0.0,
	       /* double l2 */ 	0.0,
	       /* intg dtime */ 	0,
	       /* double iner */0.0,
	       /* double anneal_value */ 0.001,
	       /* intg anneal_period */ 2000,
	       /* double g_t*/ 	0.0);
  cout << gdp << endl;
  infer_param infp;

  // estimate second derivative on 100 iterations, using mu=0.02
  // and set individual espilons
  // //printf("computing diagonal hessian and learning rates\n");
  thetrainer.compute_diaghessian(train_ds, 100, 0.02);

#ifdef __GUI__
  if (display) {
    stgui.display_datasource(thetrainer, test_ds, infp, 10, 10);
    // TODO: this causes compilation error now
    //    stgui.display_internals(thetrainer, test_ds, infp, gdp, ninternals);

  // do training iterations
  cout << "training with " << train_ds.size() << " training samples and ";
  cout << test_ds.size() << " test samples" << endl;

  thetrainer.test(train_ds, trainmeter, infp);
  thetrainer.test(test_ds, testmeter, infp);
#ifdef __GUI__
  if (display) {
    stgui.display_datasource(thetrainer, test_ds, infp, 10, 10);
    // TODO: this causes compilation error now
    //    stgui.display_internals(thetrainer, test_ds, infp, gdp, ninternals);
  // this goes at about 25 examples per second on a PIIIM 800MHz
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
    cout << "__ epoch " << i + 1 << " ______________"
	 << "_________________________________________________________" << endl;
    DEBUGMEM_PRETTY("before hessian");
    //thetrainer.compute_diaghessian(train_ds, 100, 0.02);
    thetrainer.train(train_ds, trainmeter, gdp, 1, infp, 1000, 100, .02);
    // ostringstream name(""); name << "pickings_" << i+1;
    // train_ds.save_pickings(name.str().c_str());
    thetrainer.test(train_ds, trainmeter, infp);
    thetrainer.test(test_ds, testmeter, infp);

#ifdef __GUI__
    if (display) {
      //      dsgui.display_pickings(train_ds, 3, 3);
      stgui.display_datasource(thetrainer, test_ds, infp, 10, 10);
      stgui.display_datasource(thetrainer, test_ds, infp, 10, 10);
    // TODO: this causes compilation error now
      //      stgui.display_internals(thetrainer, test_ds, infp, gdp, ninternals);



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