Bootloader 的主控函數bootloadermain函數分析





void BootloaderMain (void)
    DWORD dwAction;  
    DWORD dwpToc = 0;
    DWORD dwImageStart = 0, dwImageLength = 0, dwLaunchAddr = 0;
    BOOL bDownloaded = FALSE;

    // relocate globals to RAM// 把全局變量定位到ram
    if (!KernelRelocate (pTOC))
        // spin forever     //出錯處理

    // (1) Init debug support. We can use OEMWriteDebugString afterward.
 //初始化調試端口,我們就可以使用OEMWriteDebugString 函數
    if (!OEMDebugInit ())
        // spin forever

    // output banner

    // (3) initialize platform (clock, drivers, transports, etc)
    if (!OEMPlatformInit ())
        // spin forever

    // system ready, preparing for download
    EdbgOutputDebugString ("System ready!/r/nPreparing for download.../r/n");

    // (4) call OEM specific pre-download function
    switch (dwAction = OEMPreDownload ())
    case BL_DOWNLOAD:
        // (5) download image
        if (!DownloadImage (&dwImageStart, &dwImageLength, &dwLaunchAddr))
            // error already reported in DownloadImage
        bDownloaded = TRUE;

        // Check for pTOC signature ("CECE") here, after image in place
        if (*(LPDWORD) OEMMapMemAddr (dwImageStart, dwImageStart + ROM_SIGNATURE_OFFSET) == ROM_SIGNATURE)
            dwpToc = *(LPDWORD) OEMMapMemAddr (dwImageStart, dwImageStart + ROM_SIGNATURE_OFFSET + sizeof(ULONG));
            // need to map the content again since the pointer is going to be in a fixup address
            dwpToc = (DWORD) OEMMapMemAddr (dwImageStart, dwpToc + g_dwROMOffset);

            EdbgOutputDebugString ("ROMHDR at Address %Xh/r/n", dwImageStart + ROM_SIGNATURE_OFFSET + sizeof (DWORD)); //

right after signature

        // fall through
    case BL_JUMP:
        // Before jumping to the image, optionally check the image signature.
        // NOTE: if we haven't downloaded the image by now, we assume that it'll be loaded from local storage in OEMLaunch

(or it
        // already resides in RAM from an earlier download), and in this case, the image start address might be 0.  This

        // that the image signature routine will need to find the image in storage or in RAM to validate it.  Since the OEM"s
        // OEMLaunch function will need to do this anyways, we trust that it's within their abilities to do it here.
        if (g_bBINDownload && g_pOEMCheckSignature)
            if (!g_pOEMCheckSignature(dwImageStart, g_dwROMOffset, dwLaunchAddr, bDownloaded))
        // (5) final call to launch the image. never returned
        OEMLaunch (dwImageStart, dwImageLength, dwLaunchAddr, (const ROMHDR *)dwpToc);
        // should never return
        // fall through
        // ERROR! spin forever


重定位函數KernelRelocate ()
pTOC定義在BLCommon.c文件中: ROMHDR * volatile const pTOC=(ROMHDR *)-1;
static BOOL KernelRelocate (ROMHDR *const pTOC)
    ULONG loop;
    COPYentry *cptr;
    if (pTOC == (ROMHDR *const) -1)
        return (FALSE); // spin forever!
    // This is where the data sections become valid... don't read globals until after this
    for (loop = 0; loop < pTOC->ulCopyEntries; loop++)
        cptr = (COPYentry *)(pTOC->ulCopyOffset + loop*sizeof(COPYentry));
        if (cptr->ulCopyLen)
        if (cptr->ulCopyLen != cptr->ulDestLen)
    return (TRUE);






    @func   BOOL | OEMPlatformInit | Initialize the Samsung SMD2410 platform hardware.
    @rdesc  TRUE = Success, FALSE = Failure.
如:    1、實時鐘(用於網絡下載及用戶輸入判斷);
BOOL OEMPlatformInit(void)
    UINT8 BootDelay;
    UINT8 KeySelect;
    UINT32 dwStartTime, dwPrevTime, dwCurrTime;
    BOOLEAN bResult = FALSE;

    OALMSG(OAL_FUNC, (TEXT("+OEMPlatformInit./r/n")));

    EdbgOutputDebugString("Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader for the Samsung SMDK2410 Version %d.%d Built %s/r/n/r/n",
                          EBOOT_VERSION_MAJOR, EBOOT_VERSION_MINOR, __DATE__);

    // Initialize the display.

