编译出错:fatal error C1001: INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR 和 链接出错 unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16

1.fatal error C1001: INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR

最近在编译一个VC6.0工程(开发环境:win2000+VS6.0+Sp6),在加入预编译头后出现了下面的编译错误提示: c:/program files/microsoft visual studio/vc98/include/xlocnum(106) : fatal error C1001: INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR         (compiler file 'msc1.cpp', line 1794)          Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++          Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information Error executing cl.exe.



在window98下使用vc6.0时,如果预编译头文件(stdafx.h)中包含了模板类的头文件,比如atl的头文件时,编译器会报错: fatal error C1001: INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR (compiler file 'msc1.cpp', line 1786)

造成这种问题的原因是编译器分配的内存超过了限制。 解决的办法有三种: 1.给编译器增大内存限制。在project(工程)->setting(设置)->c/c++的project option(工程选项)中,添加/Zm#nn选项,#nn是一个数字,取值最大为2000。默认为100。但是这种方法好像没有什么用处。 2.将模板类头文件从stdafx.h中移出; 3.不使用预编译头文件。project->setting->c/c++,选择所有的.cpp文件,都使用“不使用预编译头文件“的选项。缺点是编译的时候很慢。



I see that while compiling ITEL.CPP it is trying and failing to open Debug/IODIARY.PCH. I also see that there is no IODIARY.CPP. Exactly how is IODIARY.PCH supposed to be created? Turn off precompiled headers for all files in the project, and rebuild. If the build still fails, then... uh-oh.. Modify the project to use the default STDAFX.CPP/STDAFX.H method of using PCH. Then, add an empty file STDAFX.H and an empty file STDAFX.CPP to the project. Then, for each .CPP file, add as the first line #include "stdafx.h" . Then compile. This should work. If it does not... uh-oh. In order for pre-compiled headers to work properly each .CPP must have as its first #include statement the name of the one .H (such as STDAFX.H) that includes all the "actual" .H's (windows.h, stdio.h, etc.) that should be included by ALL .CPPs. That is the important part. You don't usually want EVERYsingle .H that is included in ANY .CPP in the project to be in STDAFX.H -- you do normally want windows.h, because it is the big one that can include a lot and is usually included in every .CPP. Putting just windows.h in stdafx.h (and removing it from all the .CPPs) can speed up the build tremendously. http://www.codecomments.com/archive307-2005-3-421145.html







2.unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16



一,问题描述error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMainᤐdebug/main.exe:fatal error LNK 1120:1 unresolved externals error executing link.exe;


1, 你用vc建了一个控制台程序,它的入口函数应该是main, 而你使用了WinMain.

2.  你用vc打开了一个.c/.cpp 文件,然后直接编译这个文件,这个文件中使用了WinMian而不是main作为入口函数。vc这时的默认设置是针对控制台程序的。

三, 解决方法

1.进入project->setting->c/c++, 在category中选择preprocessor,在processor definitions中删除_WINDOWS, 添加_CONSOLE

2.进入project->setting->Link, 在Project options中将/subsystem:windows.改为/subsystem:console

3.保存设置,Rebuild All. 

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