




  • 临近点简化(Radial Distance)
  • 垂直距离简化(Perpendicular Distance)
  • Douglas-Peucker算法





临近点算法将点-点距离作为误差判据,而垂直距离简化则是将点-线段的距离作为误差判据。对于每个顶点Vi,需要计算它与线段[Vi-1, Vi+1]的垂直距离,距离比给定误差小的点都将被移除。过程如下图所示:






 这个算法的最坏时间复杂度是O(nm), 平均时间复杂度 O(n log m),其中m是简化后的Polyline的点数。因此,该算法是Output-sensitive的。当m很小时,该算法会很快。



// Assume that classes are already given for the objects:
//    Point and Vector with
//        coordinates {float x, y, z;}     // as many as are needed
//        operators for:
//            == to test equality
//            != to test inequality
//            (Vector)0 = (0,0,0)         (null vector)
//            Point  = Point ± Vector
//            Vector = Point - Point
//            Vector = Vector ± Vector
//            Vector = Scalar * Vector    (scalar product)
//            Vector = Vector * Vector    (cross product)
//    Segment with defining endpoints {Point P0, P1;}

// dot product (3D) which allows vector operations in arguments
#define dot(u,v)  ((u).x * (v).x + (u).y * (v).y + (u).z * (v).z)
#define norm2(v)  dot(v,v)         // norm2 = squared length of vector
#define norm(v)   sqrt(norm2(v))   // norm = length of vector
#define d2(u,v)   norm2(u-v)       // distance squared = norm2 of difference
#define d(u,v)    norm(u-v)        // distance = norm of difference

// poly_decimate(): - remove vertices to get a smaller approximate polygon
//    Input:  tol = approximation tolerance
//            V[] = polyline array of vertex points
//            n   = the number of points in V[]
//    Output: sV[]= reduced polyline vertexes (max is n)
//    Return: m   = the number of points in sV[]
poly_decimate( float tol, Point* V, int n, Point* sV )
    int    i, k, m, pv;             // misc counters
    float  tol2 = tol * tol;        // tolerance squared
    Point* vt = new Point[n];       // vertex buffer
    int*   mk = new int[n] = {0};   // marker  buffer

    // STAGE 1.  Vertex Reduction within tolerance of  prior vertex cluster
    vt[0] = V[0];               // start at the beginning
    for (i=k=1, pv=0; i<n; i++) {
        if (d2(V[i], V[pv]) < tol2)
        vt[k++] = V[i];
        pv = i;
    if (pv < n-1)
        vt[k++] = V[n-1];       // finish at the end

    // STAGE 2.  Douglas-Peucker polyline reduction
    mk[0] = mk[k-1] = 1;       //  mark the first and last vertexes
    poly_decimateDP( tol, vt, 0, k-1, mk  );

    // copy marked vertices to the reduced polyline
    for (i=m=0; i<k; i++) {
        if (mk[i])
            sV[m++] =  vt[i];
    delete vt;
    delete mk;
    return m;         //  m vertices in reduced polyline

// poly_decimateDP():
//  This is the Douglas-Peucker recursive reduction routine
//  It marks vertexes that are part of the reduced polyline
//  for approximating the polyline subchain v[j] to v[k].
//    Input:  tol  = approximation tolerance
//            v[]  = polyline array of vertex points
//            j,k  = indices for the subchain v[j] to v[k]
//    Output: mk[] = array of markers matching vertex array v[]
poly_decimateDP( float tol, Point* v, int j, int k, int* mk )
    if (k <= j+1) // there is nothing to decimate

    // check for adequate approximation by segment S from v[j] to v[k]
    int     maxi = j;           // index of vertex farthest from S
    float   maxd2 = 0;          // distance squared of farthest vertex
    float   tol2 = tol * tol;   // tolerance squared
    Segment S = {v[j], v[k]};   // segment from v[j] to v[k]
    Vector  u = S.P1 - S.P0;    // segment direction vector
    double  cu = dot(u,u);      // segment length squared

    // test each vertex v[i] for max distance from S
    // compute using the Algorithm dist_Point_to_Segment()
    // Note: this works in any dimension (2D, 3D, ...)
    Vector  w;
    Point   Pb;                 // base of perpendicular from v[i] to S
    double  b, cw, dv2;         // dv2 = distance v[i] to S squared

    for (int i=j+1; i<k; i++)
        // compute distance squared
        w = v[i] - S.P0;
        cw = dot(w,u);
        if ( cw <= 0 )
            dv2 =d2(v[i], S.P0);
        else if ( cu <= cw )
            dv2 =d2(v[i], S.P1);
        else {
            b = cw / cu;
            Pb = S.P0 + b  * u;
            dv2 =d2(v[i], Pb);
        // test with current max distance  squared
        if (dv2 <= maxd2)
        // v[i] is a new max vertex
        maxi = i;
        maxd2 = dv2;
    if (maxd2 > tol2)         // error is worse than the tolerance
        // split the polyline at the farthest  vertex from S
        mk[maxi] = 1;       // mark v[maxi] for the reduced polyline
        // recursively decimate the two subpolylines at v[maxi]
        poly_decimateDP(  tol, v, j, maxi, mk );  // polyline v[j] to v[maxi]
        poly_decimateDP(  tol, v, maxi, k, mk );  // polyline v[maxi] to v[k]
    // else the approximation is OK, so ignore intermediate vertexes


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