    // Initialize the RealTimeClock

    // Initialize the BSP args structure.
    //初始化BSP的共享參數,在2410 EBoot中定義了一個叫pBSPArgs的區域指針(loader.h文件中)
    //#define IMAGE_SHARE_ARGS_UA_START 0xAC020000
    memset(pBSPArgs, 0, sizeof(BSP_ARGS));
    pBSPArgs->header.signature       = OAL_ARGS_SIGNATURE;
    pBSPArgs->header.oalVersion      = OAL_ARGS_VERSION;
    pBSPArgs->header.bspVersion      = BSP_ARGS_VERSION;
    pBSPArgs->kitl.flags             = OAL_KITL_FLAGS_ENABLED | OAL_KITL_FLAGS_VMINI;
    pBSPArgs->kitl.devLoc.IfcType    = Internal;
    pBSPArgs->kitl.devLoc.BusNumber  = 0;
    pBSPArgs->kitl.devLoc.LogicalLoc = BSP_BASE_REG_PA_CS8900A_IOBASE;

    // Initialize the AMD AM29LV800 flash code.
    if (!AM29LV800_Init((UINT32)AMD_FLASH_START))
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: OEMPlatformInit: Flash initialization failed./r/n")));
        goto CleanUp;

    // Initialize the Smart Media flash driver (and partitioning code).
    memset(&NANDInfo, 0, sizeof(PCI_REG_INFO));
    NANDInfo.MemBase.Num    = 1;
    if (!FMD_Init(NULL, &NANDInfo, NULL))
        OALMSG(OAL_WARN, (TEXT("WARNING: OEMPlatformInit: Failed to initialize Smart Media./r/n")));
        g_bSmartMediaExist = FALSE;
        g_bSmartMediaExist = TRUE;

    // Retrieve eboot settings from AMD flash.
    // EBoot從AM29LV800芯片中讀取啓動信息
    if (!ReadBootConfig(&g_BootConfig))
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: OEMPlatformInit: Failed to retrieve bootloader settings from flash./r/n")));
        goto CleanUp;

    // Display boot message - user can halt the autoboot by pressing any key on the serial terminal emulator.
    BootDelay = g_BootConfig.BootDelay;

    EdbgOutputDebugString ( "Press [ENTER] to download now or [SPACE] to cancel./r/n");
    EdbgOutputDebugString ( "/r/nInitiating image download in %d seconds. ", BootDelay--);
    dwStartTime = OEMEthGetSecs();
    dwPrevTime  = dwStartTime;
    dwCurrTime  = dwStartTime;
    KeySelect   = 0;

    // Allow the user to break into the bootloader menu.
    while((dwCurrTime - dwStartTime) < g_BootConfig.BootDelay)
        KeySelect = OEMReadDebugByte();//讀取用戶按鍵
        if ((KeySelect == 0x20) || (KeySelect == 0x0d))
        dwCurrTime = OEMEthGetSecs();//獲得當前時間
        if (dwCurrTime > dwPrevTime)
            int i, j;

            // 1 Second has elapsed - update the countdown timer.
            dwPrevTime = dwCurrTime;
            if (BootDelay < 9)
                i = 11;
            else if (BootDelay < 99)
                i = 12;
            else if (BootDelay < 999)
                i = 13;

            for(j = 0; j < i; j++)
                OEMWriteDebugByte((BYTE)0x08); // print back space
            EdbgOutputDebugString ( "%d seconds. ", BootDelay--);
    EdbgOutputDebugString ( "/r/n");

