
1.final 不可變的修飾符,修飾類,方法和變量(成員變量或局部變量)

  • 修飾類


  • 修飾方法

(1) 把方法鎖定,以防止繼承類對其進行更改。

(2) 效率,在早期的java版本中,會將final方法轉爲內嵌調用。但若方法過於龐大,可能在性能上不會有多大提升。因此在最近版本中,不需要final方法進行這些優化了。



  • 修飾變量

2.finally 異常處理塊
什麼情況下 try catch finally 的finally不執行?

  • try還沒有執行就拋出異常終止了程序
 int a=1/0;   //這裏拋出除0異常,try塊未進入
    try {
    }catch (Exception e){
       // System.exit(0);
    finally {
  • 強制退出
try {
    }catch (Exception e){
        System.exit(0);   //可以是0,1參數,jvm退出了
    finally {




    int a = returnNum();
        System.out.println("a:" + a);  


    static int returnNum() {
        int a = 1;
        try {
            return a+= 1;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return a+= 1;
        } finally {
            return a+= 1;


沒有異常,a的值在try保存副本 1+1=2,接着執行finally a=2+1; 最後返回值3;
發生異常,異常後的try代碼不執行直接跳到catch 最後finally

     int a = returnNum();
        System.out.println("a:" + a);


    static int returnNum() {
        int a = 1;
        try {
            int b=1/0;
            return a+= 1; //前面發生異常,這裏不會執行,直接跳到catch塊
            //int b=1/0;  return後面不能有代碼!!
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return a+= 1;
        } finally {
            return a+= 1;


3.finalize 虛擬機垃圾回收機制


     * Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection
     * determines that there are no more references to the object.
     * A subclass overrides the {@code finalize} method to dispose of
     * system resources or to perform other cleanup.
     * <p>
     * The general contract of {@code finalize} is that it is invoked
     * if and when the Java&trade; virtual
     * machine has determined that there is no longer any
     * means by which this object can be accessed by any thread that has
     * not yet died, except as a result of an action taken by the
     * finalization of some other object or class which is ready to be
     * finalized. The {@code finalize} method may take any action, including
     * making this object available again to other threads; the usual purpose
     * of {@code finalize}, however, is to perform cleanup actions before
     * the object is irrevocably discarded. For example, the finalize method
     * for an object that represents an input/output connection might perform
     * explicit I/O transactions to break the connection before the object is
     * permanently discarded.
     * <p>
     * The {@code finalize} method of class {@code Object} performs no
     * special action; it simply returns normally. Subclasses of
     * {@code Object} may override this definition.
     * <p>
     * The Java programming language does not guarantee which thread will
     * invoke the {@code finalize} method for any given object. It is
     * guaranteed, however, that the thread that invokes finalize will not
     * be holding any user-visible synchronization locks when finalize is
     * invoked. If an uncaught exception is thrown by the finalize method,
     * the exception is ignored and finalization of that object terminates.
     * <p>
     * After the {@code finalize} method has been invoked for an object, no
     * further action is taken until the Java virtual machine has again
     * determined that there is no longer any means by which this object can
     * be accessed by any thread that has not yet died, including possible
     * actions by other objects or classes which are ready to be finalized,
     * at which point the object may be discarded.
     * <p>
     * The {@code finalize} method is never invoked more than once by a Java
     * virtual machine for any given object.
     * <p>
     * Any exception thrown by the {@code finalize} method causes
     * the finalization of this object to be halted, but is otherwise
     * ignored.
     * @throws Throwable the {@code Exception} raised by this method
     * @see java.lang.ref.WeakReference
     * @see java.lang.ref.PhantomReference
     * @jls 12.6 Finalization of Class Instances
    protected void finalize() throws Throwable { }

該方法是Object 對象的方法,文檔中說當該對象沒有任何引用的時候,GC最終調用該方法進行回收資源.


     * Runs the garbage collector.
     * <p>
     * Calling the <code>gc</code> method suggests that the Java Virtual
     * Machine expend effort toward recycling unused objects in order to
     * make the memory they currently occupy available for quick reuse.
     * When control returns from the method call, the Java Virtual
     * Machine has made a best effort to reclaim space from all discarded
     * objects.
     * <p>
     * The call <code>System.gc()</code> is effectively equivalent to the
     * call:
     * <blockquote><pre>
     * Runtime.getRuntime().gc()
     * </pre></blockquote>
     * @see     java.lang.Runtime#gc()
    public static void gc() {



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