CppCon 2016: Ben Deane “Using Types Effectively" 筆記


std::optional && std::variant


std::optional是由A proposal to add a utility class to represent optional objects提出來的?裏面詳細介紹了std::optional的設計以及背後的原因。

cppreference裏面詳細介紹了std::optional,《C++17 The Complete Guide》有詳細的介紹,以後我再學習,這裏粘貼一個其中的例子。

#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

// convert string to int if possible
std::optional<int> asInt(const std::string& s) {
	try {
		return std::stoi(s);
	} catch(...) {
		return std::nullopt;

int main() {
	for (auto s : {"42", "  077", "hello", "0x33"}) {
		// try to convert s to int and print the result if possible
		std::optional<int> oi = asInt(s);
		if (oi) {
			std::cout << "convert '" << s << "' to int: " << *oi << "\n";
		} else {
			std::cout << "can't convert '" << s << "' to int\n";

std::optional的出現是爲了描述一些可能存在值或不存在的情況,例如英文名中的middle name,以前可以用std::pair<string, bool>來表示,但

  • string值和bool值是有重疊的,string值本身就表示了true
  • 可能存在string值和false並存的情況,也就是type層面就會容忍這種bug的出現,可能需要添加一些測試來檢測這種情況



The class template std::variant represents a type-safe union.

std::variant是由Variant: a type-safe union提出來的,裏面介紹了std::variant有關的詳細細節。例如

union versus variant
This proposal is not meant to replace union: its undefined behavior when casting
Apples to Oranges is an often used feature that distinguishes it from variant’s
features. So be it.
On the other hand, variant is able to store values with non-trivial constructors
and destructors. Part of its visible state is the type of the value it holds at a
given moment; it enforces value access happening only to that type.

如下面例子所示,下面的代碼會拋出EXCEPTION: bad_variant_access,然後被後面的catch語句捕獲,這也是爲什麼說std::variant能夠記錄值的類型信息,而在std::variant的實現中也是這樣做的。你可以用std::variant::index()來獲得當前值的類型。

#include <varianr>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
	std::variant<int, std::string> var{"hi"};
	std::cout << var.index() << '\n';
		int i = std::get<0>(var); // EXCEPTION: bad_variant_access
	} catch (const std::bad_variant_access& e) {
		std::cerr << "EXCEPTION: " << e.what() << '\n';

Product Type

PLP好像並沒有介紹product type或者相關的信息,TAPL介紹到了,但是我還沒有讀。這裏摘抄wiki和《#23 Product Types》中的內容

In programming languages and type theory, a product of types is another, compounded, type in a structure. The “operands” of the product are types, and the structure of a product type is determined by the fixed order of the operands in the product. - 《Product type

  • product types主要用來組織邏輯上相關的數據
  • product types將多種不同的types合成一個,例如real * string

像C++中的std::pair<>structstd::tuple或者其它語言中類似的類型。而這些類型有的需要通過index來獲取子數據,有的需要id(比如說field name)。

而在視頻《Using Types Effectively》中,Ben和大家玩了一個關於type的遊戲,可以直觀表達product type所能表達的語義。例如下面的一系列的類型:

// 有256 * 2個值
struct Foo {
	char a;
	bool b;

// 有2 * 2 * 2個值
std::tuple<bool, bool, bool>;

// 有(# of values in T)* (# of values in U)
template<typename T, typename U>
struct Foo {
	T m_t;
	U m_u;


Sum Type

In computer science, a tagged union, also called a variant, variant record, choice type, discriminated union, disjoint union, sum type or coproduct, is a data structure used to hold a value that could take on several different, but fixed, types. Only one of the types can be in use at any one time, and a tag field explicitly indicates which one is in use. - 《Tagged union》

根據定義,C語言中的union是殘缺的,不是type-safe的,因爲它沒有所謂的tag field來表徵值的類型,需要程序員以external的方式牢記union可能的類型。爲人所熟知的pattern matching就是用於sum type上的。而正確的實現方式,應該像下圖一樣,有一個額外的field存儲類型信息。sum types
而C++ 17中的std::variant正式提供了這樣一種type-safe的sum type,Ben的另外幾個代碼示例:

// 有 (# of values in T) + (# of values in U),注意這裏不是乘法而是加法
template <typename T, typename U>
struct Foo {
	std::variant<T, U>;

Ben想告訴大家的是,其實很多明明可以用sum type來表達的值,卻使用了product type來表達,無形中增加了很多潛在的bug和無用的測試代碼。想想我自己的代碼中也存在很多這種state spacestypes不匹配的地方。

We have a choice over how to represent values. std::variant will quickly become a very important tool for proper expression of states.


enum class ConnectionState {

struct Connect {
	ConnectionState m_connectionState;

	std::string m_serverAddress;
	ConnectionId m_id;
	std::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_connectedTime;
	std::chrono::milliseconds m_lastPingTime;
	Timer m_reconnectTimer;

上面的代碼就是一個state spacetypes不匹配的例子。例如,處於DISCONNECTED狀態下,沒有所謂的m_connectedTime等值的,對於這樣的代碼,你可能需要測試在DISCONNECTED狀態下,m_connectedTime這些值應該處於無效狀態。正確的做法應該是選擇正確的type,在編寫代碼的過程中徹底杜絕(不需要程序員參與,type就不允許這些非法狀態的存在)這些狀態的存在。

struct Connection {
	std::string m_serverAddress;

	struct Disconnected {};
	struct Connecting {};
	struct Connected {
		ConnectionId m_id;
		std::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_connectedTime;
		std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> m_lastPingTime;
	struct ConnectionInterrupted {
		std::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_disconnectedTime;
		Timer m_reconnectedTimer;
				ConnectionInterrupted> m_connection;

我們可以從上述代碼中看到Ben使用std::variantstd::optional精確地表達了Connection應該有的狀態,杜絕了無效狀態的存在。首先從最頂層來說,Connection值的狀態空間就應該是server address * connection state。而connection state應該是choice type也就是sum type

Using types to constrain behavior

這是《Using Types Effectively》中的一個章節,這也是Ben想要表達的核心。後面Ben還玩兒了一個“Name that function”的遊戲,這個遊戲的目的是爲了想要讓大家知道函數就應該做它應該做的事,不要返回意料之外的值,感興趣的可以去看原視頻。


template <typename T>
T f(vector<T>);

其實這樣的函數就不應該存在,因爲vector可能是空的,此時不可能返回一個T出來(拋開創建新T值的情況),但是標準庫中就存在這樣的函數,例如std::vector::front,這就是所謂由於type設計的問題,存在觸發undefined behavior的可能性。

// Calling front on an empty container is undefined.
T& vector<T>::front();


template <typename T>
optional<T> f(vector<T>);


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