    // Boot or enter bootloader menu.
    case 0x20: // Boot menu.打印BootMenu
    case 0x00: // Fall through if no keys were pressed -or-直接啓動
    case 0x0d: // the user cancelled the countdown.
        EdbgOutputDebugString ( "/r/nStarting auto-download ... /r/n");

    // Configure Ethernet controller.
    if (!InitEthDevice(&g_BootConfig))
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: OEMPlatformInit: Failed to initialize Ethernet controller./r/n")));
        goto CleanUp;

    bResult = TRUE;


    OALMSG(OAL_FUNC, (TEXT("_OEMPlatformInit./r/n")));

    @func   BOOL | MainMenu | Manages the Samsung bootloader main menu.
    @rdesc  TRUE == Success and FALSE == Failure.
static BOOL MainMenu(PBOOT_CFG pBootCfg)
    BYTE KeySelect = 0;
    BOOL bConfigChanged = FALSE;

        KeySelect = 0;
        EdbgOutputDebugString ( "/r/nEthernet Boot Loader Configuration:/r/n/r/n");
        EdbgOutputDebugString ( "0) IP address: %s/r/n",inet_ntoa(pBootCfg->IPAddr));
        EdbgOutputDebugString ( "1) Subnet mask: %s/r/n", inet_ntoa(pBootCfg->SubnetMask));
        EdbgOutputDebugString ( "2) DHCP: %s/r/n", (pBootCfg->ConfigFlags & CONFIG_FLAGS_DHCP)?"Enabled":"Disabled");
        EdbgOutputDebugString ( "3) Boot delay: %d seconds/r/n", pBootCfg->BootDelay);
        EdbgOutputDebugString ( "4) Reset to factory default configuration/r/n");
        EdbgOutputDebugString ( "5) Program disk image into SmartMedia card: %s/r/n", (pBootCfg->ConfigFlags &

        EdbgOutputDebugString ( "6) Program CS8900 MAC address/r/n");
        EdbgOutputDebugString ( "7) Low-level format the Smart Media card/r/n");
        EdbgOutputDebugString ( "D) Download image now/r/n");
        EdbgOutputDebugString ( "/r/nEnter your selection: ");

        while (! ( ( (KeySelect >= '0') && (KeySelect <= '7') ) ||
                   ( (KeySelect == 'D') || (KeySelect == 'd') ) ))
            KeySelect = OEMReadDebugByte();//讀取用戶按鍵

        EdbgOutputDebugString ( "%c/r/n", KeySelect);

        switch(KeySelect) //根據用戶按鍵進行不同操作
        case '0':           // Change IP address.
            bConfigChanged = TRUE;
        case '1':           // Change subnet mask.
            bConfigChanged = TRUE;
        case '2':           // Toggle static/DHCP mode.
            pBootCfg->ConfigFlags = (pBootCfg->ConfigFlags ^ CONFIG_FLAGS_DHCP);
            bConfigChanged = TRUE;
        case '3':           // Change autoboot delay.
            bConfigChanged = TRUE;
        case '4':           // Reset the bootloader configuration to defaults.
            bConfigChanged = TRUE;
        case '5':           // Toggle image storage to Smart Media.
            pBootCfg->ConfigFlags = (pBootCfg->ConfigFlags ^ CONFIG_FLAGS_SAVETOFLASH);
            bConfigChanged = TRUE;
        case '6':           // Configure Crystal CS8900 MAC address.
            bConfigChanged = TRUE;
        case '7':           // Format the Smart Media card.
            if (g_bSmartMediaExist && !FormatSmartMedia())
                RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("ERROR: Failed to perform low-level format of SmartMedia card./r/n")));
        case 'D':           // Download? Yes.
        case 'd':
            goto MENU_DONE;


    // If eboot settings were changed by user, save them to flash.
    //把用戶的修改重新寫回AM29LV800 Flash中
    if (bConfigChanged && !WriteBootConfig(pBootCfg))
        OALMSG(OAL_WARN, (TEXT("WARNING: MainMenu: Failed to store updated bootloader configuration to flash./r/n")));



BOOL InitEthDevice(PBOOT_CFG pBootCfg)
    PBYTE  pBaseIOAddress = NULL;
    UINT32 MemoryBase = 0; 
    BOOL bResult = FALSE;

    OALMSG(OAL_FUNC, (TEXT("+InitEthDevice./r/n")));

    // Use the MAC address programmed into flash by the user.
    memcpy(pBSPArgs->kitl.mac, pBootCfg->CS8900MAC, 6);

    // Use the CS8900A Ethernet controller for download.
    pfnEDbgInit      = CS8900DBG_Init;
    pfnEDbgGetFrame  = CS8900DBG_GetFrame;
    pfnEDbgSendFrame = CS8900DBG_SendFrame;
    pBaseIOAddress   = (PBYTE)OALPAtoVA(pBSPArgs->kitl.devLoc.LogicalLoc, FALSE);
    MemoryBase       = (UINT32)OALPAtoVA(BSP_BASE_REG_PA_CS8900A_MEMBASE, FALSE);
    // Initialize the Ethernet controller.
    if (!pfnEDbgInit((PBYTE)pBaseIOAddress, MemoryBase, pBSPArgs->kitl.mac))
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: InitEthDevice: Failed to initialize Ethernet

        goto CleanUp;

    // Make sure MAC address has been programmed.
    if (!pBSPArgs->kitl.mac[0] && !pBSPArgs->kitl.mac[1] && !pBSPArgs->kitl.mac[2])
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: InitEthDevice: Invalid MAC address./r/n")));
        goto CleanUp;

    bResult = TRUE;


    OALMSG(OAL_FUNC, (TEXT("-InitEthDevice./r/n")));

/*OEMPreDownload(void)  Main.c文件
    @func   DWORD | OEMPreDownload | Complete pre-download tasks - get IP address, initialize TFTP, etc.
    @rdesc  BL_DOWNLOAD = Platform Builder is asking us to download an image, BL_JUMP = Platform Builder is requesting we

jump to an existing image, BL_ERROR = Failure.
DWORD OEMPreDownload(void)
    BOOL  bGotJump = FALSE;
    DWORD dwDHCPLeaseTime = 0;
    PDWORD pdwDHCPLeaseTime = &dwDHCPLeaseTime;
    DWORD dwBootFlags = 0;

    // Create device name based on Ethernet address (this is how Platform Builder identifies this device).
    OALKitlCreateName(BSP_DEVICE_PREFIX, pBSPArgs->kitl.mac, pBSPArgs->deviceId);
    OALMSG(TRUE, (L"INFO: *** Device Name '%hs' ***/r/n", pBSPArgs->deviceId));

    // If the user wants to use a static IP address, don't request an address
    // from a DHCP server.  This is done by passing in a NULL for the DHCP
    // lease time variable.  If user specified a static IP address, use it (don't use DHCP).
    if (!(g_BootConfig.ConfigFlags & CONFIG_FLAGS_DHCP))
        // Static IP address.
        pBSPArgs->kitl.ipAddress  = g_BootConfig.IPAddr;
        pBSPArgs->kitl.ipMask     = g_BootConfig.SubnetMask;
        pBSPArgs->kitl.flags     &= ~OAL_KITL_FLAGS_DHCP;
        pdwDHCPLeaseTime = NULL;
        OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("INFO: Using static IP address %s./r/n"), inet_ntoa(pBSPArgs->kitl.ipAddress)));
        OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("INFO: Using subnet mask %s./r/n"),       inet_ntoa(pBSPArgs->kitl.ipMask)));
        pBSPArgs->kitl.ipAddress = 0;
        pBSPArgs->kitl.ipMask    = 0;

    // Initialize the the TFTP transport.
  開發板Eboot(a)      PC機 PB_IDEb)
    g_DeviceAddr.dwIP = pBSPArgs->kitl.ipAddress;
    memcpy(g_DeviceAddr.wMAC, pBSPArgs->kitl.mac, (3 * sizeof(UINT16)));
    g_DeviceAddr.wPort = 0;

    if (!EbootInitEtherTransport(&g_DeviceAddr,
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: OEMPreDownload: Failed to initialize Ethernet connection./r/n")));

    // If the user wanted a DHCP address, we presumably have it now - save it for the OS to use.
    if (g_BootConfig.ConfigFlags & CONFIG_FLAGS_DHCP)
        // DHCP address.
        pBSPArgs->kitl.ipAddress  = g_DeviceAddr.dwIP;
        pBSPArgs->kitl.flags     |= OAL_KITL_FLAGS_DHCP;

    return(bGotJump ? BL_JUMP : BL_DOWNLOAD);


#define BL_HDRSIG_SIZE  7
static BOOL DownloadImage (LPDWORD pdwImageStart, LPDWORD pdwImageLength, LPDWORD pdwLaunchAddr)
    DWORD dwRecLen, dwRecChk, dwRecAddr;
    BOOL fIsFlash = FALSE;
    LPBYTE lpDest = NULL;
    int nPkgNum = 0;
    BYTE nNumDownloadFiles = 1;
    DWORD dwImageStart = 0;
    DWORD dwImageLength = 0;
    RegionInfo *pCurDownloadFile;

    *pdwImageStart = *pdwImageLength = *pdwLaunchAddr = 0;

        // read the 7 byte "magic number"
        if (!OEMReadData (BL_HDRSIG_SIZE, hdr))
            EdbgOutputDebugString ("/r/nUnable to read image signature./r/n");
            HALT (BLERR_MAGIC);
            return (FALSE);

        // An N000FF packet is manufactured by Platform Builder when we're
        // downloading multiple files or when we're downloading a .nb0 file.
        if (!memcmp (hdr, "N000FF/x0A", BL_HDRSIG_SIZE))
            // read the packet checksum.
            if (!OEMReadData (sizeof (DWORD), (LPBYTE) &dwRecChk))
                EdbgOutputDebugString("/r/nUnable to read download manifest checksum./r/n");
                HALT (BLERR_MAGIC);
                return (FALSE);

            // read BIN region descriptions (start address and length).
            if (!OEMReadData (sizeof (DWORD), (LPBYTE) &g_DownloadManifest.dwNumRegions) ||
                !OEMReadData ((g_DownloadManifest.dwNumRegions * sizeof(RegionInfo)), (LPBYTE) &g_DownloadManifest.Region

                EdbgOutputDebugString("/r/nUnable to read download manifest information./r/n");
                HALT (BLERR_MAGIC);
                return (FALSE);

            // verify the packet checksum.
            if (!VerifyChecksum((g_DownloadManifest.dwNumRegions * sizeof(RegionInfo)), (LPBYTE) &g_DownloadManifest.Region

[0], dwRecChk))
                EdbgOutputDebugString ("/r/nDownload manifest packet failed checksum verification./r/n");
                HALT (BLERR_CHECKSUM);
                return (FALSE);

            // Provide the download manifest to the OEM.  This gives the OEM the
            // opportunity to provide start addresses for the .nb0 files (which
            // don't contain placement information like .bin files do).
            if (g_pOEMMultiBINNotify)

            // look for next download...
            nNumDownloadFiles = (BYTE)(g_DownloadManifest.dwNumRegions + 1);      // +1 to account for this packet.
        // Is this an old X000FF multi-bin packet header?  It's no longer supported.
        else if (!memcmp (hdr, "X000FF/x0A", BL_HDRSIG_SIZE))
            EdbgOutputDebugString ("ERROR: The X000FF packet is an old-style multi-bin download manifest and it's no longer

supported. /
                                   /r/nPlease update your Platform Builder installation in you want to download multiple

            HALT (BLERR_MAGIC);
            return (FALSE);
        // Is this a standard bin image?  Check for the usual bin file signature.
        else if (!memcmp (hdr, "B000FF/x0A", BL_HDRSIG_SIZE))
            g_bBINDownload = TRUE;

            if (!OEMReadData (sizeof (DWORD), (LPBYTE) &dwImageStart)
                || !OEMReadData (sizeof (DWORD), (LPBYTE) &dwImageLength))
                EdbgOutputDebugString ("Unable to read image start/length/r/n");
                HALT (BLERR_MAGIC);
                return (FALSE);
        // If the header signature isn't recognized, we'll assume the
        // download file is a raw .nb0 file.
            g_bBINDownload = FALSE;

        // If Platform Builder didn't provide a download manifest (i.e., we're
        // only downloading a single .bin file), manufacture a manifest so we
        // can notify the OEM.
        if (!g_DownloadManifest.dwNumRegions)
            g_DownloadManifest.dwNumRegions             = 1;
            g_DownloadManifest.Region[0].dwRegionStart  = dwImageStart;
            g_DownloadManifest.Region[0].dwRegionLength = dwImageLength;

            // Provide the download manifest to the OEM.
            if (g_pOEMMultiBINNotify)

        // Locate the current download manifest entry (current download file).
        pCurDownloadFile = &g_DownloadManifest.Region[g_DownloadManifest.dwNumRegions - nNumDownloadFiles];

        // give the OEM a chance to verify memory
        if (g_pOEMVerifyMemory && !g_pOEMVerifyMemory (pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart, pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionLength))
            EdbgOutputDebugString ("!OEMVERIFYMEMORY: Invalid image/r/n");
            return (FALSE);

        // check for flash image. Start erasing if it is.
        if ((fIsFlash = OEMIsFlashAddr (pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart))
            && !OEMStartEraseFlash (pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart, pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionLength))
            EdbgOutputDebugString ("Invalid Flash Address/Length/r/n");
            return (FALSE);

        // if we're downloading a binary file, we've already downloaded part of the image when searching
        // for a file header.  copy what we've read so far to the destination buffer, then finish downloading.
        if (!g_bBINDownload)

            lpDest = OEMMapMemAddr (pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart, pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart);
            memcpy(lpDest, hdr, BL_HDRSIG_SIZE);

            // complete the file download...
            // read data block
            if (!OEMReadData ((pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionLength - BL_HDRSIG_SIZE), (lpDest + BL_HDRSIG_SIZE)))
                EdbgOutputDebugString ("ERROR: failed when reading raw binary file./r/n");
                HALT (BLERR_CORRUPTED_DATA);
                return (FALSE);
        // we're downloading a .bin file - download each .bin record in turn...
            while (OEMReadData (sizeof (DWORD), (LPBYTE) &dwRecAddr) &&
                   OEMReadData (sizeof (DWORD), (LPBYTE) &dwRecLen)  &&
                   OEMReadData (sizeof (DWORD), (LPBYTE) &dwRecChk))
                // last record of .bin file uses sentinel values for address and checksum.
                if (!dwRecAddr && !dwRecChk)

                // map the record address (FLASH data is cached, for example)
                lpDest = OEMMapMemAddr (pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart, dwRecAddr);

                // read data block
                if (!OEMReadData (dwRecLen, lpDest))
                    EdbgOutputDebugString ("****** Data record %d corrupted, ABORT!!! ******/r/n", nPkgNum);
                    HALT (BLERR_CORRUPTED_DATA);
                    return (FALSE);

                if (!VerifyChecksum (dwRecLen, lpDest, dwRecChk))
                    EdbgOutputDebugString ("****** Checksum failure on record %d, ABORT!!! ******/r/n", nPkgNum);
                    HALT (BLERR_CHECKSUM);
                    return (FALSE);

                // Look for ROMHDR to compute ROM offset.  NOTE: romimage guarantees that the record containing
                // the TOC signature and pointer will always come before the record that contains the ROMHDR contents.
                if (dwRecLen == sizeof(ROMHDR) && (*(LPDWORD) OEMMapMemAddr(pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart,

pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart + ROM_SIGNATURE_OFFSET) == ROM_SIGNATURE))
                    DWORD dwTempOffset = (dwRecAddr - *(LPDWORD)OEMMapMemAddr(pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart,

pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart + ROM_SIGNATURE_OFFSET + sizeof(ULONG)));
                    ROMHDR *pROMHdr = (ROMHDR *)lpDest;

                    // Check to make sure this record really contains the ROMHDR.
                    if ((pROMHdr->physfirst == (pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart - dwTempOffset)) &&
                        (pROMHdr->physlast  == (pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart - dwTempOffset + pCurDownloadFile-

>dwRegionLength)) &&
                        (DWORD)(HIWORD(pROMHdr->dllfirst << 16) <= pROMHdr->dlllast) &&
                        (DWORD)(LOWORD(pROMHdr->dllfirst << 16) <= pROMHdr->dlllast))
                        g_dwROMOffset = dwTempOffset;
                        EdbgOutputDebugString("rom_offset=0x%x./r/n", g_dwROMOffset);

                // verify partial checksum
                OEMShowProgress (nPkgNum ++);

                if (fIsFlash)
                    OEMContinueEraseFlash ();

        // The image start address and length are passed back to the OEM code (OEMLaunch)
        // in the following circumstances:
        // 1. The file is a raw .nb0 file.
        // 2. The file is a .bin file with a TOC that contains the kernel executable.
        // 3. The file is a .bin file without a TOC.
        // If the image is a .bin file with a TOC that doesn't contain the kernel exectuable,
        // then it's a multi-xip/mulit-bin image for a non-kernel region and we don't pass
        // the start address and length back to the OEM code.  OEMLaunch can then save the
        // start address and length with the assurance that if the values are non-zero, they
        // represent the values for the NK region.
        if (g_bBINDownload)
            // Does this .bin file contain a TOC?
            if (*(UINT32 *)(pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart + ROM_SIGNATURE_OFFSET) == ROM_SIGNATURE)
                // Contain the kernel?
                if (IsKernelRegion(pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart, pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionLength))
                    *pdwImageStart  = pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart;
                    *pdwImageLength = pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionLength;
                    *pdwLaunchAddr  = dwRecLen;
            // No TOC - not made by romimage.  However, if we're downloading more than one
            // .bin file, it's probably chain.bin which doesn't have a TOC (and which isn't
            // going to be downloaded on its own) and we should ignore it.
            else if (g_DownloadManifest.dwNumRegions == 1)
                *pdwImageStart  = pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart;
                *pdwImageLength = pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionLength;
                *pdwLaunchAddr  = dwRecLen;
        else    // Raw binary file.
            *pdwImageStart  = pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart;
            *pdwLaunchAddr  = pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart;
            *pdwImageLength = pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionLength;

        // write to flash if it's flash image
        if (fIsFlash)
            // finish the flash erase
            if (!OEMFinishEraseFlash ())
                HALT (BLERR_FLASH_ERASE);
                return (FALSE);
            // Before writing the image to flash, optionally check the image signature.
            if (g_bBINDownload && g_pOEMCheckSignature)
                if (!g_pOEMCheckSignature(pCurDownloadFile->dwRegionStart, g_dwROMOffset, *pdwLaunchAddr, TRUE))
    while (--nNumDownloadFiles);

    if (fIsFlash)
        nNumDownloadFiles = (BYTE)g_DownloadManifest.dwNumRegions;
        while (nNumDownloadFiles--)
            if (!OEMWriteFlash (g_DownloadManifest.Region[nNumDownloadFiles].dwRegionStart, g_DownloadManifest.Region

                HALT (BLERR_FLASH_WRITE);
                return (FALSE);

    return (TRUE);

/*OEMLaunch()函數 main.c文件
    @func   void | OEMLaunch | Executes the stored/downloaded image.
    @rdesc  N/A.

void OEMLaunch( DWORD dwImageStart, DWORD dwImageLength, DWORD dwLaunchAddr, const ROMHDR *pRomHdr )
    DWORD dwPhysLaunchAddr;
    EDBG_OS_CONFIG_DATA *pCfgData;   
    EDBG_ADDR EshellHostAddr;
    EDBG_ADDR DeviceAddr;

    // If the user requested that a disk image (stored in RAM now) be written to the SmartMedia card, so it now.
    if (g_BootConfig.ConfigFlags & CONFIG_FLAGS_SAVETOFLASH)
        // Since this platform only supports RAM images, the image cache address is the same as the image RAM address.
        if (!WriteDiskImageToSmartMedia(dwImageStart, dwImageLength, &g_BootConfig))
            OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: OEMLaunch: Failed to store image to Smart Media./r/n")));
            goto CleanUp;

        // Store the bootloader settings to flash.
        // TODO: minimize flash writes.
        if (!WriteBootConfig(&g_BootConfig))
            OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: OEMLaunch: Failed to store bootloader settings to flash./r/n")));
            goto CleanUp;

        OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("INFO: Disk image stored to Smart Media.  Please Reboot.  Halting.../r/n")));
            // Wait...

    // Wait for Platform Builder to connect after the download and send us IP and port settings for service
    // connections - also sends us KITL flags.  This information is used later by the OS (KITL).
    if (g_bWaitForConnect)
        memset(&EshellHostAddr, 0, sizeof(EDBG_ADDR));

        DeviceAddr.dwIP  = pBSPArgs->kitl.ipAddress;
        memcpy(DeviceAddr.wMAC, pBSPArgs->kitl.mac, (3 * sizeof(UINT16)));
        DeviceAddr.wPort = 0;

        if (!(pCfgData = EbootWaitForHostConnect(&DeviceAddr, &EshellHostAddr)))
            OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: OEMLaunch: EbootWaitForHostConnect failed./r/n")));
            goto CleanUp;

        // If the user selected "passive" KITL (i.e., don't connect to the target at boot time), set the
        // flag in the args structure so the OS image can honor it when it boots.
        if (pCfgData->KitlTransport & KTS_PASSIVE_MODE)
            pBSPArgs->kitl.flags |= OAL_KITL_FLAGS_PASSIVE;

    // If a launch address was provided, we must have downloaded the image, save the address in case we
    // want to jump to this image next time.  If no launch address was provided, retrieve the last one.
    if (dwLaunchAddr)
        g_BootConfig.LaunchAddress = dwLaunchAddr;
        dwLaunchAddr = g_BootConfig.LaunchAddress;

    // Save bootloader settings in flash.
    // TODO: minimize flash writes.
    if (!WriteBootConfig(&g_BootConfig))
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: OEMLaunch: Failed to store bootloader settings in flash./r/n")));
        goto CleanUp;

    // Jump to downloaded image (use the physical address since we'll be turning the MMU off)...
    dwPhysLaunchAddr = (DWORD)OALVAtoPA((void *)dwLaunchAddr);
    OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("INFO: OEMLaunch: Jumping to Physical Address 0x%Xh (Virtual Address 0x%Xh).../r/n/r/n/r/n"),

dwPhysLaunchAddr, dwLaunchAddr));
    // Jump...


    OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("ERROR: OEMLaunch: Halting.../r/n")));


 ldr r2, = PhysicalStart
 ldr     r3, = (VIR_RAM_START - PHY_RAM_START)

 sub     r2, r2, r3

 mov     r1, #0x0070             ; Disable MMU 禁止MMU
 mcr     p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0
 mov     pc, r2                  ; Jump to PStart 跳轉  因爲跳轉地址是物理地址,所以在跳轉前必須關閉MMU



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